Ejemplo n.º 1
    def jac_prelim(self, ss, save=False, use_saved=False):
        """Helper that does preliminary processing of steady state for fake news algorithm.

        ss : dict, all steady-state info, intended to be from .ss()
        save : [optional] bool, whether to store results in .prelim_saved attribute
        use_saved : [optional] bool, whether to use already-stored results in .prelim_saved
        ssin_dict       : dict, ss vals of exactly the inputs needed by self.back_step_fun for backward step
        Pi              : array (S*S), Markov matrix for exogenous state
        ssout_list      : tuple, what self.back_step_fun returns when given ssin_dict (not exactly the same
                            as steady-state numerically since SS convergence was to some tolerance threshold)
        ss_for_hetinput : dict, ss vals of exactly the inputs needed by self.hetinput (if it exists)
        sspol_i         : dict, indices on lower bracketing gridpoint for all in self.policy
        sspol_pi        : dict, weights on lower bracketing gridpoint for all in self.policy
        sspol_space     : dict, space between lower and upper bracketing gridpoints for all in self.policy
        output_names = ('ssin_dict', 'Pi', 'ssout_list',
                            'ss_for_hetinput', 'sspol_i', 'sspol_pi', 'sspol_space')

        if use_saved:
            if self.prelim_saved:
                return tuple(self.prelim_saved[k] for k in output_names)
                raise ValueError('Nothing saved to be used by jac_prelim!')
        # preliminary a: obtain ss inputs and other info, run once to get baseline for numerical differentiation
        ssin_dict = self.make_inputs(ss)
        Pi = ss[self.exogenous]
        grid = {k: ss[k+'_grid'] for k in self.policy}
        ssout_list = self.back_step_fun(**ssin_dict)

        ss_for_hetinput = None
        if self.hetinput is not None:
            ss_for_hetinput = {k: ss[k] for k in self.hetinput_inputs if k in ss}

        # preliminary b: get sparse representations of policy rules, and distance between neighboring policy gridpoints
        sspol_i = {}
        sspol_pi = {}
        sspol_space = {}
        for pol in self.policy:
            # use robust binary-search-based method that only requires grids to be monotonic
            sspol_i[pol], sspol_pi[pol] = utils.interpolate_coord_robust(grid[pol], ss[pol])
            sspol_space[pol] = grid[pol][sspol_i[pol]+1] - grid[pol][sspol_i[pol]]

        toreturn = (ssin_dict, Pi, ssout_list, ss_for_hetinput, sspol_i, sspol_pi, sspol_space)
        if save:
            self.prelim_saved = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(output_names, toreturn)}
        return toreturn
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def td(self, ss, monotonic=False, returnindividual=False, **kwargs):
        """Evaluate transitional dynamics for HetBlock given dynamic paths for inputs in kwargs,
        assuming that we start and end in steady state ss, and that all inputs not specified in
        kwargs are constant at their ss values. Analog to SimpleBlock.td.

        CANNOT provide time-varying paths of grid or Markov transition matrix for now.
        ss : dict
            all steady-state info, intended to be from .ss()
        monotonic : [optional] bool
            flag indicating date-t policies are monotonic in same date-(t-1) policies, allows us
            to use faster interpolation routines, otherwise use slower robust to nonmonotonicity
        returnindividual : [optional] bool
            return distribution and full outputs on grid
        kwargs : dict of {str : array(T, ...)}
            all time-varying inputs here, with first dimension being time
            this must have same length T for all entries (all outputs will be calculated up to T)

        td : dict
            if returnindividual = False, time paths for aggregates (uppercase) for all outputs
                of self.back_step_fun except self.backward
            if returnindividual = True, additionally time paths for distribution and for all outputs
                of self.back_Step_fun on the full grid

        # infer T from kwargs, check that all shocks have same length
        shock_lengths = [x.shape[0] for x in kwargs.values()]
        if shock_lengths[1:] != shock_lengths[:-1]:
            raise ValueError('Not all shocks in kwargs are same length!')
        T = shock_lengths[0]

        # copy from ss info
        Pi_T = ss[self.exogenous].T.copy()
        grid = {k: ss[k+'_grid'] for k in self.policy}
        D = ss['D']

        # allocate empty arrays to store result, assume all like D
        individual_paths = {k: np.empty((T,) + D.shape) for k in self.non_back_outputs}

        # backward iteration
        backdict = ss.copy()
        for t in reversed(range(T)):
            # be careful: if you include vars from self.backward variables in kwargs, agents will use them!
            backdict.update({k: v[t,...] for k, v in kwargs.items()})
            individual = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.all_outputs_order,
            backdict.update({k: individual[k] for k in self.backward})
            for k in self.non_back_outputs:
                individual_paths[k][t, ...] = individual[k]

        D_path = np.empty((T,) + D.shape)
        D_path[0, ...] = D
        for t in range(T-1):
            # have to interpolate policy separately for each t to get sparse transition matrices
            sspol_i = {}
            sspol_pi = {}
            for pol in self.policy:
                if monotonic:
                    # TODO: change for two-asset case so assumption is monotonicity in own asset, not anything else
                    sspol_i[pol], sspol_pi[pol] = utils.interpolate_coord(grid[pol], individual_paths[pol][t, ...])
                    sspol_i[pol], sspol_pi[pol] = utils.interpolate_coord_robust(grid[pol], individual_paths[pol][t, ...])

            # step forward
            D_path[t+1, ...]= self.forward_step(D_path[t, ...], Pi_T, sspol_i, sspol_pi)

        # obtain aggregates of all outputs, made uppercase
        aggregates = {k.upper(): utils.fast_aggregate(D_path, individual_paths[k]) for k in self.non_back_outputs}

        # return either this, or also include distributional information
        if returnindividual:
            return {**aggregates, **individual_paths, 'D': D_path}
            return aggregates
Ejemplo n.º 3
        if D_seed is None:
            # compute stationary distribution for exogenous variable
            pi = utils.stationary(Pi, pi_seed)
            # now initialize full distribution with this, assuming uniform distribution on endogenous vars
            endogenous_dims = [grid[k].shape[0] for k in self.policy]
            D = np.tile(pi, endogenous_dims[::-1] + [1]).T / np.prod(endogenous_dims)
            D = D_seed

        # obtain interpolated policy rule for each dimension of endogenous policy
        sspol_i = {}
        sspol_pi = {}
        for pol in self.policy:
            # use robust binary search-based method that only requires grids, not policies, to be monotonic
            sspol_i[pol], sspol_pi[pol] = utils.interpolate_coord_robust(grid[pol], sspol[pol])

        # iterate until convergence by tol, or maxit
        Pi_T = Pi.T.copy()
        for it in range(maxit):
            Dnew = self.forward_step(D, Pi_T, sspol_i, sspol_pi)

            # only check convergence every 10 iterations for efficiency
            if it % 10 == 0 and utils.within_tolerance(D, Dnew, tol):
            D = Dnew
            print(f'No convergence after {maxit} forward iterations!')
        return D