Ejemplo n.º 1
def plot_posterior_nodes(nodes, bins=50, lb=None, ub=None):
    """Plot interpolated posterior of a list of nodes.

        nodes : list of pymc.Node's
            List of pymc.Node's to plot the posterior of
        bins : int (default=50)
            How many bins to use for computing the histogram.
        lb : float (default is to infer from data)
            Lower boundary to use for plotting.
        ub : float (default is to infer from data)
            Upper boundary to use for plotting.
    if lb is None:
        lb = min([min(node.trace()[:]) for node in nodes])
    if ub is None:
        ub = max([max(node.trace()[:]) for node in nodes])

    x_data = np.linspace(lb, ub, 300)

    for node in nodes:
        trace = node.trace()[:]
        #hist = interpolate_trace(x_data, trace, range=(trace.min(), trace.max()), bins=bins)
        hist = interpolate_trace(x_data, trace, range=(lb, ub), bins=bins)
        plt.plot(x_data, hist, label=node.__name__, lw=2.)

    leg = plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def plot_posterior_nodes(nodes, bins=50, lb=None, ub=None):
    """Plot interpolated posterior of a list of nodes.

        nodes : list of pymc.Node's
            List of pymc.Node's to plot the posterior of.
            These can be found in model.nodes_db.node.ix['param_name']
        bins : int (default=50)
            How many bins to use for computing the histogram.
        lb : float (default is to infer from data)
            Lower boundary to use for plotting.
        ub : float (default is to infer from data)
            Upper boundary to use for plotting.
    if lb is None:
        lb = min([min(node.trace()[:]) for node in nodes])
    if ub is None:
        ub = max([max(node.trace()[:]) for node in nodes])

    x_data = np.linspace(lb, ub, 300)

    for node in nodes:
        trace = node.trace()[:]
        #hist = interpolate_trace(x_data, trace, range=(trace.min(), trace.max()), bins=bins)
        hist = interpolate_trace(x_data, trace, range=(lb, ub), bins=bins)
        plt.plot(x_data, hist, label=node.__name__, lw=2.)

    leg = plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def group_plot(model, params_to_plot=(), bins=50, samples=5000, save_to=None):
    def find_min_max(subj_block):
        # find global min and max for plotting
        min = np.inf
        max = -np.inf
        for name, subj in subj_block.iterrows():
            trace = subj['node'].trace()
            min = np.min([min, np.min(trace)])
            max = np.max([max, np.max(trace)])
        return min, max

    assert model.is_group_model, "group plot only works for group models."

    # select non-observed subject nodes
    subj_nodes = model.nodes_db[(model.nodes_db['observed'] == False) & (model.nodes_db['subj'] == True)]

    knode_names = subj_nodes.groupby(['knode_name', 'tag'])

    for (knode_name, tag), subj_block in knode_names:
        min, max = find_min_max(subj_block)

        # plot interpolated subject histograms
        #create figure
        print "plotting %s: %s" % (knode_name, tag)

        plt.title("%s: %s" % (knode_name, tag))
        x = np.linspace(min, max, 100)

        # plot subjects
        for name, subj_descr in subj_block.iterrows():
            trace = subj_descr['node'].trace()
            height = interpolate_trace(x, trace, range=(min, max), bins=bins)
            plt.plot(x, height, lw=1., label=str(np.int32(subj_descr['subj_idx'])))

        # plot group distribution
        node = subj_descr['node']
        group_trace = np.empty(samples, dtype=np.float32)
        for sample in xrange(samples):
            # set parents to random value from their trace
            trace_pos = np.random.randint(0, len(node.trace()))
            for parent in node.extended_parents:
                parent.value = parent.trace()[trace_pos]
            group_trace[sample] = node.random()
            # TODO: What to do in case of deterministic (e.g. transform) node
            #except AttributeError:
            #    group_trace[sample] = node.parents.items()[0].random()

        height = interpolate_trace(x, group_trace, range=(min, max), bins=bins)
        plt.plot(x, height, '--', lw=2., label='group')

        #legend and title
        leg = plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True)

        if save_to is not None:
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_to, "group_%s.png" % knode_name))
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_to, "group_%s.pdf" % knode_name))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def group_plot(model, params_to_plot=(), bins=50, samples=5000, save_to=None):
    def find_min_max(subj_block):
        # find global min and max for plotting
        min = np.inf
        max = -np.inf
        for name, subj in subj_block.iterrows():
            trace = subj['node'].trace()
            min = np.min([min, np.min(trace)])
            max = np.max([max, np.max(trace)])
        return min, max

    assert model.is_group_model, "group plot only works for group models."

    # select non-observed subject nodes
    subj_nodes = model.nodes_db[(model.nodes_db['observed'] == False) & (model.nodes_db['subj'] == True)]

    knode_names = subj_nodes.groupby(['knode_name', 'tag'])

    for (knode_name, tag), subj_block in knode_names:
        min, max = find_min_max(subj_block)

        # plot interpolated subject histograms
        #create figure
        print "plotting %s: %s" % (knode_name, tag)

        plt.title("%s: %s" % (knode_name, tag))
        x = np.linspace(min, max, 100)

        # plot subjects
        for name, subj_descr in subj_block.iterrows():
            trace = subj_descr['node'].trace()
            height = interpolate_trace(x, trace, range=(min, max), bins=bins)
            plt.plot(x, height, lw=1., label=str(np.int32(subj_descr['subj_idx'])))

        # plot group distribution
        node = subj_descr['node']
        group_trace = np.empty(samples, dtype=np.float32)
        for sample in xrange(samples):
            # set parents to random value from their trace
            trace_pos = np.random.randint(0, len(node.trace()))
            for parent in node.extended_parents:
                parent.value = parent.trace()[trace_pos]
            group_trace[sample] = node.random()
            # TODO: What to do in case of deterministic (e.g. transform) node
            #except AttributeError:
            #    group_trace[sample] = node.parents.items()[0].random()

        height = interpolate_trace(x, group_trace, range=(min, max), bins=bins)
        plt.plot(x, height, '--', lw=2., label='group')

        #legend and title
        leg = plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True)

        if save_to is not None:
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_to, "group_%s.png" % knode_name))
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_to, "group_%s.pdf" % knode_name))