Ejemplo n.º 1
    def move(self, move):
        Moves according the direction vectors, if it accelerates, returns the position to put a candy on
        :param move: a (direction, norm) tuple with direction being the tuple encoding the direction
        and norm being 1 for a normal move and 2 for acceleration
        :return: None if the snake didn't accelerate, the position to put a candy on, if it did accelerate
        norm, direction = move.norm(), move.direction()
        self.on_tail = False
        if norm == 2:
            before_last_tail = self.pop()
            self.add(utils.add(self.position[0], direction))
            new_head = utils.add(self.position[0], direction)
            if self.onSnake(new_head):
                self.on_tail = True
            return before_last_tail

        head = utils.add(self.head(), direction)
        if not utils.isOnGrid(head, self.grid_size):
            print head
            print self.id
            print self.position
            print self.bool_pos
            print self
        if self.onSnake(head):
            self.on_tail = True
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def simple_actions(self, player):
     List of possible actions for `player`.
     snake = self.snakes.get(player)
     head = snake.position[0]
     return [m for m in MOVES if m.norm() == 1
             and utils.isOnGrid(m.apply(head), self.grid_size)
             and snake.authorizedMove(m, possibleNorm=[1])]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def actions(self, player):
     List of possible actions for `player`.
     snake = self.snakes.get(player)
     head = snake.position[0]
     return [m for m in MOVES
             if utils.isOnGrid(m.apply(head), self.grid_size)
             and snake.authorizedMove(m)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def onSnakeExceptLastOrNotGrid(self, pos, n):
     return not utils.isOnGrid(pos, self.grid_size) or \
            (self.countSnake(pos) - sum(int(self.position[-i] == pos) for i in xrange(1,n+1)) >= 1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def onSnakeOrNotGrid(self, pos):
     return not utils.isOnGrid(pos, self.grid_size) or self.onSnake(pos)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def oneAgentUpdate(self, id, m):
        #Remember changes
        snake_who_died = None
        candies_to_add = []
        candies_removed = []
        points_won = 0
        last_tail = self.snakes[id].last_tail
        last_pos = []

        # update positions

        accelerated = {}
        # If the snake couldn't move, then it's dead
        if m is None:
            snake_who_died = deepcopy(self.snakes[id])
            if m.norm() == 2:
            new_candy_pos = self.snakes[id].move(m)

            # We remember where to add candies when the snake accelerated
            if new_candy_pos is not None:

            # We collect candies if head touches a candy
            head = self.snakes[id].head()
            if head in self.candies:
                points_won += self.candies.get(head)
                candies_removed.append((head, self.candies.get(head)))
                del self.candies[head]

            # If the snake accelerated, we check if the second part of the body touches a candy
            if m.norm() == 2:
                accelerated[id] = True
                second = self.snakes[id].position[1]
                if second in self.candies:
                    points_won += self.candies.get(second)
                    candies_removed.append((second, self.candies.get(second)))
                    del self.candies[second]
                accelerated[id] = False

        # add candies created by acceleration
        for cand_pos in candies_to_add:
            self.addCandy(cand_pos, CANDY_VAL)

        # remove snakes which bumped into other snakes
        # list of (x,y) points occupied by other snakes
        if snake_who_died is None and (self.onOtherSnakes(self.snakes[id].position[0], id)\
                or (accelerated[id] and self.onOtherSnakes(self.snakes[id].position[1], id))\
                or not utils.isOnGrid(self.snakes[id].position[0], self.grid_size)):
            snake_who_died = deepcopy(self.snakes[id])

        if snake_who_died is not None:
            # add candies on the snake position before last move
            for p in self.snakes[id].position:
                if self.addCandy(p, CANDY_BONUS, dead_snake=id):
            # print "Snake {} died with {} points".format(id, self.snakes[id].points)
            del self.snakes[id]

        return last_pos, id, candies_to_add, candies_removed, points_won, last_tail, snake_who_died
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update(self, moves):
        `moves` is a dict {snake_id => move}
        Update the positions/points of every snakes and check for collisions.
        self.iter += 1

        deads = []

        # update positions
        candies_to_add = []
        accelerated = {}
        for id, m in moves.iteritems():
            # If the snake couldn't move, then it's dead
            if m is None or not self.snakes[id].authorizedMove(m):

            new_candy_pos = self.snakes[id].move(m)

            # We remember where to add candies when the snake accelerated
            if new_candy_pos is not None:

            # We collect candies if head touches a candy
            head = self.snakes[id].head()
            if head in self.candies:
                del self.candies[head]

            # If the snake accelerated, we check if the second part of the body touches a candy
            if m.norm() == 2:
                accelerated[id] = True
                second = self.snakes[id].position[1]
                if second in self.candies:
                    del self.candies[second]
                accelerated[id] = False

        # add candies created by acceleration
        for cand_pos in candies_to_add:
            self.addCandy(cand_pos, CANDY_BONUS)

        # remove snakes which bumped into other snakes

        for id in moves.keys():
            # list of (x,y) points occupied by other snakes
            if not id in deads and (self.onOtherSnakes(self.snakes[id].position[0], id)\
                    or (accelerated[id] and self.onOtherSnakes(self.snakes[id].position[1], id))\
                    or not utils.isOnGrid(self.snakes[id].position[0], self.grid_size)):

        # save scores and add candies
        rank = len(self.snakes)
        for id in deads:
            self.scores[id] = (rank, self.snakes[id].points)
            # add candies on the snake position before last move
            for p in self.snakes[id].position:
                self.addCandy(p, CANDY_BONUS, dead_snake=id)
            # print "Snake {} died with {} points".format(id, self.snakes[id].points)
            del self.snakes[id]

        if len(self.snakes) == 1:
            winner = self.snakes.keys()[0]
            self.scores[winner] = (1, self.snakes[winner].points)

        return self