Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    products = set()
    digits = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

    # The factors must either be 1, 4 or 2, 3 digits.

    # skip 1 (1 x N == N)
    for a in digits[1:]:
        for b in permutations([d for d in digits if d != a], 4):
            b = b[0] * 1000 + b[1] * 100 + b[2] * 10 + b[3]
            prod = a * b
            if prod > 9876:
            if is_pandigital(a * 10**8 + b * 10**4 + prod):

    for perm in permutations(digits, 2):
        a = perm[0] * 10 + perm[1]
        for b in permutations([d for d in digits if d not in perm], 3):
            b = b[0] * 100 + b[1] * 10 + b[2]
            prod = a * b
            if prod > 9876:
            if is_pandigital(a * 10**7 + b * 10**4 + prod):

    return sum(products)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    products = set()
    digits = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

    # The factors must either be 1, 4 or 2, 3 digits.

    # skip 1 (1 x N == N)
    for a in digits[1:]:
        for b in permutations([d for d in digits if d != a], 4):
            b = b[0]*1000 + b[1]*100 + b[2]*10 + b[3]
            prod = a*b
            if prod > 9876:
            if is_pandigital(a*10**8 + b*10**4 + prod):

    for perm in permutations(digits, 2):
        a = perm[0]*10 + perm[1]
        for b in permutations([d for d in digits if d not in perm], 3):
            b = b[0]*100 + b[1]*10 + b[2]
            prod = a*b
            if prod > 9876:
            if is_pandigital(a*10**7 + b*10**4 + prod):

    return sum(products)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    a, b, cnt = 1, 1, 2
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number#Relation_to_the_golden_ratio
    φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2

    while True:
        # keep only the last 9 digits of the fibonacci numbers
        a, b = b, (a + b) % 10**9
        cnt += 1

        if is_pandigital(b):
            # use some logarithm rules
            num_digits = cnt*log10(φ) - log10(sqrt(5))
            if is_pandigital(int(10 ** (num_digits % 1 + 8))):
                return cnt
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    a, b, cnt = 1, 1, 2
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number#Relation_to_the_golden_ratio
    φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2

    while True:
        # keep only the last 9 digits of the fibonacci numbers
        a, b = b, (a + b) % 10**9
        cnt += 1

        if is_pandigital(b):
            # use some logarithm rules
            num_digits = cnt * log10(φ) - log10(sqrt(5))
            if is_pandigital(int(10**(num_digits % 1 + 8))):
                return cnt
Ejemplo n.º 5
def pandigital_multiples():
    for base in range(1, 99999):
        l = len(str(base))
        for n in range(2, 9 // l + 1):
            result = ''.join(str(base * i) for i in range(1, n + 1))
            if is_pandigital(result):
                yield result
Ejemplo n.º 6
def euler41():
    #there are no 8 or 9 digit pandigital primes, as the sum of the digits wil
    #always be a multiple of 9

    #search backwards to save time
    for pr in reversed(list(primes_gen(10000000))):
        if is_pandigital(pr):
            return pr
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
	print 'Task 38'
	max_pan = 0
	for i in xrange(1, 100000):
		for count in xrange(1, 100):
			prod = get_concatenated_product(i, count)
			if utils.is_pandigital(prod) and prod > max_pan:
				max_pan = prod
	print max_pan
Ejemplo n.º 8
def euler104():
    rt5 = math.sqrt(5)
    phi = (1 + rt5) / 2

    def fib_first_digits(n, digits=9):
        """n is the n-th fib number"""
        x = n * math.log10(phi) - math.log10(rt5) + 1
        return int(pow(10, x - int(x) + digits - 1))

    tmp = 10 ** 10
    a, b, i = 0, 1, 1
    while 1:
        a, b = b % tmp, (a + b) % tmp
        if is_pandigital(a, 9):
            if is_pandigital(fib_first_digits(i)):
                return i
        i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def panprim():
    pnd_prms = []
    for i in range(5, 9):
        for num in [
                for p in itertools.permutations('123456789', i)
            if utils.is_prime_faster(num) and utils.is_pandigital(num):
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    # The number to beat is 918273645.
    # The starting number can't be in the form 9X or 9XX, as that would
    # produce too few or too many digits. Thus, it must be in the form 9XXX.

    for digits in permutations("987654321", 4):
        start = "".join(digits)
        prod = start + str(int(start) * 2)

        if is_pandigital(int(prod)):
            return prod
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    products = set()

    for a in range(2, 3000):
        for b in range(2, 3000):
            p = a*b
            pand = is_pandigital(str(a) + str(b) + str(p), 9)

            if pand:
            elif pand is None:

    return sum(products)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def euler38():
    res = {"pandigital": 0, "n": 0}
    for n in xrange(2, 99999999):
        all_str = str(n)
        if all_str[0] == "9":
            for i in xrange(2, 10):
                if len(all_str) >= 9:
                all_str += str(n * i)
        #pandigital check
        if len(all_str) == 9:
            all_str = int(all_str)
            if is_pandigital(all_str):
                if int(all_str) > res["pandigital"]:
                    res = {"pandigital": all_str, "n": n}
    return res["pandigital"]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def euler32():
    ret = 0
    #only up to 9999 because there won't be enough digits to go round
    for i in xrange(10, 10000):
        istr = str(i)
        #don't bother if there are digit repeats
        if len(set(istr)) != len(istr):

        for a, b in multiplicands(i):
            combined = "%s%s%s" % (a, b, i)
            if len(combined) == 9 and "0" not in combined and \
                ret += i
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 14
def problem_32():
    # Build up the list of product candidates. We know that the total number of digits across all
    # solutions must be 9 digits, so we can exclude:
    # a * b = cdefghi  -- since the max we can get is 9 * 8, which doesn't have 7 digits
    # a * bc = defghi  -- since the max we can get is 98 * 7, which doesn't have 6 digits
    # ab * cd = efghi  -- since the max we can get is 98 * 76, which doesn't have 5 digits
    # etc
    # We can limit to the following forms, since these are the only ways to get 9 digits total:
    # a * bcde = fghi
    # ab * cde = fghi
    products = list()
    products.extend([(a, b, a*b) for a in range(1,10) for b in range(1000,10000)])
    products.extend([(a, b, a*b) for a in range(10,100) for b in range(100,1000)])

    pandigital_products = {c for a, b, c in products if is_pandigital('{}{}{}'.format(a,b,c))}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def problem_032(n: int = 9) -> int:
    Collect all unique suitable numbers up to upper bound and sum them all.

    - O(n^2) time-complexity
    - O(1) space-complexity
    unique_pandigital = set()
    upper_bound = find_upper_bound(n)
    for a in range(1, upper_bound):
        for b in range(1, upper_bound):
            prod = a * b
            concat = f'{a}{b}{prod}'
            if len(
            ) != n:  # filter short/long multiplicand/multiplier/product identity
            if is_pandigital(int(concat)):
    return sum(unique_pandigital)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_is_pandigital(self):
Ejemplo n.º 17
# Problem 41
from utils import is_prime
from utils import is_pandigital

print(max(i for i in range(7654321) if is_pandigital(i) and is_prime(i)))

# Some observations about pandigital numbers:
# if they have 9 digits, then they are divisible by 3
# if they have 8 digits, then they are divisble by 3.
# biggest 7 digit pan number = 7654321
Ejemplo n.º 18

from utils import is_pandigital

answers = []

for i in range(10000):
    s = ""
    for j in range(1, 20):
        k = j * i
        s += str(k)
        if len(s) > 8:
            if len(s) == 9:
                if is_pandigital(s):

print max(answers)

Ejemplo n.º 19
Find the largest pandigital prime.

The sum of 8 and 9-digit pandigital numbers divides by three,
so all the numbers do too and none are prime.

Start with the biggest pandigital 7-digit number and work down.

You could also create the pandigital numbers using combinatorics.
from utils import is_pandigital, is_prime
i = 7654321

while True:
    if is_pandigital(i):
        if is_prime(i):
    i -= 2

print i
Ejemplo n.º 20
    # Therefore:
    #  7.  |z| = 4

    # I.e. z = 4 combinations should only be considered

    results = set()

    # Further note that we can skip 100, 1000 etc because these
    # have repeating digits and include 0
    # start from and end at numbers with unique digits

    # Case 1: |x|=3 |y|=2 |z|=4
    for x in xrange(123, 987 + 1):
        for y in xrange(12, 98 + 1):
            z = x * y
            if is_pandigital(x, y, z):

    # Case 2: |x|=4 |y|=1 |z|=4
    for x in xrange(1234, 9876 + 1):
        for y in xrange(1, 12 + 1):
            z = x * y
            if is_pandigital(x, y, z):

    runtime = time.time() - t0

    print results

    print 'Results = {}'.format(sum(results))
    print 'Runtime = {}'.format(runtime)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def is_nine_pandigital_product(a, b):
    my_str = str(a) + str(b) + str(a * b)
    if len(my_str) == 9 and is_pandigital(my_str):
        return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 22
at first sign of it being pandigital, concatenate and compare the summed values

has to be greater than 918273645


def testableInts():
    """generator for all the probable integers. must start with 9"""
    yield 9
    for n in range(91, 99):
        yield n
    for n in range(912, 988):
        yield n
    for n in range(9123, 9877):
        yield n
    for n in range(91234, 98766):
        yield n

maxNum = 0
for x in testableInts():
    num, i = [], 1
    while len(num) < 9:
        num = num + utils.split(x * i)
        i += 1
    if utils.is_pandigital(num):
        maxNum = max([utils.join(num), maxNum])
Ejemplo n.º 23
from utils import is_pandigital, is_prime_naive, primes_up_to

# note that 3, 8 and 9-digit pandigitals are all divisible by 3
# so biggest is 7 digits at most

primes = primes_up_to(7654321 + 1)
print(max(p for p in primes for s in (str(p), ) if is_pandigital(s, len(s))))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    # Therefore:
    #  7.  |z| = 4

    # I.e. z = 4 combinations should only be considered

    results = set()

    # Further note that we can skip 100, 1000 etc because these
    # have repeating digits and include 0
    # start from and end at numbers with unique digits

    # Case 1: |x|=3 |y|=2 |z|=4
    for x in xrange(123, 987 + 1):
        for y in xrange(12, 98 + 1):
            z = x * y
            if is_pandigital(x, y, z):

    # Case 2: |x|=4 |y|=1 |z|=4
    for x in xrange(1234, 9876 + 1):
        for y in xrange(1, 12 + 1):
            z = x * y
            if is_pandigital(x, y, z):

    runtime = time.time() - t0

    print results

    print 'Results = {}'.format(sum(results))
    print 'Runtime = {}'.format(runtime)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_is_pandigital(self):