Ejemplo n.º 1
        elif opt == '--time':
            opt_time = val
        elif opt == '--skip-files':
            skip_files = True
        elif opt == '--skip-database':
            skip_database = True
        elif opt == '--skip-packages':
            skip_packages = True
        elif opt == '--no-rollback':
            no_rollback = True
        elif opt == '--silent':
            silent = True
        elif opt == '--force':
            opt_force = True
        elif opt == '--logfile':
            if not is_writeable(val):
                fatal("logfile '%s' is not writeable" % val)
            opt_logfile = val

        elif opt == '--noninteractive':
            interactive = False

        elif opt == '--restore-cache-size':
            conf.restore_cache_size = val

        elif opt == '--restore-cache-dir':
            conf.restore_cache_dir = val

        elif opt == '--debug':
            opt_debug = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
        elif opt == '--time':
            opt_time = val
        elif opt == '--skip-files':
            skip_files = True
        elif opt == '--skip-database':
            skip_database = True
        elif opt == '--skip-packages':
            skip_packages = True
        elif opt == '--no-rollback':
            no_rollback = True
        elif opt == '--silent':
            silent = True
        elif opt == '--force':
            opt_force = True
        elif opt == '--logfile':
            if not is_writeable(val):
                fatal("logfile '%s' is not writeable" % val)
            opt_logfile = val

        elif opt == '--noninteractive':
            interactive = False

        elif opt == '--restore-cache-size':
            conf.restore_cache_size = val

        elif opt == '--restore-cache-dir':
            conf.restore_cache_dir = val

        elif opt == '--debug':
            opt_debug = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_volume_data(self):
        # Before we begin (and before each task),
        # we need to find any and all USB keys
        # and any and all training-data files on them.

        self.volume_data = []
        for path in utils.get_volume_paths():
                {'basename': os.path.basename(path),
                 'files': utils.look_for_training_data(path),
                 'sugar_path': os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'data'),
                 'usb_path': path})

        # (1) We require a USB key
        if len(self.volume_data) == 0:
            _logger.error('NO USB KEY INSERTED')
            alert = ConfirmationAlert()
            alert.props.title = _('USB key required')
            alert.props.msg = _('You must insert a USB key before launching '
                                'this activity.')
            alert.connect('response', self._remove_alert_cb)
            return False

        # (2) Only one USB key
        if len(self.volume_data) > 1:
            _logger.error('MULTIPLE USB KEYS INSERTED')
            alert = ConfirmationAlert()
            alert.props.title = _('Multiple USB keys found')
            alert.props.msg = _('Only one USB key must be inserted while '
                                'running this program.\nPlease remove any '
                                'additional USB keys before launching '
                                'this activity.')
            alert.connect('response', self._remove_alert_cb)
            return False

        volume = self.volume_data[0]

        # (3) At least 10MB of free space
        if utils.is_full(volume['usb_path'],
            _logger.error('USB IS FULL')
            alert = ConfirmationAlert()
            alert.props.title = _('USB key is full')
            alert.props.msg = _('No room on USB')
            alert.connect('response', self._close_alert_cb)
            return False

        # (4) File is read/write
        if not utils.is_writeable(volume['usb_path']):
            _logger.error('CANNOT WRITE TO USB')
            alert = ConfirmationAlert()
            alert.props.title = _('Cannot write to USB')
            alert.props.msg = _('USB key seems to be read-only.')
            alert.connect('response', self._close_alert_cb)
            return False

        # (5) Only one set of training data per USB key
        # We expect UIDs to formated as XXXX-XXXX
        # We need to make sure we have proper UIDs associated with
        # the USBs and the files on them match the UID.
        # (a) If there are no files, we will assign the UID based on the
        #     volume path;
        # (b) If there is one file with a valid UID, we use that UID;
        if len(volume['files']) == 0:
            volume['uid'] = 'training-data-%s' % \
            _logger.debug('No training data found. Using UID %s' %
            return True
        elif len(volume['files']) == 1:
            volume['uid'] = 'training-data-%s' % volume['files'][0][-9:]
            _logger.debug('Training data found. Using UID %s' %
            return True
            _logger.error('MULTIPLE TRAINING-DATA FILES FOUND')
            alert = ConfirmationAlert()
            alert.props.title = _('Multiple training-data files found.')
            alert.props.msg = _('There can only be one set of training '
                                'data per USB key.')
            alert.connect('response', self._close_alert_cb)
            return False