Ejemplo n.º 1
def repo_build(f, t):
        f_repo_fn = os.path.join(f, 'repo.js')
        repo_js = utils.json_load(f_repo_fn)
    except FileNotFoundError:
            'No repo.js found in the source directory. '
            'Creating a new repository.'
        repo_js = {}

    enter_missing(repo_js, 'id', 'Enter a repository ID: ')
    enter_missing(repo_js, 'title', 'Enter a nice repository title: ')
    enter_missing(repo_js, 'contact', 'Enter a contact e-mail address: ')
    utils.json_store('repo.js', repo_js, dirs=[f, t])

    while not 'servers' in repo_js or not repo_js['servers'][0].strip():
        repo_js['servers'] = [input(
            'Enter the public URL of your repository '
            '(the path that contains repo.js): '
    repo_js['patches'] = {}
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f):
        if 'patch.js' in files:
            patch_id = os.path.basename(root)
            repo_js['patches'][patch_id] = patch_build(
                patch_id, repo_js['servers'], f, t
    utils.json_store('repo.js', repo_js, dirs=[f, t])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def repo_build(f, t):
        f_repo_fn = os.path.join(f, 'repo.js')
        repo_js = utils.json_load(f_repo_fn)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('No repo.js found in the source directory. '
              'Creating a new repository.')
        repo_js = {}

    enter_missing(repo_js, 'id', 'Enter a repository ID: ')
    enter_missing(repo_js, 'title', 'Enter a nice repository title: ')
    enter_missing(repo_js, 'contact', 'Enter a contact e-mail address: ')
    utils.json_store('repo.js', repo_js, dirs=[f, t])

    while 'servers' not in repo_js or not repo_js['servers'][0].strip():
        repo_js['servers'] = [
            input('Enter the public URL of your repository '
                  '(the path that contains repo.js): ')
    repo_js['patches'] = {}

    ignored = set(IGNORED_BY_DEFAULT).union(thcrap_ignore_get(f))
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f):
        del (dirs)
        if 'patch.js' in files:
            patch_id = os.path.basename(root)
            repo_js['patches'][patch_id] = patch_build(patch_id,
                                                       repo_js['servers'], f,
                                                       t, ignored)
    utils.json_store('repo.js', repo_js, dirs=[f, t])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def add(self, args):
        #check args
        update = 1
        count = 0
        data = {}
        group_list = []

        if os.path.exists(self.json_file):
            data = json_load(self.json_file)

        if len(data) != 0:
            group_list = [(k, data[k]) for k in sorted(data.keys())]
            gname, v = group_list[len(group_list) - 1]
            count = filter(str.isdigit, json.dumps(gname))

        if args:
            gname = "group" + str(int(count) + 1)
            data[gname] = {}
            group = data[gname]

            #generate vipconf json
            group['nodes'] = args.host
            group['type'] = args.type
            group['vip'] = args.vip
            update = 0

        #data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda d: d[0])
        #modify vipconf about vip or nodes

        if update:
            json_store(data, self.config.vip_conf)
            dmsg('add vipconf sucessfully')
            dwarn('vipconf was updated.')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def vip_confdel_group(args):
    data = {}

    config = Config()
    json_file = config.vip_conf

    if os.path.exists(json_file):
        data = json_load(json_file)

    if len(data) == 0:
        dmsg('vipconf was null')

    if not data.has_key(args.group):
        derror("vipconfdel: %s not exist." % (args.group))
        del_vips = data[args.group]["vips"]
        mask = data[args.group]["mask"]
        hosts = data[args.group]["nodes"].split(",")
        del data[args.group]
        json_store(data, json_file)

        for host in hosts:
                _del_vip_from_host(config, host, del_vips, mask)
            except Exp, e:
                print e
Ejemplo n.º 5
def vip_add(args):
    #check args
    if not is_valid_args(args):
        derror('please check args')

    update = 1
    count = 0
    data = {}
    group_list = []

    config = Config()
    json_file = config.vip_conf

    if os.path.exists(json_file):
        data = json_load(json_file)

    args.host = list_distinct(args.host)
    args.vip = list_distinct(args.vip)

    if len(data) != 0:
        group_list = [(k, data[k]) for k in sorted(data.keys())]
        for k,v in group_list:
            if v['nodes'] == args.host and v['vips'] == args.vip \
                and v['type'] == args.type and v['mask'] == args.mask:
                update = 0

        gname, v = group_list[len(group_list) - 1]
        count = filter(str.isdigit, json.dumps(gname))

    if args:
        gname = "group" + str(int(count)+1)
        data[gname] = {}
        group = data[gname]

        #generate vipconf json
        group['nodes'] = args.host
        group['type'] = args.type
        group['vips'] = args.vip
        group['mask'] = args.mask
        update = 0

    #data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda d: d[0])
    #modify vipconf about vip or nodes

    if update:
        json_store(data, json_file)
        dmsg('add vipconf sucessfully')
        dwarn('vipconf was updated.')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def vip_confdel(args):

    #check args
    if not is_valid_ip(args):
        derror('please check args')

    data = {}
    new_host = []
    new_vip = []

    #load vipconf
    config = Config()
    json_file = config.vip_conf
    if os.path.exists(json_file):
        data = json_load(json_file)

    if len(data) == 0:
        print 'vipconf was null'

    if not data.has_key(args.group):
        derror("vipconfdel: %s not exist." % (args.group))

    #reload new host and vip
    old_host = json.dumps(data[args.group]['nodes']).strip('"').split(',')
    old_vip = json.dumps(data[args.group]['vips']).strip('"').split(',')

    if args.host:
        new_host = [json.dumps(h.strip('"')) for h in old_host if h.strip('"') not in args.host.split(',') and h != '']
    if args.vip:
        new_vip = [json.dumps(v.strip('"')) for v in old_vip if v.strip('"') not in args.vip.split(',') and v != '']

    #print old_host
    #print new_host

    if len(new_host) != 0:
        data[args.group]['nodes'] = _list2str(new_host)

    if len(new_vip) != 0:
        data[args.group]['vips'] = _list2str(new_vip)

    if len(new_host) == 0 and len(new_vip) == 0:
        del data[args.group]

    json_store(data, json_file)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def vip_confadd(args):

    #check args
    if not is_valid_ip(args):
        derror('please check args')

    data = {}
    new_host = []
    new_vip = []

    #load vipconf
    config = Config()
    json_file = config.vip_conf
    if os.path.exists(json_file):
        data = json_load(json_file)

    if len(data) == 0:
        print 'vipconf was null'

    #reload new host and vip
    old_host = json.dumps(data[args.group]['nodes']).strip('"').split(',')
    old_vip = json.dumps(data[args.group]['vips']).strip('"').split(',')

    if args.host:
        new_host = [json.dumps(h.strip('"')) for h in args.host.split(',') if h.strip('"') not in old_host]
    if args.vip:
        new_vip = [json.dumps(v.strip('"')) for v in args.vip.split(',') if v.strip('"') not in old_vip]

    #print old_host
    #print new_host

    if len(new_host) != 0:
        data[args.group]['nodes'] = _list2str(new_host)

    if len(new_vip) != 0:
        data[args.group]['vips'] = _list2str(new_vip)

    if len(new_host) != 0 or len(new_vip) != 0:
        json_store(data, json_file)
        dmsg('update vipconf sucessfully')
        dwarn('vipconf is already updated.')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def tenant_add(self, name, password, port):
        if self._check_exists(name, port):
            raise Exp(errno.EEXIST, "name or port has been used, please check it!")

        #create tenant config directory
        dirname = "%s_%s" % (name, port)
        abs_path = "%s/%s" % (MINIO_CONF_PATH, dirname)

        #generate config.json
        cmd = "cp /opt/minio/config.json %s" % (abs_path)
        exec_shell(cmd, p=False)

        #modify config.json about accessKey and secretKey
        json_file = "%s/config.json" % (abs_path)
        data = json_load(json_file)
        data["credential"]["accessKey"] = name
        data["credential"]["secretKey"] = password
        json_store(data, json_file)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def patch_build(patch_id, servers, f, t):
    """Updates the patch in the [f]/[patch_id] directory.

    Ensures that patch.js contains all necessary keys and values, then updates
    the checksums in files.js and, if [t] differs from [f], copies all patch
    files from [f] to [t].

    Returns the contents of the patch ID key in repo.js."""
    f_path, t_path = [os.path.join(i, patch_id) for i in [f, t]]

    # Prepare patch.js.
    f_patch_fn = os.path.join(f_path, 'patch.js')
    patch_js = utils.json_load(f_patch_fn)

        patch_js, 'title', 'Enter a nice title for "{}": '.format(patch_id)
    patch_js['id'] = patch_id
    patch_js['servers'] = []
    # Delete obsolete keys.
    if 'files' in patch_js:

    for i in servers:
        url = os.path.join(i, patch_id) + '/'
    utils.json_store(f_patch_fn, patch_js)

    # Reset all old entries to a JSON null. This will delete any files on the
    # client side that no longer exist in the patch.
        files_js = utils.json_load(os.path.join(f_path, 'files.js'))
        for i in files_js:
            files_js[i] = None
    except FileNotFoundError:
        files_js = {}

    patch_size = 0
    print(patch_id, end='')
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f_path):
        for fn in utils.patch_files_filter(files):
            print('.', end='')
            f_fn = os.path.join(root, fn)
            patch_fn = f_fn[len(f_path) + 1:]
            t_fn = os.path.join(t_path, patch_fn)

            with open(f_fn, 'rb') as f_file:
                f_file_data = f_file.read()

            # Ensure Unix line endings for JSON input
            if fn.endswith(('.js', '.jdiff')) and b'\r\n' in f_file_data:
                f_file_data = f_file_data.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
                with open(f_fn, 'wb') as f_file:

            f_sum = zlib.crc32(f_file_data) & 0xffffffff

            files_js[str_slash_normalize(patch_fn)] = f_sum
            patch_size += len(f_file_data)
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(t_fn), exist_ok=True)
            if f != t:
                shutil.copy2(f_fn, t_fn)

    utils.json_store('files.js', files_js, dirs=[f_path, t_path])
        '{num} files, {size}'.format(
            num=len(files_js), size=sizeof_fmt(patch_size)
    return patch_js['title']
Ejemplo n.º 10
def patch_build(patch_id, servers, f, t, ignored):
    """Updates the patch in the [f]/[patch_id] directory, ignoring the files
    that match [ignored].

    Ensures that patch.js contains all necessary keys and values, then updates
    the checksums in files.js and, if [t] differs from [f], copies all patch
    files from [f] to [t].

    Returns the contents of the patch ID key in repo.js."""
    f_path, t_path = [os.path.join(i, patch_id) for i in [f, t]]

    # Prepare patch.js.
    f_patch_fn = os.path.join(f_path, 'patch.js')
    patch_js = utils.json_load(f_patch_fn)

    enter_missing(patch_js, 'title',
                  'Enter a nice title for "{}": '.format(patch_id))
    patch_js['id'] = patch_id
    patch_js['servers'] = []
    # Delete obsolete keys.
    if 'files' in patch_js:
        del (patch_js['files'])

    for i in servers:
        url = os.path.join(i, patch_id) + '/'
    utils.json_store(f_patch_fn, patch_js)

    # Reset all old entries to a JSON null. This will delete any files on the
    # client side that no longer exist in the patch.
        files_js = utils.json_load(os.path.join(f_path, 'files.js'))
        for i in files_js:
            files_js[i] = None
    except FileNotFoundError:
        files_js = {}

    patch_size = 0
    print(patch_id, end='')
    for f_fn in patch_files_walk(f, f_path, ignored):
        print('.', end='')
        patch_fn = f_fn[len(f_path) + 1:]
        t_fn = os.path.join(t_path, patch_fn)

        with open(f_fn, 'rb') as f_file:
            f_file_data = f_file.read()

        # Ensure Unix line endings for JSON input
        if f_fn.endswith(('.js', '.jdiff')) and b'\r\n' in f_file_data:
            f_file_data = f_file_data.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
            with open(f_fn, 'wb') as f_file:

        f_sum = zlib.crc32(f_file_data) & 0xffffffff

        files_js[str_slash_normalize(patch_fn)] = f_sum
        patch_size += len(f_file_data)
        del (f_file_data)
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(t_fn), exist_ok=True)
        if f != t:
            shutil.copy2(f_fn, t_fn)

    utils.json_store('files.js', files_js, dirs=[f_path, t_path])
    print('{num} files, {size}'.format(num=len(
        {k: v
         for k, v in files_js.items() if v is not None}),
    return patch_js['title']
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def tenant_mod(self, name, password):
     fname = _get_full_name(name)
     json_file = "%s/%s/config.json" % (MINIO_CONF_PATH, fname)
     data = json_load(json_file)
     data["credential"]["secretKey"] = password
     json_store(data, json_file)
Ejemplo n.º 12

parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', help='Private key file.', required=True)

def alg_mod_from_str(alg):
    """Returns the PyCrypto hash module that corresponds to [alg]."""
    if alg is 'SHA1':
        alg = 'SHA'
    return importlib.import_module('Crypto.Hash.' + alg)

def sign(arc_fn, alg, key_fn):
    alg_mod = alg_mod_from_str(alg)
    with open(key_fn, 'r') as key_file:
        key = RSA.importKey(key_file.read())
    signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key)
    ret = {'alg': alg}
    with open(arc_fn, 'rb') as arc_file:
        m = alg_mod.new(arc_file.read())
        signature = signer.sign(m)
        ret['sig'] = base64.b64encode(signature).decode('ascii')
    return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arg = parser.parse_args()
    sig = sign(arg.arc, arg.alg, arg.key)
    utils.json_store(arg.arc + '.sig', sig)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    '-k', '--key',
    help='Private key file.',

def alg_mod_from_str(alg):
    """Returns the PyCrypto hash module that corresponds to [alg]."""
    if alg is 'SHA1':
        alg = 'SHA'
    return importlib.import_module('Crypto.Hash.' + alg)

def sign(arc_fn, alg, key_fn):
    alg_mod = alg_mod_from_str(alg)
    with open(key_fn, 'r') as key_file:
        key = RSA.importKey(key_file.read())
    signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key)
    ret = {'alg': alg}
    with open(arc_fn, 'rb') as arc_file:
        m = alg_mod.new(arc_file.read())
        signature = signer.sign(m)
        ret['sig'] = base64.b64encode(signature).decode('ascii')
    return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arg = parser.parse_args()
    sig = sign(arg.arc, arg.alg, arg.key)
    utils.json_store(arg.arc + '.sig', sig)