Ejemplo n.º 1
 def poly_style(self,kml,Style):
     # need to not attach if 3d shape!!!
     # or change mapnik to ignore polygon symbolizers put on line geometries
     #if hasattr(s.PolyStyle,'color'):
     poly = None
     if hasattr(Style.PolyStyle,'color'):
         ogr_ds = ogr.Open(kml)
         if not ogr_ds:
             sys.exit('Sorry this KML: %s\n\n is not a valid datasource, there are no layers!' % kml)
         lyr = ogr_ds.GetLayer(0)
         gname = self.get_geom_type(lyr)
         if 'poly' in gname:
           c_ = Style.PolyStyle.color
           #print c_
           # lxml bug!
           if c_ == 0:
               c_ = '00000000'
           poly = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(utils.kml_hex_to_mapnik_color(c_))
     elif hasattr(Style.PolyStyle,'fill'):
         if Style.PolyStyle.fill == 0:
             pass # no fill
     elif hasattr(Style.Polystyle,'outline'):
         pass # todo
     return poly
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def line_style(self,Style):
     if hasattr(Style.LineStyle,'width'):
         width = float(Style.LineStyle.width)
         width = 1 # better default?
     # TOD - if no width - just ignore?
     if hasattr(Style.LineStyle,'color'):
         c_ = Style.LineStyle.color
         #print c_
         # lxml bug!
         print '########### try .text here (line 289)'
         if c_ == 0:
             c_ = '00000000'
         color = utils.kml_hex_to_mapnik_color(c_)
         color = mapnik.Color('gray')
     stroke = mapnik.Stroke(color,width)
     # need to handle opacity...
     #stroke.opacity = .5
     return mapnik.LineSymbolizer(stroke)