Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_filter():
    x = range(10)
    y = utils.lfilter(b=[1], a=[1], x=x)
    assert (np.array(x) == y).all()

    x = [1] + [0] * 10
    y = utils.lfilter(b=[0.5], a=[1, -0.5], x=x)
    assert list(y) == [0.5 ** (i + 1) for i in range(len(x))]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_filter():
    x = range(10)
    y = utils.lfilter(b=[1], a=[1], x=x)
    assert (np.array(x) == y).all()

    x = [1] + [0] * 10
    y = utils.lfilter(b=[0.5], a=[1, -0.5], x=x)
    assert list(y) == [0.5**(i + 1) for i in range(len(x))]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def related_article_to_related_articles(related_article_list):
    # ll: [{'xlink_href': u'10.7554/eLife.09561', 'related_article_type': u'article-reference', 'ext_link_type': u'doi'}]
    def et(struct):
        return (struct.get('xlink_href') or '').rsplit('.', 1)[-1] or None

    # ll: ['09561'] or None
    return lfilter(None, map(et, related_article_list))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def listfiles(path, ext_list=None):
    "returns a pair of (basename_list, absolute_path_list) for given dir, optionally filtered by extension"
    path_list = lmap(lambda fname: os.path.abspath(join(path, fname)), os.listdir(path))
    if ext_list:
        path_list = lfilter(lambda path: os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ext_list, path_list)
    path_list = sorted(filter(os.path.isfile, path_list))
    return lmap(os.path.basename, path_list)
def main(xml_dir, json_output_dir):
    paths = lmap(lambda fname: join(xml_dir, fname), os.listdir(xml_dir))
    paths = lfilter(lambda path: path.lower().endswith('.xml'), paths)
    paths = sorted(paths, reverse=True)
    num_processes = 2
    Parallel(n_jobs=num_processes)(delayed(render)(path, json_output_dir)
                                   for path in paths)
    print('see scrape.log for errors')
def main(xml_dir, json_output_dir, num=None):
    paths = lmap(lambda fname: join(xml_dir, fname), os.listdir(xml_dir))
    paths = lfilter(lambda path: path.lower().endswith('.xml'), paths)
    paths = sorted(paths, reverse=True)
    if num:
        paths = paths[:num] # only scrape first n articles
    num_processes = -1
    Parallel(n_jobs=num_processes)(delayed(render)(path, json_output_dir) for path in paths)
    print('see scrape.log for errors')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def listfiles(path, ext_list=None):
    "returns a pair of (basename_list, absolute_path_list) for given dir, optionally filtered by extension"
    path_list = lmap(lambda fname: os.path.abspath(join(path, fname)),
    if ext_list:
        path_list = lfilter(lambda path: os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ext_list,
    path_list = sorted(filter(os.path.isfile, path_list))
    return lmap(os.path.basename, path_list)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_signal():
    length = 120
    x = np.sign(RandomState(0).normal(size=length))
    x[-20:] = 0  # make sure the signal has bounded support
    den = np.array([1, -0.6, 0.1])
    num = np.array([0.5])
    y = utils.lfilter(x=x, b=num, a=den)

    lookahead = 2
    h = equalizer.train(
        signal=y, expected=x, order=len(den), lookahead=lookahead)
    assert dsp.norm(h[:lookahead]) < 1e-12

    h = h[lookahead:]
    assert_approx(h, den / num)

    x_ = utils.lfilter(x=y, b=h, a=[1])
    assert_approx(x_, x)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_signal():
    length = 120
    x = np.sign(RandomState(0).normal(size=length))
    x[-20:] = 0  # make sure the signal has bounded support
    den = np.array([1, -0.6, 0.1])
    num = np.array([0.5])
    y = utils.lfilter(x=x, b=num, a=den)

    lookahead = 2
    h = equalizer.train(signal=y,
    assert dsp.norm(h[:lookahead]) < 1e-12

    h = h[lookahead:]
    assert_approx(h, den / num)

    x_ = utils.lfilter(x=y, b=h, a=[1])
    assert_approx(x_, x)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main(args=None):
    target = first(args) or conf.JSON_DIR

    if os.path.isdir(target):
        paths = lmap(lambda fname: join(target, fname), os.listdir(target))
        paths = sorted(paths, reverse=True)
        paths = [os.path.abspath(target)]

    paths = lfilter(lambda path: path.lower().endswith('.json'), paths)
    print('jobs %d' % len(paths))
    Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(job)(path) for path in paths)
    print('see validate.log for errors')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def http_download(location):
    cred = None
    if location.startswith('https://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/') or location.startswith('https://s3.amazonaws.com/'):
        s3_base = urlparse(location).hostname
        # if we can find credentials, attach them
        session = botocore.session.get_session()
        cred = [getattr(session.get_credentials(), attr) for attr in ['access_key', 'secret_key']]
        if lfilter(None, cred): # remove any empty values
            cred = S3Auth(*cred, service_url=s3_base)
    resp = requests.get(location, auth=cred)
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        raise RuntimeError("failed to download xml from %r, got response code: %s\n%s" % (location, resp.status_code, resp.content))
    resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
    return resp.text
Ejemplo n.º 12
def validate_gc_data(gc_data):
    # we've had one case like this
    ensure(gc_data != {}, "glencoe returned successfully, but response is empty")

    # we also can't guarantee all of the sources will always be present
    known_sources = SOURCES.keys()
    for v_id, v_data in gc_data.items():

        available_sources = lfilter(lambda mtype: mtype + "_href" in v_data, known_sources)

        # fail if we have partial data
        msg = "number of available sources less than known sources for %r. missing: %s" % \
            (v_id, ", ".join(set(known_sources) - set(available_sources)))
        ensure(len(available_sources) == len(known_sources), msg)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_commutation():
    x = np.random.RandomState(seed=0).normal(size=1000)
    b = [1, 1j, -1, -1j]
    a = [1, 0.1]
    y = utils.lfilter(x=x, b=b, a=a)
    y1 = utils.lfilter(x=utils.lfilter(x=x, b=b, a=[1]), b=[1], a=a)
    y2 = utils.lfilter(x=utils.lfilter(x=x, b=[1], a=a), b=b, a=[1])
    assert_approx(y, y1)
    assert_approx(y, y2)

    z = utils.lfilter(x=y, b=a, a=[1])
    z_ = utils.lfilter(x=x, b=b, a=[1])
    assert_approx(z, z_)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_commutation():
    x = np.random.RandomState(seed=0).normal(size=1000)
    b = [1, 1j, -1, -1j]
    a = [1, 0.1]
    y = utils.lfilter(x=x, b=b, a=a)
    y1 = utils.lfilter(x=utils.lfilter(x=x, b=b, a=[1]), b=[1], a=a)
    y2 = utils.lfilter(x=utils.lfilter(x=x, b=[1], a=a), b=b, a=[1])
    assert_approx(y, y1)
    assert_approx(y, y2)

    z = utils.lfilter(x=y, b=a, a=[1])
    z_ = utils.lfilter(x=x, b=b, a=[1])
    assert_approx(z, z_)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def validate_gc_data(gc_data):
    # we've had one case like this
    ensure(gc_data != {},
           "glencoe returned successfully, but response is empty")

    # we also can't guarantee all of the sources will always be present
    known_sources = SOURCES.keys()
    for v_id, v_data in gc_data.items():

        available_sources = lfilter(lambda mtype: mtype + "_href" in v_data,

        # fail if we have partial data
        msg = "number of available sources less than known sources for %r. missing: %s" % \
            (v_id, ", ".join(set(known_sources) - set(available_sources)))
        assert len(available_sources) == len(known_sources), msg
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def resolve_operation_id_using_rest_semantics(self, operation):
        # ll: api.xml.search
        orig_path = super(BotLaxResolver, self).resolve_operation_id_using_rest_semantics(operation)
        bits = orig_path.split('.') # ll ['api', 'xml', 'search']

        module = bits[0] # ll: 'api'
        # the funcname resolution is wonky, so discard it
        method = bits[-1] # ll: 'search'

        path = operation.path # ll: /article-json/validation/{filename}
        # we want something like:
        # /article-json/validation/{filename} => article_json_validation
        # /article-json/{filename}/validation => article_json_validation
        bits = path.strip('/').split('/') # => ['article-json', 'validation', '{filename}']
        bits = lfilter(lambda bit: bit and not bit.startswith('{') and not bit.endswith('}'), bits)
        fnname = '_'.join(bits).replace('-', '_') # ll: article_json_validation
        return '%s.%s_%s' % (module, method, fnname) # ll: api.post_article_json_validation
Ejemplo n.º 17
def http_download(location):
    cred = None
    if location.startswith(
            'https://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/') or location.startswith(
        s3_base = urlparse(location).hostname
        # if we can find credentials, attach them
        session = botocore.session.get_session()
        cred = [
            getattr(session.get_credentials(), attr)
            for attr in ['access_key', 'secret_key']
        if lfilter(None, cred):  # remove any empty values
            cred = S3Auth(*cred, service_url=s3_base)
    resp = requests.get(location, auth=cred)
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "failed to download xml from %r, got response code: %s\n%s" %
            (location, resp.status_code, resp.content))
    resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
    return resp.text
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def resolve_operation_id_using_rest_semantics(self, operation):
        # ll: api.xml.search
        orig_path = super(
        bits = orig_path.split('.')  # ll ['api', 'xml', 'search']

        module = bits[0]  # ll: 'api'
        # the funcname resolution is wonky, so discard it
        method = bits[-1]  # ll: 'search'

        path = operation.path  # ll: /article-json/validation/{filename}
        # we want something like:
        # /article-json/validation/{filename} => article_json_validation
        # /article-json/{filename}/validation => article_json_validation
        bits = path.strip('/').split(
            '/')  # => ['article-json', 'validation', '{filename}']
        bits = lfilter(
            lambda bit: bit and not bit.startswith('{') and not bit.endswith(
                '}'), bits)
        fnname = '_'.join(bits).replace('-',
                                        '_')  # ll: article_json_validation
        return '%s.%s_%s' % (module, method, fnname
                             )  # ll: api.post_article_json_validation
Ejemplo n.º 19
def do_paths(paths, dry_run=False):
    ingest_requests = lfilter(None, map(mkreq, paths))
    if dry_run:
        return ingest_requests
    return send_ingest_requests_to_lax(ingest_requests)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def related_article_to_related_articles(related_article_list):
    # ll: [{'xlink_href': u'10.7554/eLife.09561', 'related_article_type': u'article-reference', 'ext_link_type': u'doi'}]
    def et(struct):
        return (struct.get('xlink_href') or '').rsplit('.', 1)[-1] or None
    # ll: ['09561'] or None
    return lfilter(None, map(et, related_article_list))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def do_paths(paths, dry_run=False):
    ingest_requests = lfilter(None, map(mkreq, paths))
    if dry_run:
        return ingest_requests
    return send_ingest_requests_to_lax(ingest_requests)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_highpass():
    run(1024, chan=lambda x: utils.lfilter(b=[0.9], a=[1.0, 0.1], x=x))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_highpass():
    run(1024, chan=lambda x: utils.lfilter(b=[0.9], a=[1.0, 0.1], x=x))