Ejemplo n.º 1
def loadAllGroundTruths(dir):
  groundTruths = {}
  for f in os.listdir(dir):
    if os.path.isfile(dir + '/' + f):
      category = f.split('_')[0]
      groundTruths[category] = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(dir + '/' + f)
  return groundTruths
def readPositivesData(positivesFeatures):
  #pos,posIdx = cu.loadMatrixAndIndex(positivesFeatures)
  pos = cu.loadMatrixNoCompression(positivesFeatures)
  posIdx = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(positivesFeatures.replace('fc6_neuron_cudanet_out','idx'))
  ari,osi = [],[]
  print 'Positive Matrix loaded ('+str(pos.shape[0])+' instances)'
  return (pos,posIdx,ari,osi)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, environment=None, groundTruthFile=None):
   Task.__init__(self, environment)
   if groundTruthFile is not None:
     self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
   self.image = ''
   self.epochRecall = []
   self.epochMaxIoU = []
   self.epochLandmarks = []
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, environment=None, groundTruthFile=None):
     Task.__init__(self, environment)
     if groundTruthFile is not None:
         self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
     self.image = ''
     self.epochRecall = []
     self.epochMaxIoU = []
     self.epochLandmarks = []
Ejemplo n.º 5
def readPositivesData(positivesFeatures):
    #pos,posIdx = cu.loadMatrixAndIndex(positivesFeatures)
    pos = cu.loadMatrixNoCompression(positivesFeatures)

    posIdx = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(
        positivesFeatures.replace('fc6_neuron_cudanet_out', 'idx'))
    ari, osi = [], []
    print 'Positive Matrix loaded (' + str(pos.shape[0]) + ' instances)'
    return (pos, posIdx, ari, osi)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, scoresDir, proposals):
   self.dir = scoresDir
   self.files = os.listdir(scoresDir)
   self.categories = []
   for f in self.files:
     names = f.split('_')[0:2]
     cat = '_'.join(names)
     self.categories.append( cat )
   self.imgBoxes = {}
   self.scores = {}
   boxes = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(proposals)
   for img in boxes.keys():
     self.imgBoxes[img] = np.array(boxes[img])
     self.scores[img] = -10*np.ones( (len(boxes[img]), len(self.categories)) )
 def __init__(self, imageList, mode, groundTruthFile=None):
   self.mode = mode
   self.cnn = cn.ConvNet()
   self.testRecord = None
   self.idx = -1
   self.imageList = [x.strip() for x in open(imageList)]
   self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
   #self.imageList = self.rankImages()
   #self.imageList = self.imageList[0:10]
   allImgs = set([x.strip() for x in open(config.get('allImagesList'))])
   self.negativeSamples = list(allImgs.difference(set(self.groundTruth.keys())))
   self.negativeEpisode = False
   if self.mode == 'train':
     self.negativeProbability = config.getf('negativeEpisodeProb')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, imageList, mode, groundTruthFile=None):
     self.mode = mode
     self.cnn = cn.ConvNet()
     self.testRecord = None
     self.idx = -1
     self.imageList = [x.strip() for x in open(imageList)]
     self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
     #self.imageList = self.rankImages()
     #self.imageList = self.imageList[0:10]
     allImgs = set([x.strip() for x in open(config.get('allImagesList'))])
     self.negativeSamples = list(
     self.negativeEpisode = False
     if self.mode == 'train':
         self.negativeProbability = config.getf('negativeEpisodeProb')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, scoresDir, proposals):
     self.dir = scoresDir
     self.files = os.listdir(scoresDir)
     self.categories = []
     for f in self.files:
         names = f.split('_')[0:2]
         cat = '_'.join(names)
     self.imgBoxes = {}
     self.scores = {}
     boxes = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(proposals)
     for img in boxes.keys():
         self.imgBoxes[img] = np.array(boxes[img])
         self.scores[img] = -10 * np.ones(
             (len(boxes[img]), len(self.categories)))
  return result

def reformatGroundTruth(gt, category):
  result = []
  for img in gt.keys():
    for box in gt[img]:
      result.append( [img, category + '_tight'] + box )
  return result

def saveResults(outputFile, results):
  outputFile = open(outputFile,'w')
  for r in results:
    outputFile.write(r[0] + ' ' + r[1] + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str,map(int,r[2:]))) + '\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":
  params = cu.loadParams("proposalsFile groundTruthDir outputFile")
  proposals = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['proposalsFile'])
  records = []
  files = os.listdir(params['groundTruthDir'])
  for f in files:
    category = f.split('_')[0]
    print category
    groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['groundTruthDir'] + '/' + f)
    records += selectRegions(proposals, groundTruth, category, big)
    records += selectRegions(proposals, groundTruth, category, inside)
    records += reformatGroundTruth(groundTruth, category)
  saveResults(params['outputFile'], records)

Ejemplo n.º 11
            for i in range(parts):
                nb = [gt[0] + i * step, y1, gt[0] + i * step + adjustedSize, y2]
                scaleBoxes.append(shiftBox(nb, w, h))
            x1, x2 = 0, adjustedSize
            parts = int(round(bh / adjustedSize + 0.3))
            step = (bh - adjustedSize) / max(parts - 1, 1)
            for i in range(parts):
                nb = [x1, gt[1] + i * step, x2, gt[1] + i * step + adjustedSize]
                scaleBoxes.append(shiftBox(nb, w, h))
    return scaleBoxes

if __name__ == "__main__":
    params = cu.loadParams("groundTruthBoxes imageDir outputDir cropSize")
    groundTruthBoxes = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params["groundTruthBoxes"])
    cropSize = int(params["cropSize"])
    projections = {}
    overlaps = []
    ious = []

    for img in groundTruthBoxes.keys():
        print img
        name = img.split("/")[1]
        if not os.path.isfile(params["imageDir"] + "/" + name + ".JPEG"):
        im = Image.open(params["imageDir"] + "/" + name + ".JPEG")
        w, h = im.size
            p = projections[img]
Ejemplo n.º 12
            r = [det.IoU(n[1:], t[1:]), det.overlap(t[1:], n[1:])]
            if 0.8 >= r[0] and r[1] >= 0.8:
                s = np.exp(-dist(idealMatch, r))
                candidates.append([j, s, n[0], r])
        if len(candidates) > 0:
            candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[1] + x[2], reverse=True)
            for k in range(min(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTS, len(candidates))):
                layouts[i].addPart(inside[candidates[k][0]], candidates[k][-1])
    layouts.sort(key=lambda x: x.getScore(), reverse=True)
    return layouts

params = cu.loadParams(
    'bigDetections tightDetections insideDetections imageDir outputDir')

big = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['bigDetections'])
tight = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['tightDetections'])
inside = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['insideDetections'])

print 'Images:', len(big), len(tight), len(inside)

allLayouts = []
for k in big.keys():
    layouts = findBigMatches(k, big[k], tight[k])
    layouts = findInsideMatches(inside[k], layouts)
    allLayouts += [layouts[0]]

allLayouts.sort(key=lambda x: x.getScore(), reverse=True)
matchCounter = 0
for ol in allLayouts:
    img, boxes, scores = ol.getLayoutData()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, environment, groundTruthFile):
     Task.__init__(self, environment)
     self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
     self.image = ''
     self.prevAction = 0
     self.prevPos = (0, 0, 0)
 def __init__(self, environment, groundTruthFile):
   Task.__init__(self, environment)
   self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
Ejemplo n.º 15
                scaleBoxes.append(shiftBox(nb, w, h))
            x1, x2 = 0, adjustedSize
            parts = int(round(bh / adjustedSize + 0.3))
            step = (bh - adjustedSize) / max(parts - 1, 1)
            for i in range(parts):
                nb = [
                    x1, gt[1] + i * step, x2, gt[1] + i * step + adjustedSize
                scaleBoxes.append(shiftBox(nb, w, h))
    return scaleBoxes

if __name__ == "__main__":
    params = cu.loadParams("groundTruthBoxes imageDir outputDir cropSize")
    groundTruthBoxes = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['groundTruthBoxes'])
    cropSize = int(params['cropSize'])
    projections = {}
    overlaps = []
    ious = []

    for img in groundTruthBoxes.keys():
        print img
        name = img.split('/')[1]
        if not os.path.isfile(params['imageDir'] + '/' + name + '.JPEG'):
        im = Image.open(params['imageDir'] + '/' + name + '.JPEG')
        w, h = im.size
            p = projections[img]
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, environment, groundTruthFile):
     Task.__init__(self, environment)
     self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
 def __init__(self, environment, groundTruthFile):
   Task.__init__(self, environment)
   self.groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(groundTruthFile)
   self.image = ''
   self.prevAction = 0
   self.prevPos = (0,0,0)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    nFeat = r[0].shape[1]
  featureMatrix = np.zeros( (nBoxes,nFeat) )
  i = 0
  outputFile = open(outputDir + '/' + category + '.idx','w')
  for r in result:
    featureMatrix[i:i+r[0].shape[0]] = r[0]
    for box in r[1]:
      outputFile.write(box[0] + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str,map(int,box[1:]))) + '\n')
    i += r[0].shape[0]
  cu.saveMatrix(featureMatrix,outputDir + '/' + category + '.' + featExt)
  print 'Total of',nBoxes,'positive examples collected for',category

if __name__ == "__main__":
  params = cu.loadParams("imageList featuresDir groundTruthFile outputDir featuresExt category operation")
  groundTruths = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['groundTruthFile'])
  imageList = [x.replace('\n','') for x in open(params['imageList'])]
  operator = None
  if params['operation'] == 'big':
    operator = big
  elif params['operation'] == 'tight':
    operator = tight
  elif params['operation'] == 'inside':
    operator = inside
  elif params['operation'] == 'background':
    operator = background
    print 'Select a valid operation: [big | tight | inside | background]'

  selectRegions(imageList, params['featuresDir'], groundTruths, params['outputDir'], params['featuresExt'], params['category'], operator)
    for j in range(len(inside)):
      n = inside[j]
      r = [ det.IoU(n[1:], t[1:]), det.overlap(t[1:], n[1:]) ]
      if 0.8 >= r[0] and r[1] >= 0.8:
        s = np.exp( -dist(idealMatch, r) )
        candidates.append( [j,s,n[0],r] )
    if len(candidates) > 0:
      candidates.sort(key=lambda x:x[1]+x[2],reverse=True)
      for k in range( min(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTS,len(candidates)) ):
        layouts[i].addPart( inside[ candidates[k][0] ], candidates[k][-1] )
  layouts.sort(key=lambda x: x.getScore(), reverse=True)
  return layouts

params = cu.loadParams('bigDetections tightDetections insideDetections imageDir outputDir')

big = cu.loadBoxIndexFile( params['bigDetections'] )
tight = cu.loadBoxIndexFile( params['tightDetections'] )
inside = cu.loadBoxIndexFile( params['insideDetections'] )

print 'Images:',len(big),len(tight),len(inside)

allLayouts = []
for k in big.keys():
  layouts = findBigMatches(k, big[k], tight[k])
  layouts = findInsideMatches(inside[k], layouts)
  allLayouts += [ layouts[0] ]

allLayouts.sort(key=lambda x: x.getScore(), reverse=True)
matchCounter = 0
for ol in allLayouts:
  img, boxes, scores = ol.getLayoutData()
Ejemplo n.º 20
import os,sys
import utils as cu
import libDetection as ldet
import numpy as np

params = cu.loadParams('scoresFile groundTruth relation output')
scores = [x.split() for x in open(params['scoresFile'])]
ground = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['groundTruth'])
scores.sort(key=lambda x:float(x[1]), reverse=True)

if params['relation'] == 'big': 
  operator = lambda x,y: np.exp( -( (1.0-ldet.overlap(x,y))**2 + (0.25-ldet.IoU(x,y))**2 ) ) >= 0.7
if params['relation'] == 'inside': 
  operator = lambda x,y: np.exp( -( (1.0-ldet.overlap(y,x))**2 + (0.25-ldet.IoU(x,y))**2 ) ) >= 0.7
if params['relation'] == 'tight': 
  operator = lambda x,y: ldet.IoU(x,y) >= 0.5

out = open(params['output'],'w')
for s in scores:
  box = map(float,s[2:7])
  img = s[0]
  try: gtBoxes = ground[img]
  except: gtBoxes = []
  match = '0'
  for gt in gtBoxes:
    if operator(box,gt):
      match = '1'
  out.write(' '.join(s) + ' ' + match + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 21
            boxes = groundTruth[d[0]]
        bestIoU = 0.0
        for gt in boxes:
            iou = det.IoU(d[2:6], gt)
            if iou > bestIoU:
                bestIoU = iou
        print bestIoU
        if bestIoU > minOverlap:
    return candidates

def saveCandidates(candidates, output):
    out = open(output, 'w')
    for k in candidates:
        out.write(k[0] + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, map(int, k[2:6]))) + '\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    params = cu.loadParams("detectionsFile groundTruths output")
    detectionsData = [x.split() for x in open(params['detectionsFile'])]
    detections = eval.loadDetections(detectionsData)
    groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['groundTruths'])
    candidates = selectBestBoxes(detections, groundTruth, 0.5)
    print 'Selected candidates:', len(candidates)
    saveCandidates(candidates, params['output'])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def reformatGroundTruth(gt, category):
    result = []
    for img in gt.keys():
        for box in gt[img]:
            result.append([img, category + '_tight'] + box)
    return result

def saveResults(outputFile, results):
    outputFile = open(outputFile, 'w')
    for r in results:
        outputFile.write(r[0] + ' ' + r[1] + ' ' +
                         ' '.join(map(str, map(int, r[2:]))) + '\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    params = cu.loadParams("proposalsFile groundTruthDir outputFile")
    proposals = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['proposalsFile'])
    records = []
    files = os.listdir(params['groundTruthDir'])
    for f in files:
        category = f.split('_')[0]
        print category
        groundTruth = cu.loadBoxIndexFile(params['groundTruthDir'] + '/' + f)
        records += selectRegions(proposals, groundTruth, category, big)
        records += selectRegions(proposals, groundTruth, category, inside)
        records += reformatGroundTruth(groundTruth, category)
    saveResults(params['outputFile'], records)