Ejemplo n.º 1
    def readStoreFromJson(json):
        Reads a key store from the given JSON crypto container object.
        :param json: The JSON container.
        :return: A KeyStore object.

        keyStore = KeyStore()

        for value in json['certificateOrPublicKeyMap'].values():
            keyStr = value['signatureCertificateOrPublicKey']

            keyId = None
            key = None
            cert = None
            if value['signatureDeviceType'] == 'CERTIFICATE':
                keyId = strSerialToKeyIds(value['id'])[0]
                cert = utils.loadCert(utils.addPEMCertHeaders(keyStr))
                key = cert.public_key()
                keyId = value['id']
                key = utils.loadPubKey(utils.addPEMPubKeyHeaders(keyStr))

            keyStore.putKey(keyId, key, cert)

        return keyStore
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def readStore(config):
        Reads a key store from the given config parser and returns it as an
        object. The used parser must not modify the case of the keys.
        :param config: The config parser.
        :return: A KeyStore object.

        keyStore = KeyStore()

        if config.has_section('certificates'):
            for keyId, certStr in config.items('certificates'):
                keyId = keyId.replace('s;', 'S:')
                keyId = keyId.replace('u;', 'U:')
                keyId = keyId.replace('g;', 'G:')
                cert = utils.loadCert(utils.addPEMCertHeaders(certStr))
                key = cert.public_key()
                keyStore.putKey(keyId, key, cert)
        if config.has_section('public_keys'):
            for keyId, keyStr in config.items('public_keys'):
                keyId = keyId.replace('s;', 'S:')
                keyId = keyId.replace('u;', 'U:')
                keyId = keyId.replace('g;', 'G:')
                key = utils.loadPubKey(utils.addPEMPubKeyHeaders(keyStr))
                keyStore.putKey(keyId, key, None)

        return keyStore
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parseDEPCert(cert_str):
    Turns a certificate string as used in a DEP into a certificate object.
    :param cert_str: A certificate in PEM format without header and footer
    and on a single line.
    :return: A cryptography certificate object.
    :throws: MalformedCertificateException
    if not isinstance(cert_str, string_types):
        raise MalformedCertificateException(cert_str)

        return utils.loadCert(utils.addPEMCertHeaders(cert_str))
    except ValueError:
        raise MalformedCertificateException(cert_str)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def putPEMCert(self, pemCert):
        cert = utils.loadCert(pemCert)
        pubKey = cert.public_key()
        serial = numSerialToKeyId(cert.serial)

        self.keydict[serial] = KeyTuple(serial, pubKey, cert)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    cert = None
    sigsystem = None
    keyf = None
    num = 0
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        sigsystem = sigsys.SignatureSystemATrustMobile("u123456789",
                "123456789", "misc/A-Trust-Stamm.pem")
        keyf = sys.argv[1]
        num = int(sys.argv[2])
    elif len(sys.argv) == 5:
        priv = None
        with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
            priv = f.read()
        serial = None
        with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
            cert = utils.loadCert(f.read())
            serial = "%x" % abs(cert.serial)

        sigsystem = sigsys.SignatureSystemWorking("AT77", serial, priv)
        keyf = sys.argv[3]
        num = int(sys.argv[4])
    elif len(sys.argv) == 6:
        priv = None
        with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
            priv = f.read()
        serial = sys.argv[3]

        sigsystem = sigsys.SignatureSystemWorking("AT0", serial, priv)
        keyf = sys.argv[4]
        num = int(sys.argv[5])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def runTest(spec, keymat, closed=False, tcSize=None):
    Creates a DEP and a crypto container structure according to the given
    test specification. In addition to the specification elements that the
    reference implementation uses, this function also understands the
    "decimalSerial", "turnoverCounterSize", "includePublicKey",
    "multipleGroups", "certChainLength", "omitSignCert", "omitRootCert",
    "certChainFailure" and "certChainSerialCollision" elements in the root
    dictionary and the "annotateTurnoverCounter", "override" and
    "beginNewDEP" elements in the dictionaries in the
    "cashBoxInstructionList" element.
    :param spec: The test specification as a dict structure.
    :param keymat: The key material as a list of tuples with the public key/
    certificate in the first element and the private key in the second
    element. The length of the list must be equal to the number of signature
    devices in the test specification. For a closed system public keys must
    be used, for an open system certificates must be used.
    :param closed: Indicates whether the system is a closed system (True) or
    an open system (False).
    :param tcSize: The size of the turnover counter in bytes. If this is
    omitted, the size is read from the specification. If the size is not
    set in the specification, 8 bytes are used.
    :return: A dict structure of the DEP and a dict structure of the crypto
    if len(keymat) != spec['numberOfSignatureDevices']:
        raise Exception(_('Need key material for {} signature devices, got {} key pairs.').format(
        spec['numberOfSignatureDevices'], len(keymat)))

    key = base64.b64decode(spec['base64AesKey'])

    turnoverCounterSize = spec.get('turnoverCounterSize', 8)
    if tcSize:
        turnoverCounterSize = tcSize

    register = cashreg.CashRegister(spec['cashBoxId'], None,
            int(0.0 * 100), key, turnoverCounterSize)

    keyStore = key_store.KeyStore()

    zda = 'AT0' if closed else 'AT77'

    doGroups = spec.get('multipleGroups', False)
    chainLength = spec.get('certChainLength',
            [0] * spec['numberOfSignatureDevices'])
    omitSignCert = spec.get('omitSignCert',
            [False] * spec['numberOfSignatureDevices'])
    omitRootCert = spec.get('omitRootCert',
            [False] * spec['numberOfSignatureDevices'])
    certChainFailure = spec.get('certChainFailure',
            [0] * spec['numberOfSignatureDevices'])
    certChainSerialCollision = spec.get('certChainSerialCollision',
            [False] * spec['numberOfSignatureDevices'])

    sigsBroken = list()
    sigsWorking = list()
    groupCerts = list()
    for i in range(spec['numberOfSignatureDevices']):
        serial = None
        certList = list()
        privObj = utils.loadPrivKey(keymat[i][1])
        if closed:
            serial = "%s-K%d" % (spec['companyID'], i)
            pubObj = utils.loadPubKey(keymat[i][0])
            cserial = utils.makeCertSerial()
            certList.append(utils.makeSignedCert(pubObj, serial, 365,
                cserial, privObj))
            numSerial = certList[-1].serial
            for j in range(chainLength[i], 0, -1):
                s, p = utils.makeES256Keypair()
                numSerial = utils.makeCertSerial()
                if j == certChainFailure[i]:
                    privObj = s
                c = utils.makeSignedCert(p, 'intermediate {} in {}'.format(
                    j, i), 365, numSerial, privObj, certList[0])
                privObj = s
                certList.insert(0, c)

            if spec.get('decimalSerial', False):
                serial = ('%d' % abs(numSerial))
                serial = key_store.numSerialToKeyId(numSerial)

        if (not closed or doGroups) and not omitRootCert[i]:
            if certChainSerialCollision[i]:
                s, p = utils.makeES256Keypair()
                tlCert = utils.makeSignedCert(p, 'fake root {}'.format(i),
                        365, certList[0].serial, s)
                tlCert = certList[-1]
            certPEM = utils.addPEMCertHeaders(

        if closed or spec.get('includePublicKey', False):
            kid = "%s-K%d" % (spec['companyID'], i)
            keyStore.putKey(kid, certList[0].public_key(), None)

        sigB = sigsys.SignatureSystemBroken(zda, serial)
        sigW = sigsys.SignatureSystemWorking(zda, serial, privObj)

        if omitSignCert[i]:
            certList = [None]


    exporter = depexport.DEPExporter()
    deps = list()
    lastStartJWS = None
    previousClusterDEPIdx = 0

    override = dict()
    receipts = list()
    prevSigId = None
    expectedTurnover = None
    for recI in spec['cashBoxInstructionList']:
        receiptId = recI['receiptIdentifier']
        dateTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(recI['dateToUse'],

        sumA = recI['simplifiedReceipt']['taxSetNormal']
        sumB = recI['simplifiedReceipt']['taxSetErmaessigt1']
        sumC = recI['simplifiedReceipt']['taxSetErmaessigt2']
        sumD = recI['simplifiedReceipt']['taxSetNull']
        sumE = recI['simplifiedReceipt']['taxSetBesonders']

        sigId = recI['usedSignatureDevice']

        sig = None
        if recI['signatureDeviceDamaged']:
            sig = sigsBroken[sigId]
            sig = sigsWorking[sigId]

        newDEP = recI.get('beginNewDEP', 'NO_NEW_DEP')
        override = recI.get('override', dict())

        if newDEP == 'NEW_CLUSTER_DEP' and lastStartJWS:
            register.lastReceiptSig = lastStartJWS
            register.turnoverCounter = 0
            lastStartJWS = None

        if doGroups and prevSigId is not None:
            if newDEP != 'NO_NEW_DEP' or prevSigId != sigId:
                exporter.addGroup(receipts, groupCerts[prevSigId][0],
                receipts = list()
            if newDEP != 'NO_NEW_DEP':
                receipts = list()

        if newDEP != 'NO_NEW_DEP':
            if expectedTurnover:
                exporter.addExtra('Umsatz-gesamt', expectedTurnover)
            dep = exporter.export()
            exporter = depexport.DEPExporter()
            if newDEP == 'NEW_CLUSTER_DEP':
                exporter.addExtra('Vorheriges-DEP', previousClusterDEPIdx)
                exporter.addExtra('Vorheriges-DEP', len(deps))
                exporter.addExtra('Fortgesetztes-DEP', True)

        expectedTurnover = recI.get('annotateTurnoverCounter', None)

        dummy = False
        reversal = False
        if 'typeOfReceipt' in recI:
            if recI['typeOfReceipt'] == 'STORNO_BELEG':
                reversal = True
            if recI['typeOfReceipt'] == 'TRAINING_BELEG':
                dummy = True

        rec = register.receipt('R1', receiptId, dateTime, sumA, sumB,
                sumC, sumD, sumE, sig, dummy, reversal, override)
        algorithmPrefix = override.get('algorithmPrefix', 'R1')
        receipts.append((rec, algorithmPrefix))

        if not lastStartJWS:
            lastStartJWS = rec.toJWSString(algorithmPrefix)
            previousClusterDEPIdx = len(deps)

        prevSigId = sigId

    if doGroups:
        exporter.addGroup(receipts, groupCerts[prevSigId][0],

    if expectedTurnover:
        exporter.addExtra('Umsatz-gesamt', expectedTurnover)

    ksJson = keyStore.writeStoreToJson(spec['base64AesKey'])

    return deps, ksJson