Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_load_runconfig_python_invalid_python_file():
    Unit test to check the load_runconfig_python function with invalid inputs
    workspace = object()
    runconfig_python_file = "invalid.py"
    runconfig_python_function_name = ""
    run_config = load_runconfig_python(
    assert run_config is None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Loading azure credentials
    print("::debug::Loading azure credentials")
    azure_credentials = os.environ.get("INPUT_AZURE_CREDENTIALS", default="{}")
        azure_credentials = json.loads(azure_credentials)
    except JSONDecodeError:
            "::error::Please paste output of `az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <your-sp-name> --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<your-subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<your-rg> --sdk-auth` as value of secret variable: AZURE_CREDENTIALS"
        raise AMLConfigurationException(
            "Incorrect or poorly formed output from azure credentials saved in AZURE_CREDENTIALS secret. See setup in https://github.com/Azure/aml-workspace/blob/master/README.md"

    # Checking provided parameters
    print("::debug::Checking provided parameters")

    # Mask values
    print("::debug::Masking parameters")
    mask_parameter(parameter=azure_credentials.get("tenantId", ""))
    mask_parameter(parameter=azure_credentials.get("clientId", ""))
    mask_parameter(parameter=azure_credentials.get("clientSecret", ""))
    mask_parameter(parameter=azure_credentials.get("subscriptionId", ""))

    # Loading parameters file
    print("::debug::Loading parameters file")
    parameters_file = os.environ.get("INPUT_PARAMETERS_FILE",
    parameters_file_path = os.path.join(".cloud", ".azure", parameters_file)
        with open(parameters_file_path) as f:
            parameters = json.load(f)
    except FileNotFoundError:
            f"::debug::Could not find parameter file in {parameters_file_path}. Please provide a parameter file in your repository if you do not want to use default settings (e.g. .cloud/.azure/run.json)."
        parameters = {}

    # Checking provided parameters
    print("::debug::Checking provided parameters")

    # Define target cloud
    if azure_credentials.get(
        cloud = "AzureUSGovernment"
    elif azure_credentials.get(
        cloud = "AzureChinaCloud"
        cloud = "AzureCloud"

    # Loading Workspace
    print("::debug::Loading AML Workspace")
    sp_auth = ServicePrincipalAuthentication(
        tenant_id=azure_credentials.get("tenantId", ""),
        service_principal_id=azure_credentials.get("clientId", ""),
        service_principal_password=azure_credentials.get("clientSecret", ""),
    config_file_path = os.environ.get("GITHUB_WORKSPACE",
    config_file_name = "aml_arm_config.json"
        ws = Workspace.from_config(path=config_file_path,
    except AuthenticationException as exception:
            f"::error::Could not retrieve user token. Please paste output of `az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <your-sp-name> --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<your-subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<your-rg> --sdk-auth` as value of secret variable: AZURE_CREDENTIALS: {exception}"
        raise AuthenticationException
    except AuthenticationError as exception:
        print(f"::error::Microsoft REST Authentication Error: {exception}")
        raise AuthenticationError
    except AdalError as exception:
            f"::error::Active Directory Authentication Library Error: {exception}"
        raise AdalError
    except ProjectSystemException as exception:
        print(f"::error::Workspace authorizationfailed: {exception}")
        raise ProjectSystemException

    # Create experiment
    print("::debug::Creating experiment")
        # Default experiment name
        repository_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPOSITORY").split("/")[-1]
        branch_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF").split("/")[-1]
        default_experiment_name = f"{repository_name}-{branch_name}"

        experiment = Experiment(
    except TypeError as exception:
        experiment_name = parameters.get("experiment", None)
            f"::error::Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}"
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(
            f"Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}"
    except UserErrorException as exception:
        experiment_name = parameters.get("experiment", None)
            f"::error::Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}"
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(
            f"Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}"

    # Loading run config
    print("::debug::Loading run config")
    run_config = None
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading run config from runconfig yaml file
        print("::debug::Loading run config from runconfig yaml file")
        run_config = load_runconfig_yaml(runconfig_yaml_file=parameters.get(
            "runconfig_yaml_file", "code/train/run_config.yml"))
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading run config from pipeline yaml file
        print("::debug::Loading run config from pipeline yaml file")
        run_config = load_pipeline_yaml(workspace=ws,
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading run config from python runconfig file
        print("::debug::Loading run config from python runconfig file")
        run_config = load_runconfig_python(
                "runconfig_python_function_name", "main"))
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading values for errors
        pipeline_yaml_file = parameters.get("pipeline_yaml_file",
        runconfig_yaml_file = parameters.get("runconfig_yaml_file",
        runconfig_python_file = parameters.get("runconfig_python_file",
        runconfig_python_function_name = parameters.get(
            "runconfig_python_function_name", "main")

            f"::error::Error when loading runconfig yaml definition your repository (Path: /{runconfig_yaml_file})."
            f"::error::Error when loading pipeline yaml definition your repository (Path: /{pipeline_yaml_file})."
            f"::error::Error when loading python script or function in your repository which defines the experiment config (Script path: '/{runconfig_python_file}', Function: '{runconfig_python_function_name}()')."
            "::error::You have to provide either a yaml definition for your run, a yaml definition of your pipeline or a python script, which returns a runconfig (Pipeline, ScriptRunConfig, AutoMlConfig, Estimator, etc.). Please read the documentation for more details."
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(
            "You have to provide a yaml definition for your run, a yaml definition of your pipeline or a python script, which returns a runconfig. Please read the documentation for more details."

    # Submit run config
    print("::debug::Submitting experiment config")
        # Defining default tags
        print("::debug::Defining default tags")
        default_tags = {
            "GITHUB_ACTOR": os.environ.get("GITHUB_ACTOR"),
            "GITHUB_REPOSITORY": os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPOSITORY"),
            "GITHUB_SHA": os.environ.get("GITHUB_SHA"),
            "GITHUB_REF": os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF")

        run = experiment.submit(config=run_config,
                                tags=dict(parameters.get("tags", {}),
    except AzureMLException as exception:
            f"::error::Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}"
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(
            f"Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}"
    except TypeError as exception:
            f"::error::Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}"
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(
            f"Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}"

    # Create outputs
    print("::debug::Creating outputs")
    print(f"::set-output name=experiment_name::{run.experiment.name}")
    print(f"::set-output name=run_id::{run.id}")
    print(f"::set-output name=run_url::{run.get_portal_url()}")

    # Waiting for run to complete
    print("::debug::Waiting for run to complete")
    if parameters.get("wait_for_completion", True):

        # Creating additional outputs of finished run
        run_metrics = run.get_metrics(recursive=True)
        print(f"::set-output name=run_metrics::{run_metrics}")
        run_metrics_markdown = convert_to_markdown(run_metrics)
            f"::set-output name=run_metrics_markdown::{run_metrics_markdown}")

        # Download artifacts if enabled
        if parameters.get("download_artifacts", False):
            # Defining artifacts folder
            print("::debug::Defining artifacts folder")
            root_path = os.environ.get("GITHUB_WORKSPACE", default=None)
            folder_name = f"aml_artifacts_{run.id}"
            artifact_path = os.path.join(root_path, folder_name)

            # Downloading artifacts
            print("::debug::Downloading artifacts")
                output_directory=os.path.join(artifact_path, "parent"))
            children = run.get_children(recursive=True)
            for i, child in enumerate(children):
                    output_directory=os.path.join(artifact_path, f"child_{i}"))

            # Creating additional outputs
            print(f"::set-output name=artifact_path::{artifact_path}")

    # Publishing pipeline
    print("::debug::Publishing pipeline")
    if type(run) is PipelineRun and parameters.get("publish_pipeline", False):
        # Default pipeline name
        repository_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPOSITORY").split("/")[-1]
        branch_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF").split("/")[-1]
        default_pipeline_name = f"{repository_name}-{branch_name}"

        published_pipeline = run.publish_pipeline(
            name=parameters.get("pipeline_name", default_pipeline_name),
            description="Pipeline registered by GitHub Run Action",
            version=parameters.get("pipeline_version", None),
                "pipeline_continue_on_step_failure", False))

        # Creating additional outputs
            f"::set-output name=published_pipeline_id::{published_pipeline.id}"
            f"::set-output name=published_pipeline_status::{published_pipeline.status}"
            f"::set-output name=published_pipeline_endpoint::{published_pipeline.endpoint}"
    elif parameters.get("publish_pipeline", False):
            "::error::Could not register pipeline because you did not pass a pipeline to the action"

    print("::debug::Successfully finished Azure Machine Learning Train Action")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def submitRun(ws, parameters):
    # Create experiment
    print("::debug::Creating experiment")
        # Default experiment name
        repository_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPOSITORY").split("/")[-1]
        branch_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF").split("/")[-1]
        default_experiment_name = f"{repository_name}-{branch_name}"

        experiment = Experiment(
            name=parameters.get("experiment_name", default_experiment_name)[:36]
    except TypeError as exception:
        experiment_name = parameters.get("experiment", None)
        print(f"::error::Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}")
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(f"Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}")
    except UserErrorException as exception:
        experiment_name = parameters.get("experiment", None)
        print(f"::error::Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}")
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(f"Could not create an experiment with the specified name {experiment_name}: {exception}")

    # Loading run config
    print("::debug::Loading run config")
    run_config = None
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading run config from runconfig yaml file
        print("::debug::Loading run config from runconfig yaml file")
        run_config = load_runconfig_yaml(
            runconfig_yaml_file=parameters.get("runconfig_yaml_file", "code/train/run_config.yml")
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading run config from pipeline yaml file
        print("::debug::Loading run config from pipeline yaml file")
        run_config = load_pipeline_yaml(
            pipeline_yaml_file=parameters.get("pipeline_yaml_file", "code/train/pipeline.yml")
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading run config from python runconfig file
        print("::debug::Loading run config from python runconfig file")
        run_config = load_runconfig_python(
            runconfig_python_file=parameters.get("runconfig_python_file", "code/train/run_config.py"),
            runconfig_python_function_name=parameters.get("runconfig_python_function_name", "main")
    if run_config is None:
        # Loading values for errors
        pipeline_yaml_file = parameters.get("pipeline_yaml_file", "code/train/pipeline.yml")
        runconfig_yaml_file = parameters.get("runconfig_yaml_file", "code/train/run_config.yml")
        runconfig_python_file = parameters.get("runconfig_python_file", "code/train/run_config.py")
        runconfig_python_function_name = parameters.get("runconfig_python_function_name", "main")

        print(f"::error::Error when loading runconfig yaml definition your repository (Path: /{runconfig_yaml_file}).")
        print(f"::error::Error when loading pipeline yaml definition your repository (Path: /{pipeline_yaml_file}).")
        print(f"::error::Error when loading python script or function in your repository which defines the experiment config (Script path: '/{runconfig_python_file}', Function: '{runconfig_python_function_name}()').")
        print("::error::You have to provide a yaml definition for your run, a yaml definition of your pipeline or a python script, which returns a runconfig. Please read the documentation for more details.")
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException("You have to provide a yaml definition for your run, a yaml definition of your pipeline or a python script, which returns a runconfig. Please read the documentation for more details.")

    # Submit run config
    print("::debug::Submitting experiment config")
        run = experiment.submit(
            tags=parameters.get("tags", {})
    except AzureMLException as exception:
        print(f"::error::Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}")
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(f"Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}")
    except TypeError as exception:
        print(f"::error::Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}")
        raise AMLExperimentConfigurationException(f"Could not submit experiment config. Your script passed object of type {type(run_config)}. Object must be correctly configured and of type e.g. estimator, pipeline, etc.: {exception}")

    # Create outputs
    print("::debug::Creating outputs")
    print(f"::set-output name=experiment_name::{run.experiment.name}")
    print(f"::set-output name=run_id::{run.id}")
    print(f"::set-output name=run_url::{run.get_portal_url()}")

    # we can publish the pipeline without waiting for run to be finished. need to verify it
    # Publishing pipeline
    print("::debug::Publishing pipeline")
    if type(run) is PipelineRun and parameters.get("publish_pipeline", False):
        # Default pipeline name
        repository_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPOSITORY").split("/")[-1]
        branch_name = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF").split("/")[-1]
        default_pipeline_name = f"{repository_name}-{branch_name}"

        published_pipeline = run.publish_pipeline(
            name=parameters.get("pipeline_name", default_pipeline_name),
            description="Pipeline registered by GitHub Run Action",
            version=parameters.get("pipeline_version", None),
            continue_on_step_failure=parameters.get("pipeline_continue_on_step_failure", False)

        # Creating additional outputs
        print(f"::set-output name=published_pipeline_id::{published_pipeline.id}")
        print(f"::set-output name=published_pipeline_status::{published_pipeline.status}")
        print(f"::set-output name=published_pipeline_endpoint::{published_pipeline.endpoint}")
    elif parameters.get("publish_pipeline", False):
        print(f"::error::Could not register pipeline because you did not pass a pipeline to the action")

    print("::debug::Successfully finished Azure Machine Learning Train Action")

    wait_for_completion = False
    # as we don't want to wait here, we just return the run object from here.
    if parameters.get("wait_for_completion", True):
        wait_for_completion = True

    return (run, wait_for_completion)