Ejemplo n.º 1
def verify_getDiskAllocatedToISCSI(result, mountpoint):
    startTime = ctime()
    if result[0] == 'PASSED' and mountpoint in str(result[1]):
        logging.debug('iscsi logged device... %s', result[1][mountpoint])
        return result[1][mountpoint]
    endTime = ctime()
    msg = 'Not able to get iscsi logged device'
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def verify_vdbench_during_prop_edit(volname):
    logging.info('Sleeping for 10s....')
    time.sleep(10)  #waiting 10s before editing other properties
    logging.info('Checking whether vdbench is still running or not....')
    check_vdbench = is_vdbench_alive(volname)
    if not check_vdbench:
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'Vdbench has stopped running after editing lun attributes'
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def verify_iscsi_operation(result, vol_name, action):
    if result[0] == 'PASSED':
        logging.debug('%s successfully for iSCSI LUN %s', action, vol_name)
    if 'already exists' in str(result[1]):
        logging.debug('iscsi LUN %s is already loged in, lets go ahead and' \
                'get the iscsi device name', vol_name)
    endTime = ctime()
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def nfsShareMount(volume):
    ### Mounting NFS shares
    logging.info("Mounting NFS Shares '%s'", volume['name'])
    nfsMount = mountNFS(volume)
    if nfsMount == 'PASSED':
        logging.info('Mounted Nfs Share "%s" successfully', volume['name'])
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'failed to mount NFS share "%s"' % volume['name']
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def nfsShareUnmount(volume):
    ### Unmounting NFS shares
    logging.info('Unmounting NFS shares "%s"', volume['name'])
    nfsUnmount = umountVolume(volume)
    if nfsUnmount == 'PASSED':
        logging.info('NFS share "%s" unmounted successfully', volume['name'])
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'failed to Unmount NFS share "%s"' % volume['name']
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def file_compare(firstFile, secondFile, prptName):
    logging.info('Comparing QOS result files...')
    qos_output = executeCmdNegative('diff %s %s' % (firstFile, secondFile))
    logging.debug('compared result is %s', (qos_output))
    if qos_output[0] == 'FAILED':
        msg = 'Qos values are same after updating "%s"' % prptName
        endTime = ctime()
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
    elif qos_output[0] == 'PASSED':
        msg = 'Qos values are different after updating "%s"' % prptName
        logging.debug('%s', msg)
        logging.error('Failed to compare files having qos values')
        print "problem in comparing files"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def file_compare(file1, file2, state):
    logging.info('Comparing Iops result files...')
    cmp_output = executeCmdNegative('diff %s %s' %(file1, file2))
    logging.debug('compared result is %s', (cmp_output))
    endTime = ctime()
    if cmp_output[0] == 'FAILED':
        msg = 'IOPs are not running %s adding clients to exports' %state
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
    elif cmp_output[0] == 'PASSED':
        msg = 'IOPs are running fine %s adding clients to exports' %(state)
        logging.debug('%s', msg)
        logging.error('Failed to compare files having IOPS values')
        print "problem in comparing files"
Ejemplo n.º 8
def addVol_client_Mount(vol, stdurl, tsmID, tsmName, ClientIP):
    startTime = ctime()
    result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
    if result[0] == 'FAILED':
        endTime = ctime()
        print result[1]
        logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
        print "Volume '%s' created successfully" % (vol['name'])

    startTime = ctime()
    logging.info('Listing volumes in the TSM "%s" w.r.t its TSM ID', tsmName)
    volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
    if volList[0] == 'PASSED':
        logging.info('Volumes present in the TSM "%s"', tsmName)
        endTime = ctime()
        print 'Not able to list Volumes in TSM "%s" due to: ' \
                %(tsmName) + volList[1]
        logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)

    volume_name = vol['name']
    get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volume_name)
    volname, volid, vol_mntPoint = get_volInfo[1], get_volInfo[2], get_volInfo[
    logging.debug('volname: %s, volid: %s, vol_mntPoint: %s',\
            volname, volid, vol_mntPoint)

    startTime = ctime()
    addClient = addNFSclient(stdurl, volid, ClientIP)
    if addClient[0] == 'PASSED':
        print 'Added NFS client "%s" to volume "%s"' % (ClientIP, volname)
        logging.info('Added NFS client "%s" to volume "%s"', \
                        ClientIP, volname)
        endTime = ctime()
        logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', addClient[1], startTime, endTime)

    volume = {'TSMIPAddress' : tsmIP, 'mountPoint': vol_mntPoint,\
                'name' : volname}

    startTime = ctime()
    logging.info("Mounting NFS Share '%s'", volname)
    nfsMount = mountNFS(volume)
    if nfsMount == 'PASSED':
        logging.info('Mounted Nfs Share "%s" successfully', volume['name'])
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'failed to mount NFS share "%s"' % volume['name']
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)

    return [volume, volid]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def space_increase_nfs(stdurl, tsmID):
    startTime = ctime()
    volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
    endTime = ctime()
    if volList[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)
    get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volname)
    vol_quota = get_volInfo[6]
    logging.debug('volume size is: %s', vol_quota)
    logging.info('Increasing space of NFS volume')
    vol_quota1 = vol_quota.strip('G')
    quota = int(vol_quota1) + 2
    quota = '%sG' % quota
    quota1 = quota.rstrip('G')
    edit_quota = edit_vol_quota(volid, quota, stdurl)
    if edit_quota[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', edit_quota[1], startTime, endTime)
    logging.debug('Successfully updated quota of volume "%s" from %s to %s'\
                    ,volname, vol_quota, quota)
    logging.info('verifying quota update of client side')
    mountDetails1 = mountPointDetails('-h', mount_point)
    size = mountDetails1[1].strip('G')
    if float(size) == float(quota1):
        logging.debug('Quota on client after size update is : %sG', size)
        logging.debug('Quota of Nfs share has been updated on client side')
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'Size is not updated on client side, current size is : %s' % size
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
def space_increase_iscsi(stdurl, tsmID, tsmIP, volname, volid, vol_iqn,
    startTime = ctime()
    logout_result = iscsi_login_logout(vol_iqn, tsmIP, 'logout')
    if logout_result[0] == 'FAILED':
        logging.error('%s', logout_result[1])
    logging.debug('%s', logout_result[1])
    volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
    endTime = ctime()
    if volList[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)
    get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volname)
    vol_quota = get_volInfo[6]
    logging.debug('volume size is: %s', vol_quota)
    logging.info('Increasing space of Iscsi volume')
    vol_quota1 = vol_quota.strip('G')
    quota = int(vol_quota1) + 2
    quota = '%sG' % quota
    quota1 = quota.rstrip('G')
    edit_quota = edit_vol_quota(volid, quota, stdurl)
    if edit_quota[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', edit_quota[1], startTime, endTime)
    logging.debug('Successfully updated quota of volume "%s" from %s to %s'\
   ,volname, vol_quota, quota)
    get_quota = iscsi_get_quota(tsmIP, vol_iqn, vol_mntPoint)
    endTime = ctime()
    if get_quota[0] == 'FAILED':
        logginig.error('After editting quota: %s', get_quota[1])
        logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)
    quota2 = get_quota[1]
    quota3 = '%sG' % quota2
    logging.debug('Size of lun after quota update on client : %s', quota3)
    if float(quota2) == float(quota1):
        logging.debug('Quota of iSCSI has been updated on client side ')
        msg = 'Size is not updated on client side, current size is : %s' % size
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 11
logging.info('----Start of testcase "%s"----', testcase)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Argument are not correct, Please provide as follows"
    print "python provision_deprovision_nfs_iscsi.py conf.txt "
    logging.debug('----Ending script because of parameter mismatch----')

config = configFile(sys.argv)
api_key = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, api_key[1])

startTime = ctime()
verify_tsmIP = verify_tsmIP_from_configFile(config, stdurl)
endTime = ctime()
if verify_tsmIP[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', verify_tsmIP[1], startTime, endTime)

tsmIP = verify_tsmIP[1]
tsmInterface = verify_tsmIP[2]

#----------create pool---------------
startTime = ctime()
poolName = 'nPoolPD'
pool_create = pool_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, 2, 'SAS', 'mirror')
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('%s', pool_create[1])
#----------create tsm---------------------
startTime = ctime()
Ejemplo n.º 12
startTime = ctime()
infile = '/etc/default/useradd'
HOME = getoutput('cat /etc/default/useradd | grep HOME | cut -d  "=" -f 2')
HOME = HOME[0].rstrip('\n')
usr1 = 'user1'
pwd = 'test123'
usr2 = 'user2'

list_tsm = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsm_ip)
if list_tsm[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('Tsm present with the given IP "%s"', tsm_ip)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list list_tsms due to: ' + list_tsm[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', list_tsm[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(list_tsm[1])
tsm_id = get_tsmInfo[0]
tsm_name = get_tsmInfo[1]
dataset_id = get_tsmInfo[2]
logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsm_name, tsm_id, dataset_id)

vol = {'name': 'NFSHome', 'tsmid': tsm_id, 'datasetid': dataset_id, \
        'protocoltype': 'NFS', 'iops': 500}

result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
if result[0] == 'PASSED':
    print "Volume '%s' created successfully" % (vol['name'])
Ejemplo n.º 13
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsmIP)
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if tsmList[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
    tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
    datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsmName, tsmID, datasetID)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Tsm  "%s" due to: ' \
        %(tsmIP) + tsmList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting account Name and ID')
accountName = tsmList[1][0].get('accountname')
account_id = tsmList[1][0].get('accountid')
logging.debug('account_Name: %s, account_id: %s', accountName, account_id)
#------------Volume details-------------------
vol = {'name': 'iscsiAuto', 'tsmid': tsmID, 'datasetid': datasetID, \
                'protocoltype': 'ISCSI', 'iops': 400}

result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    print result
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 14
#listing tsm and getting required details
startTime = ctime()
list_tsm = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if 'PASSED' in list_tsm:
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(list_tsm[1])
    tsm_id = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsm_name = get_tsmInfo[1]
    dataset_id = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
                tsm_name, tsm_id, dataset_id)
    endTime = ctime()
    print list_tsm[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', list_tsm[1], startTime, endTime)

## creating volume and getting required details
vol = {'name': 'nfsVolInUse', 'tsmid': tsm_id, 'datasetid': dataset_id, \
                        'protocoltype': 'NFS', 'iops': 100}
startTime = ctime()
result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    print result[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
    print "Volume '%s' created successfully" %(vol['name'])

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing volumes in the TSM "%s" w.r.t its TSM ID', tsm_name)
Ejemplo n.º 15
conf = configFile(sys.argv)
apikey = get_apikey(conf)
stdurl = get_url(conf, apikey[1])
tsmIP = conf['ipVSM2']

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsmIP)
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if tsmList[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Tsm  "%s" due to: ' \
            %(tsmIP) + tsmList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)

get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsmName, tsmID, datasetID)
path = tsmList[1][0]['storageBuckets'][0]['path']

volume = {'name': 'iscsiVolcreate', 'tsmid': tsmID, 'datasetid': datasetID, \
        'protocoltype': 'ISCSI', 'iops': 123, 'compression': 'on', \
        'recordsize': '64k', 'latency': 25}

startTime = ctime()
result = create_volume(volume, stdurl)
Ejemplo n.º 16
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsmIP)
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if tsmList[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
    tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
    datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
        tsmName, tsmID, datasetID)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Tsm  "%s" due to: ' \
            %(tsmIP) + tsmList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)

vol1 = {'name': 'nfsDataset1', 'tsmid': tsmID, \
    'datasetid': datasetID, 'protocoltype': 'NFS', 'iops': 200}

#creating volume and mouting the same
final_result1 = addVol_client_Mount(vol1, stdurl, tsmID, tsmName, ClientIP)

#running vdbench on the first volume
logging.info('Running vdbench  by using file')
exe1 = executeVdbenchFile(final_result1[0], VdbFile)
logging.info('waiting for 30s for vdbench to run on first dataset')
check_vdbench1 = is_vdbench_alive(vol1['name'])
Ejemplo n.º 17
#listing tsm and getting required details
startTime = ctime()
list_tsm = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if list_tsm[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(list_tsm[1])
    tsm_id = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsm_name = get_tsmInfo[1]
    dataset_id = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
                tsm_name, tsm_id, dataset_id)
    endTime = ctime()
    print list_tsm[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', list_tsm[1], startTime, endTime)

## Creating volume and getting required details
vol = {'name': 'NfsVolInfo', 'tsmid': tsm_id, 'datasetid': dataset_id, \
            'protocoltype': 'NFS', 'iops': 100}
startTime = ctime()
result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    print result
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
    print "Volume '%s' created successfully" % (vol['name'])

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing volumes in the TSM "%s" w.r.t its TSM ID', tsm_name)
Ejemplo n.º 18
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsmIP)
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if tsmList[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
    tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
    datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsmName, tsmID, datasetID)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Tsm  "%s" due to: ' \
            %(tsmIP) + tsmList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting account Name and ID')
accountName = tsmList[1][0].get('accountname')
account_id = tsmList[1][0].get('accountid')
logging.debug('account_Name: %s, account_id: %s', accountName, account_id)

vol = {'name': 'iscsiMountUmount', 'tsmid': tsmID, 'datasetid': datasetID, \
        'protocoltype': 'ISCSI', 'iops': 500}

startTime = ctime()
result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    print result
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 19
logging.info('----Start of testcase "%s"----', testcase)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Argument are not correct, Please provide as follows"
    print "python provision_deprovision_nfs_iscsi.py conf.txt "
    logging.debug('----Ending script because of parameter mismatch----')

config = configFile(sys.argv)
api_key = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, api_key[1])

startTime = ctime()
verify_tsmIP = verify_tsmIP_from_configFile(config, stdurl)
endTime = ctime()
if verify_tsmIP[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', verify_tsmIP[1], startTime, endTime)

tsmIP = verify_tsmIP[1]
tsmInterface = verify_tsmIP[2]

#----------create pool---------------
startTime = ctime()
poolName = 'iPoolPD'
pool_create = pool_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, 2, 'SAS', 'mirror')
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('%s', pool_create[1])
#----------create tsm---------------------
startTime = ctime()
Ejemplo n.º 20


#**************PREREQUSITES: POOL AND VSM CREATION*****************************

####-------------------------Pool creation---------------------------------####
poolName = 'nPoolspace'
pool_paras = {'name': poolName, 'grouptype': pool_type, \
                'iops': pool_iops}

startTime = ctime()
pool_create = pool_creation_flow(stdurl, pool_paras, no_of_disk, disk_type)
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('Pool "%s" is created successfully', poolName)

####--------------------------Vsm creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
tsm_params = {'name': 'nTsmSpace', 'ipaddress': tsmIP, 'totaliops': pool_iops, \
        'tntinterface': tsmInterface}
tsm_create = tsm_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, acctName, tsm_params)
endTime = ctime()
if tsm_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', tsm_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('%s', tsm_create[1])

#***************Listing VSM and extracting IDs*********************************
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)


#**************PREREQUSITES: POOL AND VSM CREATION*****************************

####-------------------------Pool creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
poolName = 'iPoolspace'
pool_paras = {'name': poolName, 'grouptype': pool_type, \
                        'iops': pool_iops}
pool_create = pool_creation_flow(stdurl, pool_paras, no_of_disk, disk_type)
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('Pool "%s" is created successfully', poolName)

####--------------------------Vsm creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
tsm_params = {'name': 'iTsmSpace', 'ipaddress': tsmIP, 'totaliops': pool_iops, \
        'tntinterface': tsmInterface}
tsm_create = tsm_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, acctName, tsm_params)
endTime = ctime()
if tsm_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', tsm_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('%s', tsm_create[1])

#***************Listing VSM and extracting IDs*********************************
startTime = ctime()
Ejemplo n.º 22
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Argument are not correct, Please provide as follows"
    print "python provision_deprovision_nfs_iscsi.py conf.txt "
    logging.debug('----Ending script because of parameter mismatch----')

config = configFile(sys.argv)
api_key = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, api_key[1])
link_iso = ''

startTime = ctime()
verify_tsmIP = verify_tsmIP_from_configFile(config, stdurl)
endTime = ctime()
if verify_tsmIP[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', verify_tsmIP[1], startTime, endTime)

tsmIP = verify_tsmIP[1]
tsmInterface = verify_tsmIP[2]

#---------create pool--------
poolName = 'iPoolspace'
pool_create =  pool_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, 2, 'SAS', 'mirror')
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('Pool "%s" is created successfully', poolName)
#----------create tsm---------------------
startTime = ctime()
acctName = 'Account'
Ejemplo n.º 23
config = configFile(sys.argv)
apikey = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, apikey[1])
prtcl = sys.argv[2]
tsm_ip = config['ipVSM1']

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsm_ip)
tsm_list = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsm_ip)
if tsm_list[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsm_ip)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list TSMs due to: ' + tsm_list[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsm_list[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
#get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(list_tsm[1]) -- ERROR
get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsm_list[1])
tsm_id, tsm_name, dataset_id = get_tsmInfo[0], get_tsmInfo[1], get_tsmInfo[2]
logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
                    tsm_name, tsm_id, dataset_id)

volume1 = {'name': 'NFS%sPrtcl'%prtcl, 'tsmid': tsm_id, \
        'datasetid': dataset_id, 'protocoltype': 'NFS'}
startTime = ctime()
create_vol = create_volume(volume1, stdurl)
if create_vol[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', create_vol[1], startTime, endTime)
updateGlobalSettings('monitor.storage.stats.interval', 60, stdurl)

#**************PREREQUSITES: POOL AND VSM CREATION*****************************

####-------------------------Pool creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
poolName = 'iPoolgrace'
pool_iops = int(pool_iops)
pool_paras = {'name': poolName, 'grouptype': pool_type, \
                'iops': pool_iops}
pool_create = pool_creation_flow(stdurl, pool_paras, no_of_disk, disk_type)
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('Pool "%s" is created successfully', poolName)

####--------------------------Vsm creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
acctName = 'Account'

tsmIops = pool_iops - 50
if tsmIops <= 0:
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'pool iops should be more than 50, recommended for minimum value 100'
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', 'iops are less', startTime, endTime)

tsm_params = {'name': 'iTsmGrace', 'ipaddress': tsmIP, 'totaliops': tsmIops, \
        'tntinterface': tsmInterface}
tsm_create = tsm_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, acctName, tsm_params)
Ejemplo n.º 25


#**************PREREQUSITES: POOL AND VSM CREATION*****************************

####-------------------------Pool creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
poolName = 'nPoolClient'
pool_paras = {'name': poolName, 'grouptype': pool_type, \
                'iops': pool_iops}

pool_create =  pool_creation_flow(stdurl, pool_paras, no_of_disk, disk_type)
endTime = ctime()
if pool_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', pool_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('Pool "%s" is created successfully', poolName)

####--------------------------Vsm creation---------------------------------####
startTime = ctime()
tsm_params = {'name': 'nTsmClient', 'ipaddress': tsmIP, 'totaliops': (pool_iops), \
        'tntinterface': tsmInterface}
tsm_create = tsm_creation_flow(stdurl, poolName, acctName, tsm_params)
endTime = ctime()
if tsm_create[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', tsm_create[1], startTime, endTime)
logging.debug('%s', tsm_create[1])

#***************Listing VSM and extracting IDs*********************************
startTime = ctime()
Ejemplo n.º 26
    print "Argument are not correct, Please provide as follows"
    print "python provision_deprovision_nfs_iscsi.py conf.txt "
    logging.debug('----Ending script because of parameter mismatch----')

config = configFile(sys.argv)
api_key = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, api_key[1])
otherClientIP = config["Client1_IP"]
tsmIP = config["ipVSM1"]

startTime = ctime()
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
endTime = ctime()
if tsmList[0] == 'FAILED':
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)

get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
account_id = tsmList[1][0].get('accountid')
poolName = tsmList[1][0].get('hapoolname')
logging.debug('tsm_name:%s, tsm_id:%s, dataset_id:%s, poolName:%s, account_id:%s', \
        tsmName, tsmID, datasetID, poolName, account_id)

startTime = ctime()
for i in range(1, 6):
    vol = {'name': 'iscsiPD%s' %i, 'tsmid': tsmID, 'datasetid': datasetID, \
     'protocoltype': 'ISCSI', 'iops': 100, 'quotasize': '5G'}
    volname = vol['name']
Ejemplo n.º 27
resultCollectionNew('\n"%s" testcase starts....' % testcase, ['', ''])
print('----Start of testcase "%s"----' % testcase)

#----config/basic details---------------------------------------
config = configFile(sys.argv)
api_key = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, api_key[1])
tsmIP = config["ipVSM1"]

#getting this client IP
logging.info('Getting local client IP')
localClientIP = get_ntwInterfaceAndIP(tsmIP)
if localClientIP[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', localClientIP[1], startTime, endTime)
    localClientIP = localClientIP[1]
    logging.debug('local client IP : "%s"', localClientIP)

ntw = "%s/8" % localClientIP
logging.debug('Network to be provided during initiator grp creation is: %s', \

#getting this client iqn
logging.info('Getting Intiator IQN of local machine from /etc/iscsi Directory')
InitIqn = getoutput('cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi '\
              '| grep iqn | cut -d  "=" -f 2')
InitIqn = InitIqn[0].rstrip('\n')
logging.debug('Got client IQN : "%s"', InitIqn)
print 'IQN of Local client is : %s' % InitIqn
Ejemplo n.º 28
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsmIP)
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if tsmList[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
    tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
    datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsmName, tsmID, datasetID)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Tsm  "%s" due to: ' \
            %(tsmIP) + tsmList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)

vol = {'name': 'nfsMountUmount', 'tsmid': tsmID, 'datasetid': datasetID, \
        'protocoltype': 'NFS', 'iops': 100}

startTime = ctime()
result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    endTime = ctime()
    print result[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
    print "Volume '%s' created successfully" % (vol['name'])

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing volumes in the TSM "%s" w.r.t its TSM ID', tsmName)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        logging.debug('%s successfully for iSCSI LUN %s', action, vol_name)
    if 'already exists' in str(result[1]):
        logging.debug('iscsi LUN %s is already loged in, lets go ahead and' \
                'get the iscsi device name', vol_name)
    endTime = ctime()
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting local client IP')
localClientIP = get_ntwInterfaceAndIP(tsmIP)
if 'FAILED' in localClientIP:
    endTime = ctime()
    print localClientIP[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', localClientIP[1], startTime, endTime)
    localClientIP = localClientIP[1]
    logging.debug('local client IP : "%s"', localClientIP)

ntw1 = "%s/8" % localClientIP
ntw2 = "%s/8" % otherClientIP
network = '%s,%s' % (ntw1, ntw2)

###Getting Intiator IQN from /etc/iscsi Directory
logging.info('Getting Intiator IQN of local machine from /etc/iscsi Directory')
InitiatorIqn = getoutput('cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi '\
                    '| grep iqn | cut -d  "=" -f 2')
InitiatorIqn = InitiatorIqn[0].rstrip('\n')
logging.debug('Got IQN "%s"', InitiatorIqn)
print 'IQN of Local client is : %s' % InitiatorIqn