# ### 2.2 Feature mapping
# One way to fit the data better is to create more features from each data point. In the function `mapFeature` defined in the file `utils.py`, we will map the features into all polynomial terms of $x_1$ and $x_2$ up to the sixth power.
# $$ \text{mapFeature}(x) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x_1 & x_2 & x_1^2 & x_1 x_2 & x_2^2 & x_1^3 & \dots & x_1 x_2^5 & x_2^6 \end{bmatrix}^T $$
# As a result of this mapping, our vector of two features (the scores on two QA tests) has been transformed into a 28-dimensional vector. A logistic regression classifier trained on this higher-dimension feature vector will have a more complex decision boundary and will appear nonlinear when drawn in our 2-dimensional plot.
# While the feature mapping allows us to build a more expressive classifier, it also more susceptible to overfitting. In the next parts of the exercise, you will implement regularized logistic regression to fit the data and also see for yourself how regularization can help combat the overfitting problem.

# In[19]:

# Note that mapFeature also adds a column of ones for us, so the intercept
# term is handled
X = utils.mapFeature(X[:, 0], X[:, 1])

# <a id="section5"></a>
# ### 2.3 Cost function and gradient
# Now you will implement code to compute the cost function and gradient for regularized logistic regression. Complete the code for the function `costFunctionReg` below to return the cost and gradient.
# Recall that the regularized cost function in logistic regression is
# $$ J(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left[ -y^{(i)}\log \left( h_\theta \left(x^{(i)} \right) \right) - \left( 1 - y^{(i)} \right) \log \left( 1 - h_\theta \left( x^{(i)} \right) \right) \right] + \frac{\lambda}{2m} \sum_{j=1}^n \theta_j^2 $$
# Note that you should not regularize the parameters $\theta_0$. The gradient of the cost function is a vector where the $j^{th}$ element is defined as follows:
# $$ \frac{\partial J(\theta)}{\partial \theta_0} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left( h_\theta \left(x^{(i)}\right) - y^{(i)} \right) x_j^{(i)} \qquad \text{for } j =0 $$
# $$ \frac{\partial J(\theta)}{\partial \theta_j} = \left( \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left( h_\theta \left(x^{(i)}\right) - y^{(i)} \right) x_j^{(i)} \right) + \frac{\lambda}{m}\theta_j \qquad \text{for } j \ge 1 $$
Ejemplo n.º 2
# =========== Part 1: Regularized Logistic Regression ============
#  In this part, you are given a dataset with data points that are not
#  linearly separable. However, you would still like to use logistic
#  regression to classify the data points.
#  To do so, you introduce more features to use -- in particular, you add
#  polynomial features to our data matrix (similar to polynomial
#  regression).

# Add Polynomial Features

# Note that mapFeature also adds a column of ones for us, so the intercept
# term is handled
X = mapFeature(X)

# Initialize fitting parameters
initial_theta = np.zeros(X.shape[1])

# Set regularization parameter lambda to 1
Lambda = 1.

# Compute and display initial cost and gradient for regularized logistic
# regression
cost = costFunctionReg(initial_theta, X, y, Lambda)

print('Cost at initial theta (zeros): %f\n', cost)
print('Expected cost (approx): 0.693\n')