Ejemplo n.º 1
def vectorized_negatives_loss(image_outputs, audio_outputs, negatives_output,
                              nframes, margin, symfun):
    Computes the triplet margin ranking loss for each anchor image/caption pair using the specific negative, in a
    vectorized way
    # I = image_outputs.view(image_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    # A = audio_outputs.view(audio_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    # num_negatives = len(negatives_output)
    num_units = image_outputs.size(1)
    output_loss = []

    n = image_outputs.size(0)
    loss = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True).type(image_outputs.data.type())
    first = 0
    last = num_units
    # first = (j*num_units)//num_negatives
    # last = ((j+1)*num_units)//num_negatives
    for i in range(n):
        nF = nframes[i]
        anchorsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][first:last, :,
                                                    0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][first:last, :,
                                                    0:nF], symfun))
        I2A_simdif = margin + Aimpsim - anchorsim

    return output_loss
Ejemplo n.º 2
def combined_random_sampled_margin_rank_loss(image_outputs, audio_outputs,
                                             negatives_output, nframes, margin,
    Computes the triplet margin ranking loss for each anchor image/caption pair using both a random negative from the
    positive images batch, and also the specific negative for the image. The returned loss for each sample is the
    highest of the two
    # I = image_outputs.view(image_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    # A = audio_outputs.view(audio_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    n = image_outputs.size(0)

    loss = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True).type(image_outputs.data.type())

    for i in range(n):
        I_imp_ind = i
        A_imp_ind = i
        while I_imp_ind == i:
            I_imp_ind = np.random.randint(0, n)
        while A_imp_ind == i:
            A_imp_ind = np.random.randint(0, n)
        nF = nframes[i]
        nFimp = nframes[A_imp_ind]

        anchorsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Iimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[A_imp_ind][:, :,
                                                            0:nFimp], symfun))

        anchorsim_neg = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim_neg = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        I2A_simdif_neg = margin + Aimpsim_neg - anchorsim_neg

        A2I_simdif = margin + Iimpsim - anchorsim
        if (A2I_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + A2I_simdif

        I2A_simdif = margin + Aimpsim - anchorsim
        if (I2A_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + torch.max(I2A_simdif, I2A_simdif_neg)

    loss = loss / n
    return loss
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sampled_margin_rank_loss(image_outputs, audio_outputs, nframes, margin,
    Computes the triplet margin ranking loss for each anchor image/caption pair
    The impostor image/caption is randomly sampled from the minibatch
    # I = image_outputs.view(image_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    # A = audio_outputs.view(audio_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    n = image_outputs.size(0)

    loss = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True).type(image_outputs.data.type())

    for i in range(n):
        I_imp_ind = i
        A_imp_ind = i
        while I_imp_ind == i:
            I_imp_ind = np.random.randint(0, n)
        while A_imp_ind == i:
            A_imp_ind = np.random.randint(0, n)
        nF = nframes[i]
        nFimp = nframes[A_imp_ind]

        anchorsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Iimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[A_imp_ind][:, :,
                                                            0:nFimp], symfun))

        A2I_simdif = margin + Iimpsim - anchorsim
        if (A2I_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + A2I_simdif

        I2A_simdif = margin + Aimpsim - anchorsim
        if (I2A_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + I2A_simdif

    loss = loss / n
    return loss
Ejemplo n.º 4
def hard_negative_loss(image_outputs, audio_outputs, nframes, margin, symfun):
    Computes the triplet margin ranking loss for each anchor image/caption pair using the hardes sample from the
    positive images batch
    # I = image_outputs.view(image_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    # A = audio_outputs.view(audio_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    n = image_outputs.size(0)

    with torch.no_grad():
        N = image_outputs.size(0)
        similarity_loss = torch.zeros(N, N, requires_grad=False).type(
        D = image_outputs.size(1)
        H = image_outputs.size(2)
        W = image_outputs.size(3)
        T = audio_outputs.size(3)
        image_outputs_hard = image_outputs.detach()
        audio_outputs_hard = audio_outputs.detach()
        image_outputs_hard = image_outputs_hard.view(N, 1, D, H, W).expand(
            N, N, D, H, W).contiguous().view(-1, D, H, W)
        audio_outputs_hard = audio_outputs_hard.view(1, N, D, 1, T).expand(
            N, N, D, 1, T).contiguous().view(-1, D, 1, T)
        match_hard = utils.compute_matchmap_vectorized(
            image_outputs_hard, audio_outputs_hard).view(N, N, H, W, T)
        match_hard, _ = match_hard.max(3)
        match_hard, _ = match_hard.max(2)
        for i in range(N):
            similarity_loss[:, i] = match_hard[:, i, 0:nframes[i]].mean(1)

    loss = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True).type(image_outputs.data.type())
    for i in range(n):
        _, rank_image = torch.topk(similarity_loss[:, i], 3)
        _, rank_audio = torch.topk(similarity_loss[i, :], 3)

        I_imp_ind = rank_image[0]
        A_imp_ind = rank_audio[0]
        if I_imp_ind == i:
            I_imp_ind = rank_image[1]

        if A_imp_ind == i:
            A_imp_ind = rank_audio[1]

        nF = nframes[i]
        if A_imp_ind < nframes.size(0):
            nFimp = nframes[A_imp_ind]
            nFimp = 16

        anchorsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Iimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[A_imp_ind][:, :,
                                                            0:nFimp], symfun))
        A2I_simdif = margin + Iimpsim - anchorsim

        if (A2I_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + A2I_simdif
        I2A_simdif = margin + Aimpsim - anchorsim

        if (I2A_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + I2A_simdif

    loss = loss / n
    return loss
Ejemplo n.º 5
def combined_random_hard_negative_loss(image_outputs, audio_outputs,
                                       negatives_output, nframes, margin,
    Computes the triplet margin ranking loss for each anchor image/caption pair using both the hardes negative in the
    positive images batch, and also the specific negative for the image. Returns the highest of the two losses for each
    # I = image_outputs.view(image_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    # A = audio_outputs.view(audio_outputs.size(0), embedding_dim)
    n = image_outputs.size(0)

    with torch.no_grad():
        N = image_outputs.size(0)
        similarity_loss = torch.zeros(N, N, requires_grad=False).type(
        D = image_outputs.size(1)
        H = image_outputs.size(2)
        W = image_outputs.size(3)
        T = audio_outputs.size(3)
        image_outputs_hard = image_outputs.detach()
        audio_outputs_hard = audio_outputs.detach()
        image_outputs_hard = image_outputs_hard.view(N, 1, D, H, W).expand(
            N, N, D, H, W).contiguous().view(-1, D, H, W)
        audio_outputs_hard = audio_outputs_hard.view(1, N, D, 1, T).expand(
            N, N, D, 1, T).contiguous().view(-1, D, 1, T)
        match_hard = utils.compute_matchmap_vectorized(
            image_outputs_hard, audio_outputs_hard).view(N, N, H, W, T)
        match_hard, _ = match_hard.max(3)
        match_hard, _ = match_hard.max(2)
        for i in range(N):
            similarity_loss[:, i] = match_hard[:, i, 0:nframes[i]].mean(1)

    loss = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True).type(image_outputs.data.type())
    for i in range(n):
        if n >= 2:
            _, rank_image = torch.topk(similarity_loss[:, i], 2)
            _, rank_audio = torch.topk(similarity_loss[i, :], 2)
            I_imp_ind = rank_image[0]
            A_imp_ind = rank_audio[0]
            if I_imp_ind == i:
                I_imp_ind = rank_image[1]

            if A_imp_ind == i:
                A_imp_ind = rank_audio[1]

            I_imp_ind = max(min(image_outputs.size(0) - 1, I_imp_ind), 0)
            A_imp_ind = max(min(image_outputs.size(0) - 1, A_imp_ind), 0)
            I_imp_ind = 0
            A_imp_ind = 0

            # I_imp_ind = max(min(image_outputs.size(0)-1,I_imp_ind),0)
            # A_imp_ind =max(min(image_outputs.size(0)-1,A_imp_ind),0)

        nF = nframes[i]
        if A_imp_ind < nframes.size(0):
            nFimp = nframes[A_imp_ind]
            nFimp = 16

        anchorsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Iimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[A_imp_ind][:, :,
                                                            0:nFimp], symfun))
        A2I_simdif = margin + Iimpsim - anchorsim

        anchorsim_neg = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        Aimpsim_neg = utils.matchmap_sim(
                                   audio_outputs[i][:, :, 0:nF], symfun))
        I2A_simdif_neg = margin + Aimpsim_neg - anchorsim_neg

        if (A2I_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + A2I_simdif

        I2A_simdif = margin + Aimpsim - anchorsim

        if (I2A_simdif.data > 0).all():
            loss = loss + torch.max(I2A_simdif, I2A_simdif_neg)

    loss = loss / n
    return loss
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_recall(trainer):
    This experiment computes one positive and num_fakes corresponding negatives with the GAN, gives the recall of the
    system in distinguishing the positive from the negatives.
    Similar to the test_recall_selected, but selecting the negatives online, not using the pre-selected (and better)

    number_recall = 200
    num_fakes = 9
    if not trainer.args.use_cpu:

    recall1_meter = utils.AverageMeter()
    recall5_meter = utils.AverageMeter()

    # Switch to evaluate mode

    with torch.no_grad():
        for i, (image_input, audio_input, negatives, nframes, path, _) in enumerate(trainer.loaders['test']):
            if i % 50 == 0:
                print(f'Starting batch {i}')
            if i * image_input.size(0) > number_recall:

            for j in range(image_input.size(0)):

                score_vector = torch.FloatTensor(num_fakes + 1)

                if not trainer.args.loading_image:
                    v_init = trainer.z[0]
                    z_img = torch.FloatTensor(1, v_init.shape[0])
                    z_img[0, :] = trainer.z[int(path[j])]
                    image_input = trainer.generator.generate_images(z_img, intervention=None)
                    image_input = utils.transform(image_input)
                    image_input = image_input.cuda()

                pos_image = image_input[0, :, :, :]
                model_output = trainer.model(image_input, audio_input, [])
                image_output = model_output[0]
                audio_output = model_output[1]
                nF = nframes[j]

                matchmap = utils.compute_matchmap(image_output[0], audio_output[0][:, :, :nF])

                real_score = utils.matchmap_sim(matchmap)
                score_vector[0] = real_score
                matchmap = matchmap.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
                matchmap = matchmap.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # l, h, w
                matchmap = matchmap / matchmap.max()
                matchmap_image = matchmap.max(axis=0)

                threshold = 0.95

                ind_max = np.argmax(matchmap)
                ind_h = (ind_max % (matchmap.shape[2] * matchmap.shape[1])) // matchmap.shape[1]
                ind_w = (ind_max % (matchmap.shape[2] * matchmap.shape[1])) % matchmap.shape[1]

                for fake_id in range(num_fakes):
                    binary_mask = matchmap_image > (threshold * matchmap_image.max())
                    binary_mask = utils.geodesic_dilation(binary_mask, (ind_h, ind_w))
                    norm = 0
                    threshold_random = 0.95
                    p = 0.4

                    while norm < threshold_random:
                        with torch.no_grad():
                            intervention = {}
                            for layer_n in trainer.layer_list_all:
                                layer_size = trainer.layers_dict[layer_n]['size']
                                layer_dim = trainer.layers_dict[layer_n]['depth']

                                ablation, replacement = trainer.get_ablation_replacement(params=[layer_dim, True, p],
                                ablation_final = cv2.resize(binary_mask, (layer_size, layer_size))
                                ablation_final = np.tile(ablation_final, (layer_dim, 1, 1)).astype(np.float32)
                                ablation_final = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(ablation_final)
                                ablation_final = ablation.view(layer_dim, 1, 1).expand_as(
                                    ablation_final) * ablation_final
                                intervention[layer_n] = (ablation_final, replacement)

                            z_img = trainer.z[int(path[j])]
                            z_img = z_img[np.newaxis, :].detach()
                            neg_img = trainer.generator.generate_images(z_img, intervention=intervention).detach()
                            neg_img_t = utils.transform(neg_img).detach()

                            binary_mask = cv2.resize(binary_mask, (128, 128))

                            bmask = torch.Tensor(binary_mask).cuda()

                            bmask = bmask.view(1, 128, 128).expand(3, 128, 128)
                            norm = (neg_img_t[0, :, :, :] - pos_image[:, :, :].detach())

                            norm = norm * bmask
                            norm = torch.norm(torch.norm(torch.norm(norm, dim=2), dim=1), dim=0)
                            norm_normalized = norm / torch.norm(
                                torch.norm(torch.norm(pos_image[:, :, :].detach() * bmask, dim=2), dim=1), dim=0)
                            norm = norm_normalized.item()

                            if random.random() > 0.2:
                                p = p + 0.05
                                threshold_random = threshold_random - 0.01
                    model_output = trainer.model(neg_img_t, audio_input, [])
                    image_output = model_output[0]
                    audio_output = model_output[1]
                    score_vector[1 + fake_id] = utils.matchmap_sim(
                        utils.compute_matchmap(image_output[0], audio_output[0][:, :, :nF]))

                _, ids = score_vector.topk(10)
                ids = ids.cpu().numpy()
                ids = np.where(ids == 0)[0]

                A_foundind = ids[0]

                if A_foundind == 0:

                if A_foundind < 5:
                # print('Recall 1: {0}'.format(recall1_meter.avg))
                # print('Recall 5: {0}'.format(recall5_meter.avg))

    print('Recall 1: {0}'.format(recall1_meter.avg))
    print('Recall 5: {0}'.format(recall5_meter.avg))

    return recall1_meter.avg
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_active_learning(trainer):
    Generate active learning samples, selecting the positive/negative pairs in which the model has the highest error
    The saved information is:
    - Current clusters. They are necessary to generate the same negative (as they select the mask)
    - jpg negative images. Only needed to get the captions. Not needed for training (as they will be GAN-generated)
    - Information to generate the negative images (masks and units, and the associated paths)

    This information is saved in {args.active_learning_path}/{trainer.args.name_checkpoint}_{str(time.time())}/

    When training with these images, it is recommended to start from the same checkpoint used for obtaining them.

    After this, the next steps before running again the system with the new samples are:
    - Collecting captions of the active learning samples (the negatives; the positives already have captions)
    - Adding the new collected samples to the dataset. The can be added in a separate folder, and only modifying the
    name_list_{}.txt files is enough. Note that the noise ID (and thus the name of the file) will already exist (for the
    positive one), so save the new ones in an "active" subfolder.

    assert len(
    ) == 1, 'Active learning is only implemented for a single layer ablations'

    trainer.clusterer.save_results = True
    clus, mean_clust, std_clust, _ = trainer.clusterer.create_clusters(
    trainer.clusters = torch.FloatTensor(clus).cuda()
    trainer.mean_clust = torch.FloatTensor(mean_clust)
    trainer.std_clust = torch.FloatTensor(std_clust)
    trainer.cluster_counts = 1 / trainer.clusters.max(1)[0]
    trainer.clusters_unit = trainer.cluster_counts.view(trainer.clusters.size(0), 1).expand_as(trainer.clusters) * \



    if not trainer.args.use_cpu:
    data_time = utils.AverageMeter()

    # Switch to train mode

    active_learning_name = os.path.join(

    end = time.time()

    all_loss = []
    all_hmap = []
    all_hmap_eval = []
    all_units = []
    all_paths = []

    for batch_id, (image_input, audio_input, neg_images, nframes, path, image_raw) in \

        # Measure data loading time
        data_time.update(time.time() - end)

        if not trainer.args.use_cpu:
            audio_input = audio_input.cuda(async=True)

        if not trainer.args.loading_image:
            if trainer.args.active_learning:
                path_ints = [p.split('/')[-1] for p in path]
                path_ints = path

            v_init = trainer.z[int(path_ints[0])]
            z_img = torch.FloatTensor(image_input.size(0), v_init.shape[0])

            for k in range(image_input.size(0)):
                z_img[k, :] = trainer.z[int(path_ints[k])]

            image_input = trainer.generator.generate_images(z_img,
            image_input = utils.transform(image_input).detach()

            image_input = image_input.cuda()
            neg_images = neg_images.cuda()

        model_output = trainer.model(image_input, audio_input, [])
        image_output = model_output[0]
        audio_output = model_output[1]

        neg_images = []

        pooling_ratio = round(audio_input.size(3) / audio_output.size(3))

        binary_mask_0 = None

        if trainer.loss_type == 'negatives_edited' or trainer.loss_type == 'negatives_both':
            limits = np.zeros((image_input.size(0), 2))

            for i in range(image_input.size(0)):
                pos_image = image_input[i, :, :, :]

                nF = nframes[i]

                matchmap = utils.compute_matchmap(image_output[i],
                                                  audio_output[i][:, :, :nF])

                positive_score = utils.matchmap_sim(matchmap).detach()
                matchmap = matchmap.data.cpu().numpy().copy()

                matchmap = matchmap.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # l, h, w
                matchmap = matchmap / (matchmap.max() + 1e-10)
                matchmap_image = matchmap.max(axis=0)
                threshold = 0.95

                # ind_max = np.argmax(matchmap_image)
                ind_max = np.argmax(matchmap)
                ind_t = ind_max // (matchmap.shape[2] * matchmap.shape[1])
                ind_h = (ind_max % (matchmap.shape[2] * matchmap.shape[1])
                         ) // matchmap.shape[1]
                ind_w = (ind_max % (matchmap.shape[2] * matchmap.shape[1])
                         ) % matchmap.shape[1]

                limits[i, 0] = ind_t
                limits[i, 1] = ind_t + 1

                v = (image_output[i][:, ind_h, ind_w] -
                     trainer.mean_clust.cuda()) / (trainer.std_clust.cuda() +

                normalized_clusters = np.matmul(
                sorted_val = -np.sort(-normalized_clusters[:])
                sorted_val = np.clip(sorted_val, 0, 4)
                prob_samples = sorted_val / np.sum(sorted_val)
                sorted_id = np.argsort(-normalized_clusters[:])
                cluster_id = sorted_id[0]

                norm = 0
                threshold_random = 0.95

                # The number of units to be ablated grows if we cannot generate a good (changed) negative
                # The following numbers are the starting number of units to change
                num_units_dict = {
                    'layer2': 30,
                    'layer3': 30,
                    'layer4': 140,
                    'layer5': 30,
                    'layer6': 30
                thresold_heatmap = threshold

                count = 0
                binary_mask_eval = matchmap_image > (thresold_heatmap *
                binary_mask_eval = utils.geodesic_dilation(
                    binary_mask_eval, (ind_h, ind_w))
                binary_mask_eval = cv2.resize(binary_mask_eval, (128, 128))
                bmask = torch.Tensor(binary_mask_eval).cuda()
                bmask = bmask.view(1, 128, 128).expand(3, 128, 128)

                while norm < threshold_random:
                    with torch.no_grad():
                        binary_mask = matchmap_image > (thresold_heatmap *
                        binary_mask = utils.geodesic_dilation(
                            binary_mask, (ind_h, ind_w))

                        if binary_mask_0 is None:
                            binary_mask_0 = cv2.resize(binary_mask, (224, 224))

                        z_img = trainer.z[int(path_ints[i])]
                        z_img = z_img[np.newaxis, :]

                        _ = trainer.generator.generate_images(z_img)
                        intervention = {}
                        for layer_n in trainer.layer_list_all:  # This will only be one layer
                            units_ids = trainer.layers_units[layer_n][
                            layer_size = trainer.layers_dict[layer_n]['size']
                            layer_dim = trainer.layers_dict[layer_n]['depth']

                            ablation, replacement = trainer.get_ablation_replacement(
                                params=[layer_dim, units_ids],
                            ablation_final = cv2.resize(
                                binary_mask, (layer_size, layer_size))
                            ablation_final = np.tile(ablation_final,
                                                     (layer_dim, 1, 1)).astype(
                            ablation_final = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
                            ablation_final = ablation.view(
                                layer_dim, 1,
                                1).expand_as(ablation_final) * ablation_final
                            intervention[layer_n] = (ablation_final,

                        neg_img = trainer.generator.generate_images(
                            z_img, intervention=intervention).detach()
                        neg_img_t = utils.transform(neg_img).detach()

                        binary_mask = cv2.resize(binary_mask, (128, 128))
                        norm = (neg_img_t[0, :, :, :] - pos_image.detach())
                        norm_im = torch.norm(norm, dim=0)
                        norm = norm * bmask
                        im_dif = norm
                        norm = torch.norm(torch.norm(torch.norm(norm, dim=2),
                        norm_normalized = norm / torch.norm(torch.norm(
                            torch.norm(pos_image.detach() * bmask, dim=2),
                        norm = norm_normalized.item()
                        for layer_n in trainer.layer_list_all:
                            num_units_dict[layer_n] = num_units_dict[
                                layer_n] + 40  # increase units to change
                        thresold_heatmap = thresold_heatmap - 0.1

                        threshold_random = threshold_random - 0.05

                        cluster_id = np.random.choice(sorted_id,

                        count = count + 1


            neg_images = torch.cat(neg_images)
            neg_images_t = utils.transform(neg_images)

            image_output_neg, _, _ = trainer.model(neg_images_t, None, [])

            loss_list = trainer.vectorized_negatives_loss(
                image_output, audio_output, image_output_neg, nframes)
            loss_list = [x.detach() for x in loss_list]

    all_loss = [x.view(1, -1) for x in all_loss]
    all_loss = torch.cat(all_loss).view(-1, 1)
    _, ind = all_loss.topk(3000, 0)
    ind = [x.item() for x in ind]

    a_units = [all_units[i] for i in ind]
    a_paths = [all_paths[i] for i in ind]
    a_hmaps = [all_hmap[i] for i in ind]
    a_hmaps_eval = [all_hmap_eval[i] for i in ind]

    torch.save(a_units, os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'units.pth'))
    torch.save(a_paths, os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'a_paths.pth'))
    torch.save(a_hmaps, os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'a_hmaps.pth'))
               os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'a_hmaps_eval.pth'))

    os.makedirs(os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'images'), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'hm'), exist_ok=True)

    for j in range(len(a_units)):
        path = a_paths[j]
        units_ids = a_units[j]
        binary_mask = a_hmaps[j]
        layer_n = trainer.layer_list_all[0]
        layer_size = trainer.layers_dict[layer_n]['size']
        layer_dim = trainer.layers_dict[layer_n]['depth']
        intervention = {}
        ablation, replacement = trainer.get_ablation_replacement(
            params=[layer_dim, units_ids], option='specific')
        ablation_final = cv2.resize(binary_mask, (layer_size, layer_size))
        ablation_final = np.tile(ablation_final,
                                 (layer_dim, 1, 1)).astype(np.float32)
        ablation_final = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(ablation_final)
        ablation_final = ablation.view(
            layer_dim, 1, 1).expand_as(ablation_final) * ablation_final
        intervention[layer_n] = (ablation_final, replacement)
        z_img = trainer.z[int(path)]
        z_img = z_img[np.newaxis, :]
        neg_img = trainer.generator.generate_images(
            z_img, intervention=intervention).detach()
        neg_im = neg_img[0, :, :, :].cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
        neg_im = neg_im.astype(np.uint8)
        neg_im = Image.fromarray(neg_im.astype('uint8'), 'RGB')

        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(neg_im)
        hm = a_hmaps_eval[j]
        rows = np.any(hm, axis=1)
        cols = np.any(hm, axis=0)
        rmin, rmax = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]]
        cmin, cmax = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]]
        draw.rectangle(((cmin, rmin), (cmax, rmax)), outline='red')

        neg_im.save(os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'images',
        binary_mask_eval = cv2.resize(a_hmaps_eval[j], (128, 128))
        mask_im = binary_mask_eval * 255
        mask_im = mask_im.astype(np.uint8)
        mask_im = mask_im.reshape((128, 128, 1))
        mask_im = np.concatenate((mask_im, mask_im, mask_im), axis=2)

        mask_im = Image.fromarray(mask_im.astype('uint8'), 'RGB')
        mask_im.save(os.path.join(active_learning_name, 'hm', f'{j}_hn.jpg'))