Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_payment(request, ptype, payment_id):
  Processes the payment after user confirmation. Parameter ptype can be one of success,
  cancel, and error. The user will be redirected to the correct URL depending on the ptype.
    payment = get_object_or_404(Payment, pk=payment_id)
    url = getattr(payment, "%s_url" % ptype)
    if url.find("?") == -1:
        url += "?"
    checksum = md5hex("pid=%s&ref=%s&token=%s" % (payment.pid, payment.id, get_secret_key(payment.sid)))
    # pass the checksum along in the redirect for the seller
    url = "%s&pid=%s&ref=%s&checksum=%s" % (url, payment.pid, payment.id, checksum)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test(request):
  Allows for testing the service without actually calling it from code. Aids in testing in
  understanding the parameters as well as testing the success, error, and cancel urls.
  payment = {'pid':'mytestsale','sid':'tester', 'amount':15, 'success_url': 'http://localhost:8000/shop/success',
            'error_url': 'http://localhost:8000/shop/error','cancel_url': 'http://localhost:8000/shop/cancel'}
  token = get_secret_key(payment['sid'])
  checkstr = "pid=%s&sid=%s&amount=%s&token=%s"%(payment['pid'], payment['sid'], payment['amount'], token)
  from utils import md5hex
  payment['checksum'] = md5hex(checkstr)
  form = PaymentForm(payment)
  return render_to_response('payment/test.html', {'form': form},
def process_payment(request, ptype, payment_id):
  Processes the payment after user confirmation. Parameter ptype can be one of success,
  cancel, and error. The user will be redirected to the correct URL depending on the ptype.
    payment = get_object_or_404(Payment, pk=payment_id)
    url = getattr(payment, '%s_url' % ptype)
    if url.find("?") == -1:
        url += "?"
    checksum = md5hex("pid=%s&ref=%s&token=%s" %
                      (payment.pid, payment.id, get_secret_key(payment.sid)))
    # pass the checksum along in the redirect for the seller
    url = "%s&pid=%s&ref=%s&checksum=%s" % (url, payment.pid, payment.id,
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test(request):
  Allows for testing the service without actually calling it from code. Aids in testing in
  understanding the parameters as well as testing the success, error, and cancel urls.
    payment = {
        "pid": "mytestsale",
        "sid": "tester",
        "amount": 15,
        "success_url": "http://localhost:8000/success",
        "error_url": "http://localhost:8000/error",
        "cancel_url": "http://localhost:8000/cancel",
    token = get_secret_key(payment["sid"])
    checkstr = "pid=%s&sid=%s&amount=%s&token=%s" % (payment["pid"], payment["sid"], payment["amount"], token)
    from utils import md5hex

    payment["checksum"] = md5hex(checkstr)
    form = PaymentForm(payment)
    return render_to_response("payment/test.html", {"form": form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def test(request):
  Allows for testing the service without actually calling it from code. Aids in testing in
  understanding the parameters as well as testing the success, error, and cancel urls.
    payment = {
        'pid': 'mytestsale',
        'sid': 'tester',
        'amount': 15,
        'success_url': 'http://localhost:8000/success',
        'error_url': 'http://localhost:8000/error',
        'cancel_url': 'http://localhost:8000/cancel'
    token = get_secret_key(payment['sid'])
    checkstr = "pid=%s&sid=%s&amount=%s&token=%s" % (
        payment['pid'], payment['sid'], payment['amount'], token)
    from utils import md5hex
    payment['checksum'] = md5hex(checkstr)
    form = PaymentForm(payment)
    return render_to_response('payment/test.html', {'form': form},