Ejemplo n.º 1
def browse_one_course(request, course_query, school):
    """ View for viewing notes from a fuzzy course search
        :course_query: unicode url match, to be type parsed
    # TODO: combine this function with `b_school_course`
    response = nav_helper(request)
        course_query = int(course_query)
    except ValueError:
        # cant be cast as an int, so we will search for it as a string
    course, files = Course.get_notes(course_query, school)
    response['course'], response['files'] = course, files
    # get the users who are members of the course
    response['profiles'] = course.userprofile_set.all()

    # get the karma events associated with the course
    response['events'] = course.reputationevent_set.order_by('-timestamp').all()  # FIXME: possibly order-by
    response['viewed_files'] = request.user.get_profile().files.all()

    # FIXME: I don't like this logic one bit, either annotate the db query or fix the schema to NEVER do this
    response['thanked_files'] = []
    response['flagged_files'] = []
    for file in files:
        _vote = file.votes.filter(user=request.user)
        if _vote.exists():
            if _vote[0].up:  # assuming only one vote result

    return render(request, 'browse_one_course.html', response)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def karma_events(request):
    """ Shows a time sorted log of your events that affect your
        karma score positively or negatively.
    # navigation.html
    response = nav_helper(request)
    response['events'] = request.user.get_profile().reputationEvents.order_by('-timestamp').all()
    return render(request, 'karma-events.html', response)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def file(request, note_pk, action=None):
    """ View Note HTML
            request: Django request object
            note_pk: file_pk int
            action: last url segment string indicating initial state. i.e: 'edit'

    # Check that user has permission to read
    #profile = request.user.get_profile()
    response = nav_helper(request)
    user = request.user
        profile = user.get_profile()
        raise Http404
    # If the user does not have read permission, and the
    # Requested files is not theirs
    if not profile.can_read and not userCanView(request.user, File.objects.get(pk=note_pk)):
        #file_denied(request, note_pk)
        file = File.objects.get(pk=note_pk)
        raise Http404
    # Increment note view count
    file.viewCount += 1

    # If this file is not in the user's collection, karmic purchase occurs
    #if file not in profile.files.all():
    if(not userCanView(user, File.objects.get(pk=note_pk))):
        # Buy Note viewing privelege for karma
        # awardKarma will handle deducting appropriate karma
        profile.awardKarma('view-file', school=profile.school, course=file.course, file=file)
        # Add 'purchased' file to user's collection

    # This is ugly, but is needed to be able to get the note type full name
    file_type = [t[1] for t in file.FILE_TYPES if t[0] == file.type][0]
    url = iri_to_uri(file.file.url)
    response['owns_file'] = (file.owner == request.user)
    response['file'] = file
    response['file_type'] = file_type
    response['url'] = url

    if action == 'edit':
        #print 'ACTION EDIT'
        response['editing_file'] = True
        response['editing_file'] = False
        #print 'ACTION NONE'

    return render(request, 'view-file.html', response)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getting_started(request):
    """ View for introducing a user to the site and asking them to accomplish intro tasks """
    response = nav_helper(request)
    response['tasks'] = []
    for task in tasks:
        t = {}
        t['message'] = task().message
        t['status'] = task().check(request.user.get_profile())
        t['karma'] = task().karma
    return render(request, 'getting-started.html', response)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def browse_schools(request):
    """ Server-side templated browsing of notes by school, course and note """
    response = nav_helper(request)
    # make this order by the most notes in a school
    response['title'] = u"Schools"
    response['schools'] = School.objects.annotate(num_course=Count('course'))\
    if request.user.get_profile().school not in response['schools']:
        # create a new list of the user's school, extend it with the current list of schools
        # this prepends the user's school to the top of the school list
        response['schools'] = [request.user.get_profile().school] + list(response['schools'])
        # this converts the QuerySet into a list, so this is not typesafe, but django templates do not care
    return render(request, 'browse_schools.html', response)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def browse_courses(request, school_query):
    """ View for courses beloging to :school_query:
        :school_query: comes as unicode, if can be int, pass as int
    response = nav_helper(request)
        school_query = int(school_query)
    except ValueError:
        # cant be cast as an int, so we will search for it as a string
    courses = School.get_courses(school_query)
    if isinstance(courses, tuple):  # FIXME
        response['school'], response['courses'] = courses
        return render(request, 'browse_courses.html', response)
        raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 7
def profile(request):
    """ User Profile """
    response = nav_helper(request)
    response['course_json_url'] = '/jq_course'  # FIXME: replace this with a reverse urls.py query
    response['your_files'] = File.objects.filter(owner=request.user).all()
    return render(request, 'navigation.html', response)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def e404(request):
    response = nav_helper(request)
    return render(request, '404.html', response)