def test1(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, weights_path, test_image_root, batch_size, resize=None, crop_offset=None, **kwargs): """ 测试网络 :param in_channels: 输入通道 :param out_channels: 输出通道 :param net_name: 网络名称 :param weights_path: 模型权重文件路径 :param test_image_root: 测试图片目录 :param batch_size: 批量大小 :param resize: 网络输入的图片尺寸 :param crop_offset: 剪切偏移量 :param kwargs: :return: """ device = torch.device("cpu" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # 网络 net = create_net(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, **kwargs) net.eval() # 不启用 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, see net = # Load checkpoint weights net.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path)) generator, data_size = test_data_generator(test_image_root, batch_size, resize, crop_offset) epoch_size = int(data_size / batch_size) # 1个epoch包含的batch数目 with torch.no_grad(): for batch_index in range(1, epoch_size + 1): images, original_images, original_hw_size = next(generator) images = predicts = net(images) # 推断 shape=(n,c,h,w) convert = torch.softmax(predicts, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) # convert.shape=(n,h,w) # shape=(n,h,w,c)=(n,h,w,3) # decode_image = decode(convert).unsqueeze(dim=-1). \ # expand(convert.shape[0], convert.shape[1], convert.shape[2], 3).contiguous() # (n,h,w) => (n,h,w,3) decode_image = decode_rgb(convert) for index, original_image in enumerate(original_images): original_size = original_hw_size[index] result_image = recover_image(decode_image[index].numpy(), (original_size[0] - crop_offset[0], original_size[1] - crop_offset[1]), crop_offset) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(result_image) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(original_image)
def style_transfer_video(video_file, checkpoint_path, out_path): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file) fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) vid_size = (width // 2, height // 2) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'h264') video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, fps, vid_size) g = tf.Graph() batch_shape = (BATCH_SIZE, vid_size[1], vid_size[0], 3) with g.as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: img_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape, name='img_placeholder') preds = net(img_placeholder) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path) X = np.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=np.float32) def style_and_write(count): for j in range(count, BATCH_SIZE): X[j] = X[count - 1] _preds =, feed_dict={img_placeholder: X}) for j in range(count): style_frame = np.clip(_preds[j], 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) style_frame = cv2.cvtColor(style_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) video_writer.write(style_frame) frame_count = 0 i = 0 while True: ret, frame = if frame is None: break frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) X[frame_count] = frame frame_count += 1 if frame_count == BATCH_SIZE: style_and_write(frame_count) frame_count = 0 print("Wrote %d frames" % (i + 1)) i += 1 if frame_count != 0: style_and_write(frame_count) cap.release()
def style_transfer(img, checkpoint_path): batch_size = 1 batch_shape = (batch_size,) + img.shape g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: img_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape, name='img_placeholder') preds = net(img_placeholder) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path) X = np.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=np.float32) X[0] = img _preds =, feed_dict={img_placeholder: X}) return _preds[0]
def test(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, weights_path, image_path, resize=None, crop_offset=None, **kwargs): """ 测试网络 :param in_channels: 输入通道 :param out_channels: 输出通道 :param net_name: 网络名称 :param weights_path: 模型权重文件路径 :param image_path: 测试图片地址 :param resize: 网络输入的图片尺寸 :param crop_offset: 剪切偏移量 :param kwargs: :return: """ device = torch.device("cpu" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # 网络 net = create_net(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, **kwargs) # net.train() # 训练 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout net.eval() # 固定 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, see net = # Load checkpoint weights net.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path)) with torch.no_grad(): image, ori_size, ori_image = read_image(image_path, resize, crop_offset) image = predicts = net(image) # 推断 convert = torch.softmax(predicts, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) # convert.shape=(n,h,w) # decode_image = decode(convert).permute(1, 2, 0) # decode_image = decode_image.expand(decode_image.shape[0], decode_image.shape[1], 3).contiguous() # shape=(n,h,w,c)=(n,h,w,3) decode_image = decode(convert).unsqueeze(dim=-1). \ expand(convert.shape[0], convert.shape[1], convert.shape[2], 3).contiguous() recover_img = recover_image(decode_image.numpy(), (ori_size[0] - crop_offset[0], ori_size[1] - crop_offset[1]), crop_offset) for index, img in enumerate(recover_img): plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(ori_image)
def hello_world(payload): global model doodle = payload['doodle'][22:] coords = payload['coords'] coords[0] = int(coords[0]) coords[1] = int(coords[1]) coords[2] = int(coords[2]) coords[3] = int(coords[3]) id_ = payload['id'] pickle.dump(doodle, open('doodle.p', 'wb')) fh = open("imageToSave.png", "wb") fh.write(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(doodle)) fh.close() noo = misc.imread('imageToSave.png', mode='L').astype(int) img, x, y = preprocess('./imageToSave.png', n=30, brightness=120, coords=coords) img = misc.imread('tmp.png').astype('float32') img = np.stack((img, ) * 3) img = torch.Tensor(normalizing(img)) img = img.view(1, 3, 256, 256) img = Variable(img) # loading the trained model if model is None: # model = load_model('.././doodlemodel/ultimate4_model-data-augmentation.hdf5') model = YoloClassifier('tiny_yolo', in_channels=3), class_size=class_size, batch_size=1) model = load_checkpoint(model) out = model(img) _, preds = torch.max(, 1) preds = preds.numpy() preds = preds[0] print("\nI think it's a : " + str(class_keys[preds])) emit('message', {'message': str(class_keys[preds])}) buildLayout(coords, x, y, preds, id_)
def single_level_net_steps(net, opt, Xcur, Ycur, num_steps, mb_size, loss_func, clip_gradient, sampling_weights): # TODO: make sure there are no wasteful copying torch.set_num_threads(1) start = time.time() Xcur = to_variable(Xcur).float() Ycur = to_variable(Ycur).float() for mini_iter in range(num_steps): # TODO: reweight sampling weights here idxs = np.random.choice(list(range(len(Xcur))), mb_size, p=sampling_weights) xbatch = Xcur[idxs] ybatch = Ycur[idxs] pred = net(xbatch).squeeze(1) assert pred.shape == ybatch.shape loss = loss_func(pred, ybatch) opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() if clip_gradient is not None: clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), clip_gradient) opt.step()
def valid(net, csv_path, load_data, batch_size, resize, crop_offset, num_classes): """ 训练网络模型 :param net: 网络模型 :param csv_path: 数据data_list文件 :param load_data: 加载数据function, 返回数据root_path :param batch_size: 批量尺寸 :param resize: 网络输入的图片尺寸 :param crop_offset: 剪切偏移量 :param num_classes: 类别数量 :return: """ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") net.eval() # 固定 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, see # 准备数据 df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) generator = data_generator(load_data, np.array(df['image']), np.array(df['label']), batch_size, resize, crop_offset) # 训练 epoch_size = int(len(df) / batch_size) # 1个epoch包含的batch数目 miou = 0.0 with torch.no_grad(): for iter in range(1, epoch_size + 1): images, labels = next(generator) images = labels = predicts = net(images) # 推断 iou = get_miou(predicts, labels, num_classes) print("valid {}/{} iou".format(iter, epoch_size), iou) miou += iou return miou / epoch_size
def train_step(self, num_steps=1): if self.nn_type == "num_tables": assert is None nt_map = self.train_num_table_mapping if self.single_threaded_nt: for nt in nt_map: start, end = nt_map[nt] net_map = self._map_num_tables(nt) net = self.nets[net_map] opt = self.optimizers[net_map] Xcur = self.Xtrain[start:end] Ycur = self.Ytrain[start:end] for mini_iter in range(num_steps): # TODO: reweight sampling weights here idxs = np.random.choice(list(range(len(Xcur))), self.mb_size) xbatch = Xcur[idxs] ybatch = Ycur[idxs] pred = net(xbatch).squeeze(1) assert pred.shape == ybatch.shape loss = self.loss(pred, ybatch) opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() if self.clip_gradient is not None: clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), self.clip_gradient) opt.step() else: par_args = [] for i, nt in enumerate(nt_map): start, end = nt_map[nt] net_map = self._map_num_tables(nt) net = self.nets[net_map] opt = self.optimizers[net_map] Xcur = self.Xtrain[start:end].cpu().detach().numpy() Ycur = self.Ytrain[start:end].cpu().detach().numpy() sampling_wts = self.subquery_sampling_weights[start:end] sampling_wts = self._normalize_priorities(sampling_wts) # TODO: make mb_size dependent on the level? par_args.append( (net, opt, Xcur, Ycur, num_steps, self.mb_size, self.loss, self.clip_gradient, sampling_wts)) # launch single-threaded processes for each # TODO: might be better to launch pool of 4 + 2T each, so we # don't waste resources on levels that finish fast? num_processes = 4 with Pool2(processes=num_processes) as pool: pool.starmap(single_level_net_steps, par_args) else: # TODO: replace this with dataloader (...) for mini_iter in range(num_steps): # usual case idxs = np.random.choice(list(range(len(self.Xtrain))), self.mb_size, p=self.subquery_sampling_weights) xbatch = self.Xtrain[idxs] ybatch = self.Ytrain[idxs] pred = loss = self.loss(pred, ybatch) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() if self.clip_gradient is not None: clip_grad_norm_(, self.clip_gradient) self.optimizer.step()
def fast_style_transfer(data_in, paths_out, checkpoint_dir, device_t='/gpu:0', batch_size=4): is_paths = type(data_in[0]) == str if is_paths: img_shape = get_img(data_in[0]).shape else: img_shape = X[0].shape g = tf.Graph() batch_size = min(len(paths_out), batch_size) curr_num = 0 soft_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) soft_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with g.as_default(), g.device(device_t), tf.Session( config=soft_config) as sess: batch_shape = (batch_size, ) + img_shape img_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape, name='img_placeholder') preds = net(img_placeholder) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_dir) num_iters = int(len(paths_out) / batch_size) for i in range(num_iters): pos = i * batch_size curr_batch_out = paths_out[pos:pos + batch_size] if is_paths: curr_batch_in = data_in[pos:pos + batch_size] X = np.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=np.float32) for j, path_in in enumerate(curr_batch_in): img = get_img(path_in) X[j] = img else: X = data_in[pos:pos + batch_size] _preds =, feed_dict={img_placeholder: X}) for j, path_out in enumerate(curr_batch_out): save_img(path_out, _preds[j]) remaining_in = data_in[num_iters * batch_size:] remaining_out = paths_out[num_iters * batch_size:] if len(remaining_in) > 0: fast_style_transfer(remaining_in, remaining_out, checkpoint_dir, device_t=device_t, batch_size=1) print("style transfer completed.") send_to_ps(paths_out[0]) # clear temp folder temppath = os.path.dirname(data_in[0]) ([os.remove(os.path.join(temppath, f)) for f in os.listdir(temppath)])
def train(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, lr, csv_path, data_path, batch_size, resize, crop_offset, epoch_begin, epoch_num, num_classes, save_model, load_state_dict_path=None, loss_weights=None, **kwargs): """ 训练网络模型 :param in_channels: 输入通道 :param out_channels: 输出通道 :param net_name: 网络名称 :param lr: 学习率 :param csv_path: 数据data_list文件 :param load_data: 加载数据function, 返回数据root_path :param batch_size: 批量尺寸 :param resize: 网络输入的图片尺寸 :param crop_offset: 剪切偏移量 :param epoch_begin: 开始批次(可以实现断点训练) :param epoch_num: epoch大小 :param num_classes: 类别数量 :param save_model: 训练网络参数保存function :param load_state_dict_path: 网络预训练权重 :param loss_weights: 每个类别的权重, shape=(num_classes) :return: """ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # 网络 net = create_net(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, **kwargs) net.train() # 训练 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout # net.eval() # 固定 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, see net = if load_state_dict_path is not None: net.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_state_dict_path)) # 优化器 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.1, last_epoch=-1) # 准备数据 df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) generator = hpmp_data_generator(data_path, batch_size) # 训练 epoch_size = int(len(df) / batch_size) # 1个epoch包含的batch数目 for epoch in range(epoch_begin, epoch_num): print("The epoch {} start.".format(epoch)) start = epoch_loss = 0.0 for iter in range(1, epoch_size + 1): images, labels = next(generator) images = labels = predicts = net(images) # 推断 if loss_weights is not None: # dice_loss_weights = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).to(device) loss_weights = torch.Tensor(loss_weights).to(device) loss = create_multi_loss(loss_type=LossType.ce_loss, predicts=predicts, labels=labels, num_classes=num_classes, loss_weights=loss_weights) miou = get_miou(predicts, labels, num_classes) print("loss {}/{}".format(iter, epoch_size), loss) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() # 反向传播 optimizer.step() # 更新网络参数 optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零 print("The epoch {} end, epoch loss:{}, miou:{}, execution time:{}". format(epoch, epoch_loss, miou.item(), - start)) print("The current epoch {} learning rate {}.".format( epoch, scheduler.get_lr()[0])) scheduler.step() # 更新学习率 # 保存模型 model_name = f"ckpt_%d_%.2f.pth" % (epoch, epoch_loss) save_model(net, model_name)
def valid(net, csv_path, load_data, batch_size, resize, crop_offset, num_classes, load_classes, anchors, iou_thres, conf_thres, nms_thres, img_size): """ 训练网络模型 :param iou_thres: 在批量数据统计时,当iou值大于该阈值时,才认为是正确的 :param nms_thres: 非最大值抑制时,预测框相似程度的iou阈值,当大于该阈值,则认为预测框相似,过滤 :param conf_thres: 非最大值抑制时,小于该置信度阈值,则过滤 :param net: 网络模型 :param csv_path: 数据data_list文件 :param load_data: 加载数据function, 返回数据root_path :param batch_size: 批量尺寸 :param resize: 网络输入的图片尺寸 :param crop_offset: 剪切偏移量 :param num_classes: 类别数量 :return: """ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") float_tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if torch.cuda.is_available( ) else torch.FloatTensor net.eval( ) # 不启用 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, see # 准备数据 df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) # generator = data_generator(load_data, # np.array(df['image']), # np.array(df['label']), # batch_size, resize, crop_offset) generator = detection_data_generator(load_data, np.array(df['image']), np.array(df['label']), batch_size, load_classes=load_classes, resize=resize, crop_offset=crop_offset) # 训练 epoch_size = int(len(df) / batch_size) # 1个epoch包含的batch数目 # miou = 0.0 targets = [] sample_metrics = [] # List of tuples (TP, confs, pred) with torch.no_grad(): for iter in range(1, epoch_size + 1): images, labels = next(generator) images = # labels = predicts = net(images) # 推断 yolo_outputs, _, _ = get_yolo_output( predicts=predicts, num_classes=num_classes, input_size=images.shape[-2:], anchors=anchors, cuda=torch.cuda.is_available(), labels=None, # ignore_threshold=0.5, # obj_scale=1, # noobj_scale=100 ) outputs = non_max_suppression(yolo_outputs.detach().cpu(), conf_thres=conf_thres, nms_thres=nms_thres) # Extract labels targets += labels[:, 1].tolist() # Rescale target labels[:, 2:] = xyhw2xyxy(labels[:, 2:]) labels[:, 2:] = labels[:, 2:] * torch.FloatTensor( [img_size[1], img_size[0], img_size[1], img_size[0]]) sample_metrics += get_batch_statistics(outputs, labels, iou_threshold=iou_thres) # iou = get_miou(predicts, labels, num_classes) # print("valid {}/{} iou".format(iter, epoch_size), iou) # miou += iou if len(sample_metrics) > 0: # Concatenate sample statistics true_positives, pred_scores, pred_labels = [ np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in list(zip(*sample_metrics)) ] precision, recall, AP, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class( true_positives, pred_scores, pred_labels, targets) return precision, recall, AP, f1, ap_class else: return None
def train_valid(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, lr, train_csv_path, load_train_data, valid_csv_path, load_valid_data, batch_size, resize, crop_offset, epoch_begin, epoch_num, num_classes, load_classes, anchors, lr_strategy, save_model, load_state_dict_path=None, loss_type: LossType = LossType.ce_loss, loss_weights=None, load_state_dict=None, **kwargs): """ 训练网络模型 :param in_channels: 输入通道 :param out_channels: 输出通道 :param net_name: 网络名称 :param lr: 学习率 :param train_csv_path: 数据data_list文件 :param load_train_data: 加载数据function, 返回数据root_path :param valid_csv_path: 数据data_list文件 :param load_valid_data: 加载数据function, 返回数据root_path :param batch_size: 批量尺寸 :param resize: 网络输入的图片尺寸 :param crop_offset: 剪切偏移量 :param epoch_begin: 开始批次(可以实现断点训练) :param epoch_num: epoch大小 :param num_classes: 类别数量 :param save_model: 训练网络参数保存function :param load_state_dict_path: 网络预训练权重 :param loss_type: 损失函数 :param loss_weights: 每个类别的权重, shape=(num_classes) :return: """ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # 网络 net = create_net(in_channels, out_channels, net_name, **kwargs) net.train() # 启用 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout # net.eval() # 不启用 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, see net = if load_state_dict is not None: net.load_state_dict(load_state_dict()) # 优化器 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr) # scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.1, last_epoch=-1) # 准备数据 df = pd.read_csv(train_csv_path) generator = detection_data_generator(load_train_data, np.array(df['image']), np.array(df['label']), batch_size, load_classes=load_classes, resize=resize, crop_offset=crop_offset) # 训练、验证 epoch_size = int(len(df) / batch_size) # 1个epoch包含的batch数目 best_net = {'mAP': 0, 'name': ''} for epoch in range(epoch_begin, epoch_num): # 训练 print("The epoch {} start.".format(epoch)) start = epoch_loss = 0.0 for batch_index in range(1, epoch_size + 1): images, labels = next(generator) images = labels = lr = ajust_learning_rate(optimizer, lr_strategy, epoch, batch_index - 1, epoch_size) predicts = net(images) # 推断 if loss_weights is not None: # dice_loss_weights = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).to(device) loss_weights = torch.Tensor(loss_weights).to(device) yolo_outputs, loss, metrics_table = get_yolo_output( predicts=predicts, num_classes=num_classes, input_size=images.shape[-2:], anchors=anchors, cuda=torch.cuda.is_available(), labels=labels, ignore_threshold=0.5, obj_scale=1, noobj_scale=5, coord_scale=5, cls_scale=1) print("batch_index/epoch_size/epoch/lr/loss {}/{}/{}/{}/{}".format( batch_index, epoch_size, epoch, lr, loss)) if metrics_table is not None and len(metrics_table) > 0: for index, item in enumerate(metrics_table): keys = item.keys() keys_str = "/".join( [key for key in keys if not key == 'grid_size']) values_str = "/".join([ str(item[key]) for key in keys if not key == 'grid_size' ]) print( str(item['grid_size'][0]) + "/batch_index/epoch_size/epoch/output_loss/" + keys_str + " {}/{}/{}/{}/".format( batch_index, epoch_size, epoch, loss) + values_str) # print("batch_index/epoch_size/epoch {}/{}/{}".format(batch_index, epoch_size, epoch), metrics_table) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() # 反向传播 optimizer.step() # 更新网络参数 optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零 print("The epoch {} end, epoch loss:{}, execution time:{}".format( epoch, epoch_loss, - start)) # 验证 valid_result = valid(net=net, csv_path=valid_csv_path, load_data=load_valid_data, batch_size=batch_size, resize=resize, crop_offset=crop_offset, num_classes=num_classes, load_classes=load_classes, anchors=anchors, iou_thres=0.5, conf_thres=0.5, nms_thres=0.5, img_size=resize) if valid_result is not None: precision, recall, ap, f1, ap_class = valid_result print("Average Precisions:") for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(f"+ Class '{c}' ({load_classes()[c]}) - AP: {ap[i]}") m_ap = ap.mean() model_name = f"ckpt_%d_%.2f_%.2f.pth" % (epoch, epoch_loss, m_ap) if m_ap > best_net['mAP']: best_net['mAP'] = m_ap best_net['name'] = model_name # 保存模型 save_model(net, model_name) print("The current epoch {} mAP {}.".format(epoch, m_ap)) # scheduler.step() # 更新学习率 else: model_name = f"ckpt_%d_%.2f_%.2f.pth" % (epoch, epoch_loss, 0) # 保存模型 save_model(net, model_name) print("The current epoch {} mAP {}.".format(epoch, 0)) print("This is the best model", best_net)