Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_path(a, b, contour, distancia, dir=0):
    conf_1 = -90
    conf_2 = -1
    conf_3 = "left"
    conf_4 = 0
    if dir == 1:
        conf_3 = "right"
    path = []
    contorno_points = []
    for c in contour:
        c = utils.to_utm(c)
        utm_pos = Point(c.x, c.y)
    a2 = utils.to_utm(a)
    a_utm = Point(a2.x, a2.y)
    b2 = utils.to_utm(b)
    b_utm = Point(b2.x, b2.y)
    ab_course = utils.bearing(a_utm, b_utm)
    a_utm = utils.offset(a2, ab_course - 90, distancia * 80)
    b_utm = utils.offset(b2, ab_course - 90, distancia * 80)
    a2, b2 = utils.extend(a_utm, b_utm)
    AB = LineString([a2, b2])
    contorno = Polygon(contorno_points)
    eroded = contorno.buffer(-distancia, resolution=16, join_style=1)
    line = AB.intersection(eroded)

    for x in range(1, 200):
        ab_1 = AB.parallel_offset(x * distancia, conf_3)
        line = ab_1.intersection(eroded)
        if (line.geom_type == "LineString"):
            if (len(line.coords) > 1):
                p1 = 1
                p2 = conf_2
                if x % 2 == 0:
                    p1 = 0
                    p2 = -conf_2
                centro = utils.offset(utils.toCoord(line.coords[p1]),
                                      ab_course + conf_1, distancia / 2)
                radius = distancia / 2
                start_angle, end_angle = 90 - ab_course - 90, 90 - ab_course + 90  # In degrees
                if x % 2 == 0:
                    start_angle, end_angle = 90 - ab_course + 90, 90 - ab_course - 90
                numsegments = 200
                theta = np.radians(
                    np.linspace(start_angle, end_angle, numsegments))
                x = centro.x + (radius * np.cos(theta)) * p2
                y = centro.y + (radius * np.sin(theta)) * p2
                arc = LineString(np.column_stack([x, y]))
                for c in arc.coords:
    final = LineString(path)
    path2 = []
    for x in range(0, int(final.length / 2)):
        p = final.interpolate(x * 2)
    return path2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def move(LatLon):
    global old_pos, init, old_bearing, mesh, bearings, tractor
    utm_pos = Coordinate(x=LatLon.x, y=LatLon.y)
    if init is False:
        tractor.m_p_s = 2
        init = True
        old_pos = utm_pos
        scene.camera.pos = vec(utm_pos.x, 4, utm_pos.y - 50)
        scene.camera.axis = vec(0, -4, -50)
        obj = []
        for x in range(-50, 50):
            for y in range(-50, 50):
                a = Coordinate(x=utm_pos.x + x * 500,
                               y=utm_pos.y + y * 500 + 500)
                b = Coordinate(x=utm_pos.x + x * 500 + 500,
                               y=utm_pos.y + y * 500 + 500)
                c = Coordinate(x=utm_pos.x + x * 500 + 500,
                               y=utm_pos.y + y * 500)
                d = Coordinate(x=utm_pos.x + x * 500, y=utm_pos.y + y * 500)
                Q = quad(
                    v0=vertex(pos=vec(a.x, -1, a.y)),
                    v1=vertex(pos=vec(b.x, -1, b.y)),
                    v2=vertex(pos=vec(c.x, -1, c.y)),
                    v3=vertex(pos=vec(d.x, -1, d.y)),
        compound(obj, canvas=scene, color=vec(0, .60, 0))

        curso = utils.bearing(utm_pos, old_pos)
        a = utils.offset(utm_pos, curso - 90, distance / 2)
        b = utils.offset(utm_pos, curso + 90, distance / 2)
        c = utils.offset(old_pos, old_bearing + 90, distance / 2)
        d = utils.offset(old_pos, old_bearing - 90, distance / 2)
        Q = quad(
            v0=vertex(pos=vec(a.x, .5, a.y), color=color.yellow),
            v1=vertex(pos=vec(b.x, .5, b.y), color=color.yellow),
            v2=vertex(pos=vec(c.x, .5, c.y), color=color.yellow),
            v3=vertex(pos=vec(d.x, .5, d.y), color=color.yellow),
        left.append(vec(a.x, .5, a.y))
        right.append(vec(b.x, .5, b.y))
        old_bearing = curso
        old_pos = utm_pos
        bearings.insert(0, curso)
        curso = sum(bearings) / len(bearings)
        camera = utils.offset(utm_pos, curso, 300)
        x, z = utils.vector(curso + 180)
        #scene.camera.pos=vec(camera.x, 100, camera.y)
        #scene.camera.axis=200*vec(x, -0.3 , z)
        tractor_3d.pos = tractor.get_vec(1.5)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_offset(self):
        Package together the properties we want for the date offset 
        function into a single test
        # Basic function: single business day offset
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12))

        # Check one week offset
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 14), -5)
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 7))

        # Check we move forward across a weekend correctly
        # - if we land on a saturday
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 13), 3, 'BD')
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 18))

        # - if we land on a sunday
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 13), 4, 'bd')
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 18))

        # And backward across a weekend 
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11), -1)
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 8))

        # Check we bridge two weekends successfully 
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11), -7)
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 31))

        # Check one month move
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11), -1, 'M')
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 11))

        # Check one month move that lands on a weekend moves to the
        # next business day - also check case insensitivity
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12), -1, 'm')
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 11))

        # Check one year move
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12), 1, 'Y')
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 12))

        # Check one year move that lands on a weekend moves to the
        # next business day - also check case insensitivity
        result = utils.offset(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 15), 1, 'y')
        self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 17))

        # Check exception is thrown if the period isn't recognised
                          datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11), 1, 'X')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def idx_to_freq_mean_periods(idx, hz):
    compute freq by taking mean period length in sample
    diff = [b - a for a, b in offset(idx)]
    if diff:
        mean = sum(diff) / len(diff)
        return hz / mean
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def cross_err(pos, nav, path):
    print(pos.x, pos.y)
    position = utils.offset(pos, nav, 4)
    print(position.x, position.y)
    punto = nearest_points(position, path)[1]
    curso = utils.bearing(position, punto)
    lado = utils.get_diff(nav, curso)
    distancia = punto.distance(position)
    distancia = math.copysign(distancia, lado)
    return distancia
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_idx(signal):
    calculate frequency of square wave
    use offset list to find the 0->1 transitions

    equivalent to:
        idx = [i for i, (a,b) in enumerate(offset(signal)) if (a,b) == (0,1)]
    idx = []
    for i, (a, b) in enumerate(offset(signal)):
        if (a, b) == (0, 1):
    return idx
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(args):

    root = args.path
    if not check(root):
        raise ValueError("Warning! Root directory isn't valid")

    max_dep = args.depth
    max_file = args.file
    assert max_dep > 0 and max_file > 0

    print("{Visual Tree}")

    dir_count = 0
    file_count = 0
    for path, _, files in sorted(filtered_walk(root, depth=max_dep)):
        level = offset(root, path)
        base = os.path.basename(path)

        if level == 1:
            print(INDENT * level + SYMBOL + base)
        dir_count += 1

        # display files
        level += 1
        local_count = 0
        display = True
        for file in sorted(files):
            file_count += 1
            local_count += 1
            if display:
                print(INDENT * level + SYMBOL + file)
            if local_count == max_file + 1:
                display = False
                print(INDENT * level + SYMBOL + "...")

    summary(root, dir_count, file_count)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def date_sequence(start, end):
    dte = start
    while dte <= end:
        yield dte
        dte = utils.offset(dte, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def move(self):
     while True:
         self.bearing += self.direccion * -0.1
         l = utils.offset(self.location, self.bearing, self.m_p_s / 10)
         self.location = l
Ejemplo n.º 10
scene.append_to_caption('D  ')

def S3(s):
    tractor.pid.Kd = s.value

slider(bind=S3, max=1, value=tractor.pid.Kd)

while True:
    if len(qobj) > 1000:
        qtemp = compound(qobj, canvas=scene, color=color.yellow)
        for obj in qobj:
            obj.visible = False
            del obj
        qobj = []
    #print(tractor.location," Bearing:",tractor.bearing)
    d = (Point(tractor.location.x, tractor.location.y))
    point, dist = nav.get_target(d, path)
    direct_bearing = utils.bearing(d, point)

    tractor.doblar((direct_bearing - tractor.bearing) + desv)
    #print("Dist: ","{0:0.2f}".format(dist),"m. WP_course: ","{0:0.2f}".format(wp_bearing),"deg. Direct_course: ","{0:0.2f}".format(direct_bearing),"deg. Target: ","{0:0.2f}".format(target),"deg.")
    camera = utils.offset(tractor.location, tractor.bearing, -150)
    x, z = utils.vector(tractor.bearing)
    scene.camera.pos = vec(camera.x, 70, camera.y)
    scene.camera.axis = 120 * vec(x, -0.3, z)