Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    #---------------LOAD PARAMETERS, INITIALIZE VARS---------------
    results = []
    para = params_setup("ridge")  # "ridge" for ridge VAR

    # Which variables are > thresh?
    thresh = para.variable_threshold
    # How far in the future are we predicting?
    offset = para.horizon
    # What is the window of previous timesteps we're looking at?
    attn_length = para.attention_len

    #---------------PREPARE DATA------------------
    (X_cut, y_cut) = load_data(para)

    num_timesteps = X_cut.shape[0]
    num_features = X_cut.shape[1]

    X = list()
    for i in range(attn_length, num_timesteps - offset):
            (X_cut[i - attn_length:i, :]).flatten()
        )  # must flatten (timesteps, features) into 1D b/c model only takes up to 2D
    X = np.array(X)
    y = y_cut[attn_length + offset:num_timesteps]

    # Split into training and testing
    cutoff_idx = math.floor(X.shape[0] * 0.8)
    X_train = X[0:cutoff_idx, :]
    y_train = y[0:cutoff_idx]

    X_test = X[cutoff_idx:, :]
    y_test = y[cutoff_idx:]

    print("X_train shape:", X_train.shape)
    print("y_train shape:", y_train.shape)
    print("X_test shape:", X_test.shape)
    print("y_test shape:", y_test.shape)

    for aa in ALPHAS:
        clf = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=aa, normalize=True)
        clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

        #0 rated emotion signal
        #1-13 MFCCs
        #14-26 dMFCCs
        #27-39 ddMFCCs
        #40 clarity
        #41 brightness
        #42 key_strength
        #43 rms
        #44 centroid
        #45 spread
        #46 skewness
        #47 kurtosis
        #48-59 chroma
        #60 mode
        #61 compress
        #62 hcdf
        #63 flux
        #64-74 lpcs

        # Determine which variables (timesteps, since this is AR) are most important

        inds = [
            j for (i, j) in zip(clf.coef_, range(len(clf.coef_)))
            if abs(i) >= thresh
        inds_mod = [x % num_features for x in inds]

        # Get RMSE
        RMSE = ((len(y_test)**-1) * sum((clf.predict(X_test) - y_test)**2))**.5

        print("RMSE for alpha " + str(aa) + ": " + (str)(RMSE))
        plt.plot(range(len(y_test)), clf.predict(X_test))
        plt.plot(range(len(y_test)), y_test)

            Result(aa, RMSE, clf.coef_, sorted(inds_mod), clf.intercept_))

    min_rmse = results[0].RMSE
    min_idx = 0
    for i in range(0, len(results)):
        if (results[i].RMSE < min_rmse):
            min_rmse = results[i].RMSE
            min_idx = i
    print("Minimum RMSE: " + str(min_rmse) + " for alpha=" +
    # ----------------- WRITE RESULT OF BEST ALPHA TO FILE -------------------
    best_result = results[min_idx]
    with open(para.output_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write("RMSE: " + (str)(best_result.RMSE))
        f.write("\nAlpha: " + (str)(best_result.alpha))
        f.write(np.array2string(best_result.coefs, threshold=np.nan))
        f.write("\nCoefficient indices over threshold " +
                str(para.variable_threshold) + ":\n")
        f.write(' '.join(str(x) for x in best_result.coef_indices))
        f.write("\nTotal number of coefficients over threshold: " +
        f.write("\nRegression bias term: " + str(best_result.bias))
        # Write overall RMSE for each alpha as well
        f.write("\n\nRMSEs for each alpha:\n")
        for result in results:
            f.write("Alpha: " + str(result.alpha) + ",\tRMSE: " +
                    str(result.RMSE) + "\n")
        print("Successfully wrote results to file " + para.output_filename)
def main():
    para = params_setup("ar")  # "ar" for autoregression
    clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=True)

    #Which variables are > thresh?
    thresh = para.variable_threshold
    #How far in the future are we predicting?
    offset = para.horizon
    #What is the length of the autoregression
    attn_length = para.attention_len

    (X_cut, y_cut) = load_data(para)

    #Make the autoregressive IVs
    y_regress = list()
    for i in range(offset + attn_length, len(y_cut)):
        y_regress.append(y_cut[i - attn_length - offset:i - offset])
    y_regress = np.array(y_regress)

    #Split into training and testing
    if (para.test_set_at_beginning):
        cutoff_idx = math.floor(y_regress.shape[0] * 0.2)
        X_test = y_regress[0:(cutoff_idx - attn_length - offset), :]
        y_test = y_cut[attn_length + offset:cutoff_idx]

        X_train = y_regress[cutoff_idx - attn_length - offset:, :]
        y_train = y_cut[cutoff_idx:]
        cutoff_idx = math.floor(y_regress.shape[0] * 0.8)
        X_train = y_regress[0:(cutoff_idx - attn_length - offset), :]
        y_train = y_cut[attn_length + offset:cutoff_idx]

        X_test = y_regress[cutoff_idx - attn_length - offset:, :]
        y_test = y_cut[cutoff_idx:]

    print("X_train shape:", X_train.shape)
    print("y_train shape:", y_train.shape)
    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

    # 0 rated emotion signal
    # 1-13 MFCCs
    # 14-26 dMFCCs
    # 27-39 ddMFCCs
    # 40 clarity
    # 41 brightness
    # 42 key_strength
    # 43 rms
    # 44 centroid
    # 45 spread
    # 46 skewness
    # 47 kurtosis
    # 48-59 chroma
    # 60 mode
    # 61 compress
    # 62 hcdf
    # 63 flux
    # 64-74 lpcs

    #Determine which variables (timesteps, since this is AR) are most important

    inds = [
        j for (i, j) in zip(clf.coef_, range(len(clf.coef_)))
        if abs(i) >= thresh

    # print(sorted(inds))
    # print(sum(abs(clf.coef_)>thresh))
    # print((abs(clf.coef_)>thresh))
    # print(nlargest(3, clf.coef_))
    # print(clf.intercept_)

    #Get RMSE
    RMSE = ((len(y_test)**-1) * sum((clf.predict(X_test) - y_test)**2))**0.5
    print("RMSE: " + (str)(RMSE))
    if (para.show_plots):
        plt.plot(range(len(y_test[:-2])), clf.predict(X_test[:][:-2]))
        plt.plot(range(len(y_test[:-2])), y_test[:-2])
        plt.title('Autoregression predictions vs truth')
        plt.legend(['predictions', 'truth'], loc='upper right')

    with open(para.output_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write("RMSE: " + (str)(RMSE))
        f.write(np.array2string(clf.coef_, threshold=np.nan))
        f.write("\nCoefficient indices over threshold " +
                str(para.variable_threshold) + ":\n")
        f.write(' '.join(str(x) for x in sorted(inds)))
        f.write("\nTotal number of coefficients over threshold: " +
                str(sum(abs(clf.coef_) > thresh)))
        f.write("\nRegression bias term: " + str(clf.intercept_))
        print("Successfully wrote results to file " + para.output_filename)