Ejemplo n.º 1
  def matchNames(self, externalNames, GsNames):
    """Returns a dictionnary: External name -> Gradesource name"""
    cprint('Matching students', 'yellow')
    mapping = {}
    # externalDict: "alphonse blah jean" -> "Jean-Alphonse Blah"
    externalDict = {}
    for n in externalNames:
      subNames = n
      subNames = subNames.replace('-', ' ').replace(',', ' ').lower().split(' ')
      externalDict[" ".join(subNames).strip()] = n
    # GsDict:
    # "alphonse blah jean",
    # "blah jean",
    # "alphonse jean",
    # "alphonse blah",
    # -> "Jean-Alphonse Blah"
    GsDict = {}
    for n in GsNames:
      subNames = n
      subNames = subNames.replace('-', ' ').replace(',', ' ').lower().split(' ')
      # only keep more-than-one-letter subnames 
      subNames = [x for x in subNames if len(x) > 1]
      # include all possibility
      for possibility in utils.powerset(subNames):
        if len(possibility) > 1:
          GsDict[" ".join(possibility)] = n

    format = "%3s %25s - %-25s (%s)"
    cprint(format % ("#", "External name", "Gradesource name", "distance"), 'yellow')
    for i, externalCleaned in enumerate(externalDict):
      if externalCleaned in GsDict:
        dist = 0
        GsCleaned = externalCleaned
        dist, GsCleaned = min([(utils.editDist(externalCleaned, x), x) for x in GsDict.keys()])

      if dist == 0:
        mapping[externalDict[externalCleaned]] = GsDict[GsCleaned]
        for possibility in utils.powerset(GsCleaned.split(' ')):
          if len(possibility) > 1:
            del GsDict[' '.join(possibility)]

      if dist == 0:
        color = 'white'
        color = 'red'

      cprint(format % (i + 1, externalCleaned, GsCleaned, str(dist)), color)
    return mapping
def define_lexicon(player=[], shot=[], worlds=[]):
    D_et = powerset(player+shot)
    relational_hit =  [[w, x, y] for w, x, y in product(worlds, player, shot) if y in shot[: w[player.index(x)]]]
    lex = {
        # Concessions to tractability -- these are defined extensionally (invariant across worlds):
        "some":        [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2) if len(set(X) & set(Y)) > 0],
        "exactly_one": [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2) if len(set(X) & set(Y)) == 1],
        "every":       [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2) if set(X) <= set(Y)],
        "no":          [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2) if len(set(X) & set(Y)) == 0],
        "PlayerA":     [X for X in powerset(player) if a in X],
        "PlayerB":     [X for X in powerset(player) if b in X],
        "PlayerC":     [X for X in powerset(player) if c in X],
        # Tempting to intensionalize these, but that means using intensional quantifiers,
        # which are intractable on this set-theoretic formulation. Our goal is to understand
        # refinement and lexical uncertainty, which we can study using verbs and extensional
        # quantifiers, so this limitation seems well worth it.
        "player":      player,
        "shot":        shot,
        # Intensional predicates:
        "scored":      [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player) if len(shot[: w[player.index(x)]]) > 0],
        "aced":        [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player) if len(shot[: w[player.index(x)]]) > 1],
        "missed":      [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player) if len(shot[: w[player.index(x)]]) == 0],
        "hit" :        [[w, x, y] for w, x, y in product(worlds, player, shot) if y in shot[: w[player.index(x)]]],
        # More concessions to tractability -- we'll refine these rather than the determiners;
        # this should have no effect because of the limited class of predicates -- no predicate
        # is true of both players and shots, and player and shot have the same extensions in all
        # worlds.
        "some_player":        [Y for Y in powerset(player) if len(set(player) & set(Y)) > 0],
        "some_shot":          [Y for Y in powerset(shot)   if len(set(shot) & set(Y)) > 0],
        "exactly_one_player": [Y for Y in powerset(player) if len(set(player) & set(Y)) == 1],
        "exactly_one_shot":   [Y for Y in D_et if len(set(shot) & set(Y)) == 1],
        "every_player":       [Y for Y in D_et if set(player) <= set(Y)],
        "every_shot":         [Y for Y in D_et if set(shot) <= set(Y)],
        "no_player":          [Y for Y in D_et if len(set(player) & set(Y)) == 0],
        "no_shot":            [Y for Y in D_et if len(set(shot) & set(Y)) == 0],
        # Mainly for specifying refinements:
        "not_every_player":   [Y for Y in D_et if not(set(player) <= set(Y))],
        "not_every_shot":     [Y for Y in D_et if not(set(shot) <= set(Y))],
        "scored_not_aced":    [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player) if len(shot[: w[player.index(x)]]) == 1],
        "only_PlayerA":       [X for X in powerset(player) if a in X and len(X) == 1],
        "only_PlayerB":       [X for X in powerset(player) if b in X and len(X) == 1],
        "only_PlayerC":       [X for X in powerset(player) if c in X and len(X) == 1]                
    return lex
Ejemplo n.º 3
def all_hypotheses(examples):
    """Builds a list of all the possible hypotheses"""
    values = values_table(examples)
    h_powerset = powerset(values.keys())
    hypotheses = []
    for s in h_powerset:
        hypotheses.extend(build_attr_combinations(s, values))


    return hypotheses
Ejemplo n.º 4
def prog(limit, primes):
    p = frozenset(primes)
    for i in primes:
        digits = tuple(digit_iter(i))
        maxdig = max(digits)
        positions = powerset(range(len(digits)))
        for j in positions:
            if same_digit(digits, j):
                dig = digits[j[0]]
                if prime_replace_part(digits, j, dig, p) == 8:
                    return i
Ejemplo n.º 5
def build_h_combinations(hypotheses):
    """Given a set of hypotheses, builds and returns all the combinations of the
    h = []
    h_powerset = powerset(range(len(hypotheses)))

    for s in h_powerset:
        t = []
        for i in s:

    return h
Ejemplo n.º 6
def partition(iterable, num=1):
    seq = tuple(iterable)
    if num <= 1:
        yield [seq]
        raise StopIteration
    if not seq:
        yield [()] * num
        raise StopIteration

    for head in powerset(seq[:len(seq) - 1]):
        tail = drop_parallel(seq, head)
        for lst in partition(tail, num - 1):
            lst.insert(0, head)
            yield lst
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generalizations(examples_so_far, h):
    """Generalize the hypothesis. First delete operations
    (including disjunctions) from the hypothesis. Then, add OR operations."""
    hypotheses = []

    # Delete disjunctions
    disj_powerset = powerset(range(len(h)))
    for disjs in disj_powerset:
        h2 = h.copy()
        for d in reversed(list(disjs)):
            del h2[d]

        if check_all_consistency(examples_so_far, h2):
            hypotheses += h2

    # Delete AND operations in disjunctions
    for i, disj in enumerate(h):
        a_powerset = powerset(disj.keys())
        for attrs in a_powerset:
            h2 = h[i].copy()
            for a in attrs:
                del h2[a]

            if check_all_consistency(examples_so_far, [h2]):
                h3 = h.copy()
                h3[i] = h2.copy()
                hypotheses += h3

    # Add OR operations
    if hypotheses == [] or hypotheses == [{}]:
        hypotheses = add_or(examples_so_far, h)
        hypotheses.extend(add_or(examples_so_far, h))

    return hypotheses
Ejemplo n.º 8
def add_or(examples_so_far, h):
    """Adds an OR operation to the hypothesis. The AND operations in the disjunction
    are generated by the last example (which is the problematic one)."""
    ors = []
    e = examples_so_far[-1]

    attrs = {k: v for k, v in e.items() if k != 'GOAL'}
    a_powerset = powerset(attrs.keys())

    for c in a_powerset:
        h2 = {}
        for k in c:
            h2[k] = attrs[k]

        if check_negative_consistency(examples_so_far, h2):
            h3 = h.copy()

    return ors
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main(domain, parameter_set, atol, rtol, min_success_rate, min_r2,
    valid_pools = []
    for attack_set in utils.powerset([
            'bim', 'brendel', 'carlini', 'deepfool', 'fast_gradient', 'pgd',
    ], False):
        pool_result = get_r2(domain, parameter_set, atol, rtol, test_override,
        (success_mean, _), (_, _), (r2_mean, _) = pool_result

        if success_mean >= min_success_rate and r2_mean >= min_r2:
            valid_pools.append((attack_set, pool_result))

    min_size = min([len(attack_set) for attack_set, _ in valid_pools])
    valid_pools = [(attack_set, pool) for attack_set, pool in valid_pools
                   if len(attack_set) == min_size]

    valid_pools.sort(key=lambda x: pool_selector(x[1]), reverse=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def add_or(examples_so_far, h):
    """Adds an OR operation to the hypothesis. The AND operations in the disjunction
    are generated by the last example (which is the problematic one)."""
    ors = []
    e = examples_so_far[-1]

    attrs = {k: v for k, v in e.items() if k != 'GOAL'}
    a_powerset = powerset(attrs.keys())

    for c in a_powerset:
        h2 = {}
        for k in c:
            h2[k] = attrs[k]

        if check_negative_consistency(examples_so_far, h2):
            h3 = h.copy()

    return ors
Ejemplo n.º 11
def run():
    Brute force over all the primes, retroactively incrementing family member
    count of all related numbers.  Using a estimated upper bound of a million.
    N = 10 ** 6
    primes = get_prime_sieve(N)
    counter = Counter(track_max=True)
    powersets = [list(powerset(range(1, n + 1))) for n in range(6)]

    pattern = None
    for p, is_prime in enumerate(primes):
        if not is_prime or p < 10:

        s = str(p)

        for digit in '0123456789':
            # No need to replace the last digit due to parity
            num_appear = s[:-1].count(digit)
            if num_appear == 0:
            replace_positions = powersets[num_appear]

            for positions in replace_positions:
                if len(positions) == 0:
                replaced = s
                for index, position in enumerate(positions):
                    replaced = replacenth(replaced, digit, '*',
                                          position - index)
                if counter.get_most()[1] == 8:
                    pattern = counter.get_most()[0]

    # replace all the *'s with the lowest possible digit and return
    replace_digit = '1' if pattern[0] == '*' else '0'
    return int(pattern.replace('*', replace_digit))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def compute_ca_kadditive_imbfs(n, k, indir):
    global count
    global variables
    global pset
    global kadditivity

    indir = indir + "/" if indir is not None else None

    variables = frozenset([(i + 1) for i in range(n)])
    pset = set([frozenset(p) for p in powerset(variables)])

    kadditivity = int(k)

    t1 = time.time()

    print("Number of CPUs: %d" % multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
    n = 0
    for f in os.listdir(indir):
        if f.endswith(".pkl.bz2") is False:

        pool.apply_async(compute_ca_kadditive_mbfs, (indir + f, ),


    print("0/1 loss min: %.02f (%03d %%)" % (loss_min,
                                             ((100 * loss_min) / len(pset))))
    print("0/1 loss max: %.02f (%03d %%)" % (loss_max,
                                             ((100 * loss_max) / len(pset))))
    print("0/1 loss avg: %.02f (%03d %%)" %
          ((loss_avg / count_nmbfs),
           (100 * (loss_avg) / len(pset) / count_nmbfs)))
    print("total time: %.02f seconds" % (time.time() - t1))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main(domain, parameter_set, atol, rtol, min_success_rate, test_override):
    valid_pools = []
    for attack_set in utils.powerset([
            'bim', 'brendel', 'carlini', 'deepfool', 'fast_gradient', 'pgd',
    ], False):
        pool_result = get_r2(domain, parameter_set, atol, rtol, test_override,
        (success_mean, _), (_, _), (r2_mean, r2_std) = pool_result

        if success_mean >= min_success_rate:
            valid_pools.append((attack_set, pool_result))

    csv = 'Pool Size;R2;Error\n'

    for i in range(max([len(attack_set) for attack_set, _ in valid_pools])):
        pool_size = i + 1
        print(f'Pool size: {pool_size}')

        chosen_pools = [(attack_set, pool) for attack_set, pool in valid_pools
                        if len(attack_set) == pool_size]

        chosen_pools.sort(key=lambda x: pool_selector(x[1]), reverse=True)
        best_poool_attacks, best_pool_results = chosen_pools[0]


        (_, _), (_, _), (r2_mean, r2_std) = best_pool_results

        csv += f'{pool_size};{r2_mean};{r2_std}\n'

    csv_path = f'analysis/pools/{domain}-{parameter_set}.csv'

    Path(csv_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

Ejemplo n.º 14
    def compare_models(burn):
        """Comparison of all models."""
        print burn
        depends_on = ['a', 't', 'v', 'z']
        all_includes = powerset(['st', 'sv', 'sz'])
        results = {}

        for includes in all_includes:

            __dir = pj(_dir, str(burn))
            if len(includes) == 0:
                _includes = 'none'
                _includes = ','.join(includes)

            if not exists(__dir):

                print 'hello'

            path = pj(_dir, str(burn), _includes)

            if not exists(path):

                m = load_model_with_all_samples(depends_on, includes, burn)
                print_model_stats(m, path)

            x = float([l for l in open(path).readlines() if 'DIC' in l][0].split(' ')[1].replace('\n', ''))
            results[_includes] = x

        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index')
        print df
        df.columns = [burn]
        print df

        return df
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_powerset(self):
     self.assertEqual(list(powerset([1, 2, 3], 1)),
                      [(1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)])
def define_lexicon(player=[], shot=[], worlds=[]):
    D_et = powerset(player + shot)
    relational_hit = [[w, x, y] for w, x, y in product(worlds, player, shot)
                      if y in shot[:w[player.index(x)]]]
    lex = {
        # Concessions to tractability -- these are defined extensionally (invariant across worlds):
        "some": [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2)
                 if len(set(X) & set(Y)) > 0],
        "exactly_one": [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2)
                        if len(set(X) & set(Y)) == 1],
        [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2) if set(X) <= set(Y)],
        "no": [[X, Y] for X, Y in product(D_et, repeat=2)
               if len(set(X) & set(Y)) == 0],
        "PlayerA": [X for X in powerset(player) if a in X],
        "PlayerB": [X for X in powerset(player) if b in X],
        "PlayerC": [X for X in powerset(player) if c in X],
        # Tempting to intensionalize these, but that means using intensional quantifiers,
        # which are intractable on this set-theoretic formulation. Our goal is to understand
        # refinement and lexical uncertainty, which we can study using verbs and extensional
        # quantifiers, so this limitation seems well worth it.
        # Intensional predicates:
        "scored": [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player)
                   if len(shot[:w[player.index(x)]]) > 0],
        "aced": [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player)
                 if len(shot[:w[player.index(x)]]) > 1],
        "missed": [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player)
                   if len(shot[:w[player.index(x)]]) == 0],
        "hit": [[w, x, y] for w, x, y in product(worlds, player, shot)
                if y in shot[:w[player.index(x)]]],
        # More concessions to tractability -- we'll refine these rather than the determiners;
        # this should have no effect because of the limited class of predicates -- no predicate
        # is true of both players and shots, and player and shot have the same extensions in all
        # worlds.
        [Y for Y in powerset(player) if len(set(player) & set(Y)) > 0],
        [Y for Y in powerset(shot) if len(set(shot) & set(Y)) > 0],
        [Y for Y in powerset(player) if len(set(player) & set(Y)) == 1],
        "exactly_one_shot": [Y for Y in D_et if len(set(shot) & set(Y)) == 1],
        "every_player": [Y for Y in D_et if set(player) <= set(Y)],
        "every_shot": [Y for Y in D_et if set(shot) <= set(Y)],
        "no_player": [Y for Y in D_et if len(set(player) & set(Y)) == 0],
        "no_shot": [Y for Y in D_et if len(set(shot) & set(Y)) == 0],
        # Mainly for specifying refinements:
        "not_every_player": [Y for Y in D_et if not (set(player) <= set(Y))],
        "not_every_shot": [Y for Y in D_et if not (set(shot) <= set(Y))],
        "scored_not_aced": [[w, x] for w, x in product(worlds, player)
                            if len(shot[:w[player.index(x)]]) == 1],
        [X for X in powerset(player) if a in X and len(X) == 1],
        [X for X in powerset(player) if b in X and len(X) == 1],
        [X for X in powerset(player) if c in X and len(X) == 1]
    return lex
 def refinements(self, semval):
     return powerset(semval, minsize=1)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        for fmin in fmins:
            if coalition >= fmin:
                is_good = True

        if is_good is True:

    return frozenset(good), frozenset(bad)

def mbf_ca_kadditive(mbf, kadditivity, variables, pset):
    good, bad = generate_binary_table(pset, mbf)
    n = cplex_lbda_minmax(variables, good, bad, kadditivity)
    return n

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from utils import mbf_to_str

    kadditivity = 1
    n = 4
    variables = frozenset([(i + 1) for i in range(n)])
    pset = set([frozenset(p) for p in powerset(variables)])
    mbf = frozenset([frozenset([1, 2]), frozenset([1, 4]), frozenset([3, 4])])

    n = mbf_ca_kadditive(mbf, kadditivity, variables, pset)
    print("%s: %d/%d are not representable with %d-additive weights" %
          (mbf_to_str(mbf), n, len(pset), kadditivity))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    async def play_word(self):
        Waits the delay, finds a word and plays it.
        self.thinking = True
        await asyncio.sleep(settings.BOT_DELAY)
        self.thinking = False

        words = self.game.all_words
        free = self.game.free_tiles
        top_word = ""
        max_points = 0
        pid = 0
        index = 0
        used_chars = ()

        if self.interrupted:
            self.interrupted = False
            self.thinking = False

        # try to augment existing words
        for (word, player_id, i) in words:
            for combo in list(utils.powerset(free))[1:]:
                combined = word + ''.join(combo)
                key = ''.join(sorted(combined))
                if key in self.dictionary:
                    potential_word = random.choice(self.dictionary[key])
                    points = self.calculate_points(
                        0 if player_id != self.id else len(word))
                    if points > max_points:
                        top_word, max_points = potential_word, points
                        pid, index, used_chars = player_id, i, combo

        # check free chars
        for combo in list(utils.powerset(free))[1:]:
            combined = ''.join(combo)
            key = ''.join(sorted(combined))
            if key in self.dictionary:
                potential_word = random.choice(self.dictionary[key])
                points = self.calculate_points(potential_word, 0)
                if points > max_points:
                    top_word, max_points = potential_word, points
                    pid, index, used_chars = 0, -1, combo

        if not top_word:

        if pid != -1:
            # delete used_chars from free
            for c in used_chars:

            # update scores
            new_word_length = len(top_word)
            self.score += new_word_length
            if pid != 0 and pid != self.id:
                old_word_length = len(self.game.players[pid].words[index])
                self.game.players[pid].score -= old_word_length
            elif pid != 0 and pid == self.id:
                old_word_length = len(self.words[index])
                self.score -= old_word_length

            # update the player word lists
            if pid != 0:
                if pid == self.id:
                    del self.words[index]
                    del self.game.players[pid].words[index]


            self.game.send_all("valid_word", top_word, self.name)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def proposal_state_payoff(fixed_types,
    :param fixed_types:
    :param game:
    :param state:
    :param proposer:
    :return: a dictionary with key = agent, value = payoff

    - if some proposals are equally good, the proposer RANDOMLY picks one!
    - If agent believe that a coalition C is more available than the continuation,
    she will propose the greedy division for that coalition
    - Otherwise, she would propose a proportional weighting division

    # next state without any coalition formed
    next_state_no_C = State(state.active_agents, state.t + 1, state.horizon)
    continuation_payoff = game_state_payoff(fixed_types, game, next_state_no_C)

    other_players = [
        player for player in state.active_agents if player != proposer

    best_proposals = [(None, float('-inf'), None, None)
                      ]  # [C, proposer_payoff, payoff, V_C]

    # look at all the coalitions involving proposer
    for s in powerset(other_players):
        proposal = [proposer] + list(s)
        logging.debug('entertaining proposal={}'.format(proposal))
        W = [fixed_types[p] for p in proposal]
        V_C = eval_coalition(W, game.tasks)
        tot_continuation = sum([continuation_payoff[p] for p in s])

        # if feasible, then greedy
        if V_C >= tot_continuation:
            payoff = greedy_division(proposer, proposal, V_C, \
                                     tot_continuation, continuation_payoff)
        # else, proportional weight division
            # there should always exist at least one feasible proposal:
            # i.e. the singleton coalition!
            # if not feasible, agent should just propose the singleton coalition!!
            logging.debug('proposal={} NOT feasible'.format(proposal))
            #payoff = {agent:fixed_types[agent]/sum(W) for agent in proposal}
            #payoff[proposer] = 0

        proposer_payoff = payoff[proposer]

        logging.debug('other_players={}, V_C={}, cont={}, payoff={}'.format(s, V_C, tot_continuation, \
        # update best proposals
        if proposer_payoff == best_proposals[0][1]:
            best_proposals.append((proposal, proposer_payoff, payoff, V_C))
        elif proposer_payoff > best_proposals[0][1]:
            best_proposals = [(proposal, proposer_payoff, payoff, V_C)]

    # randomly choose the optimal proposal
    best_proposal, _, best_payoff_C, best_V_C = best_proposals[

    active_agents = state.active_agents.difference(best_proposal)
    # next_state: increment time and update active_agents!
    next_state = State(active_agents, state.t + 1, state.horizon)
    payoff = game_state_payoff(fixed_types, game, next_state)

    res = Counter(payoff) + Counter(best_payoff_C)
    logging.debug('proposal_state_payoff({}, t={}, active={}, proposer={})={} | proposal chosen:{}'.format(fixed_types, state.t, \
                                                                                      state.active_agents, proposer,
                                                                                      res, best_proposal))
    if ret_proposal:
        return best_proposal, best_V_C, best_payoff_C
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def run(self, data, y_all, d_atts, unid, expdir, feateng_type, \
        rawres_fname = os.path.join(expdir, 'rawres_{}.json'.format(unid))
        #Set allowable datts as PCPs
        allowed_datts = {cat:d_atts[cat] for cat in d_atts.keys() \
                         if cat not in env_atts_types}

        #Generate Environments     (assuming only cat vars)
        e_ins_store = eproc.get_environments(data, \
                                {cat:d_atts[cat] for cat in env_atts_types})

        logging.info('{} environment attributes'.format(len(e_ins_store)))
        logging.debug('Environment attributes are {}'.format( \
                                    str([str(e) for e in e_ins_store])))

        #Now start enumerating PCPs
        full_res = {}
        with open(rawres_fname, mode='w+') as rawres:
            for subset in tqdm(powerset(allowed_datts.keys()), \
                                desc='pcp_sets', total=len(list( \
                                powerset(allowed_datts.keys())))):  #powerset

                #Setup raw result logging
                full_res[str(subset)] = {}

                #Check for empty set
                if not subset:

                #Linear regression on all data
                regressors = self.get_data_regressors(allowed_datts, subset, \
                                                      feateng_type, data)
                x_s = data[list(itertools.chain(regressors))]
                reg = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False).fit(x_s.values, \

                #Use the normalized e_ins to compute the residuals +
                #Find p_values for every environment
                assert len(e_ins_store.keys()) > 1  #For validation performance
                for env in e_ins_store:
                    e_in = e_ins_store[env]
                    e_out = np.logical_not(e_in)

                    #No data from environment
                    if (e_in.sum() < 2) or (len(e_out) - e_out.sum() < 2):
                        raise Exception('Not enough data in environment')

                    res_in = (y_all.loc[e_in].values - reg.predict(\

                    res_out = (y_all.loc[e_out].values -

                    #Check for NaNs
                    if (self.mean_var_test(res_in, res_out) is np.nan) or \
                    (self.mean_var_test(res_in, res_out) != \
                    self.mean_var_test(res_in, res_out)):
                        full_res[str(subset)][str(env)] = 'NaN'
                        full_res[str(subset)][str(env)] = \
                            self.mean_var_test(res_in, res_out)

                # # TODO: Jonas uses "min(p_values) * len(environments) - 1"
                full_res[str(subset)]['Final_tstat'] = min( \
                            [p for p in full_res[str(subset)].values() \
                             if not isinstance(p, str)]) * \

            logging.info('Enumerated all steps')

            #Save results
            json.dump(full_res, rawres, indent=4, separators=(',', ':'))
 def refinements(self, semval):
     return powerset(semval, minsize=1)