Ejemplo n.º 1
 def to_AzAlt(self, latitude, *args, **kwargs):
     Converts this HADec into an AzAlt object provided that latitude is given
     @param Latitude: A latitude in decimal degrees or as a SmartLat instance 
     @return: AzAlt object for that observer
      For Converting HA,Dec > Az,Alt:
             x = Declination in radians (-pi to pi)
             y = Latitude in radians (-pi to pi)
             z = HourAngle in radians (0 to 2pi), (which requires longitude if converting from RA)
             > xt = Altitude in radians
             > yt = Azimuth in radians
         @param latitude: Observer's latitude in RADIANS
         @return HA in Radians, Dec in Radians
     if not isinstance(latitude, SmartLat):
         latitude = SmartLat(latitude)
     lat_rad = latitude.radians
     ha_rad = self.X.radians
     dec_rad = self.Y.radians
     alt_rad, az_rad = coord_rotate_rad(dec_rad, lat_rad, ha_rad) #Convert to az + alt (coord rotate)
     #Cast back to Deg for conversion to an AzAlt object
     az = rad_to_deg(az_rad)
     alt = rad_to_deg(alt_rad)
     return AzAlt(az,alt)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute_statistics(err,
        Computes the mean, RMSE, standard deviation, median, min and max from a vector of errors

        @param err: a MxN np array.
        M is the number of components by sample (M=3 if SO(3), M=6 if SE(3)). N is the number of samples.

    stats = {}

    abs_err = np.fabs(err)

    # RMSE
    stats['rmse'] = np.sqrt(np.dot(abs_err, abs_err) / len(abs_err))
    # Mean
    stats['mean'] = np.mean(abs_err)  # computed by column
    # Standard Deviation
    stats['std'] = np.std(abs_err)  # computed by column
    # Median
    stats['median'] = np.median(abs_err)  # computed by column
    # Min
    stats['min'] = np.min(np.fabs(abs_err))  # computed by column
    # Max
    stats['max'] = np.max(abs_err)  # computed by column

    if verbose:
        for key in stats:
            if variable == 'Rotational':
                if use_deg:
                    print(' %s %s: %f deg' %
                          (variable, key, utils.rad_to_deg(stats[key])))
                    print(' %s %s: %f rad' % (variable, key, stats[key]))
                print(' %s %s: %f m' % (variable, key, stats[key]))
        if variable == 'Rotational':
            if use_deg:
                print(' %s rmse: %f deg' %
                      (variable, utils.rad_to_deg(stats['rmse'])))
                print(' %s rmse: %f rad' % (variable, stats['rmse']))
            print(' %s rmse: %f m' % (variable, stats['rmse']))

    return stats
 def receive_marker(self,data):
     tag_seen = False
     for marker in data.markers:
         if marker.id == TagIds.RoomLeftTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomFrontTag:
             tag_seen = True        
             q = utils.msg_to_quaternion(marker.pose.pose.orientation)
             roll,pitch,yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q)
     if not tag_seen:
     if self.tags_buffer_room.is_empty():
         self.using_odometry = True
         self.using_odometry = False
         if not self.tag_located:
             self.tag_located = True
         #get the tag tbelt will be used for estimating the position + drone orientation
         self.alpha,ref_tag = get_alpha_by_vision_info(self.tags_buffer_room, 0.0)
         #get informations relative to tbelt tag
         x_tag,y_tag,dist_tag,pitch_tag,count_tag = get_average_tag_info(self.tags_buffer_room, ref_tag)
         #compute the horizontal displacement
         displacement_x = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan2(x_tag, dist_tag))
         x_ref,y_ref,z_ref = get_ref_coor(ref_tag)
         self.x = x_ref - math.cos(utils.deg_to_rad(self.alpha - displacement_x))*(dist_tag + 0.15)
         self.y = y_ref - math.sin(utils.deg_to_rad(self.alpha - displacement_x))*(dist_tag + 0.15)
         self.z = z_ref + y_tag
         self.pubPosition.publish(Position(self.alpha, self.x, self.y, self.z, self.tag_located, displacement_x, ref_tag))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def to_HADec(self, latitude, *args, **kwargs):
     Returns the equivalent (Hour Angle, Declination) point for your AzAlt at your latitude
     @param latitude: The observer's latitude in decimal degrees or as a SmartLat object
     @return: A HADec coordinate pair object 
     #Ensure latitude is in correct format
     if not isinstance(latitude, SmartLat): #Cast strings / decimals for longitude into a SmartLon Longitude object
         latitude = SmartLat(Decimal(latitude))
     #Convert to radians
     lat_rad = latitude.radians
     ha_rad, dec_rad = self._rotate_to_HADec(lat_rad)
     ha = rad_to_deg(ha_rad)
     dec = rad_to_deg(dec_rad)
     #Return new HADec object
     return HADec(ha, dec)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def arctanh(self, x, y):
     x_current = x
     y_current, z_current = y, 0.0
     _, _, z = self.__iterations_compute(x_current,
     return rad_to_deg(z)
def track_room_marker(drone_info):
    yaw = 0
    if not drone_info.search_marker:
        if not drone_info.room_marker_tracked == -1:
           yaw = - K_ANG_Z*drone_info.marker_displacement
    #search the closest tag wrt the current position    
        distances = []
        #append left
        d_left = math.sqrt((RoomTagCoor.LeftX - drone_info.x)**2 + (RoomTagCoor.LeftY - drone_info.y)**2)
        d_front = math.sqrt((RoomTagCoor.FrontX - drone_info.x)**2 + (RoomTagCoor.FrontY - drone_info.y)**2)
        min_dist = min(distances)
        min_index = distances.index(min_dist)
        #this is verbose but preserves the usage of arbitrary tag ids
        if min_index == 0:
            new_ref_tag = TagIds.RoomLeftTag
            y = RoomTagCoor.LeftY
            x = RoomTagCoor.LeftX
        elif min_index == 1:
            new_ref_tag = TagIds.RoomFrontTag
            y = RoomTagCoor.FrontY
            x = RoomTagCoor.FrontX
        if drone_info.room_marker_tracked == TagIds.RoomLeftTag:
            cur_index = 0
        elif drone_info.room_marker_tracked == TagIds.RoomFrontTag:
            cur_index = 1    
        #if it is the ref tag, it's ok the current displacement'
        if drone_info.room_marker_tracked == new_ref_tag: #the last condition should not be necessary
            yaw = - K_ANG_Z*drone_info.marker_displacement       
        #otherwise, rotate to track the closest room marker
            target_yaw = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan((y - drone_info.y)/(x - drone_info.x)))
            if ((y > drone_info.y and x < drone_info.x) or (y < drone_info.y and x < drone_info.x)):
                target_yaw += 180
            target_yaw = utils.normalize_angle(target_yaw)
            rospy.loginfo("target yaw: %f" %target_yaw) 
            yaw, dr = rotate(target_yaw, drone_info.alpha, K_ANG_Z_EXPL)
    return yaw           
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_current_jaw(self, unit='rad'):

        :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
        :return: Numpy.float64
        jaw = np.float64(self.__position_jaw_current)
        if unit == "deg":
            jaw = U.rad_to_deg(self.__position_jaw_current)
        return jaw
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_current_joint(self, unit='rad'):

        :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
        :return: List
        joint = self.__position_joint_current
        if unit == 'deg':
            joint = U.rad_to_deg(self.__position_joint_current)
            joint[2] = self.__position_joint_current[2]
        return joint
Ejemplo n.º 9
def show_results(resolution=14):
    Files are read in alphabetical order
    1. Coordinate System
    2. Enable
    3. Mode
    4. X Python Values - Compute with numpy
    5. X VHDL Values
    6. Y Python Values - Compute with numpy
    7. Y VHDL Values
    8. Z Python Values - Compute with numpy
    9. Z VHDL Values 
    real_values = create_files_to_simulate()
    sin_python, cos_python, arctan_python, sinh_python, cosh_python, arctanh_python, axes_circular_python, axes_hyperbolic_python, axes_arctanh_python = real_values
    data_output = read_files()
    coord, enable, mode = data_output[0], data_output[1], data_output[2]
    x, y, z = data_output[4], data_output[6], data_output[8]
    sin, cos, arctan = [], [], []
    sinh, cosh, arctanh = [], [], []
    for index in range(len(enable)):
        if enable[index] == 1:  # If the module is enabled
            if coord[
                    index] == 0:  # If the module is configurate in circular coordinate system
                if mode[index] == 0:  # If the module is operating in rotation mode
                    cos.append(decoding(x[index], resolution))
                    sin.append(decoding(y[index], resolution))
                else:  # If the module is operating in vectoring mode
                    arctan.append(rad_to_deg(decoding(z[index], resolution)))
            else:  # If the module is configure in hyperbolic coordinate system
                if mode[index] == 0:  # If the module is operating in rotation mode
                    cosh.append(decoding(x[index], resolution))
                    sinh.append(decoding(y[index], resolution))
                else:  # If the module is operating in vectoring mode
                    arctanh.append(rad_to_deg(decoding(z[index], resolution)))
    plot_results(cos, cos_python, axes_circular_python, 'Cos')
    plot_results(sin, sin_python, axes_circular_python, 'Sin')
    plot_results(arctan, arctan_python, axes_circular_python, 'Arctan')
    plot_results(sinh, sinh_python, axes_hyperbolic_python, 'Sinh')
    plot_results(cosh, cosh_python, axes_hyperbolic_python, 'Cosh')
    plot_results(arctanh, arctanh_python, axes_arctanh_python, 'Arctanh')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_current_pose(self,
                         unit='rad'):  # Unit: pos in (m) rot in (rad) or (deg)

        :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
        :return: Numpy.array
        pos, rot = self.PyKDLFrame_to_NumpyArray(
        if unit == 'deg':
            rot = U.rad_to_deg(rot)
        return pos, rot
def avoid_drones(command, drone_info, drone_2_info, navdata):
    roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = [command.linear.y, command.linear.x, command.angular.z, command.linear.z]
    #the b & f flight gives the precedence
    if not drone_info.task == DroneTask.FlyH:
        drones = [drone_2_info]
        forbid_pitch_front = False
        forbid_pitch_back = False
        forbid_roll_left = False
        forbid_roll_right = False
        for drone in drones:
            distance = ((drone.x - drone_info.x)**2 + (drone.y - drone_info.y)**2)
            if distance < TOL_DRONE:
                angle_between_drones = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan((drone.y - drone_info.y)/(drone.x - drone_info.x)))
                if ((drone.y > drone_info.y and drone.x < drone_info.x) or 
                    (drone.y < drone_info.y and drone.x < drone_info.x)):
                    angle_between_drones += 180
                while angle_between_drones > 180: angle_between_drones -= 360
                while angle_between_drones < -180: angle_between_drones += 360       
                control_angle = drone_info.alpha - angle_between_drones
                control_angle = utils.normalize_angle(control_angle) 
                if control_angle > -45 and control_angle < 45: forbid_pitch_front = True
                elif control_angle > 45 and control_angle < 135: forbid_roll_right = True
                elif control_angle > -135 and control_angle < -45: forbid_roll_left = True
                else: forbid_pitch_back = True 
        if forbid_pitch_front:
            if navdata.vx > 0.2 and pitch > 0: pitch = -1  #if speed is too high, hovering is not sufficient to stop the drone! 
            else: pitch = 0
        elif forbid_pitch_back:
            if navdata.vx < -0.2 and pitch < 0: pitch = 1
            else: pitch = 0
        if forbid_roll_left:
            if navdata.vy > 0.2 and roll > 0: roll = -1
            else: pitch = 0
        elif forbid_roll_right:
            if navdata.vy < -0.2 and roll < 0: roll = 1
            else: pitch = 0
        rospy.loginfo("forbid pitch front: %d" %forbid_pitch_front)
        rospy.loginfo("forbid pitch back: %d" %forbid_pitch_back)
        rospy.loginfo("forbid pitch left: %d" %forbid_roll_left)
        rospy.loginfo("forbid pitch right: %d" %forbid_roll_right)
    return [roll, pitch, yaw, gaz]
 def receive_marker_room(self,data):
     msg = ''
     for marker in data.markers:
         if marker.id == TagIds.RoomFrontTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomBackTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomLeftTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomRightTag:
             q = utils.msg_to_quaternion(marker.pose.pose.orientation)
             roll,pitch,yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q)
             msg += 'Marker ID: %d\n' %marker.id
             msg += 'X: %f\n' %marker.pose.pose.position.x
             msg += 'Y: %f\n' %marker.pose.pose.position.y
             msg += 'Z: %f\n' %marker.pose.pose.position.z
             msg += 'Yaw: %f\n' %utils.rad_to_deg(yaw)
             msg += '*****************\n'
     self.marker_room_message = msg
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_ellipse(x, y):
	a = np.column_stack((x, y))
	a = a - np.repeat(a.mean(axis=0), a.shape[0]).reshape(a.shape[1], a.shape[0]).T	# mean center
	(w, v) = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(a.T))
	i = np.nonzero((-w).argsort()==0)[0][0]		# indices for the top 2 eigenvalues
	j = np.nonzero((-w).argsort()==1)[0][0]	
	xy = (np.mean(x), np.mean(y))
	width = np.sqrt(w[i]) * 2
	height = np.sqrt(w[j]) * 2
	unit = np.array([1, 0])
	vi = v[:,i]
	#vi = vi / norm(vi)		# already normalized
	theta = utils.get_theta(vi, unit)
	angle = utils.rad_to_deg(theta)
	return (xy, width, height, angle)
 def receive_marker_individual(self,data):
     msg = 'Individual markers: \n'
     for marker in data.markers:
         if (marker.id in TagIds.AllFollowTags or marker.id == TagIds.FrontTag or marker.id == TagIds.BackTag or marker.id == TagIds.LeftTag or marker.id == TagIds.RightTag or
             marker.id == TagIds.BeltBackTag or marker.id == TagIds.BeltFrontTag or marker.id == TagIds.BeltLeftTag or marker.id == TagIds.BeltRightTag):
             q = utils.msg_to_quaternion(marker.pose.pose.orientation)
             roll,pitch,yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q)
             msg += 'Marker ID: %d\n' %marker.id
             msg += 'X: %f\n' %marker.pose.pose.position.x
             msg += 'Y: %f\n' %marker.pose.pose.position.y
             msg += 'Z: %f\n' %marker.pose.pose.position.z
             msg += 'Yaw: %f\n' %utils.rad_to_deg(yaw)
             msg += '*****************\n'
     self.marker_message = self.status_message +  msg + 'Room Markers: \n' + self.marker_room_message
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def follow_me(self):
        roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = [0,0,0,0]
        x_med, y_med, dist_med, pitch_med, count = get_average_tag_info(self.tags_buffer_belt, TagIds.BeltFakeTag)        
        if count is not 0: 
            if not self.controller_pos_z.setpoint == 0.1:
                self.controller_pos_z.setpoint = 0.1
            if not self.controller_speed_x.setpoint == VEL_BACK:
                self.controller_speed_x.setpoint = VEL_BACK
            if not self.drone_info.belt_located:
                self.drone_info.belt_located = True           
            if dist_med > 2.0:
                if self.drone_info.time_anim is None:
                    self.drone_info.time_anim = rospy.Time.now()
                elif (rospy.Time.now() - self.drone_info.time_anim).to_sec()> 6:
                    self.drone_info.time_anim = None    
                if self.drone_info.time_anim is not None:
                    self.drone_info.time_anim = None
                displacement_x = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan2(x_med, dist_med))  
                pitch = self.controller_speed_x.update(self.navdata.vx, 0.0)
                yaw = -K_ANG_Z*displacement_x   
                roll = self.controller_speed_y.update(self.navdata.vy, 0.0)
                gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(y_med, self.navdata.vz)
        else: #count is 0
            if self.drone_info.z < ALT or self.drone_info.belt_located:
                #should not happen unless it's the beginning
                self.setup_pid(None, None, ALT + 0.1, 0.0, None)
                roll = self.controller_speed_y.update(self.navdata.vy,0.0)
                pitch = self.controller_speed_x.update(self.navdata.vx, 0.0)
                gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(self.drone_info.z, self.navdata.vz)
        return utils.adjust_command(roll, pitch, yaw, gaz)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_ellipse(x, y):
    a = np.column_stack((x, y))
    a = a - np.repeat(a.mean(axis=0), a.shape[0]).reshape(
        a.shape[1], a.shape[0]).T  # mean center
    (w, v) = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(a.T))
    i = np.nonzero(
        (-w).argsort() == 0)[0][0]  # indices for the top 2 eigenvalues
    j = np.nonzero((-w).argsort() == 1)[0][0]
    xy = (np.mean(x), np.mean(y))
    width = np.sqrt(w[i]) * 2
    height = np.sqrt(w[j]) * 2
    unit = np.array([1, 0])
    vi = v[:, i]
    #vi = vi / norm(vi)		# already normalized
    theta = utils.get_theta(vi, unit)
    angle = utils.rad_to_deg(theta)
    return (xy, width, height, angle)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_current_jaw_and_wait(self,
                                 ):  # Unit: pos in (m) rot in (rad) or (deg)

        :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
        :return: Numpy.array

        # the position is originally not received
        self.__get_jaw = False
        # recursively call this function until the position is received
        self.__get_jaw_event.wait(20)  # 1 minute at most

        if self.__get_jaw:
            jaw = np.float64(self.__position_jaw_current)
            if unit == "deg":
                jaw = U.rad_to_deg(self.__position_jaw_current)
            return jaw
            return []
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def receive_marker_and_print_path(self, data):
     #exploit the callback function of the marker to update the plot of the path
     #the room node must be launched before the main node!
     if not self.marker_callback_started: self.marker_callback_started = True
     if self.count == 0:
         self.count += 1
         for marker in data.markers:
             if marker.id == TagIds.RoomFrontTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomBackTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomLeftTag or marker.id == TagIds.RoomRightTag:
                 displacement_x = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan2(marker.pose.pose.position.x,marker.pose.pose.position.z))
                 orientation = self.alpha - displacement_x
                 while orientation > 180: orientation -= 360
                 while orientation < -180: orientation += 360
                 new_tagX = math.cos(utils.deg_to_rad(orientation))*marker.pose.pose.position.z + self.x
                 new_tagY = math.sin(utils.deg_to_rad(orientation))*marker.pose.pose.position.z + self.y
                 self.axes.plot(new_tagX, new_tagY, 'ro')
         self.axes.plot(self.listx[0:500], self.listy[0:500],'co', markersize=3)
         self.axes.plot(self.listx[501:999], self.listy[501:999],'mo', markersize=3)
         self.axes.plot(self.x, self.y, 'yo', markersize=5)
         #plot the orientation
         self.axes.plot([self.x, self.x + math.cos(utils.deg_to_rad(self.alpha))],[self.y, self.y + math.sin(utils.deg_to_rad(self.alpha))], 'y')
         if self.box_position_received:
             self.axes.plot(self.x_box, self.y_box, 'go', markersize=5)
     elif self.count < 60:
         self.count += 1
     else: self.count = 0           
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def get_current_pose_and_wait(self,
                                  ):  # Unit: pos in (m) rot in (rad) or (deg)

        :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
        :return: Numpy.array

        # the position is originally not received
        # self.__get_position = False
        # recursively call this function until the position is received
        # self.__get_position_event.wait(20)  # 1 minute at most

        if self.__get_position_event.wait(20):  # 1 minute at most
            pos, rot = self.PyKDLFrame_to_NumpyArray(
            if unit == 'deg':
                rot = U.rad_to_deg(rot)
            return pos, rot
            return [], []
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def follow_belt(self):
        roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = [0 for i in range(4)]    
        x_med, y_med, dist_med, pitch_med, count = get_average_tag_info(self.tags_buffer_belt, TagIds.BeltFakeTag)        
        if count is not 0:
            if not self.controller_pos_x.setpoint == 2.0:
                self.controller_pos_x.setpoint = 2.0
            if not self.controller_pos_z.setpoint == 0.1:
                self.controller_pos_z.setpoint = 0.1

            if not self.drone_info.belt_located:
                self.drone_info.belt_located = True
            displacement_x = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan2(x_med, dist_med))           
            yaw = -K_ANG_Z*displacement_x
            other_drones = filter(lambda drone: drone.command == DroneCommands.FollowBelt and drone.belt_in_sight and
                                  drone.status is DroneStatus.Flying, [self.drone_2_info, self.drone_3_info, self.drone_4_info])
            roll = get_roll_follow_belt(self.drone_info, other_drones,
                                        self.controller_pos_y, self.controller_speed_y, self.navdata)                                                     
            #keep the distance
            pitch = - self.controller_pos_x.update(dist_med, -self.navdata.vx)
            if pitch < 0: pitch = pitch*2  
            gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(y_med, self.navdata.vz)
            #for later in case
            if  displacement_x < 0: 
                #for knowing from where to start rotating
                self.drone_info.last_yaw = POWER_YAW
                self.drone_info.last_yaw = -POWER_YAW
            self.drone_info.last_z = self.drone_info.z
            self.drone_info.alpha_start_expl = self.drone_info.alpha      
            if self.drone_info.z < ALT:
                #should not happen unless it's the beginning
                self.setup_pid(None, None, ALT + 0.1, None, 0.0)
                roll = self.controller_speed_y.update(self.navdata.vy,0.0)
                pitch = self.controller_speed_x.update(self.navdata.vx, 0.0)
                gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(self.drone_info.z, self.navdata.vz)
            elif self.drone_info.belt_located:
                self.setup_pid(None, None, self.drone_info.last_z, 0.0, 0.0)
                roll = self.controller_speed_y.update(self.navdata.vy,0.0)
                pitch = self.controller_speed_x.update(self.navdata.vx, 0.0)
                diff = self.drone_info.alpha - self.drone_info.alpha_start_expl 
                diff = utils.normalize_angle(diff)
                if diff < -20:
                    yaw = POWER_YAW
                    self.drone_info.last_yaw = yaw
                elif diff > 20:
                    yaw = -POWER_YAW
                    self.drone_info.last_yaw = yaw
                else: yaw = self.drone_info.last_yaw
                gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(self.drone_info.z, self.navdata.vz)    
        return utils.adjust_command(roll, pitch, yaw, gaz)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def orbit(self, box_tag):
        roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = [0  for i in range(4)]
        x_med, y_med, dist_med, pitch_med, count = get_average_tag_info(self.tags_buffer_box, box_tag)        
        if count is not 0:
            #if values were changed after lost of visual tracking
            if not self.controller_pos_x.setpoint == 1.6:
                self.controller_pos_x.setpoint = 1.6
            if not self.controller_pos_z.setpoint == 0.1:
                self.controller_pos_z.setpoint = 0.1
            #the alpha angle computed with side markers is surely related to the correct bundle!
            displacement_x = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan2(x_med, dist_med))
            if not self.drone_info.box_located:
                self.drone_info.box_located = True
            #update box position (if only odometry is used, it will move!)    
            self.drone_info.x_box = self.drone_info.x + math.cos(utils.deg_to_rad(self.drone_info.alpha - displacement_x))*dist_med
            self.drone_info.y_box = self.drone_info.y + math.sin(utils.deg_to_rad(self.drone_info.alpha - displacement_x))*dist_med
            self.pubBoxPosition.publish(Point(self.drone_info.x_box, self.drone_info.y_box, 0.0))
            yaw = -K_ANG_Z*displacement_x

            if self.drone_info.command is DroneCommands.OrbitSync:
                distances = []
                if (self.drone_2_info.box_in_sight and self.drone_2_info.command is DroneCommands.OrbitSync and 
                    self.drone_2_info.status is DroneStatus.Flying): 
                    dist = self.drone_2_info.alpha_box - self.drone_info.alpha_box
                    dist = utils.normalize_angle(dist)
                if (self.drone_3_info.box_in_sight and self.drone_3_info.command is DroneCommands.OrbitSync and 
                    self.drone_3_info.status is DroneStatus.Flying): 
                    dist = self.drone_3_info.alpha_box - self.drone_info.alpha_box
                    dist = utils.normalize_angle(dist)
                #...fill with other distances#
                if not distances == []:
                    distances_pos = filter(lambda x: x >= 0, distances)
                    distances_neg = filter(lambda x: x < 0, distances)
                    if not distances_pos == []:
                        dd = min(distances_pos)
                    else: dd = 360 + min(distances_neg)
                    if not distances_neg == []:
                        ds = -max(distances_neg)
                    else: ds = 360 - max(distances_pos)
                    self.controller_speed_y.setpoint = -(VEL_TAN + (dd - ds)/float(1000))
                else: self.controller_speed_y.setpoint = -VEL_TAN        
            rospy.loginfo("setpoint 1: %f" %self.controller_speed_y.setpoint)           
            #keep the distance
            pitch = - self.controller_pos_x.update(dist_med, -self.navdata.vx)/float(2) #receive the dist_med   
            roll = self.controller_speed_y.update(self.navdata.vy, 0.0)
            gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(y_med, self.navdata.vz)
            self.drone_info.last_z = self.drone_info.z
            #if visual contact is lost, try to restore it using odometry informations
            if self.drone_info.box_located:
                self.target_x = self.drone_info.x_box
                self.target_y = self.drone_info.y_box
                self.target_z = self.drone_info.last_z
                self.target_yaw = utils.rad_to_deg(math.atan((self.target_y - self.drone_info.y)/(self.target_x - self.drone_info.x)))
                if ((self.target_y > self.drone_info.y and self.target_x < self.drone_info.x) or 
                    (self.target_y < self.drone_info.y and self.target_x < self.drone_info.x)):
                    self.target_yaw += 180
                self.target_yaw = utils.normalize_angle(self.target_yaw)
                self.setup_pid(0.0, None, None, None, 0.0)
                roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = self.position_control(1.5)
                pitch = pitch / float(2) 
                #should not happen unless at the beginning
                self.setup_pid(None, None, ALT, None, 0.0)
                roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = self.rot_exploration()
        return utils.adjust_command(roll, pitch, yaw, gaz) 
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def follow_tag(self, angle_to_mantain, tag_to_follow):
        roll, pitch, yaw, gaz = [0 for i in range(4)]  
        x_med, y_med, dist_med, pitch_med, count = get_average_tag_info(self.tags_buffer_follow, tag_to_follow)
        if tag_to_follow is not None and count is not 0:
            if self.controller_pos_z.prev_setpoint is not None:
                self.controller_pos_z.setpoint = self.controller_pos_z.prev_setpoint
            elif not self.controller_pos_z.setpoint == 0.0:
                self.controller_pos_z.setpoint = 0.0   
            if pitch_med > 0: pitch_pos = True
            else: pitch_pos = False
            displacement_x = utils.rad_to_deg(math.asin(x_med/dist_med))
            if displacement_x > 0: tag_on_left = False
            else: tag_on_left = True
            yaw = - K_ANG_Z*displacement_x

            if displacement_x < 0:
                self.drone_info.last_seen = 1
            else: self.drone_info.last_seen = -1
            #keep the distance
            pitch = - self.controller_pos_x.update(dist_med, -self.navdata.vx) #receive the dist_med 
            if pitch < 0: pitch *= 1.5
            gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(y_med, self.navdata.vz)
            #follow the orientation
            if tag_on_left and not(pitch_pos):
                [beta,omega,alpha,gamma] = get_angles_from_vision(displacement_x, pitch_med, VisionData.TAG_ON_LEFT, VisionData.PITCH_NEG)
                displacement_y = dist_med*math.sin(alpha + angle_to_mantain)/math.sin(gamma)
            elif not(tag_on_left) and pitch_pos:
                [beta,omega,alpha,gamma] = get_angles_from_vision(displacement_x, pitch_med, VisionData.TAG_ON_RIGHT, VisionData.PITCH_POS)
                displacement_y = -dist_med*math.sin(alpha - angle_to_mantain)/math.sin(gamma)
            elif tag_on_left and pitch_pos:
                [beta,omega,alpha,gamma] = get_angles_from_vision(displacement_x, pitch_med, VisionData.TAG_ON_LEFT, VisionData.PITCH_POS)
                displacement_y = -dist_med*math.sin(alpha - angle_to_mantain)/math.sin(gamma)
            else: #tag_on_right and not pitch pos
                [beta,omega,alpha,gamma] = get_angles_from_vision(displacement_x, pitch_med, VisionData.TAG_ON_RIGHT, VisionData.PITCH_NEG)
                displacement_y = dist_med*math.sin(alpha + angle_to_mantain)/math.sin(gamma)
            roll = self.controller_pos_y.update(displacement_y, self.navdata.vy)   
            if self.drone_info.angle_to_mantain is not 0.0: roll = roll / 2
            self.drone_info.last_z = self.drone_info.z                             
        else: #search starting rotating from where the tag was last seen
            if self.drone_info.last_seen == 1:
                yaw = 0#POWER_YAW
            elif self.drone_info.last_seen == -1:
                yaw = 0#-POWER_YAW
            #and try not to go around too much
            pitch = self.controller_speed_x.update(self.navdata.vx, 0.0)
            roll = self.controller_speed_y.update(self.navdata.vy, 0.0)
            #only the belt following changes the setpoint
            self.controller_pos_z.setpoint = ALT 
            gaz = self.controller_pos_z.update(self.drone_info.z, self.navdata.vz)
            #moreover, signal tbelt no tag was detected with a led animation
        return utils.adjust_command(roll, pitch, yaw, gaz)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def render_image(self, orig_img):
     "return properly rotated surface for the given image"
     angle = -1 * utils.rad_to_deg(self.angle)
     img = pygame.transform.rotate(orig_img, angle)
     draw_rec = img.get_rect(center=self.pos)
     return img, draw_rec
Ejemplo n.º 24
def create_files_to_simulate(resolution=14):
    angles = np.arange(-89, 89, 1)
    path_input = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    path_dir, _ = os.path.split(path_input)
    path_input_dir = os.path.join(path_dir, 'input')
    inputs_files = [
        'input_x.txt', 'input_y.txt', 'input_z.txt', 'input_mode.txt',
        'input_coor.txt', 'input_enable.txt'
    path_inputs = []
    for file in inputs_files:
        path_inputs.append(os.path.join(path_input_dir, file))
    axes_circular, axes_hyperbolic, axes_arctanh = [], [], []
    x, y, z = [], [], []  # Values to simulate the module
    enable, mode, coord = [], [], []  # Values to simulate the module
    sin, cos, arctan = [], [], []  # Values to compare
    sinh, cosh, arctanh = [], [], []  # Values to compare
    for angle in angles:
        angle_rad = deg_to_rad(angle)
        angle_fixed = coding(angle_rad, resolution)
        # Enable
        # --- Circular coordinate system
        # Adding data for vectoring mode
        x.append(coding(np.cos(angle_rad), resolution))
        y.append(coding(np.sin(angle_rad), resolution))
        # Adding data for rotation mode
        # Save real data to compare with the simulation
            rad_to_deg(np.arctan2(np.sin(angle_rad), np.cos(angle_rad))))
        # --- Hyoperbolic coordinate system
        if (abs(angle)) < 61:
            if (abs(
                    coding(np.sin(angle_rad), resolution) /
                    coding(np.cos(angle_rad), resolution))) < 0.6:
                # Adding data for vectoring mode
                x.append(coding(np.cos(angle_rad), resolution))
                y.append(coding(np.sin(angle_rad), resolution))
                # Save real data to compare with the simulation
                        np.arctanh(np.sin(angle_rad) / np.cos(angle_rad))))
                axes_arctanh.append(np.sin(angle_rad) / np.cos(angle_rad))
            # Adding data for rotation mode
            # Save real data to compare with the simulation
    write_file(path_inputs[0], x)
    write_file(path_inputs[1], y)
    write_file(path_inputs[2], z)
    write_file(path_inputs[3], mode)
    write_file(path_inputs[4], coord)
    write_file(path_inputs[5], enable)
    return sin, cos, arctan, sinh, cosh, arctanh, axes_circular, axes_hyperbolic, axes_arctanh
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def sample(self, position, heading, pitch):
        """Return the RGB value of the incident light at the given position.
        Renders the scene to a cubemap and gets the average of the pixels.
        # Bind the main, full-size FBO
        glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self.sample_fbo)
        for buffer_id in GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT:

        # Draw each face of the cube map
        for setup in self.view_setups:
            # Setup matrix
            gluPerspective(90.0, 1.0, 0.001, 100.0)
            glRotatef(90.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
            glRotatef(-90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            glRotatef(utils.rad_to_deg(pitch) + setup["pitch"],
                      0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
            glRotatef(utils.rad_to_deg(heading) + setup["heading"],
                      0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
            glTranslatef(-position[0], -position[1], -position[2])
            # Draw the scene

        # Draw multiplier map on top. First, set the matrix
        glViewport(0, 0, self.sample_size, self.sample_size)
        glOrtho(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0)
        # Setup the state
        glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR)
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.multiplier_map.id)

        # Draw the map
        # Reset the state
        glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0)

        # Get the average value of all the pixels in the sample
        if self.average_method == HARDWARE:
            sample_average = self.average_hardware()
        elif self.average_method == SOFTWARE:
            sample_average = self.average_software()
            raise ValueError("Unknown sample method %s" % self.average_method)
        # Divide by a constant otherwise the compensation map won't give you
        # the full range. TODO: generate the constant
        incident_light = [val / 0.40751633986928104 for val in sample_average]
        return incident_light
Ejemplo n.º 26
def compute_statistics(err,
        Computes the mean, RMSE, standard deviation, median, min and max from a vector of errors

        @param err: a MxN np array.
        M is the number of components by sample (M=3 if SO(3), M=6 if SE(3)). N is the number of samples.


    stats = {}

    abs_err = np.fabs(err)

    # RMSE
    stats['rmse'] = np.sqrt(np.dot(abs_err, abs_err) / len(abs_err))
    # Mean
    stats['mean'] = np.mean(abs_err)  # computed by column
    # Standard Deviation
    stats['std'] = np.std(abs_err)  # computed by column
    # Median
    stats['median'] = np.median(abs_err)  # computed by column
    # Min
    stats['min'] = np.min(np.fabs(abs_err))  # computed by column
    # Max
    stats['max'] = np.max(abs_err)  # computed by column

    if verbose:
        for key in stats:
            if variable == 'Rotational':
                if use_deg:
                    print('%s %s %s [deg]: %f' %
                          (title, variable, key, utils.rad_to_deg(stats[key])))
                    print('%s %s %s [rad]: %f' %
                          (title, variable, key, stats[key]))
                print('%s %s %s [m]: %f' % (title, variable, key, stats[key]))
        if variable == 'Rotational':
            if use_deg:
                print('%s %s rmse [deg]: %f' %
                      (title, variable, utils.rad_to_deg(stats['rmse'])))
                print('%s %s rmse [rad]: %f' %
                      (title, variable, stats['rmse']))
            print('%s %s rmse [m]: %f' % (title, variable, stats['rmse']))

    if save:
        filename = 'statistics-%s-%s.csv' % (title.replace(
            ' ', ''), variable.replace(' ', ''))
        print('saving statistics file: %s' % filename)
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            w = csv.writer(f)

    return stats
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def arctanh(self, x, y):
     x_current = coding(x, self.__resolution)
     y_current, z_current = coding(y, self.__resolution), 0.0
     _, _, z = self.__iterations_compute(x_current, y_current, z_current, mode='vectoring', coord='hyperbolic')
     return rad_to_deg(z)