def test2(self): def g(): yield delay(10) i = g() with raises_kind(SimulationError, _error.DuplicatedArg): Simulation(i, i)
def testInfer5(self): a, b, c, d = [Signal(0) for i in range(4)] def h(): += 1 a += 1 with raises_kind(AlwaysCombError, _error.SignalAsInout % "c"): g = always_comb(h).gen
def testInfer6(self): a, b, c, d = [Signal(0) for i in range(4)] def h(): = a = c with raises_kind(AlwaysCombError, _error.SignalAsInout % set('c')): g = always_comb(h).gen
def testEmbeddedFunction(self): a, b, c, d = [Signal(0) for i in range(4)] u = 1 def h(): def g(): e = b return e = x g = a with raises_kind(AlwaysCombError, _error.EmbeddedFunction): g = always_comb(h)
def test_clock(): """ check the edge parameter """ # should fail without a valid Signal clock = Signal(bool(0)) reset = ResetSignal(0, active=0, async=True) with raises_kind(AlwaysSeqError, _error.EdgeType): @always_seq(clock, reset=reset) def logic1(): pass # should work with a valid Signal clock = Signal(bool(0)) try: @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset) def logic2(): pass except: assert False
def testDecArgType2(self): with raises_kind(AlwaysError, _error.DecArgType): @always(g) def h(n): return n
def testArgIsGeneratorFunction(self): with raises_kind(InstanceError, _error.ArgType): @instance def h(): return None
def testWrongExe(self): with raises_kind(CosimulationError, _error.OSError): Cosimulation('bla -x 45')
def testNoComm(self): with raises_kind(CosimulationError, _error.NoCommunication): Cosimulation(exe + "cosimNoComm", **allSigs)
def testTimeZero(self): with raises_kind(CosimulationError, _error.TimeZero): Cosimulation(exe + "cosimTimeZero", **allSigs)
def testArgHasNoArgs(self): with raises_kind(InstanceError, _error.NrOfArgs): @instance def h(n): yield n
def testArgIsFunction(self): h = 5 with raises_kind(AlwaysCombError, _error.ArgType): always_comb(h)
def testArgType1(self, vcd_dir): with raises_kind(TraceSignalsError, _error.ArgType): dut = traceSignals([1, 2])
def testNotUnique(self): cosim1 = Cosimulation(exe + "cosimNotUnique", **allSigs) with raises_kind(CosimulationError, _error.MultipleCosim): Cosimulation(exe + "cosimNotUnique", **allSigs)
def testToSignalsDupl(self): with raises_kind(CosimulationError, _error.DuplicateSigNames): Cosimulation(exe + "cosimToSignalsDupl", **allSigs)
def testArgHasNoArgs(self): def h(n): return n with raises_kind(AlwaysCombError, _error.NrOfArgs): always_comb(h)
def testArgIsFunction(self): h = 5 with raises_kind(InstanceError, _error.ArgType): instance(h)
def testMultipleTraces(self, vcd_dir): with raises_kind(TraceSignalsError, _error.MultipleTraces): dut = top3()
def testReturnVal(self, vcd_dir): from myhdl import ExtractHierarchyError from myhdl._extractHierarchy import _error kind = _error.InconsistentToplevel % (2, "dummy") with raises_kind(ExtractHierarchyError, kind): dut = traceSignals(dummy)
def testArgIsNormalFunction(self): def h(): yield None with raises_kind(AlwaysCombError, _error.ArgType): always_comb(h)
def test1(self): with raises_kind(SimulationError, _error.ArgType): Simulation(None)
def testArgIsFunction(self): h = 5 with raises_kind(AlwaysError, _error.ArgType): always(delay(3))(h)
def testArgIsNormalFunction(self): with raises_kind(AlwaysError, _error.ArgType): @always(delay(3)) def h(): yield None
def testArgHasNoArgs(self): with raises_kind(AlwaysError, _error.NrOfArgs): @always(delay(3)) def h(n): return n