def test_sign_verify(self): for i in range(10): msg = utils.rand_bytes(1 + i * 512) key = ZilKey.generate_new() signature1 = schnorr.sign(msg, key.keypair_bytes.private) signature2 = schnorr.sign(msg, key.keypair_bytes.private) assert signature1 != signature2 assert schnorr.verify(msg, signature1, key.keypair_bytes.public) assert schnorr.verify(msg, signature2, key.keypair_bytes.public)
def test_sign_verify(self): key = crypto.ZilKey.generate_new() for i in range(10): l = 1 + i * 512 msg = utils.rand_bytes(l) + utils.rand_string(l).encode() signature = key.sign(msg) assert isinstance(signature, bytes) assert key.verify(signature, msg) signature_str = key.sign_str(msg) assert isinstance(signature_str, str) assert key.verify(signature_str, msg)
async def run_add_block_benchmark(version: int): verbose: bool = "--verbose" in sys.argv db_wrapper: DBWrapper = await setup_db("block-store-benchmark.db", version) # keep track of benchmark total time all_test_time = 0.0 prev_block = bytes32([0] * 32) prev_ses_hash = bytes32([0] * 32) header_hashes = [] try: block_store = await BlockStore.create(db_wrapper) block_height = 1 timestamp = uint64(1631794488) weight = uint128(10) iters = uint128(123456) sp_index = uint8(0) deficit = uint8(0) sub_slot_iters = uint64(10) required_iters = uint64(100) transaction_block_counter = 0 prev_transaction_block = bytes32([0] * 32) prev_transaction_height = uint32(0) total_time = 0.0 ses_counter = 0 if verbose: print("profiling add_full_block", end="") for height in range(block_height, block_height + NUM_ITERS): is_transaction = transaction_block_counter == 0 fees = uint64(random.randint(0, 150000)) farmer_coin, pool_coin = rewards(uint32(height)) reward_claims_incorporated = [farmer_coin, pool_coin] # TODO: increase fidelity by setting these as well finished_challenge_slot_hashes = None finished_infused_challenge_slot_hashes = None finished_reward_slot_hashes = None sub_epoch_summary_included = None if ses_counter == 0: sub_epoch_summary_included = SubEpochSummary( prev_ses_hash, rand_hash(), uint8(random.randint(0, 255)), # num_blocks_overflow: uint8 None, # new_difficulty: Optional[uint64] None, # new_sub_slot_iters: Optional[uint64] ) has_pool_pk = random.randint(0, 1) proof_of_space = ProofOfSpace( rand_hash(), # challenge rand_g1() if has_pool_pk else None, rand_hash() if not has_pool_pk else None, rand_g1(), # plot_public_key uint8(32), rand_bytes(8 * 32), ) reward_chain_block = RewardChainBlock( weight, uint32(height), iters, sp_index, rand_hash(), # pos_ss_cc_challenge_hash proof_of_space, None if sp_index == 0 else rand_vdf(), rand_g2(), # challenge_chain_sp_signature rand_vdf(), # challenge_chain_ip_vdf rand_vdf() if sp_index != 0 else None, # reward_chain_sp_vdf rand_g2(), # reward_chain_sp_signature rand_vdf(), # reward_chain_ip_vdf rand_vdf() if deficit < 16 else None, is_transaction, ) pool_target = PoolTarget( rand_hash(), # puzzle_hash uint32(0), # max_height ) foliage_block_data = FoliageBlockData( rand_hash(), # unfinished_reward_block_hash pool_target, rand_g2() if has_pool_pk else None, # pool_signature rand_hash(), # farmer_reward_puzzle_hash bytes32([0] * 32), # extension_data ) foliage = Foliage( prev_block, rand_hash(), # reward_block_hash foliage_block_data, rand_g2(), # foliage_block_data_signature rand_hash() if is_transaction else None, # foliage_transaction_block_hash rand_g2() if is_transaction else None, # foliage_transaction_block_signature ) foliage_transaction_block = ( None if not is_transaction else FoliageTransactionBlock( prev_transaction_block, timestamp, rand_hash(), # filter_hash rand_hash(), # additions_root rand_hash(), # removals_root rand_hash(), # transactions_info_hash )) transactions_info = ( None if not is_transaction else TransactionsInfo( rand_hash(), # generator_root rand_hash(), # generator_refs_root rand_g2(), # aggregated_signature fees, uint64(random.randint(0, 12000000000)), # cost reward_claims_incorporated, )) full_block = FullBlock( [], # finished_sub_slots reward_chain_block, rand_vdf_proof() if sp_index > 0 else None, # challenge_chain_sp_proof rand_vdf_proof(), # challenge_chain_ip_proof rand_vdf_proof() if sp_index > 0 else None, # reward_chain_sp_proof rand_vdf_proof(), # reward_chain_ip_proof rand_vdf_proof() if deficit < 4 else None, # infused_challenge_chain_ip_proof foliage, foliage_transaction_block, transactions_info, None if is_transaction else SerializedProgram.from_bytes( clvm_generator), # transactions_generator [], # transactions_generator_ref_list ) header_hash = full_block.header_hash record = BlockRecord( header_hash, prev_block, uint32(height), weight, iters, sp_index, rand_class_group_element(), None if deficit > 3 else rand_class_group_element(), rand_hash(), # reward_infusion_new_challenge rand_hash(), # challenge_block_info_hash sub_slot_iters, rand_hash(), # pool_puzzle_hash rand_hash(), # farmer_puzzle_hash required_iters, deficit, deficit == 16, prev_transaction_height, timestamp if is_transaction else None, prev_transaction_block if prev_transaction_block != bytes32([0] * 32) else None, None if fees == 0 else fees, reward_claims_incorporated, finished_challenge_slot_hashes, finished_infused_challenge_slot_hashes, finished_reward_slot_hashes, sub_epoch_summary_included, ) start = time() await block_store.add_full_block(header_hash, full_block, record, False) await block_store.set_in_chain([(header_hash, )]) header_hashes.append(header_hash) await block_store.set_peak(header_hash) await db_wrapper.db.commit() stop = time() total_time += stop - start # 19 seconds per block timestamp = uint64(timestamp + 19) weight = uint128(weight + 10) iters = uint128(iters + 123456) sp_index = uint8((sp_index + 1) % 64) deficit = uint8((deficit + 3) % 17) ses_counter = (ses_counter + 1) % 384 prev_block = header_hash # every 33 blocks is a transaction block transaction_block_counter = (transaction_block_counter + 1) % 33 if is_transaction: prev_transaction_block = header_hash prev_transaction_height = uint32(height) if ses_counter == 0: prev_ses_hash = header_hash if verbose: print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() block_height += NUM_ITERS if verbose: print("") print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, add_full_block") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_full_block") random.shuffle(header_hashes) start = time() for h in header_hashes: block = await block_store.get_full_block(h) assert block.header_hash == h stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_full_block") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_full_block_bytes") start = time() for h in header_hashes: block = await block_store.get_full_block_bytes(h) assert len(block) > 0 stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_full_block_bytes") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_full_blocks_at") start = time() for h in range(1, block_height): blocks = await block_store.get_full_blocks_at([h]) assert len(blocks) == 1 assert blocks[0].height == h stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_full_blocks_at") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_block_records_by_hash") start = time() for h in header_hashes: blocks = await block_store.get_block_records_by_hash([h]) assert len(blocks) == 1 assert blocks[0].header_hash == h stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_block_records_by_hash") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_blocks_by_hash") start = time() for h in header_hashes: blocks = await block_store.get_blocks_by_hash([h]) assert len(blocks) == 1 assert blocks[0].header_hash == h stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_blocks_by_hash") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_block_record") start = time() for h in header_hashes: blocks = await block_store.get_block_record(h) assert blocks.header_hash == h stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_block_record") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_block_records_in_range") start = time() for i in range(100): h = random.randint(1, block_height - 100) blocks = await block_store.get_block_records_in_range(h, h + 99) assert len(blocks) == 100 stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_block_records_in_range") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_block_records_close_to_peak") start = time() blocks, peak = await block_store.get_block_records_close_to_peak(99) assert len(blocks) == 100 stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_block_records_close_to_peak") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling is_fully_compactified") start = time() for h in header_hashes: compactified = await block_store.is_fully_compactified(h) assert compactified is False stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_block_record") all_test_time += total_time total_time = 0.0 if verbose: print("profiling get_random_not_compactified") start = time() for i in range(1, 5000): blocks = await block_store.get_random_not_compactified(100) assert len(blocks) == 100 stop = time() total_time += stop - start print(f"{total_time:0.4f}s, get_random_not_compactified") all_test_time += total_time print(f"all tests completed in {all_test_time:0.4f}s") db_size = os.path.getsize(Path("block-store-benchmark.db")) print(f"database size: {db_size/1000000:.3f} MB") finally: await db_wrapper.db.close()
def rand_class_group_element() -> ClassgroupElement: # TODO: address hint errors and remove ignores # error: Argument 1 to "ClassgroupElement" has incompatible type "bytes"; expected "bytes100" [arg-type] return ClassgroupElement(rand_bytes(100)) # type: ignore[arg-type]