def check_drbd_status(result, resource): re_stand_alone = f'connection:StandAlone' re_string = f'{resource}\s*role:(\w+).*\s*disk:(\w+)' # re_peer_string = '\S+\s*role:(\w+).*\s*peer-disk:(\w+)' if result: re_stand_alone_result = utils.re_search(re_stand_alone, result, "bool") if re_stand_alone_result: return 'StandAlone' re_result = utils.re_search(re_string, result, "groups") return re_result
def get_crm_status_by_type(conn, result, resource, type): if result: if type in ['IPaddr2', 'iSCSITarget', 'portblock', 'iSCSILogicalUnit']: re_string = f'{resource}\s*\(ocf::heartbeat:{type}\):\s*(\w*)\s*(\w*)?' re_result = utils.re_search(conn, re_string, result, "groups") return re_result if type == 'FailedActions': re_string = "Failed Actions:\s*.*\*\s\w*\son\s(\S*)\s'(.*)'\s.*exitreason='(.*)',\s*.*" re_result = utils.re_search(conn, re_string, result, "group") return re_result if type == 'AllLUN': re_string = f'(\S+)\s*\(ocf::heartbeat:iSCSILogicalUnit\):\s*(\w*)\s*(\w*)?' re_result = utils.re_findall(conn, re_string, result) return re_result
def get_device_name(self, resource): cmd = f'linstor r lv -r {resource}' result = utils.exec_cmd(cmd, self.conn) re_string = '/dev/drbd\d+' if result["st"]: re_result = utils.re_search(re_string, result["rt"], "group") return re_result
def check_drbd_quorum(self, resource): cmd = f'drbdsetup show {resource}' result = utils.exec_cmd(cmd, self.conn) re_string = 'quorum\s+majority.*\s*on\s*-\s*no\s*-\s*quorum\s+io\s*-\s*error' if result["st"]: re_result = utils.re_search(re_string, result["rt"], "bool") return re_result
def kill_dd(self, device): cmd_ps = 'ps -ef | grep dd' result = utils.exec_cmd(cmd_ps, self.conn) re_string = f'\w*\s*(\d+)\s*.*dd if=/dev/urandom of={device} oflag=direct status=progress' if result["st"]: re_result = utils.re_search(re_string, result["rt"], "groups") if re_result: pid = re_result[0] cmd_kill = f'kill -9 {pid}' utils.exec_cmd(cmd_kill, self.conn) utils.prt_log( self.conn, f"Kill dd on {utils.get_global_dict_value(self.conn)}.", 0)
def login(url, parent=None, username=None, password=None): if (not password) or (not username): return None qDebug("in login") while True: session = _create_session() # qDebug("session") req = _get_login_page(session, url) # qDebug("page") captcha_id = re_search(r'img.src = \'captcha\?(.*)\'', req) # qDebug("captcha") if not captcha_id: qDebug('Captcha not found! Retrying...') sleep(3) continue captcha_id += get_timestamp() captcha_url = '' +\ captcha_id code = _bypass_captcha(parent, session, captcha_url) check = Captcha(parent) if not check.exec_(): session.close() return None code = check.captchaInput.text() qDebug(code) sid = re_search(r'sid" value="(.*?)"', req) returl = re_search(r'returl" value="(.*?)"', req) se = re_search(r'se" value="(.*?)"', req) client = re_search(r'client" value="(.*?)"', req) uuid = re_search(r'captcha\?uuid=(.*?)&t=', req) if not (sid and returl and se and uuid): qDebug('Params not found! Retrying...') sleep(3) continue res = _login(session, sid, returl, se, client, username, password, code, uuid) if res == 2: parent.LogInfo.emit('[MSG]Wrong captcha! Try again!\n') qDebug('Wrong captcha! Try again!') continue elif res == 1: parent.LogInfo.emit( '[MSG]Wrong username or password! Try again!\n' ) qDebug('Wrong username or password! Try again!') break elif res == 3: parent.LogInfo.emit( '[MSG]Opps! You are banned for 30s...Waiting...\n' ) qDebug('Opps! You are banned for 30s...Waiting...') sleep(30) continue else: return session
def check_vtel_result(self, result): re_string = f'SUCCESS|successfully created' re_result = utils.re_search(self.conn, re_string, result, "bool") return re_result
def get_dd_pid(conn, device, result): re_string = f'\w*\s*(\d+)\s*.*dd if=/dev/urandom of={device} oflag=direct status=progress' re_result = utils.re_search(conn, re_string, result, "groups") if re_result: return re_result[0]
def check_drbd_no_quorum(conn, result): re_string = 'quorum:no' if result: re_result = utils.re_search(conn, re_string, result) return re_result