Ejemplo n.º 1
    def POST(self):
        if not session().logged:
            raise web.seeother('/register')

        i = web.input(authors="", url=None, title=None, comments=[],
                      year=None, enabled=False, subtitle='',
                      time=datetime.utcnow(), votes=1,
                      cite={'mla': '', 'apa': '', 'chicago': ''})
        db = Db('db/openjournal')

        def next_pid():
            papers = db.get('papers')
            return papers[-1]['pid'] + 1 if papers else 0

        i.submitter = session()['uname']
        if i.authors:
            i.authors = map(self.parse_author, i.authors.split(','))
        i.pid = next_pid()
        record_submission(i.submitter, i.pid)
        record_vote(i.submitter, i.submitter, i.pid)
        db.append('papers', dict(i))
        raise web.seeother('/')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def GET(self):
        """Research http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1781013 how
        hacker news voting works and emulate

        XXX Restrict voting to session().logged users + element id
        must not already exist in user['votes'] set.

        XXX Requires accounting + record keeping

        XXX Preserve the web.ctx GET query params to preserve sorting
        / ordering

        1. Add karma to paper['submitter'] if vote
        2. Record vote in user['votes'] set by id
        - calc unique vote id via some linear combination of paper pid
          (and or comment id [cid], if it exists)
        msg = None
        i = web.input(pid=None, sort="popular")
        if not session().logged:
            raise web.seeother('/register')
        db = Db('db/openjournal')
        ps = db.get('papers')
        u = User.get(session()['uname'])
        if i.pid:
            i.pid = int(i.pid)
            if canvote(u, i.pid):
                    ps[i.pid]['votes'] += 1
                    db.put('papers', ps)
                    submitter_uname = ps[i.pid]['submitter']
                    record_vote(u['username'], submitter_uname, i.pid)
                except IndexError:
                    return "No such items exists to vote on"
        raise web.seeother('/?sort=%s' % i.sort)