Ejemplo n.º 1
    def detect_conflict(self, confl_list):
        Main public class method.

        List of package tuples that conflict with the given package. Return
        join list for package A and package B.

        :param confl_list: list of tuples with package hashes
        :return: `list` of `tuple` (package hash, conflict hash) for
        input list

        # get unique package hashes
        uniq_hshs = list({hsh for confl in confl_list for hsh in confl})

        # get conflicts and provides for every unique package
        # also (epoch, version, release, disttag)
        hsh_dpt_dict, hsh_evrd = self._get_dict_conflict_provide(uniq_hshs)

        conflicts = []
        for hshA, hshB in confl_list:
            # A - conflicts; B - provides
            conflA = self._get_conflicts(
                hsh_dpt_dict[hshA], hsh_dpt_dict[hshB], hshA, hshB, hsh_evrd
            # A - provides; B - conflicts
            conflB = self._get_conflicts(
                hsh_dpt_dict[hshB], hsh_dpt_dict[hshA], hshB, hshA, hsh_evrd

            conflicts += utils.remove_duplicate(conflA + conflB)

        return conflicts
Ejemplo n.º 2
def misconflict_packages():
    The function of searching for conflicting files in packages that do not have
    a conflict.

    Input GET params:
        pkg_ls * - package or list of packages
        task ** - task id
        branch (* - for pkg_ls only) - name of repository
        arch - package architectures

    Output structure:
        input package
        conflict package
        files with conflict

    check_params = server.check_input_params(source=0)
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    values = server.get_dict_values([('pkg_ls', 's', 'pkg_name'), ('task',
                                     ('branch', 's', 'repo_name'),
                                     ('arch', 's')])

    if values['pkg_ls'] and values['task']:
        return utils.json_str_error("One parameter only. ('name'/'task')")

    if not values['pkg_ls'] and not values['task']:
        return utils.json_str_error(
            "'pkg_ls' or 'task' is require parameters.")

    if values['pkg_ls'] and not values['branch']:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    if values['arch']:
        allowed_archs = values['arch'].split(',')
        if 'noarch' not in allowed_archs:
        allowed_archs = server.default_archs

    allowed_archs = tuple(allowed_archs)

    # prepare packages list from Task
    if values['task']:
        # get branch of task
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT branch FROM Tasks WHERE task_id = %(task)d", {
                'task': values['task']

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Task {task} not found!".format(task=values['task']))

        pbranch = response[0][0]

        # get packages of task for last build iteration (hashes)
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_pkgs_of_task, {
            'task': values['task']

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Error: Packages in task {task} not found!"

        # joining tuples from response list
        input_pkg_hshs = [hsh[0] for hsh in response]

    # package list without task
        pkg_ls = tuple(values['pkg_ls'].split(','))
        pbranch = values['branch']

        # get hash for package names
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_hshs_by_pkgs, {
            'pkgs': tuple(pkg_ls),
            'branch': pbranch,
            'arch': allowed_archs

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Error: Packages {pkgs} not found in pkgset {branch}!".format(
                    pkgs=pkg_ls, branch=pbranch))

        # check the existence of a package by comparing the number of input
        # and selected from database
        if len(set([pkg[1] for pkg in response])) != len(pkg_ls):
            return utils.json_str_error("Error of input data.")

        # form a list of package hashes
        input_pkg_hshs = [pkg[0] for pkg in response]

    if not input_pkg_hshs:
        return json.dumps({})

    # get list of (input package | conflict package | conflict files)
    g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_pkg_with_conflict, {
        'hshs': tuple(input_pkg_hshs),
        'branch': pbranch,
        'arch': allowed_archs

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    if not response:
        return json.dumps({})

    hshs_files = response

    # list of conflicting package pairs
    in_confl_hshs = [(hsh[0], hsh[1]) for hsh in hshs_files]

    # filter conflicts by provides/conflicts
    c_filter = ConflictFilter(pbranch, allowed_archs)

    # check for the presence of the specified conflict each pair
    # if the conflict between the packages in the pair is specified,
    # then add the pair to the list
    filter_ls = c_filter.detect_conflict(in_confl_hshs)

    # create dict with package names by hashes
    hsh_name_dict = defaultdict(dict)
    for hsh_1, hsh_2, _, name_2, name_1, _ in response:
        hsh_name_dict[hsh_1], hsh_name_dict[hsh_2] = name_1, name_2

    # convert the hashes into names, put in the first place in the pair
    # the name of the input package, if it is not
    filter_ls_names = []
    for hsh in filter_ls:
        inp_pkg = hsh[0] if hsh[0] in input_pkg_hshs else hsh[1]
        out_pkg = hsh[0] if hsh[0] != inp_pkg else hsh[1]
        result_pair = (hsh_name_dict[inp_pkg], hsh_name_dict[out_pkg])
        if result_pair not in filter_ls:

    # form the list of tuples (input package | conflict package | conflict files)
    result_list, output_pkgs = [], set()
    for pkg in hshs_files:
        [output_pkgs.add(i) for i in pkg[:2]]
        pkg = (hsh_name_dict[pkg[0]], hsh_name_dict[pkg[1]], pkg[2])
        if pkg not in result_list:

    # get architectures of found packages
    g.connection.request_line = QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_pkg_archs.format(

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    pkg_archs_dict = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 1)

    # look for duplicate pairs of packages in the list with different files
    # and join them
    result_dict_cleanup = defaultdict(list)
    for pkg in result_list:
        result_dict_cleanup[(pkg[0], pkg[1])] += pkg[2]

    confl_pkgs = utils.remove_duplicate(
        [pkg[1] for pkg in result_dict_cleanup.keys()])

    # get main information of packages by package hashes
    g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_meta_by_hshs, {
        'pkgs': tuple(confl_pkgs),
        'branch': pbranch,
        'arch': allowed_archs

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    # form dict name - package info
    name_info_dict = {}
    for pkg in response:
        name_info_dict[pkg[0]] = pkg[1:]

    # form list of tuples (input pkg | conflict pkg | pkg info | conflict files)
    # and filter it
    result_list_info = []
    for pkg, files in result_dict_cleanup.items():
        inp_pkg_archs = set(pkg_archs_dict[pkg[0]])
        found_pkg_archs = set(pkg_archs_dict[pkg[1]])
        intersect_pkg_archs = inp_pkg_archs.intersection(found_pkg_archs)

        if (pkg[0], pkg[1]) not in filter_ls_names and intersect_pkg_archs:
            pkg = (pkg[0], pkg[1]) + \
                  name_info_dict[pkg[1]][:-1] + \
                  (list(intersect_pkg_archs),) + (files,)

    return utils.convert_to_json([
        'input_package', 'conflict_package', 'version', 'release', 'epoch',
        'archs', 'files_with_conflict'
    ], result_list_info)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def task_diff():

    check_params = server.check_input_params()
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    task_id = server.get_one_value('task', type_='i')
    if not task_id:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    g.connection.request_line = QM.task_diff_get_task_pkgs.format(id=task_id)

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    task_pkgs = utils.join_tuples(response)

    g.connection.request_line = (QM.task_diff_get_repo_pkgs, {
        'hshs': task_pkgs,
        'id': task_id

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    if not response:
        return json.dumps({})

    repo_pkgs = utils.join_tuples(response)

    g.connection.request_line = (QM.task_diff_get_depends_by_hshs, {
        'hshs': task_pkgs

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    task_deps = response

    g.connection.request_line = (QM.task_diff_get_depends_by_hshs, {
        'hshs': repo_pkgs

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    repo_deps = response

    uniq_repo_pkgs = utils.remove_duplicate([i[0] for i in repo_deps])

    base_struct = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
    for pkg in uniq_repo_pkgs:
        for type_ in ['provide', 'require', 'obsolete', 'conflict']:
            for arch in ['x86_64', 'x86_64-i586', 'i586']:
                base_struct[pkg][type_][arch] = []

    def create_struct(deps):
        struct = copy.deepcopy(base_struct)
            struct[el[0]][el[1]][el[2]].__iadd__(el[3]) for el in deps
            if el[0] in base_struct
        return struct

    task_struct = create_struct(task_deps)
    repo_struct = create_struct(repo_deps)

    result_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
    for name, type_dict in task_struct.items():
        for type_, arch_dict in type_dict.items():
            for arch, value in arch_dict.items():
                task_set = set(value)
                repo_set = set(repo_struct[name][type_][arch])

                res_list = ['-{}'.format(dep) for dep in repo_set - task_set] + \
                           ['+{}'.format(dep) for dep in task_set - repo_set]

                if res_list:
                    result_dict[name][type_][arch] = res_list

    return json.dumps(result_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def eosip(self, content_file):
        this function resorve the xml file and return the extracted metadata in dictionary
        :param content_file:a complete path file name towards a EOSIP format xml file of the metadata
        #example return value {'earthobservation_resulttime_timeinstant': '2011-10-16T20:52:46Z'}
        product = content_file
        if not isfile(content_file):
            return None, 101

            tree = ET.parse(product)
        except ET.ParserError:
            return None, 102
            return None, 999
            print("the xml file has been successfully read in!")

        root = tree.getroot()
        dic = {}
        avoid_string = 'vendorspecific'

        for ele in tree.iter():
                # print "this node is empty"
            if ele.text.isspace():
                # print "empty string"
            val = ele.text
            property = []

            #--- extract the tag of the current and its ancester in reverse order
            for arc in ele.iterancestors():
                property.insert(0, arc.tag)

            #--- convert the tags to the key for value, store
            property = [re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', "", p).lower() for p in property]
            property = remove_duplicate(property)
            property = self.filter_not_needed(property)
            property = '_'.join(property)

            if avoid_string in property:
            dic[property] = val

        #--- insert the specific case of vendorSpecific in dic
            for node in tree.findall('//eop:vendorSpecific//eop:localValue',
                if node.getprevious() is None:
                    # print "this local value have no attribute:", node.tag, node.text
                    attribute = 'vendorspecific_' + node.getprevious(
                    localValue = node.text
                    dic[attribute] = localValue
            print "can't find eop vendor"

        return dic, 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
                # print "this node is empty"
            if ele.text.isspace():
            val = ele.text
            property = []
            #--- extract the tag of the current and its ancester in reverse order
            for arc in ele.iterancestors():
                property.insert(0, arc.tag)
            #--- convert the tags to the key for value, store
            property = [re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', "", p).lower() for p in property]
            property = remove_duplicate(property)
            property = self.filter_not_needed(property)
            property = '_'.join(property)
            # -- current node is a node of specific structure,avoid
            if avoid_string in property:
            # --handle same property multiple value
            same_key_list = [
                k for k, v in dic.items() if k.startswith(property)
            if same_key_list:
                property = property + '_' + str(len(same_key_list))

            dic[property] = val

        #--- insert the specific case of vendorSpecific in dic
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def center_edge(self, rmin=4, gamma_min=0.89):
        Find all swirls from gamma1, and gamma2

            rmin : `int`
                minimum radius of swirls, all swirls with radius less than
                rmin will be rejected.
            gamma_min : `float`
                minimum value of gamma1, all potential swirls with
                peak gamma1 values less than gamma_min will be rejected.

            The keys and their meanings of the dictionary are:
            center: center locations of vortices, in the form of [x, y].
            edge: edge locations of vortices, in the form of [x, y].
            points: all points within vortices, in the form of [x, y].
            peak: maximum/minimum gamma1 values in vortices.
            radius: equivalent radius of vortices.
            All results are in pixel coordinates.

        # Initial dictionary setup
        self.edge_prop = {'center': (), 'edge': (), 'points': (), 'peak': (),
                          'radius': ()}
        # ------------ Old algorithm, depracated -----------------------------
        # # Turn interactive plotting off
        # plt.ioff()
        # plt.figure(-1)
        # # Find countours
        # cs = plt.contour(self.gamma[..., 1], levels=[-2 / np.pi, 2 / np.pi])
        # plt.close(-1)

        # # iterate over all contours
        # for i in range(len(cs.collections)):
        #     # Extract a contour and iterate over
        #     for c in cs.collections[i].get_paths():
        #         # convert the single contour to list
        #         v = c.vertices
        #         v = np.rint(c.vertices).tolist()
        # ------------ Old algorithm, depracated -----------------------------

        cs = np.array(measure.find_contours(self.gamma[..., 1].T, -2 / np.pi))
        cs_pos = np.array(measure.find_contours(self.gamma[..., 1].T,
                                                2 / np.pi))
        if len(cs) == 0:
            cs = cs_pos
        elif len(cs_pos) != 0:
            cs = np.append(cs, cs_pos, 0)
        for i in range(np.shape(cs)[0]):
            v = np.rint(cs[i])
            v = remove_duplicate(v)
            # find all points in the contour
            ps = points_in_poly(v)
            # gamma1 value of all points in the contour
            dust = []
            for p in ps:
                dust.append(self.gamma[..., 0][int(p[1]), int(p[0])])

            # determin swirl properties
            if len(dust) > 1:
                # effective radius
                re = np.sqrt(np.array(ps).shape[0] / np.pi) / self.factor
                # only consider swirls with re >= rmin and maximum gamma1
                # value greater than gamma_min
                if np.max(np.fabs(dust)) >= gamma_min and re >= rmin:
                    # Extract the index, only first dimension
                    idx = np.where(np.fabs(dust) ==
                    # Update dictionary key 'center'
                    self.edge_prop['center'] += \
                        (np.array(ps[idx]) / self.factor, )
                    # Update dictionary key 'edge'
                    self.edge_prop['edge'] += \
                        (np.array(v) / self.factor, )
                    # Update dictionary key 'points'
                    self.edge_prop['points'] += \
                        (np.array(ps) / self.factor, )
                    # Update dictionary key 'peak'
                    self.edge_prop['peak'] += (dust[idx],)
                    # Update dictionary key 'radius'
                    self.edge_prop['radius'] += (re,)

        return self.edge_prop