Ejemplo n.º 1
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        output_VBP, probs, preds = self.VBP_model.generate_image(
            pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs)
        input_img = pre_imgs.detach().numpy()
        input_img = rescale_image(input_img)

        sal_maps = np.multiply(output_VBP, input_img)
        sal_maps = rescale_image(sal_maps.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2))

        return sal_maps, probs, preds
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_smooth_var_grad(pre_imgs, targets, n, sigma, model, **kwargs):
    if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs['layer'] = None

    # make smooth_square_grad array
    smooth_var_grad = np.zeros(pre_imgs.shape[:1] + pre_imgs.shape[2:] +
                               pre_imgs.shape[1:2])  # (batch_size, H, W, C)

    smooth_grad, _, _ = generate_smooth_grad(pre_imgs, targets, n, sigma,
                                             model, **kwargs)

    mean = 0
    # mean, sigma
    mins = pre_imgs.detach().numpy().min(axis=(1, 2, 3))
    maxs = pre_imgs.detach().numpy().max(axis=(1, 2, 3))
    mean = [0] * pre_imgs.size(0)
    sigma = (sigma / (maxs - mins)).squeeze()

    for i in range(n):
        noise = np.array(list(map(normal_dist, pre_imgs, mean, sigma)))

        noisy_imgs = pre_imgs + torch.Tensor(noise)
        outputs, probs, preds = model.generate_image(noisy_imgs, targets,
        smooth_var_grad = smooth_var_grad + (outputs**2 - smooth_grad**2)

    smooth_var_grad = smooth_var_grad / n
    smooth_var_grad = rescale_image(smooth_var_grad.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2))

    return smooth_var_grad, probs, preds
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, img_info):
        img, bbox, label = img_info
        _, org_h, org_w = img.shape
        img = rescale_image(img, self.min_size, self.max_size)
        _, h, w= img.shape
        scale = min(h / org_h, w / org_w)
        bbox = rescale_box(bbox, (org_h, org_h), (h, w))

        img, y_flip, x_flip = random_flip_image(img)
        bbox = flip_box(bbox, (h,w), y_flip, x_flip)
        return img, bbox, label, scale
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        dicom = pydicom.dcmread(self.path[item])
        dicom_data = get_dicom_meta(dicom)
        image = dicom.pixel_array
        image = rescale_image(image, dicom_data['RescaleSlope'], dicom_data['RescaleIntercept'])
        image = apply_window_policy(image, dicom_data, self.window_policy)
        image = resize(image, (512, 512))
        if self.transforms:
            image = self.transforms(image=image)['image']

        return np.swapaxes(image,0,2)
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        layer = 8 if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['layer']        
        color = False if 'color' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['color']

        # make saliency map by GradCAM & Guided Backprop 
        output_GC, probs, preds = self.GC_model.generate_image(pre_imgs, targets, layer=layer, color=color)
        output_GB, _, _ = self.GB_model.generate_image(pre_imgs, targets)

        # GradCAM x Guided Backprop
        sal_maps = np.multiply(output_GC, output_GB)
        sal_maps = rescale_image(sal_maps.transpose(0,3,1,2))

        return sal_maps, probs, preds
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        pre_imgs = Variable(pre_imgs, requires_grad=True)
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs)


        one_hot_output = torch.zeros_like(outputs).scatter(
            1, targets.unsqueeze(1), 1).detach()
        probs, preds = outputs.detach().max(1)

        sal_maps = rescale_image(pre_imgs.grad.numpy())

        return (sal_maps, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        steps = 10 if 'steps' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['steps']

        xbar_list = self.generate_images_on_linear_path(pre_imgs, steps)
        sal_maps = np.zeros(pre_imgs.size())

        for xbar_image in xbar_list:
            single_integrated_grad, probs, preds = self.generate_gradients(
                xbar_image, targets)
            sal_maps = sal_maps + (single_integrated_grad / steps)

        sal_maps = rescale_image(sal_maps)

        return (sal_maps, probs, preds)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        layer = 8 if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['layer']
        color = False if 'color' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['color']

        # convert target type to LongTensor
        targets = torch.LongTensor(targets)

        # prediction
        pre_imgs = Variable(pre_imgs, requires_grad=True)
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs)

        # calculate gradients

        one_hot_output = torch.zeros_like(outputs).scatter(
            1, targets.unsqueeze(1), 1).detach()
        probs, preds = outputs.detach().max(1)

        gradients = self.gradients[layer].numpy()

        # A = w * conv_output
        convs = self.conv_outputs[layer].detach().numpy()
        weights = np.mean(gradients, axis=(2, 3))
        weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape + (

        gradcams = weights * convs
        gradcams = gradcams.sum(axis=1)

        # relu
        gradcams = np.maximum(gradcams, 0)

        # minmax scaling * 255
        gradcams = rescale_image(gradcams, channel=False)

        # resize images
        colors = [color] * gradcams.shape[0]
        gradcams = np.array(list(map(resize_image, gradcams, pre_imgs,

        return (gradcams, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # convert target type to LongTensor
        targets = torch.LongTensor(targets)

        # prediction
        pre_imgs = Variable(pre_imgs, requires_grad=True)
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs)

        # calculate gradients

        one_hot_output = torch.zeros_like(outputs).scatter(1, targets.unsqueeze(1), 1).detach()
        probs, preds = outputs.detach().max(1)

        # rescale saliency map
        sal_maps = rescale_image(pre_imgs.grad.numpy())

        return (sal_maps, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def pipeline(img_name):
    path = f'./static/uploaded_images/{img_name}.jpeg'
        img = Image.open(path)
        return ValueError
    # preprocessing image
    img = rescale_image(img)
    thresh = threshold(img)
    cnts, bbox = find_bbox(thresh)
    img = crop_img(img, bbox)
    final_img = remove_noise_and_smooth(img)
    # finding text in image
    text = pytesseract.image_to_string(final_img)
    # searching for dates
    date = find_date(text)
    if date is None:
        return date
    return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        layer = 0 if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['layer']

        # convert target type to LongTensor
        targets = torch.LongTensor(targets)

        # prediction
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs).detach()
        probs, preds = outputs.max(1)

        # output deconvnet
        deconv_outputs = self.deconv_model(self.model.feature_maps[layer],
                                           layer, self.model.pool_locs)

        # denormalization
        deconv_outputs = deconv_outputs.data.numpy()
        deconv_outputs = rescale_image(deconv_outputs)

        return (deconv_outputs, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        steps = 10 if 'steps' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['steps']

        # convert target type to LongTensor
        targets = torch.LongTensor(targets)

        # divide image
        xbar_list = self.generate_images_on_linear_path(pre_imgs, steps)
        sal_maps = np.zeros(pre_imgs.size())

        # make saliency map from divided images
        for xbar_image in xbar_list:
            single_integrated_grad, probs, preds = self.generate_gradients(xbar_image, targets)
            sal_maps = sal_maps + (single_integrated_grad/steps)
        # rescale saliency map
        sal_maps = rescale_image(sal_maps)
        return (sal_maps, probs, preds)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        layer = 0 if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['layer']

        # prediction
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs).detach()
        probs, preds = outputs.max(1)

        # feature size
        num_feat = self.model.feature_maps[layer].shape[1]
        new_feat_map = self.model.feature_maps[layer].clone()

        # output deconvnet
        deconv_outputs = self.deconv_model(self.model.feature_maps[layer],
                                           layer, self.model.pool_locs)

        # denormalization
        deconv_outputs = deconv_outputs.data.numpy()
        deconv_outputs = rescale_image(deconv_outputs)

        return (deconv_outputs, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # last layer idx
        layer = 11 if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['layer']
        color = False if 'color' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['color']

        # convert target type to LongTensor
        targets = torch.LongTensor(targets)

        # prediction
        pre_imgs = Variable(pre_imgs, requires_grad=True)
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs)
        probs, preds = outputs.detach().max(1)

        # last layer output
        last_layer_output = self.conv_outputs[layer].detach().numpy(
        )  # (B, C, H, W)

        # w_k
        w_k = self.model.cam_mlp.mlp[0].weight.detach().numpy(
        )  # (nb_class, C)
        b_w_k = np.zeros((targets.shape[0], w_k.shape[1]))
        for i in range(targets.shape[0]):
            b_w_k[i] = w_k[targets[i]]
        b_w_k = b_w_k.reshape(b_w_k.shape + (
        ))  # (B, C, 1, 1)

        # b_w_k x last layer output
        cams = (b_w_k * last_layer_output).sum(1)

        # minmax scaling * 255
        cams = rescale_image(cams, channel=False)

        # resize to input image size
        colors = [color] * cams.shape[0]
        cams = np.array(list(map(resize_image, cams, pre_imgs, colors)))

        return (cams, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def generate_image(self, pre_imgs, targets, **kwargs):
        # default
        layer = 11 if 'layer' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['layer']
        color = False if 'color' not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs['color']

        # convert target type to LongTensor
        targets = torch.LongTensor(targets)

        # prediction
        pre_imgs = Variable(pre_imgs, requires_grad=True)
        outputs = self.model(pre_imgs)
        probs, preds = outputs.detach().max(1)

        # n th convolution block output
        conv_out = self.conv_outputs[layer].mean(axis=1).detach().numpy()

        # minmax scaling * 255
        conv_out = rescale_image(conv_out, channel=False)

        colors = [color] * conv_out.shape[0]
        gradcams = np.array(list(map(resize_image, conv_out, pre_imgs,

        return (gradcams, probs.numpy(), preds.numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        image_id = self.ids[index]
        annos = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'Annotations', image_id + '.xml'))
        bbox = []
        label = []

        for obj in annos.findall('object'):
            pos = obj.find('bndbox')
            bbox.append([int(pos.find(tag).text) for tag in ['ymin', 'xmin', 'ymax', 'xmax']])
            name = obj.find('name').text.lower().strip()

        bbox = np.asarray(bbox).astype(np.float32)
        label = np.asarray(label).astype(np.int32)

        img_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'JPEGImages', image_id + '.jpg')
        img = read_image(img_file)

        _, org_h, org_w = img.shape
        img = rescale_image(img, int(self.opt.min_size), int(self.opt.max_size))
        _, h, w = img.shape
        scale = min(h / org_h, w / org_w)
        bbox = rescale_box(bbox, (org_h, org_h), (h, w))
        return img, bbox, label, (org_h,org_w)
 def rescale(self, target_distance):
     # rescale to fit a distance in meters
     self.image = utils.rescale_image(self.image, self.distance / target_distance)
     self.mask = utils.rescale_mask(self.mask, self.distance / target_distance)
     self.distance = target_distance
     self.reference_point = None
Ejemplo n.º 18
loss_disc_memory = []

optimizer_d = optim.Adam(disc.parameters(), lr=0.0002)
optimizer_g = optim.Adam(gen.parameters(), lr=0.0002)

test_input_z = Variable(
    torch.Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, LATENT_SPACE_DIM))))

for e in range(EPOCH):
    loss_gene_memory = []
    loss_disc_memory = []
    if e % 3 == 0:
        with torch.no_grad():
            fake_image_test = gen(test_input_z)
            fake_image_test = vectors_to_images(fake_image_test, 1, 28)
            plot_image(rescale_image(fake_image_test.data[0][0], 0.5))
    for idx, (images, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
        images = torch.Tensor(images)

        size_batch = images.shape[0]

        # Training Discriminator
        noise_vector = Variable(
            torch.Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1,
                                          (size_batch, LATENT_SPACE_DIM))))
        real_images = images.view(-1, IMAGE_SIZE**2)
        pred_real = disc(real_images)
        fake_image = gen(noise_vector).detach()
        pred_fake = disc(fake_image)
        loss_real = loss_fucntion(pred_real,
Ejemplo n.º 19
        # Initialize the first state with the same 4 images
        current_state = np.array([obs, obs, obs, obs])

        # Main episode loop
        t = 0
        frame_counter += 1

        while t < args.max_episode_length:
            # Stop the episode if it takes too long
            if frame_counter > args.max_frames_number:

            # Render the game
            if args.video:
                img = utils.rescale_image(env.render()).convert("RGB")
                pyg_img = pygame.image.fromstring(img.tobytes(), img.size,
                surface.fill((255, 255, 255))
                surface.blit(pyg_img, (0, 0))

            # Select an action using the DQA
            action = DQA.get_action(np.asarray([current_state]))

            # Observe reward and next state
            obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            obs = utils.preprocess_observation(obs)
            next_state = utils.get_next_state(current_state, obs)

            frame_counter += 1
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def _convert_obs(self, obs):
     obs = utils.rgb2gray(obs)
     obs = utils.rescale_image(obs)
     obs = utils.normalize_image(obs)
     return obs