Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup(self, load_tuning_prop=False):

        if load_tuning_prop:
            print 'Loading tuning properties from', self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn']
            self.tuning_prop_exc = np.loadtxt(self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn'])
            print 'Preparing tuning properties with limited range....'
            x_range = (0, 1.)
            y_range = (0.2, .5)
            u_range = (.05, 1.0)
            v_range = (-.2, .2)
            tp_exc_good, tp_exc_out_of_range = utils.set_limited_tuning_properties(params, y_range, x_range, u_range, v_range, cell_type='exc')
            self.tuning_prop_exc = tp_exc_good
            print 'n_exc within range: ', tp_exc_good[:, 0].size
            print "Saving tuning_prop to file:", params['tuning_prop_means_fn']
            np.savetxt(params['tuning_prop_means_fn'], tp_exc_good)

        indices, distances = utils.sort_gids_by_distance_to_stimulus(self.tuning_prop_exc, self.params['motion_params'], self.params) # cells in indices should have the highest response to the stimulus
        if self.pc_id == 0:
            print "Saving tuning_prop to file:", self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn']
            np.savetxt(self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn'], self.tuning_prop_exc)
            print 'Saving gids to record to: ', self.params['gids_to_record_fn']
            np.savetxt(self.params['gids_to_record_fn'], indices[:self.params['n_gids_to_record']], fmt='%d')

#        np.savetxt(params['gids_to_record_fn'], indices[:params['n_gids_to_record']], fmt='%d')

        if self.comm != None:
        from pyNN.utility import Timer
        self.timer = Timer()
        self.times = {}
        # # # # # # # # # # # # 
        #     S E T U P       #
        # # # # # # # # # # # #
        (delay_min, delay_max) = self.params['delay_range']
        setup(timestep=0.1, min_delay=delay_min, max_delay=delay_max, rng_seeds_seed=self.params['seed'])
        rng_v = NumpyRNG(seed = sim_cnt*3147 + self.params['seed'], parallel_safe=True) #if True, slower but does not depend on number of nodes
        self.rng_conn = NumpyRNG(seed = self.params['seed'], parallel_safe=True) #if True, slower but does not depend on number of nodes

        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        #     R A N D O M    D I S T R I B U T I O N S  #
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        self.v_init_dist = RandomDistribution('normal',
                (self.params['v_init'], self.params['v_init_sigma']),
                boundaries=(-80, -60))

        self.times['t_setup'] = self.timer.diff()
        self.times['t_calc_conns'] = 0
        if self.comm != None:
Ejemplo n.º 2
#    from mpi4py import MPI
#    USE_MPI = True
#    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
#    pc_id, n_proc = comm.rank, comm.size
#    print "USE_MPI:", USE_MPI, 'pc_id, n_proc:', pc_id, n_proc
#    USE_MPI = False
#    pc_id, n_proc, comm = 0, 1, None
#    print "MPI not used"

x_range = (0, 1.)
y_range = (0.3, .7)
u_range = (.05, .5)
v_range = (-.2, .2)

tp_exc_good, tp_exc_out_of_range = utils.set_limited_tuning_properties(params, y_range, x_range, u_range, v_range, cell_type='exc')
print 'n_exc within range: ', tp_exc_good[:, 0].size
print "Saving tuning_prop to file:", params['tuning_prop_means_fn']
np.savetxt(params['tuning_prop_means_fn'], tp_exc_good)

print 'Calculating gids to record...'
mp = params['motion_params']
indices, distances = utils.sort_gids_by_distance_to_stimulus(tp_exc_good, mp, params) # cells in indices should have the highest response to the stimulus
n = params['n_gids_to_record']
np.savetxt(params['gids_to_record_fn'], indices[:n], fmt='%d')
print 'Saving gids to record to: ', params['gids_to_record_fn']

tuning_prop_inh, tp_inh_out_of_range = utils.set_limited_tuning_properties(params, y_range=y_range, x_range=x_range, u_range=u_range, v_range=v_range, cell_type='inh')
print "Saving tuning_prop to file:", params['tuning_prop_inh_fn']
np.savetxt(params['tuning_prop_inh_fn'], tuning_prop_inh)