Ejemplo n.º 1
def admin():
    # convert to dict
    user = dict([(name, toDict(y)) for name, y in PYLOAD.getAllUserData().iteritems()])
    perms = permlist()

    for data in user.itervalues():
        data["perms"] = {}
        get_permission(data["perms"], data["permission"])
        data["perms"]["admin"] = True if data["role"] is 0 else False

    s = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    if request.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', "GET") == "POST":
        for name in user:
            if request.POST.get("%s|admin" % name, False):
                user[name]["role"] = 0
                user[name]["perms"]["admin"] = True
            elif name != s["name"]:
                user[name]["role"] = 1
                user[name]["perms"]["admin"] = False

            # set all perms to false
            for perm in perms:
                user[name]["perms"][perm] = False

            for perm in request.POST.getall("%s|perms" % name):
                user[name]["perms"][perm] = True

            user[name]["permission"] = set_permission(user[name]["perms"])

            PYLOAD.setUserPermission(name, user[name]["permission"], user[name]["role"])

    return render_to_response("admin.html", {"users": user, "permlist": perms}, [pre_processor])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def admin():
    # convert to dict
    user = dict([(name, toDict(y)) for name, y in PYLOAD.getAllUserData().iteritems()])
    perms = permlist()

    for data in user.itervalues():
        data["perms"] = {}
        get_permission(data["perms"], data["permission"])
        data["perms"]["admin"] = True if data["role"] is 0 else False

    s = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    if request.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', "GET") == "POST":
        for name in user:
            if request.POST.get("%s|admin" % name, False):
                user[name]["role"] = 0
                user[name]["perms"]["admin"] = True
            elif name != s["name"]:
                user[name]["role"] = 1
                user[name]["perms"]["admin"] = False

            # set all perms to false
            for perm in perms:
                user[name]["perms"][perm] = False

            for perm in request.POST.getall("%s|perms" % name):
                user[name]["perms"][perm] = True

            user[name]["permission"] = set_permission(user[name]["perms"])

            PYLOAD.setUserPermission(name, user[name]["permission"], user[name]["role"])

    return render_to_response("admin.html", {"users": user, "permlist": perms}, [pre_processor])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # accept arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download your certificate and secure your domain in one step')
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version='%(prog)s 1.0')
    parser.add_argument("--order_id", action="store", help="DigiCert order ID for certificate")
    parser.add_argument("--cert_path", action="store", help="the path to the certificate file")
    parser.add_argument("--key", action="store", help="Path to private key file used to order certificate")
    parser.add_argument("--api_key", action="store", help="Skip authentication step with a DigiCert API key (for Cert Central accounts only)")
    parser.add_argument("--allow_dups", action="store", help="a flag to indicate whether the order type allows duplicates mostly for convenience")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # this needs to happen after the arg parser is set up
    if os.getuid() != 0:
        raise BaseException("The Digicert Express Installer must be run as root.")


    order_id = args.order_id
    if args.api_key:
        config.API_KEY = args.api_key
    cert_path = args.cert_path
    private_key_file = None
    if args.key and os.path.isfile(args.key):
        private_key_file = args.key

    # get platform class and check platform level dependencies
    platform = utils.determine_platform()

    ignored_packages = platform.check_dependencies()
    if ignored_packages:
        raise Exception("You will need to install these packages before continuing: {0}".format(",".join(ignored_packages)))

    # get the dns names from the cert if one was passed in
    dns_names = utils.get_dns_names_from_cert(cert_path)

    order = None

    # user manually passed the order id and no dns names were found
    if order_id and not dns_names:
        cert_path = None  # the cert_path was invalid
        print "Attempting to get certificate by specified order ID"
        order = get_order(order_id)
        if len(order['certificate']['dns_names']) > 1:
            dns_names = order['certificate']['dns_names']
            dns_names = [order['certificate']['common_name']]

    aug = base_parser.BaseParser(platform=platform)
    hosts = aug.get_vhosts_on_server(dns_names)

    if not hosts:
        raise Exception("No virtual hosts were found on this server that will work with your certificate")

    if len(hosts) > 1:
        vhost = select_vhost(hosts)
        if raw_input("The host {0} was found matching this certificate. Is this correct? (y/N) ".format(hosts[0])).lower().strip() != "y":
            raise Exception("No virtual hosts were found on this server that will work with your certificate")
        vhost = hosts[0]

    # We should only go through this if block when the script is run without an order_id and cert_path
    if not dns_names:
        print "Attempting to get orders matching selected vhost."
        orders = get_issued_orders(vhost)
        if not orders:
            # We could push them to order here :p
            raise Exception("No orders found matching the vhost you selected")
        order = select_order(orders)
        # TODO this right here?
        order = get_order(order['id'])
        order_id = order['id']

    private_key_matches_cert = False

    # see if the order needs to have a csr uploaded
    if order and order['status'] == 'needs_csr':
        # TODO do we want to try to find an existing csr?
        private_key_file, csr_file = utils.create_csr(dns_name=vhost, order=order)
        upload_csr(order_id, csr_file)
        order = get_order(order_id)
        if order['status'] == 'issued':
            certs = download_certificate(order)
            cert_path = utils.save_certs(certs, vhost)
            private_key_matches_cert = True

    if not private_key_file:
        # Check the path where we would have stored the private key, and the current directory
        key_file_name1 = "{0}/{1}/{1}.key".format(config.FILE_STORE, utils.normalize_common_name_file(vhost))
        key_file_name2 = "{0}/{1}.key".format(os.getcwd(), utils.normalize_common_name_file(vhost))
        if os.path.isfile(key_file_name1):
            private_key_file = key_file_name1
        elif os.path.isfile(key_file_name2):
            private_key_file = key_file_name2

    while not private_key_matches_cert:
        if not private_key_file:
            if args.allow_dups or (order and order['allow_duplicates'] == 1):
                print "\033[1mDuplicates require permission to approve requests on this order.\033[0m"
                if raw_input("Are you trying to install a duplicate certificate? (y/N) ").lower().strip() == 'y':
                    order = get_order(order_id) if not order else order
                    private_key_file, csr_file = utils.create_csr(dns_name=vhost, order=order)
                    dup_data = create_duplicate(order=order, csr_file=csr_file)
                    if 'sub_id' not in dup_data:
                        duplicates = get_duplicates(order['id'])
                        if not duplicates:
                            raise Exception("Could not collect any duplicates for this order")
                        # we need either the sub id or the certificate details from this specific duplicate on the order.
                        order['sub_id'] = duplicates['certificates'][0]['sub_id']
                        order['certificate'] = duplicates['certificates'][0]
                        order['sub_id'] = dup_data['sub_id']
                    if not order['sub_id']:
                        raise Exception("Something went wrong")
                    certs = download_certificate(order)
                    cert_path = utils.save_certs(certs, vhost)
            # Cert does not allow duplicates, or the user chose no (still missing private_key_file)
            pk_path = ""
            while not private_key_file and pk_path.strip().lower() != "q":
                pk_path = raw_input("Please provide the path to the private key for this certificate: (q to quit) ")
                if pk_path.lower().strip() == "q":
                    raise Exception("Cannot install this certificate without the private key used to generate the CSR")
                if not os.path.isfile(pk_path):
                    print "The path {0} is not a valid file. Please try again.".format(pk_path)
                private_key_file = pk_path
        if not cert_path:
            certs = download_certificate(order)
            cert_path = utils.save_certs(certs, vhost)
        private_key_matches_cert = utils.validate_private_key(private_key_file, cert_path)
        if not private_key_matches_cert:
            private_key_file = None
        elif config.FILE_STORE not in private_key_file:
            new_private_key_file = cert_path.replace(".crt", ".key")
            shutil.copyfile(private_key_file, new_private_key_file)
            private_key_file = new_private_key_file

    # Sanity check
    if not cert_path or not private_key_file:
        raise Exception("Something bad happened. We shouldn't have been able to get here")

    intermediate_path = "{0}/DigiCertCA.crt".format(cert_path.rpartition('/')[0])

    # set the right file permissions so the certs can be read by apache
    apache_user = platform.get_apache_user()
    utils.set_permission(cert_path, apache_user, 644)
    utils.set_permission(private_key_file, apache_user, 644)
    utils.set_permission(intermediate_path, apache_user, 644)

    aug.preinstall_setup(cert_path, intermediate_path, private_key_file)
    if raw_input("Your configuration has been updated. Would you like to restart the webserver? (y/N) ").lower().strip() == "y":
        # verify that the existing site responds to https afterwards
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    # accept arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        'Download your certificate and secure your domain in one step')
                        version='%(prog)s 1.0')
                        help="DigiCert order ID for certificate")
                        help="the path to the certificate file")
        help="Path to private key file used to order certificate")
        "Skip authentication step with a DigiCert API key (for Cert Central accounts only)"
        "a flag to indicate whether the order type allows duplicates mostly for convenience"

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # this needs to happen after the arg parser is set up
    if os.getuid() != 0:
        raise BaseException(
            "The Digicert Express Installer must be run as root.")


    order_id = args.order_id
    if args.api_key:
        config.API_KEY = args.api_key
    cert_path = args.cert_path
    private_key_file = None
    if args.key and os.path.isfile(args.key):
        private_key_file = args.key

    # get platform class and check platform level dependencies
    platform = utils.determine_platform()

    ignored_packages = platform.check_dependencies()
    if ignored_packages:
        raise Exception(
            "You will need to install these packages before continuing: {0}".

    # get the dns names from the cert if one was passed in
    dns_names = utils.get_dns_names_from_cert(cert_path)

    order = None

    # user manually passed the order id and no dns names were found
    if order_id and not dns_names:
        cert_path = None  # the cert_path was invalid
        print "Attempting to get certificate by specified order ID"
        order = get_order(order_id)
        if len(order['certificate']['dns_names']) > 1:
            dns_names = order['certificate']['dns_names']
            dns_names = [order['certificate']['common_name']]

    aug = base_parser.BaseParser(platform=platform)
    hosts = aug.get_vhosts_on_server(dns_names)

    if not hosts:
        raise Exception(
            "No virtual hosts were found on this server that will work with your certificate"

    if len(hosts) > 1:
        vhost = select_vhost(hosts)
        if raw_input(
                "The host {0} was found matching this certificate. Is this correct? (y/N) "
                .format(hosts[0])).lower().strip() != "y":
            raise Exception(
                "No virtual hosts were found on this server that will work with your certificate"
        vhost = hosts[0]

    # We should only go through this if block when the script is run without an order_id and cert_path
    if not dns_names:
        print "Attempting to get orders matching selected vhost."
        orders = get_issued_orders(vhost)
        if not orders:
            # We could push them to order here :p
            raise Exception("No orders found matching the vhost you selected")
        order = select_order(orders)
        # TODO this right here?
        order = get_order(order['id'])
        order_id = order['id']

    private_key_matches_cert = False

    # see if the order needs to have a csr uploaded
    if order and order['status'] == 'needs_csr':
        # TODO do we want to try to find an existing csr?
        private_key_file, csr_file = utils.create_csr(dns_name=vhost,
        upload_csr(order_id, csr_file)
        order = get_order(order_id)
        if order['status'] == 'issued':
            certs = download_certificate(order)
            cert_path = utils.save_certs(certs, vhost)
            private_key_matches_cert = True

    if not private_key_file:
        # Check the path where we would have stored the private key, and the current directory
        key_file_name1 = "{0}/{1}/{1}.key".format(
            config.FILE_STORE, utils.normalize_common_name_file(vhost))
        key_file_name2 = "{0}/{1}.key".format(
            os.getcwd(), utils.normalize_common_name_file(vhost))
        if os.path.isfile(key_file_name1):
            private_key_file = key_file_name1
        elif os.path.isfile(key_file_name2):
            private_key_file = key_file_name2

    while not private_key_matches_cert:
        if not private_key_file:
            if args.allow_dups or (order and order['allow_duplicates'] == 1):
                print "\033[1mDuplicates require permission to approve requests on this order.\033[0m"
                if raw_input(
                        "Are you trying to install a duplicate certificate? (y/N) "
                ).lower().strip() == 'y':
                    order = get_order(order_id) if not order else order
                    private_key_file, csr_file = utils.create_csr(
                        dns_name=vhost, order=order)
                    dup_data = create_duplicate(order=order, csr_file=csr_file)
                    if 'sub_id' not in dup_data:
                        duplicates = get_duplicates(order['id'])
                        if not duplicates:
                            raise Exception(
                                "Could not collect any duplicates for this order"
                        # we need either the sub id or the certificate details from this specific duplicate on the order.
                        order['sub_id'] = duplicates['certificates'][0][
                        order['certificate'] = duplicates['certificates'][0]
                        order['sub_id'] = dup_data['sub_id']
                    if not order['sub_id']:
                        raise Exception("Something went wrong")
                    certs = download_certificate(order)
                    cert_path = utils.save_certs(certs, vhost)
            # Cert does not allow duplicates, or the user chose no (still missing private_key_file)
            pk_path = ""
            while not private_key_file and pk_path.strip().lower() != "q":
                pk_path = raw_input(
                    "Please provide the path to the private key for this certificate: (q to quit) "
                if pk_path.lower().strip() == "q":
                    raise Exception(
                        "Cannot install this certificate without the private key used to generate the CSR"
                if not os.path.isfile(pk_path):
                    print "The path {0} is not a valid file. Please try again.".format(
                private_key_file = pk_path
        if not cert_path:
            certs = download_certificate(order)
            cert_path = utils.save_certs(certs, vhost)
        private_key_matches_cert = utils.validate_private_key(
            private_key_file, cert_path)
        if not private_key_matches_cert:
            private_key_file = None
        elif config.FILE_STORE not in private_key_file:
            new_private_key_file = cert_path.replace(".crt", ".key")
            shutil.copyfile(private_key_file, new_private_key_file)
            private_key_file = new_private_key_file

    # Sanity check
    if not cert_path or not private_key_file:
        raise Exception(
            "Something bad happened. We shouldn't have been able to get here")

    intermediate_path = "{0}/DigiCertCA.crt".format(

    # set the right file permissions so the certs can be read by apache
    apache_user = platform.get_apache_user()
    utils.set_permission(cert_path, apache_user, 644)
    utils.set_permission(private_key_file, apache_user, 644)
    utils.set_permission(intermediate_path, apache_user, 644)

    aug.preinstall_setup(cert_path, intermediate_path, private_key_file)
    if raw_input(
            "Your configuration has been updated. Would you like to restart the webserver? (y/N) "
    ).lower().strip() == "y":
        # verify that the existing site responds to https afterwards