def step(engine, batch): model.train() x, _ = batch x = x_quant = q.preprocess(x) recon, kl = model(x_quant) nll = get_recon_error(recon, x, sigma(engine.state.epoch, args.sigma_switch)) loss = nll + kl elbo = -loss optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] ret = { 'elbo': elbo.item() / len(x), 'nll': nll.item() / len(x), 'kl': kl.item() / len(x), 'lr': lr, 'sigma': sigma(engine.state.epoch, args.sigma_switch) } return ret
def pred(x, beta_hat): """ x: Punto a clasificar (vector de numpy) betahat: Arreglo de numpy beta.shape=(p,) yhat: Vector binario de predicciones """ return 1 if sigma(beta_hat @ x) >= 0.5 else 0
def lnlike(theta, data, data_covs, data_dists): shifts = data - theta[:3] s0s, r0s, alphas = 10**theta[3:6], theta[6:9], theta[9:12] sigmas = np.array([u.sigma(r, s0s, r0s, alphas) for r in data_dists]) cov_theta = np.array([np.diag(sig**2) for sig in sigmas]) covs = data_covs + cov_theta icovs = np.linalg.inv(covs) lnlike = np.sum( [shift @ (icov @ shift) for shift, icov in zip(shifts, icovs)]) lnlike += np.sum(np.log(np.linalg.det(covs))) return -lnlike
def lnlike_lp_sample(theta, data): ii = np.random.randint(low=0, high=data.shape[-1]) sample = data[:, :, ii] shifts = sample[:, :3] - theta[:3] s0s, r0s, alphas = theta[3:6], theta[6:9], theta[9:12] sigmas = np.array([u.sigma(r, s0s, r0s, alphas) for r in data_dists]) covs = np.zeros((38, 3, 3)) + np.diag(theta[3:]**2) icovs = np.linalg.inv(covs) lnlike = np.sum( [shift @ (icov @ shift) for shift, icov in zip(shifts, icovs)]) lnlike += np.sum(np.log(np.linalg.det(covs))) return -lnlike
def lnlike(theta, data, data_covs, data_dists): shifts = data - np.array([0, 0, theta[0]]) s0s = np.array([theta[1], theta[2], theta[2]]) r0s = np.array([theta[3], theta[4], theta[4]]) alphas = np.array([theta[5], theta[6], theta[6]]) sigmas = np.array([u.sigma(r, s0s, r0s, alphas) for r in data_dists]) cov_theta = np.array([np.diag(sig**2) for sig in sigmas]) covs = data_covs + cov_theta icovs = np.linalg.inv(covs) lnlike = np.sum( [shift @ (icov @ shift) for shift, icov in zip(shifts, icovs)]) lnlike += np.sum(np.log(np.linalg.det(covs))) return -lnlike
def grad_F(X, y, beta): ''' Método que calcula el gradiente de F para la función de regresión logística (X,y): Datos de entrenamiento [X.shape=(m,p), y.shape=(m,)] X,y matrices de numpy beta: Arreglo de numpy beta.shape=(p,) ''' x_t = pd.DataFrame(X).T X_aux = pd.DataFrame(X).copy() z = X_aux.apply(lambda x_i: sigma(beta @ x_i), axis=1) z = pd.DataFrame(z - y) resp = (x_t @ z) resp = resp.iloc[:, 0] if resp.iloc[:, 0].size > resp.iloc[ 0, :].size else resp.iloc[0, :] return resp
def hess_F(X, y, beta): """ Método que calcula la hessiana de F. (X,y): Datos de entrenamiento [X.shape=(m,p), y.shape=(m,)] X,y matrices de numpy beta: Arreglo de numpy beta.shape=(p,) """ x_t = pd.DataFrame(X).T X_aux = pd.DataFrame(X).copy() s_ii = X_aux.apply(lambda x_i: sigma(beta @ x_i), axis=1) s_ii = s_ii * (1 - s_ii) S = numpy.diag(s_ii) resp = S @ X resp = x_t @ resp return resp
def validate(engine): model.eval() val_elbo = 0 val_kl = 0 val_nll = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for i, (x, _) in enumerate(test_loader): x = x_quant = q.preprocess(x) recon, kl = model(x_quant) nll = get_recon_error( recon, x, sigma(engine.state.epoch, args.sigma_switch)) loss = nll + kl elbo = -loss val_elbo += elbo val_kl += kl val_nll += nll if i == 0: batch, *xdims = x.shape row = 8 n = min(x.shape[0], row) comparison =[x[:n], recon[:n]]) grid = make_grid(comparison.detach().cpu().float(), nrow=row) writer.add_image('val/reconstruction', grid, engine.state.iteration) val_elbo /= len(test_loader.dataset) val_kl /= len(test_loader.dataset) val_nll /= len(test_loader.dataset) writer.add_scalar('val/elbo', val_elbo.item(), engine.state.iteration) writer.add_scalar('val/kl', val_kl.item(), engine.state.iteration) writer.add_scalar('val/nll', val_nll.item(), engine.state.iteration) print('{:3d} /{:3d} : ELBO: {:.4f}, KL: {:.4f}, NLL: {:.4f}'.format( engine.state.epoch, engine.state.max_epochs, val_elbo, val_kl, val_nll))
plt.xlim(-3,1) plt.ylim(bottom=0.0) plt.legend(loc='upper left'); plt.savefig(pltpth+'uniform.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ### Fig 6: Variable results for MW # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### if remake[5]: print('Variable results for MW') sample = 'variable_simple' fig = plt.figure(figsize=[smallwidth, smallwidth]) rvals = np.arange(15,265,5) samples = np.load(u.SIM_DIR+'beta/mcmc/data/'+sample+'.npy') sigmas = [u.sigma(r, samples[:,1:3], samples[:,3:5], samples[:,5:])\ for r in rvals] sigmas = np.array(sigmas) betas = [1-(sigmas[i,:,1]**2 + sigmas[i,:,1]**2)/(2*sigmas[i,:,0]**2)\ for i in range(len(rvals))] betas = np.array(betas) beta_median = np.median(betas, axis=1) lower = np.percentile(betas, 15.9, axis=1) upper = np.percentile(betas, 84.1, axis=1) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1, 1]) gs.update(hspace=0.0) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax0.plot(rvals, beta_median, '-')
#!python3 import text import xlsxwriter import re from utils import sigma # In a few words, Sigma method depends on the average distance between the same words in a text. # Thus, the words which are the most equally distributed along all the document will have the # highest rank. corpus = text.get_text_corpus(9999999, 'texts/books') workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('sigma.xlsx') for txt in corpus: sorted_words = sigma(txt) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(re.sub('[\[\]:*?/\\\]', '', txt['title'][0:28])) worksheet.write(0, 0, txt['title']) worksheet.write(1, 0, '#') worksheet.write(1, 1, 'Rank') worksheet.write(1, 2, 'Word') row = 0 for word, data in sorted_words: row += 1 worksheet.write(row + 1, 0, row) worksheet.write(row + 1, 1, data['s']) worksheet.write(row + 1, 2, word) workbook.close() print('\nDone!')