Ejemplo n.º 1
    so we need to get just the first part of that.
    if "_" in name:
        return name.split('_')[0]
        return name

# This SHAPEFILES dictionary is a sample. You should delete (or comment out)
# the first entry if you don't care about neighborhoods in Chicago.

    'Wards': {
        'file': 'Ward02Ply/Ward02Ply.shp',
        'singular': 'Ward',
        'kind_first': True,
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
        'authority': 'DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer',
        'domain': 'Washington, DC',
        'last_updated': date(2011, 2, 26),
        'href': 'http://data.dc.gov/Metadata.aspx?id=126',
        'notes': '',
        'encoding': '',
    'Neighborhood Clusters': {
        'file': 'NbhClusPly/NbhClusPly.shp',
        'singular': 'Neighborhood Cluster',
        'kind_first': False,
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['GIS_ID']),
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['NBH_NAMES']),
Ejemplo n.º 2
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import ordinal

import utils

    # This key should be the plural name of the boundaries in this set
    'Counties': {
        # Path to a shapefile, relative to /data/shapefiles
        'file': '04_Arizona/04/tl_2010_04_county10.shp',
        # Generic singular name for an boundary of from this set
        'singular': 'County',
        # Should the singular name come first when creating canonical identifiers for this set?
        'kind_first': False,
        # Function which each feature wall be passed to in order to extract its "external_id" property
        # The utils module contains several generic functions for doing this
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['COUNTYFP10']),
        # Function which each feature will be passed to in order to extract its "name" property
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['NAME10']),
        # Authority that is responsible for the accuracy of this data
        'authority': 'Census',
        # Geographic extents which the boundary set encompasses
        'domain': 'Arizona',
        # Last time the source was checked for new data
        'last_updated': date(2011, 6, 18),
        # A url to the source of the data
        'href': 'http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/',
        # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
        'notes': '',
        # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
        'encoding': 'utf-8',
        # SRID of the geometry data in the shapefile if it can not be inferred from an accompanying .prj file
Ejemplo n.º 3
import utils

    # This key should be the plural name of the boundaries in this set
    'Neighborhoods': {
        # Path to a shapefile, relative to /data
        'file': 'neighborhoods/Neighboorhoods.shp',
        # Generic singular name for an boundary of from this set
        'singular': 'Neighborhood',
        # Should the singular name come first when creating canonical identifiers for this set?
        # (e.g. True in this case would result in "Neighborhood South Austin" rather than "South Austin Neighborhood")
        'kind_first': False,
        # Function which each feature wall be passed to in order to extract its "external_id" property
        # The utils module contains several generic functions for doing this
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['PRI_NEIGH_']),
        # Function which each feature will be passed to in order to extract its "name" property
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['PRI_NEIGH']),
        # Authority that is responsible for the accuracy of this data
        'authority': 'City of Chicago',
        # Geographic extents which the boundary set encompasses
        'domain': 'Chicago',
        # Last time the source was checked for new data
        'last_updated': date(2010, 12, 12),
        # A url to the source of the data
        'href': 'http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/doit/supp_info/gis_data.html',
        # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
        'notes': '',
        # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
        'encoding': ''
        # SRID of the geometry data in the shapefile if it can not be inferred from an accompanying .prj file
Ejemplo n.º 4
Configuration describing the shapefiles to be loaded for django-boundaryservice.
from datetime import date

from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import ordinal

import utils

    'Community Areas': {
        'file': 'community_areas/CommAreas.shp',
        'singular': 'Community Area',
        'kind_first': False,
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['AREA_NUMBE']),
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['COMMUNITY'], normalizer=lambda s: s.title()),
        'authority': 'City of Chicago',
        'domain': 'Chicago',
        'last_updated': date(2010, 12, 12),
        'href': 'http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/doit/supp_info/gis_data.html',
        'notes': '',
        'encoding': ''
    'Neighborhoods': {
        'file': 'neighborhoods/Neighboorhoods.shp',
        'singular': 'Neighborhood',
        'kind_first': False,
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['PRI_NEIGH_']),
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['PRI_NEIGH']),
        'authority': 'City of Chicago',
        'domain': 'Chicago',
Ejemplo n.º 5
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import ordinal

import utils

    # This key should be the plural name of the boundaries in this set
    'Counties': {
        # Path to a shapefile, relative to /data/shapefiles
        'file': '04_Arizona/04/tl_2010_04_county10.shp',
        # Generic singular name for an boundary of from this set
        'singular': 'County',
        # Should the singular name come first when creating canonical identifiers for this set?
        'kind_first': False,
        # Function which each feature wall be passed to in order to extract its "external_id" property
        # The utils module contains several generic functions for doing this
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['COUNTYFP10']),
        # Function which each feature will be passed to in order to extract its "name" property
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['NAME10']),
        # Authority that is responsible for the accuracy of this data
        'authority': 'Census',
        # Geographic extents which the boundary set encompasses
        'domain': 'Arizona',
        # Last time the source was checked for new data
        'last_updated': date(2011, 6, 18),
        # A url to the source of the data
        'href': 'http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/',
        # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
        'notes': '',
        # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
        'encoding': 'utf-8',
        # SRID of the geometry data in the shapefile if it can not be inferred from an accompanying .prj file
Ejemplo n.º 6
 #    # A url to the source of the data
 #    'href': 'http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/doit/supp_info/gis_data.html',
 #    # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
 #    'notes': '',
 #    # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
 #    'encoding': ''
 #    # SRID of the geometry data in the shapefile if it can not be inferred from an accompanying .prj file
 #    # This is normally not necessary and can be left undefined or set to an empty string to maintain the default behavior
 #    #'srid': ''
 'Cities': {
     'file': 'DCBndyPly/DCGIS_DCBndyPly.shp',
     'singular': 'City',
     'kind_first': False,
     'ider': utils.simple_namer(['CITY_NAME']),
     'namer': utils.simple_namer(['CITY_NAME']),
     'authority': 'DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer',
     'domain': 'Washington, DC',
     'last_updated': date(2011, 3, 2),
     'href': 'http://data.dc.gov/Metadata.aspx?id=74',
     'notes': '',
     'encoding': '',
 'Wards': {
     'file': 'Ward02Ply/Ward02Ply.shp',
     'singular': 'Ward',
     'kind_first': True,
     'ider': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
     'namer': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
Ejemplo n.º 7
import utils

    # This key should be the plural name of the boundaries in this set
    'Neighborhoods': {
        # Path to a shapefile, relative to /data
        'file': 'neighborhoods/Neighboorhoods.shp',
        # Generic singular name for an boundary of from this set
        'singular': 'Neighborhood',
        # Should the singular name come first when creating canonical identifiers for this set?
        # (e.g. True in this case would result in "Neighborhood South Austin" rather than "South Austin Neighborhood")
        'kind_first': False,
        # Function which each feature wall be passed to in order to extract its "external_id" property
        # The utils module contains several generic functions for doing this
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['PRI_NEIGH_']),
        # Function which each feature will be passed to in order to extract its "name" property
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['PRI_NEIGH']),
        # Authority that is responsible for the accuracy of this data
        'authority': 'City of Chicago',
        # Geographic extents which the boundary set encompasses
        'domain': 'Chicago',
        # Last time the source was checked for new data
        'last_updated': date(2010, 12, 12),
        # A url to the source of the data
        # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
        'notes': '',
        # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
        'encoding': ''
Ejemplo n.º 8
 #    'last_updated': date(2010, 12, 12),
 #    # A url to the source of the data
 #    'href': 'http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/doit/supp_info/gis_data.html',
 #    # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
 #    'notes': '',
 #    # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
 #    'encoding': ''
 #    # SRID of the geometry data in the shapefile if it can not be inferred from an accompanying .prj file
 #    # This is normally not necessary and can be left undefined or set to an empty string to maintain the default behavior
 #    #'srid': ''
 'Cities': {
     'file': 'DCBndyPly/DCGIS_DCBndyPly.shp',
     'singular': 'City',
     'kind_first': False,
     'ider': utils.simple_namer(['CITY_NAME']),
     'namer': utils.simple_namer(['CITY_NAME']),
     'authority': 'DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer',
     'domain': 'Washington, DC',
     'last_updated': date(2011, 3, 2),
     'href': 'http://data.dc.gov/Metadata.aspx?id=74',
     'notes': '',
     'encoding': '',
 'Wards': {
     'file': 'Ward02Ply/Ward02Ply.shp',
     'singular': 'Ward',
     'kind_first': True,
     'ider': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
     'namer': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
     'authority': 'DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer',
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import ordinal

import utils

    # This key should be the plural name of the boundaries in this set
    'City Council Districts': {
        # Path to a shapefile, relative to /data/shapefiles
        'file': 'city_council_districts/Council Districts.shp',
        # Generic singular name for an boundary of from this set
        'singular': 'City Council District',
        # Should the singular name come first when creating canonical identifiers for this set?
        'kind_first': False,
        # Function which each feature wall be passed to in order to extract its "external_id" property
        # The utils module contains several generic functions for doing this
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['DISTRICT']),
        # Function which each feature will be passed to in order to extract its "name" property
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['NAME']),
        # Authority that is responsible for the accuracy of this data
        'authority': 'Tyler GIS Department',
        # Geographic extents which the boundary set encompasses
        'domain': 'Tyler',
        # Last time the source was checked for new data
        'last_updated': date(2011, 5, 14),
        # A url to the source of the data
        'href': 'http://www.smithcountymapsite.org/webshare/data.html',
        # Notes identifying any pecularities about the data, such as columns that were deleted or files which were merged
        'notes': '',
        # Encoding of the text fields in the shapefile, i.e. 'utf-8'. If this is left empty 'ascii' is assumed
        'encoding': '',
        # SRID of the geometry data in the shapefile if it can not be inferred from an accompanying .prj file
Ejemplo n.º 10
    so we need to get just the first part of that.
    if "_" in name:
        return name.split('_')[0]
        return name

# This SHAPEFILES dictionary is a sample. You should delete (or comment out)
# the first entry if you don't care about neighborhoods in Chicago.
    'Wards': {
        'file': 'Ward02Ply/Ward02Ply.shp',
        'singular': 'Ward',
        'kind_first': True,
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['WARD_ID']),
        'authority': 'DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer',
        'domain': 'Washington, DC',
        'last_updated': date(2011, 2, 26),
        'href': 'http://data.dc.gov/Metadata.aspx?id=126',
        'notes': '',
        'encoding': '',
    'Neighborhood Clusters': {
        'file': 'NbhClusPly/NbhClusPly.shp',
        'singular': 'Neighborhood Cluster',
        'kind_first': False,
        'ider': utils.simple_namer(['GIS_ID']),
        'namer': utils.simple_namer(['NBH_NAMES']),
        'authority': 'DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer',
Ejemplo n.º 11
 #     'kind_first': False,
 #     'ider': utils.simple_namer(['OBJECTID']),
 #     'namer': utils.simple_namer(['PropAddCom']),
 #     'authority': 'Wayne County',
 #     'domain': 'Detroit',
 #     'last_updated': date(2010, 12, 12),
 #     'href': 'http://www.example.com',
 #     'notes': '',
 #     'encoding': ''
 # },
  'Planning Clusters': {
      'file': 'clusters/Clusters.shp',
      'singular': 'Cluster',
      'kind_first': False,
      'ider': utils.simple_namer(['CLUSTER']),
      'namer': utils.simple_namer(['CLUSTER']),
      'authority': 'City of Detroit',
      'domain': 'Detroit',
      'last_updated': date(2010, 12, 12),
      'href': 'http://www.example.com',
      'notes': '',
      'encoding': ''
  'Neighborhoods': {
      'file': 'neighborhoods/Neighborhoods.shp',
      'singular': 'Neighborhood',
      'kind_first': False,
      'ider': utils.simple_namer(['NHOOD']),
      'namer': utils.simple_namer(['NHOOD']),