def append_position(self, lon, lat, time: str): time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") pos = Position(lon, lat, time) if self.positions.get(time): return self.positions[time] = pos if len(self.positions) > 2: prev_pos = list(self.positions.values())[-2] prev_prev_pos = list(self.positions.values())[-3] pos.secs_frm_lst_pos = (time - prev_pos.time).total_seconds() pos.meters_frm_lst_pos = utils.distance(, prev_pos.lon, lat, lon) pos.speed = round( utils.speed(, prev_pos.lon, lat, lon, prev_pos.time, time), 1) if pos.speed < JAM_SPEED and prev_pos.speed < JAM_SPEED and pos.secs_frm_lst_pos > 50: pos.in_jam = True prev_pos.in_jam = True if pos.speed < JAM_SPEED and prev_pos.speed < JAM_SPEED and prev_prev_pos.speed < JAM_SPEED: pos.in_jam = True prev_pos.in_jam = True prev_prev_pos.in_jam = True else: pos.in_jam = False
def update_progress(self, current, total, wight=80): self.speed = utils.speed(int(time.time() - self.time_started), bytes_in=current) self.msg = f"Всего аудиозаписей: {str(self.count_track)} Выбрано: {str(self.selected_audios)} Загружено: {str(self.completed)} Скорость: {self.speed} " self.message.emit(self.msg) self.progress_range.emit(total) self.progress.emit(current)
def augment_data(self, set_index): """ :param set_index: index of the set that needs to be augmented for example training , validation :return: updates self.data_index with augmented data using the available augmentation ops and using a specific percentage """ augmented_data = [] train_data = {} for itm in self.data_index[set_index]: if 'augmentation' in itm['file']: continue if itm['label'] in train_data: train_data[itm['label']].append(itm['file']) else: train_data[itm['label']] = [itm['file']] n_ops = len(self.augmentation_ops) if n_ops == 0 or self.augmentation_ops == 0: return for label in train_data: random.shuffle(train_data[label]) train_data[label] = train_data[label][:len(train_data[label]) * self. augmentation_percentage / 100] for file in train_data[label]: op_index = int(math.floor(random.uniform(0, n_ops))) parent_path = os.path.dirname(file) new_parent_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'augmentation') aug_wav_path = os.path.join(new_parent_path, os.path.basename(file)) if not (os.path.isdir(new_parent_path)): os.mkdir(new_parent_path) audio = '' if self.augmentation_ops[op_index] == 'stretch': if random.random() > 0.5: audio = stretch(file, 0.8, self.model_settings['sample_rate']) else: audio = stretch(file, 1.2, self.model_settings['sample_rate']) elif self.augmentation_ops[op_index] == 'speed': speed_rate = np.random.uniform(0.7, 1.3) audio = speed(file, speed_rate, self.model_settings['sample_rate']) if not (isinstance(audio, str)): librosa.output.write_wav( aug_wav_path, audio.astype(np.int16), self.model_settings['sample_rate']) augmented_data.append({ 'label': label, 'file': aug_wav_path }) self.data_index[set_index].extend(augmented_data)
def predict(): if FLAGS.source == "xxx": # 该write方法会定义op,每次循环图会增加op,放到循环外面,否则越来越慢,直至报错 # writer = tf.TableRecordWriter(FLAGS.outputs, slice_id=FLAGS.task_index) # batch_id = tf.placeholder(tf.string, [None, 1]) # batch_embedding_str = tf.placeholder(tf.string, [None, 1]) # write_to_table = writer.write(indices=[0, 1], values=[batch_id, batch_embedding_str]) # 推荐使用,不涉及图,10x faster than tf.TableRecordWriter writer = tf.python_io.TableWriter(FLAGS.outputs, slice_id=FLAGS.task_index) else: writer = open(FLAGS.outputs, "w") config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # load model load_model(sess, FLAGS.checkpointDir) # tf.get_default_graph().finalize() print('Start Predicting...') step = 0 t0 = time.time() while True: try: batch_id, batch_embedding = [, model.encode]) batch_embedding_str = [ ",".join(map(str, embeddings)) for embeddings in batch_embedding ] if FLAGS.source == "odps": #, feed_dict={...}) writer.write(values=zip(batch_id, batch_embedding_str), indices=[0, 1]) else: for id_, embedding_str in zip(batch_id, batch_embedding_str): writer.write("\t".join([id_, embedding_str]) + "\n") step += 1 if step % 10 == 0: samples = step * FLAGS.predict_batch_size s = int(speed(samples, t0)) now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) print('{} speed {} records/s\t predict {:2d} lines'.format( now_time, s, samples)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break writer.close() print("Done. Write output into {}".format(FLAGS.outputs))
def n(neighbours=False, bw=False): 'shows your neighbours' c = cjdns.connect() STAT_FORMAT = '%s %19s v%-2d %9s %9s %12s %d/%d/%d ' nodestore = list(c.dumpTable()) connections = {} try: for peer in os.listdir(YRD_PEERS): with open(os.path.join(YRD_PEERS, peer)) as f: info = json.load(f) try: connections[info['pk']] = str(info['name']) except KeyError: pass except OSError: pass stats = {} while True: if bw: sys.stderr.write('\x1b[2J\x1b[H') for peer in c.peerStats(): result = c.nodeForAddr(peer.ip)['result'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, peer.ip) path = utils.get_path(route) setattr(peer, 'path', path) if bw: entry = stats.get(peer.ip, (peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut)) stats[peer.ip] = (peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut) entry = [ utils.speed(peer.bytesIn - entry[0]), utils.speed(peer.bytesOut - entry[1]) ] else: entry = (peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut) line = STAT_FORMAT % (peer.ip, peer.path, peer.version, entry[0], entry[1], peer.state, peer.duplicates, peer.lostPackets, peer.receivedOutOfRange) if hasattr(peer, 'user'): line += repr(peer.user) elif peer.publicKey in connections: line += repr(connections[peer.publicKey]) yield line if neighbours: for i in range(result['linkCount']): link = c.getLink(peer.ip, i) if link and 'child' in link['result']: child = link['result']['child'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, child) version = utils.get_version(route) path = utils.get_path(route) yield ' %s %s v%s' % (child, path, version) else: yield ' -' if not bw: break time.sleep(1) c.disconnect()
def train(): config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # 1. Model Preparation. train_iterator = Dataset(DataSchemaEnum.train, params.train_file, params).get_iterator() train_model = AutoEncoder(train_iterator, params, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) train_model.model_stats() saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=params.num_keep_ckpts) # Keep training. if params.resume: # load model load_model(sess, params.checkpointDir) = / 10 print( "Resume learning rate: {} devided 10 by initial learning rate". format( # 2. Define train ops. global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) learning_rate = if params.use_lr_decay: # decayed_learning_rate = learning_rate * decay_rate ^ (global_step / decay_steps) learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(, global_step=global_step, decay_steps=params.decay_steps, decay_rate=params.decay_rate, staircase=False) opt = get_optimizer_instance(params.optimizer, learning_rate) train_var_list = tf.trainable_variables() gradients = tf.gradients(train_model.loss, train_var_list) if params.use_grad_clip: gradients, grad_norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm( gradients, params.grad_clip_norm) train_ops = opt.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, train_var_list), global_step=global_step) # 3. Run initial ops. init_ops = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer(), train_iterator.initializer, ] # 4. Train. step = 0 t0 = time.time() while True: try: step += 1 # show train batch metrics if step % params.show_loss_per_steps == 0: lr, loss, accuracy =[ learning_rate, train_model.loss, train_model.accuracy ]) now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) # time_str = # print(, m.fp,, m.fn) samples = step * FLAGS.batch_size s = int(speed(samples, t0)) print( TRAIN_LOG_TEMPLATE.format(now_time, step, s, lr, loss, accuracy)) # save model if params.save_model and step % FLAGS.save_per_steps == 0: model_name = "model_{}".format( time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) path = os.path.join(FLAGS.checkpointDir, model_name), path, global_step=global_step.eval()) print("Export checkpoint with to {}".format(path)) if params.max_steps and step >= params.max_steps: break except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break