def __init__(self, graph_name, fitness_val, number_of_runs):
        self.graph = utils.string_to_graph(graph_name)
        self.graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.graph, lambda x: (x, 1))

        self.status = 'ongoing'
        self.time_step = 0
        self.fitness_val = fitness_val
        self.number_of_runs = number_of_runs
        self.number_of_nodes = len(self.graph.nodes())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sim_upload_graphs(list_of_graphs):
	q = mp.Queue()
	q_lock = mp.Lock()
	v = mp.Value('i', 0)
	v_lock = mp.Lock()

	for graph_name in list_of_graphs:
		v.value = 0
		return_dict = mp.Manager().dict()

		graph = utils.string_to_graph(graph_name)
		for i in range(graph.number_of_nodes()):

		processes = [mp.Process(name="thread %s"%x, target=thread_node_sim_upload_general, args=(graph_name, q_lock, q, v_lock, v, return_dict)) for x in range(utils.NUMBER_OF_THREADS)]

		for process in processes:

		while not q.empty():

		for process in processes:

		# upload to targets database

		bson_object = {}
		bson_object['graph_name'] = graph_name
		bson_object['adj_matrix'] = pickle.dumps(nx.adjacency_matrix(graph))
		bson_object['rep_dim'] = '?'
		bson_object['f_val'] = utils.FITNESS
		bson_object['num_runs'] = utils.NUMBER_OF_RUNS
		bson_object['num_nodes'] = graph.number_of_nodes()
		bson_object['num_edges'] = graph.number_of_edges()
		bson_object['node_vectors'] = dict(return_dict)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def thread_embed(q_lock, q, v_lock, v):

    print("%s started" % mp.current_process().name)
    while not q.empty():

        with q_lock:
            graph_name = q.get()

            csv_filename = graph_name + '.csv'
            node_emb_filename = graph_name + '.nemb'
            g = utils.string_to_graph(graph_name)

            if not nx.is_connected(g):
                raise utils.GraphDisconnectedError()

            edgelist_path = utils.I_DATAPATH + csv_filename
            nx.write_edgelist(g, edgelist_path, data=False)

            node_emb_path = utils.N_DATAPATH + node_emb_filename

            command = [
                'python2.7', '../node2vec/src/', '--input',
                edgelist_path, '--output', node_emb_path, '--dimensions',

        except utils.GraphDisconnectedError:
            print("Graph is disconnected")

        with v_lock:
            v.value += 1

        print("Graph %s is processed" % v.value)

    print("%s finished" % mp.current_process().name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
from GraphWave.graphwave import graphwave
from GraphWave.shapes import build_graph

# from GraphWave import *
# from GraphWave import shapes, graphwave, heat_diffusion, characteristic_functions
# from GraphWave.shapes import build_graph,shapes
# from GraphWave.heat_diffusion import *
# from GraphWave.utils.graph_tools  import *
# from GraphWave.utils.utils import *
# from GraphWave.characteristic_functions import *


for graph_name in utils.get_connected_builtins(utils.get_builtins_medium()):
    graph = utils.string_to_graph(graph_name)

        chi, heat_print, taus = graphwave(graph, 'automatic', verbose=False)

        for node_index, feature_vec in enumerate(chi):

            feature_vec = list(feature_vec)
            utils.GRAPHWAVE_DATA_FINAL.update_one({"graph_name": graph_name}, {
                "$set": {
                    "node_vectors.%s.feature_vec" % node_index: feature_vec,
                    "rep_dim": len(feature_vec)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def thread_embed_upload(r,s,q_lock, q, v_lock, v):

	print("%s started" % mp.current_process().name)
	while not q.empty():

		with q_lock:
			graph_name = q.get()

			csv_filename = graph_name + 'r=%s_s=%s'%(r,s) +  '.csv'
			node_emb_filename = graph_name + 'r=%s_s=%s'%(r,s)'.nemb'
			g = utils.string_to_graph(graph_name)

			if not nx.is_connected(g):
				raise utils.GraphDisconnectedError()

			edgelist_path = utils.I_DATAPATH + csv_filename
			nx.write_edgelist(g, edgelist_path, data=False)

			node_emb_path = utils.N_DATAPATH + node_emb_filename

			command = ['python2.7', '../node2vec/src/', '--input', edgelist_path,
						'--output', node_emb_path, '--dimensions', str(utils.REP_DIMENSIONS), '--window-size', str(20), '--q', str(r), '--p', str(s)]

			#handle uploading part now

			rs_map = {(1,8): '0125', (1,4): '025', (1,2): '05', (1,1): '1', (2,1): '2', (4,1): '4', (8,1): '8'}
			collection = pymongo.MongoClient(utils.MONGO_URI)['moran']['NODE_qp_'+rs_map[(r,s)]]

			bson_object = {}
			bson_object['num_nodes'] = g.number_of_nodes()
			bson_object['num_edges'] = g.number_of_edges()
			bson_object['adj_mat'] = pickle.dumps(nx.adjacency_matrix(g))
			bson_object['num_runs'] = utils.NUMBER_OF_RUNS
			bson_object['f_val'] = utils.FITNESS

			with open(node_emb_path) as csvfile:
				node_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ' ')

				_, rep_dim = next(node_reader)

				bson_object['rep_dim'] = int(rep_dim)

				node_vectors = {}
				for node_vec in node_reader:

					node_vectors[node_vec[0]] = {'feature_vec': list(map(lambda x: float(x), node_vec[1:])), 'target_vec': {}}

			bson_object['node_vectors'] = node_vectors

			print("Done with uploading %s!" % graph_name)

		except utils.GraphDisconnectedError:
			print("Graph is disconnected")

		with v_lock:
			v.value += 1

		print("Graph %s is processed" % v.value)

	print("%s finished" % mp.current_process().name)
def thread_sim_upload(q_lock, q, v_lock, v):

	while not q.empty():
		with q_lock:
			file_name = q.get()
			#file_name is path to node_emb

		graph_name = file_name.split("/")[-1]
		graph_name = graph_name.split(".nemb")[0]

		adj_mat = nx.adjacency_matrix(utils.string_to_graph(graph_name))
		pickled_adj_mat = pickle.dumps(adj_mat)

		# results['0': {'p_success':, 'f_time', 'classification': }]

		results = ndsmoran.MoranNodeSimulation(graph_name, utils.FITNESS, utils.NUMBER_OF_RUNS).node_run()

		list_of_nodes = []
		for node, target_vec in results.items():
			node_row = {"node": node, **target_vec}

		df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_nodes)
		# check this line below
		df.to_csv('data/node_targets/%s.nvec' % graph_name, sep=' ',index=False)

		# write nodetargetvecs to csv CHECK
		# pickle and store adjacency CHECK
		# make sure we keep node order consistent

		with open(file_name) as csvfile:
			node_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ' ')

			num_nodes, rep_dim = next(node_reader)

			num_nodes = int(num_nodes)
			num_edges = len(utils.string_to_graph(graph_name).edges())
			rep_dim = int(rep_dim)

			node_vectors = {}
			for node_vec in node_reader:
				node_vectors[node_vec[0]] = {'feature_vec': list(map(lambda x: float(x), node_vec[1:])), 'target_vec': results[node_vec[0]]}


		utils.NODE_DATA_FINAL.update_one({"graph_name": graph_name}, {"$set": {"node_vectors": node_vectors, "rep_dim": rep_dim, "num_nodes": num_nodes, 'num_edges': num_edges,
			'f_val': utils.FITNESS, 'num_runs': utils.NUMBER_OF_RUNS, "adj_matrix": pickled_adj_mat}},upsert=True)

		with v_lock:
			v.value += 1

		print("Graph %s is uploaded" % v.value)

	print("%s finished" % mp.current_process().name)