Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_p_conn_vec_xpred(tp_src, tp_tgt, w_sigma_x, w_sigma_v, connectivity_radius=1.0):
    Calculates the connection probabilities for all source cells targeting one cell.
    tp_src = np.array, shape = (n_src, 4)
    tp_tgt = (x, y, u, v)
    TODO: exp(cos(v_i, x_j - x_i) / (2*sigma_x**2))
    n_src = tp_src[:, 0].size

    d_ij = utils.torus_distance2D_vec(tp_src[:, 0], tp_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src), tp_src[:, 1], tp_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src), w=np.ones(n_src), h=np.ones(n_src))
    latency = d_ij / np.sqrt(tp_src[:, 2]**2 + tp_src[:, 3]**2)
    x_pred = tp_src[:, 0]  + tp_src[:, 2] * latency * connectivity_radius
    y_pred = tp_src[:, 1]  + tp_src[:, 3] * latency * connectivity_radius
    d_pred_tgt = utils.torus_distance2D_vec(x_pred, tp_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src), y_pred, tp_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src), w=np.ones(n_src), h=np.ones(n_src))
#    v_tuning_diff = utils.torus_distance2D_vec(tp_src[:, 2], tp_tgt[2] * np.ones(n_src), tp_src[:, 3], tp_tgt[3] * np.ones(n_src), w=np.ones(n_src), h=np.ones(n_src))
    v_tuning_diff = (tp_src[:, 2] - tp_tgt[2] * np.ones(n_src))**2 + (tp_src[:, 3] - tp_tgt[3] * np.ones(n_src))**2

    p = np.exp(- (d_pred_tgt / (2 * w_sigma_x**2))) \
            * np.exp(- (v_tuning_diff / (2 * w_sigma_v**2)))
    return p, latency
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_p_conn_vec(tp_src, tp_tgt, w_sigma_x, w_sigma_v, connectivity_radius=1.0, maximal_latency=None):
    Calculates the connection probabilities for all source cells targeting one cell.
    tp_src = np.array, shape = (n_src, 4)
    tp_tgt = (x, y, u, v)
    TODO: exp(cos(v_i, x_j - x_i) / (2*sigma_x**2))
    n_src = tp_src[:, 0].size
    d_ij = utils.torus_distance2D_vec(tp_src[:, 0], tp_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src), tp_src[:, 1], tp_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src), w=np.ones(n_src), h=np.ones(n_src))
    latency = d_ij / np.sqrt(tp_src[:, 2]**2 + tp_src[:, 3]**2)
#    latency = d_ij / connectivity_radius

    v_src = np.array((tp_src[:, 2], tp_src[:, 3]))
    v_src = v_src.transpose()
    v_tgt = np.array([tp_tgt[2], tp_tgt[3]])
    v_tgt_norm = tp_tgt[2]**2 + tp_tgt[3]**2
    v_src_norm = v_src[:, 0]**2 + v_src[:, 1]**2
    v_cos_array = np.dot(v_src, v_tgt)
    v_cos_array /= np.sqrt(v_src_norm * v_tgt_norm)

    x_src = np.array((tp_src[:, 0], tp_src[:, 1]))
    x_src = x_src.transpose()
    x_tgt = np.array([tp_tgt[0], tp_tgt[1]])
    x_tgt_norm = tp_tgt[0]**2 + tp_tgt[1]**2
    x_src_norm = x_src[:, 0]**2 + x_src[:, 1]**2
    x_diff = utils.torus(x_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src) - x_src[:, 0])
    y_diff = utils.torus(x_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src) - x_src[:, 1])

    x_diff_ = np.array((x_diff, y_diff))

    x_diff_ = x_diff_.transpose()
    # norm of x_tgt - x_src
    eps = 1e-20
    x_norm = x_diff_[:, 0]**2 + x_diff_[:, 1]**2  + eps
    x_cos_array = np.dot(x_diff_, v_tgt)
    x_cos_array /= np.sqrt(v_tgt_norm * x_norm)
    p = np.exp(x_cos_array / (w_sigma_x**2)) * np.exp(v_cos_array/(w_sigma_v**2))

    if connectivity_radius < 1.0:
#        invalid_idx = latency > connectivity_radius
#        invalid_idx = d_ij > connectivity_radius
#        invalid_idx = invalid_idx.nonzero()[0]
#        p[invalid_idx] = 0.
        p[d_ij > connectivity_radius] = 0.
    if maximal_latency != None:
        p[latency > maximal_latency] = 0.

    return p, d_ij
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_p_conn_direction_and_orientation_based(tp_src, tp_tgt, w_sigma_x, w_sigma_v, w_sigma_theta, connectivity_radius=1.0):

    Direction-based + Orientation-tuning based connectivity

    Calculates the connection probabilities for all source cells targeting one cell.
    tp_src = np.array, shape = (n_src, 4)
    tp_tgt = (x, y, u, v)
    n_src = tp_src[:, 0].size
    d_ij = utils.torus_distance2D_vec(tp_src[:, 0], tp_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src), tp_src[:, 1], tp_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src), w=np.ones(n_src), h=np.ones(n_src))
#    latency = d_ij / np.sqrt(tp_src[:, 2]**2 + tp_src[:, 3]**2)
#    latency = d_ij / connectivity_radius

    v_src = np.array((tp_src[:, 2], tp_src[:, 3]))
    v_src = v_src.transpose()
    v_tgt = np.array([tp_tgt[2], tp_tgt[3]])
    v_tgt_norm = tp_tgt[2]**2 + tp_tgt[3]**2
    v_src_norm = v_src[:, 0]**2 + v_src[:, 1]**2
    v_cos_array = np.dot(v_src, v_tgt)
    v_cos_array /= np.sqrt(v_src_norm * v_tgt_norm)

    x_src = np.array((tp_src[:, 0], tp_src[:, 1]))
    x_src = x_src.transpose()
    x_tgt = np.array([tp_tgt[0], tp_tgt[1]])
    x_tgt_norm = tp_tgt[0]**2 + tp_tgt[1]**2
    x_src_norm = x_src[:, 0]**2 + x_src[:, 1]**2
    x_diff = utils.torus(x_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src) - x_src[:, 0])
    y_diff = utils.torus(x_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src) - x_src[:, 1])

    x_diff_ = np.array((x_diff, y_diff))

    x_diff_ = x_diff_.transpose()
    # norm of x_tgt - x_src
    eps = 1e-20
    x_norm = x_diff_[:, 0]**2 + x_diff_[:, 1]**2  + eps
    x_cos_array = np.dot(x_diff_, v_tgt)
    x_cos_array /= np.sqrt(v_tgt_norm * x_norm)

    p = np.exp(x_cos_array / (w_sigma_x**2)) * np.exp(v_cos_array/(w_sigma_v**2)) * np.exp(np.cos(tp_tgt[4] - tp_src[:, 4]) / w_sigma_theta**2)

    if connectivity_radius < 1.0:
#        invalid_idx = latency > connectivity_radius
#        invalid_idx = d_ij > connectivity_radius
#        invalid_idx = invalid_idx.nonzero()[0]
#        p[invalid_idx] = 0.
        p[d_ij > connectivity_radius] = 0.
    return p, d_ij