Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_profile(request, schema, **kwargs):
    url_format = "/{screen_name}"
    prev_url   = None
    next_url   = None
    # TODO: enforce stricter validity checking on offset and limit
    schema.offset = schema.offset or 0
    schema.limit  = schema.limit  or 25
    screen_name   = schema.screen_name
    ajax          = schema.ajax
    mobile        = schema.mobile
    del schema.ajax
    del schema.mobile
    friends       = []
    followers     = []
    if ajax and schema.user_id is not None:
        user        = None
        user_id     = schema.user_id
        if TRAVIS:
            user    = travis_test.user
            user    = kwargs.get('user', stampedAPIProxy.getAccountByScreenName(schema.screen_name))
        user_id     = user['user_id']
    # simple sanity check validation of user_id
    if utils.tryGetObjectId(user_id) is None:
        raise StampedInputError("invalid user_id")
    schema_data = schema.dataExport()
    del schema_data['screen_name']
    schema_data['user_id'] = user_id
    if TRAVIS:
        stamps = travis_test.stamps
        stamps = stampedAPIProxy.getUserStamps(schema_data)
    if user is None:
        user = {
            'user_id' : user_id
        if len(stamps) > 0:
            user2    = stamps[0]['user']
            user2_id = user2['user_id']
            if user2_id is None or user2_id != user_id:
                raise StampedInputError("mismatched user_id")
            user = stampedAPIProxy.getAccount(user_id)
            if user['user_id'] is None or user['user_id'] != user_id:
                raise StampedInputError("mismatched user_id")
    if not (ajax | mobile):
        friends     = stampedAPIProxy.getFriends  (user_id, limit=3)
        followers   = stampedAPIProxy.getFollowers(user_id, limit=3)
        friends   = shuffle_split_users(friends)
        followers = shuffle_split_users(followers)
    # modify schema for purposes of next / prev gallery nav links
    schema.ajax    = True
    schema.user_id = user['user_id']
    if schema.offset > 0:
        prev_url = format_url(url_format, schema, {
            'offset' : max(0, schema.offset - schema.limit), 
    if len(stamps) >= schema.limit:
        next_url = format_url(url_format, schema, {
            'offset' : schema.offset + len(stamps), 
    #utils.log("PREV: %s" % prev_url)
    #utils.log("NEXT: %s" % next_url)
    title   = "Stamped - %s" % user['screen_name']
    sdetail = kwargs.get('sdetail', None)
    stamp   = kwargs.get('stamp',   None)
    entity  = kwargs.get('entity',  None)
    url     = request.build_absolute_uri(request.get_full_path())
    body_classes = get_body_classes('profile', schema)
    if sdetail is not None:
        body_classes += " sdetail_popup";
    #if not mobile:
    #    body_classes += " wide-body";
    page = 'profile'
    if sdetail is not None:
        page = 'sdetail'
        if entity is not None:
            title = "%s - %s" % (title, stamp['entity']['title'])
    template = 'profile.html'
    return stamped_render(request, template, {
        'user'                  : user, 
        'stamps'                : stamps, 
        'page'                  : page, 
        'friends'               : friends, 
        'followers'             : followers, 
        'prev_url'              : prev_url, 
        'next_url'              : next_url, 
        'body_classes'          : body_classes, 
        'sdetail'               : sdetail, 
        'stamp'                 : stamp, 
        'entity'                : entity, 
        'title'                 : title, 
        'URL'                   : url, 
        'mobile'                : mobile, 
    }, preload=[ 'page', 'user', 'sdetail', 'mobile' ])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_map(request, schema, **kwargs):
    screen_name     = schema.screen_name
    stamp_id        = schema.stamp_id
    ajax            = schema.ajax
    lite            = schema.lite
    mobile          = schema.mobile
    schema.offset   = schema.offset or 0
    schema.limit    = 25 if lite else 1000 # TODO: customize this
    uri             = request.get_full_path()
    url             = request.build_absolute_uri(uri)
    if mobile:
        redirect_uri = "/%s?category=place" % screen_name
        redirect_url = request.build_absolute_uri(redirect_uri)
        logs.info("redirecting mobile map from '%s' to: '%s'" % (uri, redirect_uri))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
    del schema.stamp_id
    del schema.ajax
    del schema.lite
    del schema.mobile
    user        = stampedAPIProxy.getUser(dict(screen_name=schema.screen_name))
    user_id     = user['user_id']
    # simple sanity check validation of user_id
    if utils.tryGetObjectId(user_id) is None:
        raise StampedInputError("invalid user_id")
    s = schema.dataExport()
    del s['screen_name']
    s['user_id']  = user_id
    s['category'] = 'place'
    stamps = stampedAPIProxy.getUserStamps(s)
    stamps = filter(lambda s: s['entity'].get('coordinates', None) is not None, stamps)
    if len(stamps) <= 0:
        redirect_uri = "/%s?category=place" % screen_name
        redirect_url = request.build_absolute_uri(redirect_uri)
        logs.info("redirecting empty map from '%s' to: '%s'" % (uri, redirect_uri))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
    for stamp in stamps:
        subcategory = stamp['entity']['subcategory']
        if '_' in subcategory:
            stamp['entity']['subcategory'] = subcategory.replace('_', ' ')
    body_classes = get_body_classes('map collapsed-header', schema)
    title = "Stamped - %s map" % user['screen_name']
    return stamped_render(request, 'map.html', {
        'user'          : user, 
        'stamps'        : stamps, 
        'lite'          : lite, 
        'page'          : 'map', 
        'stamp_id'      : stamp_id, 
        'body_classes'  : body_classes, 
        'title'         : title, 
        'URL'           : url, 
        'mobile'        : mobile, 
    }, preload=[ 'page', 'user', 'stamps', 'stamp_id', 'lite' ])