Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_tuplelist_to_dict(self):
     assert {1: [2], 2: [3, 4], 7: [8, 9]} == utils.tuplelist_to_dict(
         ((1, 2), (2, 3, 4, 6), (7, 8, 9)), 2
     assert {1: [2, 3, 4, 5], 6: [7, 8], 9: [0, 1, 2]} == utils.tuplelist_to_dict(
         ((1, 2, 3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8), (9, 0, 1, 2)), 4
     assert {1: [2, 3, 4], 3: []} == utils.tuplelist_to_dict(
         ((1,), (1, 2, 3, 4), (3,)), 6
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _get_dict_conflict_provide(self, hshs):

        # get conflicts and provides by hash
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT pkghash, dptype, dpname, dpversion, flag FROM "
            "Depends WHERE pkghash IN %(hshs)s AND dptype IN "
            "('conflict', 'provide', 'obsolete')", {
                'hshs': tuple(hshs), 'branch': self.pbranch, 'arch': self.parch

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        hsh_dpt_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        for hsh, *args in response:
            dptype = 'conflict' if args[0] == 'obsolete' else args[0]
            hsh_dpt_dict[hsh][dptype] += [tuple(args[1:])]

        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT pkghash, epoch, version, release, disttag FROM "
            "Package WHERE pkghash IN %(hshs)s", {'hshs': tuple(hshs)}

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        return hsh_dpt_dict, utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def make_result_dict(hsh_list, hsh_dict):
        fields = ['name', 'version', 'release', 'epoch', 'archs']

        g.connection.request_line = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE all_hshs (hsh UInt64)"

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        g.connection.request_line = ("INSERT INTO all_hshs (hsh) VALUES",
                                     tuple([(hsh, ) for hsh in hsh_list]))

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        g.connection.request_line = QM.build_dep_set_get_meta_by_hshs.format(

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        dict_info = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 5)

        # FIXME needed optimization (archs)
        result_dict = {}
        for pkg, hshs in hsh_dict.items():

            counter = 0
            control_list, pkg_req_dict = [], {}
            for hsh in hshs:
                first = dict_info[hsh]

                archs = ()
                for hh in hshs:
                    second = dict_info[hh]

                    if first[:3] == second[:3]:
                        archs += tuple(second[4])

                dict_info[hsh][4] = tuple(set(archs))

                if dict_info[hsh] not in control_list:

                    pkg_info_dict = {}
                    for i in range(len(fields)):
                        pkg_info_dict[fields[i]] = dict_info[hsh][i]

                    pkg_req_dict[counter] = pkg_info_dict
                    counter += 1

            result_dict[dict_info[pkg][0]] = pkg_req_dict

        return result_dict
Ejemplo n.º 4
def what_depends_build():
    The function of searching build dependencies.

    The function search build dependencies of package, list packages or
    packages from task. Also function can also use such parameters like as
    leaf, searching depth.

    Input GET params:
        name * - package or list of packages
        task ** - task id
        branch (* - for pkg_ls only) - name of repository
        arch - package architectures
        leaf - assembly dependency chain
        deep - sorting depth
        dptype - type of package (source, binary, both)
        reqfilter - filter result by dependency by binary pkg
        reqfilterbysrc - filter result by dependency by source pkg
        finitepkg - topological tree leaves

    Output structure:

    check_params = server.check_input_params(source=1)
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    pname = server.get_one_value('name', 's', is_='pkg_name')
    task_id = server.get_one_value('task', 'i')

    # dptype option
    depends_type_to_sql = {'source': (1, ), 'binary': (0, ), 'both': (1, 0)}

    depends_type = server.get_one_value('dptype', 's')
    if depends_type not in depends_type_to_sql:
        depends_type = 'both'

    sourcef = depends_type_to_sql[depends_type]

    message = None
    if pname and task_id:
        message = "Only one parameter package 'name' or build 'task'."
    elif not pname and not task_id:
        message = "Source package 'name' or build 'task' " \
                  "is require parameters."

    if message:
        return utils.json_str_error(message)

    pbranch = server.get_one_value('branch', 's', is_='repo_name')
    if pname and not pbranch:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    arch = server.get_one_value('arch', 's')
    if arch:
        arch = [arch]
        if 'noarch' not in arch:
        arch = ['x86_64', 'noarch']

    # tree leaf - show only build path between 'name' and 'leaf'
    leaf = server.get_one_value('leaf', 's', 'pkg_name')
    if leaf and task_id:
        return utils.json_str_error("'leaf' may be using with 'name' only.")

    # process this query for task
    if task_id:
        # get the branch name from task
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT branch FROM Tasks WHERE task_id = %(id)s", {
                'id': task_id

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error('Unknown task id.')

        # branch from task
        pbranch = response[0][0]
        if pbranch.lower() == 'sisyphus':
            pbranch = 'Sisyphus'

        # get the packages hashes from Task
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT pkgs FROM Tasks WHERE task_id = %(id)s", {
                'id': task_id

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        # join list of tuples of tuples
        pkgs_hsh = ()
        for tp_package in response:
            for package in tp_package[0]:
                pkgs_hsh += (package, )

        # src packages from task
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_get_src_from_task, {'id': task_id})

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        input_pkgs = utils.join_tuples(response)

    # without task - get the packages name from URL
        input_pkgs = (pname, )

    # deep level for recursive requires search
    deep_level = server.get_one_value('deep', 'i')
    if not deep_level:
        deep_level = 1

    tmp_table_name = 'tmp_pkg_ls'

    # create tmp table with list of packages
    g.connection.request_line = \
        """CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {tmp_table} (pkgname String) \

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    # FIXME use package_deps module
    # base query - first iteration, build requires depth 1
    g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_insert_build_req_deep_1.format(
        tmp_table=tmp_table_name), {
            'sfilter': sourcef,
            'pkgs': input_pkgs,
            'branch': pbranch,
            'union': list(input_pkgs)

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    max_allowed_depth = 10

    if deep_level > 1:
        if deep_level > max_allowed_depth:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Requires Depth cannot exceed {}".format(max_allowed_depth))

        # sql wrapper for increase depth
        deep_wrapper = QM.wds_increase_depth_wrap.format(

        # process depth for every level and add results to pkg_ls
        for i in range(deep_level - 1):
            g.connection.request_line = (
                    wrapper=deep_wrapper, tmp_table=tmp_table_name), {
                        'sfilter': sourcef,
                        'branch': pbranch

            status, response = g.connection.send_request()
            if status is False:
                return response

    g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_get_acl.format(
        tmp_table=tmp_table_name), {
            'branch': pbranch.lower()

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    # get package acl
    pkg_acl_dict = {}
    for pkg in response:
        pkg_acl_dict[pkg[0]] = pkg[1][0]

    tmp_table_pkg_dep = 'package_dependency'

    # create tmp table package - dependency
    g.connection.request_line = \
    pkgname String,
    reqname String

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    # get source dependencies
    if depends_type in ['source', 'both']:
        # populate the temporary table with package names and their source
        # dependencies
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_insert_src_deps.format(
            tmp_deps=tmp_table_pkg_dep, tmp_table=tmp_table_name), {
                'branch': pbranch,
                'pkgs': list(input_pkgs)

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

    # get binary dependencies
    if depends_type in ['binary', 'both']:
        # populate the temporary table with package names and their binary
        # dependencies
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_insert_binary_deps.format(
            tmp_table=tmp_table_name, tmp_req=tmp_table_pkg_dep), {
                'branch': pbranch,
                'archs': tuple(arch)

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

    # select all filtered package with dependencies
    g.connection.request_line = QM.wds_get_all_filtred_pkgs_with_deps

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    pkgs_to_sort_dict = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 1)

    if not pkgs_to_sort_dict:
        return json.dumps({})

    finitepkg = server.get_one_value('finitepkg', 'b', is_='pkg_name')

    if finitepkg:
        all_dependencies = []
        for pkg, deps in pkgs_to_sort_dict.items():
            for dep in deps:
                if dep not in all_dependencies:

        g.connection.request_line = \
            ("SELECT pkgname FROM {} WHERE pkgname NOT IN %(pkgs)s"
             "".format(tmp_table_name), {'pkgs': tuple(all_dependencies)})

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        filter_by_tops = utils.join_tuples(response)

    # check leaf, if true, get dependencies of leaf package
    if leaf:
        if leaf not in pkgs_to_sort_dict.keys():
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Package '{}' not in dependencies list.".format(leaf))

    pkg_ls_with_empty_reqs = []
    for pkg, reqs in pkgs_to_sort_dict.items():
        if not reqs:

    # sort list of dependencies by their dependencies
    sort = SortList(pkgs_to_sort_dict, pname)
    circle_deps, sorted_list = sort.sort_list()

    # create output dict with circle dependency
    result_dict = {}
    for name in sorted_list:
        result_dict[name] = []
        if name in circle_deps:
            result_dict[name] += list(circle_deps[name].keys())

    # if leaf, then select packages from the result list and their cyclic
    # dependencies on which the leaf package and create a dictionary
    if leaf:

        def recursive_search(pkgname, structure):
            for pkg in structure[pkgname]:
                if pkg not in leaf_filter and pkg != pkgname:
                    recursive_search(pkg, structure)

        leaf_filter = []
        recursive_search(leaf, pkgs_to_sort_dict)

        if leaf not in leaf_filter:

        # filter result dict by leaf packages
        result_dict = {
            key: value
            for (key, value) in result_dict.items() if key in leaf_filter

    # list of result package names
    sorted_pkgs = tuple(result_dict.keys())

    # get output data for sorted package list
    g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_get_output_data.format(
        tmp_table=tmp_table_name), {
            'branch': pbranch

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    # form list of packages with it information
    pkg_info_list = []
    for info in response:
        for pkg, c_deps in result_dict.items():
            if info[0] == pkg:
                # add empty list if not acl
                if pkg not in pkg_acl_dict:
                    pkg_acl_dict[pkg] = []

                pkg_info_list.append(info + (c_deps, ) +
                                     (pkgs_to_sort_dict[pkg], ) +
                                     (pkg_acl_dict[pkg], ))

    # filter result packages list by dependencies
    reqfilter = server.get_dict_values([('reqfilter', 's', 'pkg_name'),
                                        ('reqfilterbysrc', 's', 'pkg_name')])

    if None not in reqfilter.values():
        message = "Parameters 'reqfilter' and 'reqfilterbysrc' cannot be " \
                  "used together."
        return utils.json_str_error(message)

    filter_pkgs = None
    if reqfilter['reqfilter'] or reqfilter['reqfilterbysrc']:

        if reqfilter['reqfilter']:
            reqfilter_binpkgs = tuple(reqfilter['reqfilter'].split(','))
            g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_req_filter_by_src, {
                'srcpkg': reqfilter['reqfilterbysrc'],
                'branch': pbranch

            status, response = g.connection.send_request()
            if status is False:
                return response

            reqfilter_binpkgs = utils.join_tuples(response)

        base_query = QM.wds_req_filter_by_binary.format(
            pkg="{pkg}", tmp_table=tmp_table_name)

        if len(reqfilter_binpkgs) == 1:
            base_query = base_query.format(pkg=reqfilter_binpkgs[0])
            last_query = None
            for pkg in reqfilter_binpkgs:
                if not last_query:
                    last_query = base_query.format(pkg=pkg)

                last_query = "{} AND pkgname IN ({})" \
                             "".format(last_query, base_query.format(pkg=pkg))

            base_query = last_query

        g.connection.request_line = (QM.wds_get_filter_pkgs.format(
            base_query=base_query), {
                'branch': pbranch,
                'archs': tuple(arch)

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        filter_pkgs = utils.join_tuples(response)

    # sort pkg info list
    sorted_dict = {}
    for pkg in pkg_info_list:
        if (filter_pkgs and pkg[0] in filter_pkgs) or not filter_pkgs:
            if task_id:
                if pkg[0] not in input_pkgs:
                    sorted_dict[sorted_pkgs.index(pkg[0])] = pkg
                sorted_dict[sorted_pkgs.index(pkg[0])] = pkg

    sorted_dict = list(dict(sorted(sorted_dict.items())).values())

    if finitepkg:
        sorted_dict = [pkg for pkg in sorted_dict if pkg[0] in filter_by_tops]

    js_keys = [
        'name', 'version', 'release', 'epoch', 'serial_', 'sourcerpm',
        'branch', 'archs', 'buildtime', 'cycle', 'requires', 'acl'

    return utils.convert_to_json(js_keys, sorted_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def package_by_file():
    The function of searching binary packages that contain the specified file.

    Input GET params:
        file * - file name or pattern
        md5 ** - file md5
        branch * - name of repository
        arch - package architecture

    Output structure:

    check_params = server.check_input_params()
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    file = server.get_one_value('file', 'r', is_='pkg_name')
    md5 = server.get_one_value('md5', 's')

    if len([param for param in [file, md5] if param]) != 1:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    pbranch = server.get_one_value('branch', 's', 'repo_name')
    if not pbranch:
        return utils.json_str_error('Branch require parameter!')

    arch = server.get_one_value('arch', 's')
    if arch:
        arch = (arch, 'noarch')
        arch = server.known_archs

    base_query = QM.package_by_file_get_hshs_by_files.format(
        in_='{}', pkghash=QM.package_by_file_get_pkg_hashs, param='{}')

    if file:
        elem, query = file, "filename LIKE %(elem)s"
        elem, query = md5, "filemd5 = %(elem)s"

    g.connection.request_line = (base_query.format(', filename', query), {
        'branch': pbranch,
        'arch': tuple(arch),
        'elem': elem

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    if not response:
        return json.dumps({})

    ids_filename_dict = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 1)

    pkghashs = tuple([key for key in ids_filename_dict.keys()])

    g.connection.request_line = (QM.package_by_file_get_meta_by_hshs, {
        'hashs': pkghashs,
        'branch': pbranch

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    output_values = []
    for package in response:
        package += (ids_filename_dict[package[0]], )

    output_params = [
        'pkgcs', 'name', 'version', 'release', 'disttag', 'arch', 'branch',

    return utils.convert_to_json(output_params, tuple(output_values))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def package_info():
    The function of showing information about given package by user parameters.

    Input GET params:
        sha1 - package sha1
        name - package name
        version - package version
        release - package release
        arch - package arch
        disttag - package disttag
        buildtime - package buildtime
        source - show source packages only (true/false)
        packager - maintainer of package
        packager_email - maintainer's email
        branch - name of repository
        full - show full package information

    Output structure:
        `without 'full' option`

    check_params = server.check_input_params()
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    buildtime_action = None

    buildtime_value = server.get_one_value('buildtime', 'i')
    if buildtime_value and buildtime_value not in ['>', '<', '=']:
        buildtime_action = "{} = {}"

    pbranch = server.get_one_value('branch', 's', is_='repo_name')

    input_params = {
        'sha1': {
            'rname': 'pkgcs',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notenpty': False,
        'name': {
            'rname': 'name',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
            'is_': 'pkg_name',
        'version': {
            'rname': 'version',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
        'release': {
            'rname': 'release',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
        'arch': {
            'rname': 'arch',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
        'disttag': {
            'rname': 'disttag',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
        'buildtime': {
            'rname': 'buildtime',
            'type': 'i',
            'action': buildtime_action,
            'notempty': False,
        'source': {
            'rname': 'sourcepackage',
            'type': 'b',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
        'packager': {
            'rname': 'name',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,
        'packager_email': {
            'rname': 'packager_email',
            'type': 's',
            'action': None,
            'notempty': False,

    params_values = server.get_values_by_params(input_params)
    if params_values is False:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    full = bool(server.get_one_value('full', 'b'))

    output_params = [
    if full:
        output_params = server.package_params

    g.connection.request_line = \
        "SELECT pkg.pkghash, {p_params} FROM last_packages WHERE " \
        "{p_values} {branch}".format(
            p_params=", ".join(output_params),
            p_values=" ".join(params_values),

    if pbranch:
        g.connection.request_line = g.connection.request_line.format(
            "AND assigment_name = %(branch)s")
        g.connection.request_line = g.connection.request_line.format('')

    g.connection.request_line = (g.connection.request_line, {
        'branch': pbranch

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    json_retval = json.loads(
        utils.convert_to_json(['pkghash'] + output_params, response))

    if full and len(response) > 0:

        pkghashs = utils.join_tuples(response)

        # files
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT pkghash, groupUniqArray(filename) FROM File WHERE pkghash "
            "IN %(pkghshs)s GROUP BY pkghash", {
                'pkghshs': pkghashs

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        files_dict = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 1)

        # add empty list if package has no files
        for hsh in pkghashs:
            if hsh not in files_dict:
                files_dict[hsh] = []

        # depends
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT pkghash, dptype, dpname FROM last_depends WHERE pkghash "
            "IN %(pkghshs)s", {
                'pkghshs': pkghashs

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        depends_dict = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 2)

        depends_struct = {}
        for pkg in depends_dict:
            depend_ls = depends_dict[pkg]

            depends_struct[pkg] = {}

            for i in range(0, len(depend_ls), 2):
                if depend_ls[i] not in depends_struct[pkg]:
                    depends_struct[pkg][depend_ls[i]] = []

                depends_struct[pkg][depend_ls[i]].append(depend_ls[i + 1])

        for elem in json_retval:
            pkghash = json_retval[elem]['pkghash']

            # add files to result structure
            json_retval[elem]['files'] = files_dict[pkghash]

            # add depends to result structure
            for dep in depends_struct[pkghash]:
                json_retval[elem][dep] = depends_struct[pkghash][dep]

    # remove pkghash from result
    for value in json_retval.values():
        value.pop('pkghash', None)

    return json.dumps(json_retval, sort_keys=False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def misconflict_packages():
    The function of searching for conflicting files in packages that do not have
    a conflict.

    Input GET params:
        pkg_ls * - package or list of packages
        task ** - task id
        branch (* - for pkg_ls only) - name of repository
        arch - package architectures

    Output structure:
        input package
        conflict package
        files with conflict

    check_params = server.check_input_params(source=0)
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    values = server.get_dict_values([('pkg_ls', 's', 'pkg_name'), ('task',
                                     ('branch', 's', 'repo_name'),
                                     ('arch', 's')])

    if values['pkg_ls'] and values['task']:
        return utils.json_str_error("One parameter only. ('name'/'task')")

    if not values['pkg_ls'] and not values['task']:
        return utils.json_str_error(
            "'pkg_ls' or 'task' is require parameters.")

    if values['pkg_ls'] and not values['branch']:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    if values['arch']:
        allowed_archs = values['arch'].split(',')
        if 'noarch' not in allowed_archs:
        allowed_archs = server.default_archs

    allowed_archs = tuple(allowed_archs)

    # prepare packages list from Task
    if values['task']:
        # get branch of task
        g.connection.request_line = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT branch FROM Tasks WHERE task_id = %(task)d", {
                'task': values['task']

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Task {task} not found!".format(task=values['task']))

        pbranch = response[0][0]

        # get packages of task for last build iteration (hashes)
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_pkgs_of_task, {
            'task': values['task']

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Error: Packages in task {task} not found!"

        # joining tuples from response list
        input_pkg_hshs = [hsh[0] for hsh in response]

    # package list without task
        pkg_ls = tuple(values['pkg_ls'].split(','))
        pbranch = values['branch']

        # get hash for package names
        g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_hshs_by_pkgs, {
            'pkgs': tuple(pkg_ls),
            'branch': pbranch,
            'arch': allowed_archs

        status, response = g.connection.send_request()
        if status is False:
            return response

        if not response:
            return utils.json_str_error(
                "Error: Packages {pkgs} not found in pkgset {branch}!".format(
                    pkgs=pkg_ls, branch=pbranch))

        # check the existence of a package by comparing the number of input
        # and selected from database
        if len(set([pkg[1] for pkg in response])) != len(pkg_ls):
            return utils.json_str_error("Error of input data.")

        # form a list of package hashes
        input_pkg_hshs = [pkg[0] for pkg in response]

    if not input_pkg_hshs:
        return json.dumps({})

    # get list of (input package | conflict package | conflict files)
    g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_pkg_with_conflict, {
        'hshs': tuple(input_pkg_hshs),
        'branch': pbranch,
        'arch': allowed_archs

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    if not response:
        return json.dumps({})

    hshs_files = response

    # list of conflicting package pairs
    in_confl_hshs = [(hsh[0], hsh[1]) for hsh in hshs_files]

    # filter conflicts by provides/conflicts
    c_filter = ConflictFilter(pbranch, allowed_archs)

    # check for the presence of the specified conflict each pair
    # if the conflict between the packages in the pair is specified,
    # then add the pair to the list
    filter_ls = c_filter.detect_conflict(in_confl_hshs)

    # create dict with package names by hashes
    hsh_name_dict = defaultdict(dict)
    for hsh_1, hsh_2, _, name_2, name_1, _ in response:
        hsh_name_dict[hsh_1], hsh_name_dict[hsh_2] = name_1, name_2

    # convert the hashes into names, put in the first place in the pair
    # the name of the input package, if it is not
    filter_ls_names = []
    for hsh in filter_ls:
        inp_pkg = hsh[0] if hsh[0] in input_pkg_hshs else hsh[1]
        out_pkg = hsh[0] if hsh[0] != inp_pkg else hsh[1]
        result_pair = (hsh_name_dict[inp_pkg], hsh_name_dict[out_pkg])
        if result_pair not in filter_ls:

    # form the list of tuples (input package | conflict package | conflict files)
    result_list, output_pkgs = [], set()
    for pkg in hshs_files:
        [output_pkgs.add(i) for i in pkg[:2]]
        pkg = (hsh_name_dict[pkg[0]], hsh_name_dict[pkg[1]], pkg[2])
        if pkg not in result_list:

    # get architectures of found packages
    g.connection.request_line = QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_pkg_archs.format(

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    pkg_archs_dict = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 1)

    # look for duplicate pairs of packages in the list with different files
    # and join them
    result_dict_cleanup = defaultdict(list)
    for pkg in result_list:
        result_dict_cleanup[(pkg[0], pkg[1])] += pkg[2]

    confl_pkgs = utils.remove_duplicate(
        [pkg[1] for pkg in result_dict_cleanup.keys()])

    # get main information of packages by package hashes
    g.connection.request_line = (QM.misconflict_pkgs_get_meta_by_hshs, {
        'pkgs': tuple(confl_pkgs),
        'branch': pbranch,
        'arch': allowed_archs

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    # form dict name - package info
    name_info_dict = {}
    for pkg in response:
        name_info_dict[pkg[0]] = pkg[1:]

    # form list of tuples (input pkg | conflict pkg | pkg info | conflict files)
    # and filter it
    result_list_info = []
    for pkg, files in result_dict_cleanup.items():
        inp_pkg_archs = set(pkg_archs_dict[pkg[0]])
        found_pkg_archs = set(pkg_archs_dict[pkg[1]])
        intersect_pkg_archs = inp_pkg_archs.intersection(found_pkg_archs)

        if (pkg[0], pkg[1]) not in filter_ls_names and intersect_pkg_archs:
            pkg = (pkg[0], pkg[1]) + \
                  name_info_dict[pkg[1]][:-1] + \
                  (list(intersect_pkg_archs),) + (files,)

    return utils.convert_to_json([
        'input_package', 'conflict_package', 'version', 'release', 'epoch',
        'archs', 'files_with_conflict'
    ], result_list_info)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def task_info():

    check_params = server.check_input_params()
    if check_params is not True:
        return check_params

    task_id = server.get_one_value('task', type_='i')
    if not task_id:
        return get_helper(server.helper(request.path))

    try_iteration = server.get_one_value('rebuild', type_='s')
    if try_iteration:
        try_iteration = tuple([int(i) for i in try_iteration.split('.')])

    g.connection.request_line = """
    SELECT DISTINCT concat(toString(try), '.', toString(iteration)),
    FROM Tasks
    WHERE task_id = {}

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    if not response:
        return utils.json_str_error("Non-existent task number!")

    branch, user_id = response[0][1], response[0][2]
    all_rebuilds = [i[0] for i in response]

    g.connection.request_line = QM.task_info_get_task_content.format(
    if try_iteration:
        g.connection.request_line = QM.task_info_get_task_content_rebuild.format(
            id=task_id, ti=try_iteration)

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    src_pkgs = response

    task_status = src_pkgs[0][1]
    try_iteration = src_pkgs[0][3]
    pkg_subtask = {pkg[0]: pkg[2] for pkg in src_pkgs}

    pkg_hshs = [
        val for sublist in [[i[0]] + i[4] for i in response] for val in sublist

    g.connection.request_line = """SELECT pkghash,
                                   FROM Package
                                   WHERE pkghash IN {}

    status, response = g.connection.send_request()
    if status is False:
        return response

    name_hsh = utils.tuplelist_to_dict(response, 5)

    http = utils.HtmlParser(
        ['Name', 'Last modified', 'Size', 'Description', 'Parent Directory'])

    for hsh, subtask in pkg_subtask.items():
        result_list = []
        for i in ['approved', 'disapproved']:
            url = "http://git.altlinux.org/tasks/{task}/acl/{act}/{subtask}/" \
                  "".format(task=task_id, subtask=subtask, act=i)
            result = http.parse_html(url)
            if result:
                result = result.split('::')
                msg_format = [result[0].strip()] + \
                             [k.strip() for k in result[1].split('\n')][:-1]
                msg_format = ''

            result_list.append(msg_format or '')

        pkg_subtask[hsh] = [pkg_subtask[hsh]] + result_list

    beehive_result = requests.get(

    beehive_result = "" if beehive_result.status_code != 200 \
        else beehive_result.content.decode()

    task_msg_req = requests.get(
        ''.format(task=task_id, ti=try_iteration))

    task_msg = ''
    if task_msg_req.status_code == 200:
        message = re.findall(r'message:(.*)', task_msg_req.content.decode())
        if message:
            task_msg = message[0].strip()

    result_list = []
    for pkg in src_pkgs:
        pkg = [
            *name_hsh[pkg[0]][:-2], branch, user_id, task_status,
            *pkg_subtask[pkg[0]], task_msg, try_iteration,
            utils.tuplelist_to_dict([(name_hsh[hsh][3], name_hsh[hsh][0])
                                     for hsh in pkg[4]],
                                    1), name_hsh[pkg[0]][-1], beehive_result

        if pkg not in result_list:

    fields = [
        'src_pkg', 'version', 'release', 'branch', 'user', 'status', 'subtask',
        'approve', 'disapprove', 'task_msg', 'current_rebuild', 'all_rebuilds',
        'task_content', 'description', 'beehive_check'

    return utils.convert_to_json(fields, sorted(result_list,