Ejemplo n.º 1
 def organise_users(self, store):
     expr = re.compile("user([0-9]+)$")
     for param in store.kw:
         match = expr.match(param)
         if match and int(match.group(1)) < 21:
     store.users = {ucfirst(u.strip()) for u in store.users}
     store.users = {u for u in store.users if u}
     store.users = tuple(store.users)
def tcard():
    stat = {}
    for content_item in db.query(ContentItem).filter(ContentItem.type == "tcard_trip", ContentItem.created_at >= start, ContentItem.created_at <= end):
        if content_item.data["RouteType"] == u"метро":
            key = u"Метро «" + {
                "MARKS"             : u"Площадь Маркса",
                "STUD"              : u"Студенческая",
                "RECHV"             : u"Речной вокзал",
                "OKT"               : u"Октябрьская",
                "LENIN"             : u"Площадь Ленина",
                "KR-PR"             : u"Красный проспект",
                "GAGAR"             : u"Гагаринская",
                "ZAELC"             : u"Заельцовская",

                "G-M"               : u"Площадь Гарина-Михайловского",
                "POKR"              : u"Маршала Покрышкина",
                "BEREZ"             : u"Берёзовая роща",
                "NIVA"              : u"Золотая Нива",
            }[content_item.data["RouteNum"]] + u"»"
            key = ucfirst(content_item.data["RouteType"].split()[1]) + u" " + content_item.data["RouteNum"]

        if key not in stat:
            stat[key] = []
        stat[key].append(content_item.data["Summa"] / 100)

    if stat:
        text = u"Потратил на проезд %s (%s). Топ транспорта:\n" % (
            pytils.numeral.get_plural(sum([sum(l) for l in stat.values()]), (u"рубль", u"рубля", u"рублей")),
            pytils.numeral.get_plural(sum([len(l) for l in stat.values()]), (u"поездка", u"поездки", u"поездок")),

        text += u"<ul>\n"
        for transport, amounts in sorted(stat.items(), key=lambda kv: -len(kv[1]))[:5]:
            text += u"<li>%s (%s)</li>\n" % (transport, pytils.numeral.get_plural(len(amounts), (u"поездка", u"поездки", u"поездок")))
        text += u"</ul>\n"

        return text
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_constants(self):
        store = self.store
        store.page = ucfirst(store.page)
        store.titleparts = self.titleparts(store.page)

            store.startdate = int(store.startdate) * 1000000
            store.startdate = 0

            store.enddate = int(store.enddate) * 1000000
            store.enddate = 0

        if isinstance(store.users, list):
            store.users = set(store.users)
        elif isinstance(store.users, str):
            store.users = {store.users}
            store.users = set()
def time_at_home():
    min_out_threshold = timedelta(minutes=5)

    outs = get_outs(start, end)

    time_out = sum([came - left for left, came in outs], timedelta())
    time_in = (end - start) - time_out

    looser_days = 0
    total_days = 0
    day = start
    while day < end:
        found_out = False
        for left, came in outs:
            if came - left > min_out_threshold and day.date() in [left.date(), came.date()]:
                found_out = True
        if not found_out:
            entire_day_out = False
            for left, came in outs:
                if left < day and day < came:
                    entire_day_out = True
            if not entire_day_out:
                looser_days += 1

        day += timedelta(days=1)
        total_days += 1

    out_times = sum([1 if came - left > min_out_threshold else 0 for left, came in outs])

    return u"%(percent_time_at_home)d%% времени дома. Выходил на улицу %(out_times)s. %(looser_days)s из %(total_days)s имел «счастье» никуда не ходить вообще." % {
        "percent_time_at_home"  : time_in.total_seconds() / (end - start).total_seconds() * 100,
        "out_times"             : pytils.numeral.get_plural(out_times, (u"раз", u"раза", u"раз")),
        "looser_days"           : ucfirst(pytils.numeral.sum_string(looser_days, 1, (u"день", u"дня", u"дней"))),
        "total_days"            : u" ".join([pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer().parse(word)[0].inflect({"gent"}).word for word in pytils.numeral.in_words(total_days).split()]),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def typeParser(name) : 
	 name = utils.ucfirst(name)+"Type"
	 return getattr(types,name)
            text += u"<li>%s (%s)</li>\n" % (transport, pytils.numeral.get_plural(len(amounts), (u"поездка", u"поездки", u"поездок")))
        text += u"</ul>\n"

        return text
        return None

report = u"<p>Вот как прошёл у меня этот месяц:<cut></p>\n<ul>\n"
for f in report_items:
    item = f()
    if item:
        report += u"<li>" + item + u"</li>\n"
report += u"</ul>\n"

if sys.argv[2] == "post":
    title = ucfirst(pytils.dt.ru_strftime(u"%B %Y", date=start))

    now_playing = all_social_services["last.fm"].network.get_user(all_social_services["last.fm"].username).get_now_playing()
    if now_playing:
        music = u"%s – %s" % (now_playing.get_artist().get_name(), now_playing.get_title())
        music = ""

    post = ContentItem()
    post.type = "blog_post"
    post.type_key = pytils.translit.slugify(title)
    post.created_at = datetime.now()
    post.permissions = ContentItem.permissions_PUBLIC
    post.data = {
        "title"         : title,
        "title_html"    : "",