Ejemplo n.º 1
 def set_name(self):
     # XXX Maybe also add a `ref` property set_ref()
     if self.element.get('name'):
         name = u"%s" % self.element.get('name')
         self.name = unaccent_unicode(name)
     elif self.element.get('ref'):
         ref = u"%s" % self.element.get('ref')
         self.name = unaccent_unicode(ref)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def set_form(self):
        query = "//form/*/*"
        res = self.xml_root.xpath(query)

        for e in res:
            tag = u"%s" % e.tag
            self._form[unaccent_unicode(tag)] = e
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_controls(self):
        for el in self.fr_body_elements:
            el_bind = u"%s" % el.get('bind')
            bind = self.binds[unaccent_unicode(el_bind)]
            control = bind.get_fr_control_object(el)

            if control is not None:
                self.controls[bind.name] = control
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def set_binds(self):
        # TODO
        # Fix/handle duplicates, due to iteration control(s)
        # Consider whether a self.binds pair, should assign a value as a list, with duplicates.
        # Refactor other code.
        q_left = "//*[@id='fr-form-binds']//*[name()='xforms:bind']"
        q_right = "//*[@id='fr-form-binds']//*[name()='xf:bind']"

        query = "%s|%s" % (q_left, q_right)

        for e in self.xml_root.xpath(query):
            bind_id = u"%s" % e.get('id')
            self.binds[unaccent_unicode(bind_id)] = Bind(self, e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, builder, element):
        self.builder = builder
        self.element = element

        el_id = u"%s" % element.get('id')
        self.id = unaccent_unicode(el_id)

        self.name = None

        self.xf_type = element.get('type', 'xf:string')

        self.parent = None
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_resource(self):
        query = "//*[@id='fr-form-resources']/resources//resource[@xml:lang='%s']" % self.lang

        resource = self.xml_root.xpath(query)

        if len(resource) != 1:
            raise Exception("[orbeon-xml-api] Found %s elements for: %s" % (len(resource), query))

        parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, recover=True, encoding='utf-8')
        resource_root = etree.XML(etree.tostring(resource[0], encoding='UTF-8'), parser)
        resource_xml = etree.tostring(resource_root, encoding="unicode")
        res_dict = xmltodict.parse(resource_xml)

        for tag, v in res_dict.get('resource', {}).items():
            tag = u"%s" % tag

            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = v[0]
            self.resource[unaccent_unicode(tag)] = Resource(self, v)