Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _cds(n, points):  # iterate over course deltas
     p1 = points[n - 1]
     b1 = p1.initialBearingTo(
         points[0], wrap=wrap)  # XXX p1.finalBearingTo(points[0])?
     for i in range(n):
         p2 = points[i]
         if not p2.equals(p1, EPS):
             b = p1.initialBearingTo(p2, wrap=wrap)
             yield wrap180(b - b1)  # (b - b1 + 540) % 360 - 180
             b2 = p1.finalBearingTo(p2, wrap=wrap)
             yield wrap180(b2 - b)  # (b2 - b + 540) % 360 - 180
             p1, b1 = p2, b2
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def d2xy(self, i, j):
        '''Returns points[i] to [j] deltas.
        p1 = self.pts[i]
        p2 = self.pts[j]

        dx = wrap180(p2.lon - p1.lon)
        dy = wrap180(p2.lat - p1.lat)

        if self.adjust:  # scale lon
            dx *= cos(radiansPI(p1.lat + p2.lat) * 0.5)

        d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy  # squared!
        return d2, dx, dy
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _toZBll(lat, lon):
    '''(INTERNAL) Return zone, Band and central lat- and longitude.

       @param lat: Latitude (degrees).
       @param lon: Longitude (degrees).

       @return: 4-Tuple (zone, Band, lat, lon).
    # return zone, Band and central
    # lat- and longitude (in radians)
    lat = wrap90(lat)
    if -80 > lat or lat > 84:
        raise ValueError('%s outside UTM: %s' % ('lat', lat))
    B = _Bands[int(lat + 80) >> 3]

    lon = wrap180(lon)
    z = int((lon + 180) / 6) + 1  # longitudinal zone
    if B == 'X':
        x = {32: 9, 34: 21, 36: 33}.get(z, None)
        if x:  # Svalbard
            if lon >= x:
                z += 1
                z -= 1
    elif B == 'V' and z == 31 and lon >= 3:
        z += 1  # southern Norway

    b = radians(lon - _cmlon(z))  # lon off central meridian
    a = radians(lat)  # lat off equator
    return z, B, a, b
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def point(self, ll):
        '''Create a pseudo-xy.

           @param ll: Point (I{LatLon}).

           @return: 3-Tuple (x, y, ll) of (float, float, I{ll}).
        x, y = ll.lon, ll.lat  # note, x, y = lon, lat
        if self._wrap:
            x, y = wrap180(x), wrap90(y)
        if self._deg2m:  # convert degrees to meter
            x, y = x * self._deg2m, y * self._deg2m
        return x, y, ll
Ejemplo n.º 5
def isenclosedby(latlon, points, wrap=False):  # MCCABE 14
    '''Determine whether a point is enclosed by a polygon defined by
       an array, list, sequence, set or tuple of points.

       @param latlon: The point (I{LatLon} or 2-tuple (lat, lon)).
       @param points: The points defining the polygon (I{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap lat-, wrap and unroll longitudes (bool).

       @return: True if I{latlon} is inside the polygon, False otherwise.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not I{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points} or invalid

       @see: L{sphericalNvector.LatLon.isEnclosedBy},
             L{sphericalTrigonometry.LatLon.isEnclosedBy} and
             U{MultiDop GeogContainPt<http://github.com/nasa/MultiDop>}
             (U{Shapiro et al. 2009, JTECH
             and U{Potvin et al. 2012, JTECH
    pts = LatLon2psxy(points, closed=True, radius=None, wrap=wrap)

    def _xy(i):
        x, y, _ = pts[i]
        if not wrap:
            x %= 360.0
            if x < (x0 - 180):
                x += 360
            elif x >= (x0 + 180):
                x -= 360
        return x, y

        y0, x0 = latlon.lat, latlon.lon
    except AttributeError:
            y0, x0 = latlon[:2]
        except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValueError('%s invalid: %r' % ('latlon', latlon))

    if wrap:
        x0, y0 = wrap180(x0), wrap90(y0)
        x0 %= 360.0

    n = len(pts)
    e = m = False
    s = Fsum()

    x1, y1 = _xy(n - 1)
    for i in range(n):
        x2, y2 = _xy(i)
        dx, x2 = unroll180(x1, x2, wrap=wrap)
        # determine if polygon edge (x1, y1)..(x2, y2) straddles
        # point (lat, lon) or is on boundary, but do not count
        # edges on boundary as more than one crossing
        if abs(dx) < 180 and (x1 < x0 <= x2 or x2 < x0 <= x1):
            m = not m
            dy = (x0 - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (y0 - y1) * dx
            if (dy > 0 and dx >= 0) or (dy < 0 and dx <= 0):
                e = not e

        x1, y1 = x2, y2

    # an odd number of meridian crossings means polygon contains
    # a pole, assume that is the hemisphere containing the polygon
    # mean and if polygon contains North Pole, flip the result
    if m and s.fsum() > 0:
        e = not e

    return e
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _2xy(p):  # map to flat x-y space
     return wrap180(p.lon), wrap90(p.lat)