Ejemplo n.º 1
    def decode(self):
        start = time.time()
        counter = 0
        batch = self.batcher.next_batch()
        while batch is not None:  #  and counter <= 100 # 11490
            # Run beam search to get best Hypothesis
            best_summary = self.beam_search(batch)

            # Extract the output ids from the hypothesis and convert back to words
            output_ids = [int(t) for t in best_summary.tokens[1:]]
            decoded_words = data.outputids2words(
                output_ids, self.vocab,
                (batch.art_oovs[0] if config.pointer_gen else None))

            # Remove the [STOP] token from decoded_words, if necessary
                fst_stop_idx = decoded_words.index(data.STOP_DECODING)
                decoded_words = decoded_words[:fst_stop_idx]
            except ValueError:
                decoded_words = decoded_words

            original_abstract_sents = batch.original_abstracts_sents[0]

            write_for_rouge(original_abstract_sents, decoded_words, counter,
                            self._rouge_ref_dir, self._rouge_dec_dir)
            counter += 1
            if counter % 10 == 0:
                print('%d example in %d sec' % (counter, time.time() - start))
                start = time.time()
            batch = self.batcher.next_batch()

        print("Decoder has finished reading dataset for single_pass.")
        print("Now starting ROUGE eval...")
        results_dict = rouge_eval(self._rouge_ref_dir, self._rouge_dec_dir)
        rouge_log(results_dict, self._decode_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def decode(self):
        start = time.time()
        counter = 0
        bleu_scores = []
        batch = self.batcher.next_batch()
        while batch is not None:
            # Run beam search to get best Hypothesis
            best_summary = self.beam_search(batch)
            import pdb
            # Extract the output ids from the hypothesis and convert back to words
            output_ids = [int(t) for t in best_summary.tokens[1:]]
            decoded_words = data.outputids2words(
                output_ids, self.vocab,
                (batch.art_oovs[0] if config.pointer_gen else None))

            # Remove the [STOP] token from decoded_words, if necessary
                fst_stop_idx = decoded_words.index(data.STOP_DECODING)
                decoded_words = decoded_words[:fst_stop_idx]
            except ValueError:
                decoded_words = decoded_words

            original_abstracts = batch.original_abstracts_sents[0]
            reference = original_abstracts[0].strip().split()
            bleu = nltk.translate.bleu_score.sentence_bleu([reference],
                                                           weights=(0.5, 0.5))

            write_for_rouge(original_abstracts, decoded_words, counter,
                            self._rouge_ref_dir, self._rouge_dec_dir)
            counter += 1
            if counter % 1000 == 0:
                print('%d example in %d sec' % (counter, time.time() - start))
                start = time.time()

            batch = self.batcher.next_batch()

        print('Average BLEU score:', np.mean(bleu_scores))

        # uncomment this if you successfully install `pyrouge`
        print("Decoder has finished reading dataset for single_pass.")
        print("Now starting ROUGE eval...")
        results_dict = rouge_eval(self._rouge_ref_dir, self._rouge_dec_dir)
        rouge_log(results_dict, self._decode_dir)