Ejemplo n.º 1
def sieve_of_atkin(n):
	Returns the primes under a specified number with a segmented sieve of Atkin.

		n (:int) - the number to list primes under

		the primes under 'n' in a list
	sqrt_n, u, r = int(math.sqrt(n)), n + 32, 17
	B, lu = 60 * sqrt_n, math.log(u)
	primes = small_sieve(sqrt_n)
	ret = under60 + [0] * int(u/lu + u/(lu*lu) * 1.5 - r)
	for d in dAll:
		segs[d] = [0] * ((B >> 5) + 1)

	# Do computations in segments of size 60√n
	lim = n/60 + 1
	for L in xrange(1, lim, B):
		for d in dAll:
			for k in xrange(len(segs[d])):
				segs[d][k] = 0

		# Sieve off the primes (i.e. solutions to the various quadratic
		# Diophantine equations)
		lim2 = 60 * (L+B)
		for d,f,g in DFG1:
			enum1(d, f, g, L, B, segs)
		for d,f,g in DFG2:
			enum2(d, f, g, L, B, segs)
		for d,f,g in DFG3:
			enum3(d, f, g, L, B, segs)

		# Sieve off non-squarefree numbers
		for p in primes:
			p2 = p * p
			if p2 > lim2: 
			if p >= 7:
				b = -utils.xgcd(p2, 60)
				if b < 0: b += p2
				for d in dAll:
					x = b * (60*L + d) % p2
					while x < B:
						segs[d][x >> 5] &= ~(1 << (x & 31))
						x += p2

		# Compute primes
		for j in xrange((B >> 5) + 1):
			for x in xrange(32):
				k = 60 * (L + x + (j << 5))
				for d in dAll:
					if k + d > n:
						return ret[:r]
					# If a_k = 1, 60k + d is a prime
					if ((segs[d][j] << 31 - x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >= 0x80000000:
						ret[r] = 60*k + d
						r += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ChineseRemainder(pairs):
    '''Retourne a tel que a == pairs[0] mod pairs[1] pour tout les élements de pairs
    et m la multiplication des modulo '''

    (a, m) = pairs[0]
    for (b, p) in pairs[1:]:
        k = ((b - a) * xgcd(m, p)[1])
        a = (a + m * k) % (m * p)
        m *= p
    return (a, m)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getXModP(beta, alpha, p, q, r):
    ''' return (x, q**r) with (p-1)/q**r = k, 0 <= x < q**r, os
    beta^(x*k) = alpha^k mod p
    oDiv = (p - 1) // q  # first divided group order
    bCurrent = beta
    xFinal = 0  # returns x=x0+x1q+x2q^2+...+xiq^i with 0<=xi<q-1
    alphaRaisedModp = pow(int(alpha), int(oDiv), p)
    qPow = 1
    alphaInv = xgcd(alpha, p)[1]
    for i in range(0, r):
        betaRaisedModp = pow(int(bCurrent), int(oDiv), p)
        xCurrent = discreteLogModP(alphaRaisedModp, betaRaisedModp, p)
        xFinal += xCurrent * qPow
        #now we calculate the next beta, power of q, order factor
        bCurrent = bCurrent * pow(alphaInv, xCurrent * qPow, p) % p
        qPow *= q
        oDiv //= q
    return (xFinal, qPow)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def genKeyPair(klen):
    e = 3  # Choose some e that is relatively prime to phi(n)
    p = utils.genPrime(klen // 2, 40)
    q = utils.genPrime(klen // 2, 40)

    while (p % e == 1):
        p = utils.genPrime(klen // 2, 40)
    while (q % e == 1):
        q = utils.genPrime(klen // 2, 40)

    N = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    print("phi: {}".format(phi))
    result = utils.xgcd(e, phi)
    d = result[1]
    if d < 0:
        d += phi

    return (N, e, d)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def factor(num, b):
    factor using Pollard's p-1 method
    num: odd number to factor
    b: smoothness cap

    primeList = utils.primes(b)
    m = 1

    for prime in primeList:
        exp = math.floor(math.log(b, prime))
        m *= pow(prime, exp)

    a = 2
    g = utils.xgcd(pow(a, m, num) - 1, num)[0]
    if (1 < g and g < num):
        return g
    elif (g == 1):
        # Increase B
        return -1
    elif (g == num):
        # Decrease B
        return -2