import subprocess
from utils import CommandRunner

cr = CommandRunner() 
print """#####################install ceilometer##################"""
if cr.ask_run_section("run install ceilometer? (delete existing, reclone, switch, branch, and python setup): "):

    #delete ceilometer 
    cr.run_command("Delete the /opt/stack/ceilometer folder? ([y]/n): ",  "Deleting ceilometer folder...", "sudo rm -rf ceilometer", "/opt/stack/", "Done removing ceilometer folder")
    #clone ceilometer
    cr.run_command("clone ceilometer for github eric's repo? ([y]/n): ", "Start clone:", "git clone", "/opt/stack", "Done clone" )
    cr.run_command("Change ceilo branch: ", "Changing", "git checkout devel", "/opt/stack/ceilometer", "Done changing branch")
    cr.run_command("Install ceilometer: ", "Start install", "sudo python install", "/opt/stack/ceilometer", "Done install")
    cr.run_command("Install ceilometer devel: ", "Start install devel", "sudo python develop", "/opt/stack/ceilometer", "Done install")

print """##################install ceilometer client#######################"""
if cr.ask_run_section('run install ceilometer client? (delete existing, reclone, switch branch, and python setup)'):
    cr.run_command("Delete the /opt/stack/python-ceilometerclient folder? ([y]/n): ",  "Deleting ceilometer client folder...", "sudo rm -rf python-ceilometerclient", "/opt/stack/", "Done removing ceilometer client folder")
    cr.run_command("clone ceilometer client for github eric's repo? ([y]/n): ", "Start clone:", "git clone", "/opt/stack", "Done clone" )
    cr.run_command("Change ceilo client branch: ", "Changing", "git checkout s-havana", "/opt/stack/python-ceilometerclient", "Done changing branch")
    cr.run_command("Install ceilometer client: ", "Start install", "sudo python install", "/opt/stack/python-ceilometerclient", "Done install")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_file_exist(path, filename):
    cm = CommandRunner()
    file_exist, err = cm.run_shell_command_return('ls -l ' + os.path.join(path, filename),
                                                 "checking if " + filename + " exist")
    if not file_exist:
        raise Exception(filename + " does not exist!")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def exerciser1and2(machines):

    # Exerciser 1
    print("Exerciser 1: This is a basic exercise that checks if your programs starts properly and run with no failure")
    if len(machines)<1:
        raise Exception(GENERAL_ERROR + "At least one execution machine should be provided for exerciser 1")
    exe_machine = machines[0]
    cm = CommandRunner()
    p_zk = cm.run_shell_command('~/myzk/bin/ start')
    p_fs = cm.run_shell_command('./ ' + exe_machine + ' ' + str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT))
    p_jb = cm.run_shell_command('./ ' + exe_machine + ' ' + str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT))
    p_w1 = cm.run_shell_command('./ ' + exe_machine + ' ' + str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT))
    p_w2 = cm.run_shell_command('./ ' + exe_machine + ' ' + str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT))

    print("File server running on process number: " + str(
    print("Job tracker running on process number: " + str(
    print("Worker 1 running on process number: " + str(
    print("Worker 2 running on process number: " + str(

    print("Zookeeper started running on port: " + str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT))

    check_process_running(p_fs, "File Server")
    check_process_running(p_jb, "Job Tracker")
    check_process_running(p_w1, "Worker 1")
    check_process_running(p_w2, "Worker 2")
    print("Exerciser 1: PASS")

    # Exerciser 2
    print("Exerciser 2: This exerciser submits a job to your cluster and check the result")

    in_progress_pattern = re.compile('In progress')
    success_pattern = re.compile('Password found:.*')
    failure_pattern = re.compile('Failed:.*')
    hashcode = '755f85c2723bb39381c7379a604160d8'
    password = '******'
    print("Submitting job to find password for hashcode: " + hashcode)
    submit_result, submit_error = cm.run_shell_command_return('./ ' + exe_machine + ' ' +
                                                              str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT) + ' ' + hashcode)

    print("submit result: " + submit_result)
    print("Getting status of the submitted job...")
    while (True):
        status_result, status_error = cm.run_shell_command_return('./ ' + exe_machine + ' ' +
                                                                  str(ZOOKEEPER_PORT) + ' ' + hashcode)
        print("Current Status is: " + status_result)
        if in_progress_pattern.match(status_result):
            print('Job running in progress')
        elif success_pattern.match(status_result):
            password_found = status_result.split(':')
            if len(password_found)<2:
                raise('Incorrect format for message when password found. Expecting: "Password found: {password here}" '
                      'without the braces')
                password_found = password_found[1].strip(' \t\n')
            if password_found != password:
                raise Exception('Incorrect password found: The password you found is ' + password_found +
                                ', the expected password is ' + password)
                print("successfully found password")
        elif failure_pattern.match(status_result):
            reason = status_result.split(':')
            if len(reason < 2):
                raise Exception('Incorrect format for message when failed to find password. Expecting: "Failed: ' + FAIL_PASSWORD_NO_FOUND + '"')
                reason = reason[1].strip()
            if reason == FAIL_PASSWORD_NO_FOUND:
                raise Exception("Failed to find password: hash code" + hashcode + " is corresponding to password " + password)
            raise Exception("Message with incorrect format printed by client driver. Please refer to the handout for format.")
    print("End of exerciser 2")
Ejemplo n.º 4
import subprocess
import datetime 
from utils import CommandRunner
import re
import time
import smtplib
import os
from random import randrange

from utils import CommandRunner

#subprocess.Popen("env > /tmp/env.output"+str(randrange(500)), shell=True)

cr = CommandRunner() 

#check = cr.run_command("env | grep OS_REGION_NAME","done check")

#print "check['output'] is: %s"% check['output']
#subprocess.Popen(str(check['output'])+" > /tmp/env.output"+str(randrange(500)), shell=True)

region_name = os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'].rstrip()
print "Performing Ceilometed Tests for Region: "+str(region_name)

#subprocess.Popen("echo "+region_name+" > /tmp/env.output"+str(randrange(500)), shell=True)

start_time = time.time()

""" ************************* Ceilometer Metering API commands ************************************ """