async def copy_key_values_to(self, to_node: int, interval: Interval, dict_to_transfer: Dict[str, str]): """ Copy key_values in the `interval` from persistent_storage to `to_node` """ keys_to_transfer = dict_to_transfer.keys() msg_to_transfer = self.message_sender.create_message( MessageType.TRANSFER_KEYS, to_node, { 'interval': interval.to_string(), 'data_dict': dict_to_transfer, 'copy_node': self.chord_addr, 'receiving_node': to_node }) recieved_msg = await self.send_message_and_await_response( msg_to_transfer, MessageType.TRANSFER_KEYS_CONFIRMED) keys_transfered_successfully, interval_transfered_successfully = recieved_msg.get_args( ['keys_transfered', 'interval']) assert (set(keys_transfered_successfully) == set( dict_to_transfer.keys())) trace_log(colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "KeyTransferer", self.chord_addr, ": Copy Successfully completed from", self.chord_addr, "to", to_node, "of interval", interval.to_string()) if debug_log_key_transfers: debug_log("KeyTransferer", self.chord_addr, ": Copy Successfully completed from", self.chord_addr, "to", to_node, "of interval", interval.to_string())
async def handle_i_might_be_your_predecessor(self, msg: Message): assert ('addr' in msg.args) candidate_predecessor = msg.args['addr'] # If we are the first node. if (self.successor == self.addr): self.successor = candidate_predecessor trace_log("SuccRouter addr:", self.addr, "Setting new successor ", candidate_predecessor) # transfer the stuff from (self.addr, candidate_predecessor] because we are no longer responsible for that # half of addr space # debug_log(self.addr, "Transfer because self.successor == self.addr, pred", self.predecessor, 'suc', self.successor) # await self.key_transferer.copy_to(candidate_predecessor, Interval(self.addr, False, candidate_predecessor, True)) # We know there are at least two nodes in the system. if (self.predecessor == None): # From our point of view, we used to be responsible for (self.sucessor, self.addr] # Now, candidate_predecessor is coming in and taking (self.successor, candidate_predecessor] from us # So we transfer (self.successor, candidate_predecessor] to them. if (self.successor != candidate_predecessor): debug_log(self.addr, "Transfer because self.prdecessor == None, pred", self.predecessor, 'suc', self.successor) await self.key_transferer.copy_to( candidate_predecessor, Interval(self.successor, False, candidate_predecessor, True)) else: # There is only one other node, so we should transfer him the other side debug_log(self.addr, "Transfer because self.prdecessor == None, pred", self.predecessor, 'suc', self.successor) await self.key_transferer.copy_to( candidate_predecessor, Interval(self.addr, False, candidate_predecessor, True)) # Normally, we don't need this. However, this fixes an edge cases involved with starting up with 1 node and having # 2 concurrent joins. self.predecessor = candidate_predecessor trace_log("SuccRouter addr:", self.addr, "No current predecessor. Setting predecessor ", candidate_predecessor) elif (in_interval(self.predecessor, self.addr, candidate_predecessor)): # From our point of view, we are responsible for (self.predecessor, self.addr] # However, now we are only responisble for (candidate_predecessor, self.addr] # So, we transfer out the difference: (self.predecessor, candidate_predecessor] debug_log( self.addr, "Transfer because candidate_predecessor \in (self.predecessor, self.addr), pred", self.predecessor, 'suc', self.successor) await self.key_transferer.copy_to( candidate_predecessor, Interval(self.predecessor, False, candidate_predecessor, True)) self.predecessor = candidate_predecessor trace_log("SuccRouter addr:", self.addr, "Setting new predecessor ", candidate_predecessor)
def main(argv): opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "cghilt:o", ["ip="]) del args if len(opts) == 0: print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): ip = arg print(ip) else: print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit(2) interval = Interval.Interval(2, send_server_info, args=[ip]) print("Starting Interval, press CTRL+C to stop.") interval.start() while True: try: # Loads the incoming data into a json format raw_data, addr = listenSocket.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(raw_data) ip = addr[0] # Gets the computer clock for the moment the data sample is recived # and adds it to the raw .csv-file local_time = local_time = local_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") #Plot real time graph here event_id = data['timetic'] timestamp = data['drift'] with open(file_name, 'a', newline='') as csvfile: fieldnames = ["Local_time", 'Event_ID', 'Node', 'Timestamp'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) thisdict = { "Local_time": local_time, "Event_ID": event_id, "Node": ip, "Timestamp": timestamp } print(thisdict) writer.writerow(thisdict) csvfile.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down interval...") interval.stop() break
async def replicate_our_data_to(self, nodes): for new_successor in nodes: if new_successor != None: if self.router.predecessor == None: debug_log('SuccessorList.Stabalize', self.addr, ':new successor so Transferring keys', new_successor) await self.key_transferer.copy_to( new_successor, Interval(self.router.successor, False, self.addr, True)) else: debug_log('SuccessorList.Stabalize', self.addr, ':new successor so Transferring keys', new_successor) await self.key_transferer.copy_to( new_successor, Interval(self.router.predecessor, False, self.addr, True))
def getIntervals(self): """ :rtype: List[Interval] """ r = [] for x in sorted(self.start_points): if x == self._father(self.starts, x): r.append(Interval(x, self._father(self.ends, x))) else: self.start_points.remove(x) return r
def send_confirm_transfer(self, copy_node: int, interval: Interval, data_dict: Dict[str, str]): """ Send a message that confirms a transfer was completed. """ confirm_msg = self.message_sender.create_message( MessageType.TRANSFER_KEYS_CONFIRMED, copy_node, { 'interval': interval.to_string(), 'keys_transfered': list(data_dict.keys()) }) self.message_sender.send_msg(confirm_msg)
async def copy_to(self, to_node: int, interval: Interval): """ Copy the keys of an interval from our persistant storage to the `to_node`. """ trace_log("KeyTransferer ", self.chord_addr, " : Starting copy of keys from myself to ", to_node) all_keys = await self.persistant_storage.get_keys() keys_to_transfer = [ key for key in all_keys if interval.in_interval(hash_key(key)) ] dict_to_transfer = {} for key in keys_to_transfer: dict_to_transfer[key] = await self.persistant_storage.get(key) await self.copy_key_values_to(to_node, interval, dict_to_transfer)
def main(argv): ip = None opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv,"cdfghil:o",["channel=", "database=", "filter=", "graph=", "ip=", "label="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print("A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "-a", "--ip", "--address"): ip = arg print(ip) if not ip: print("Please provide IP argument: --ip <IP address>") sys.exit() interval = Interval.Interval(2, sendServerInfo, args=[ip,]) print("Starting Interval, press CTRL+C to stop.") interval.start()
:rtype: List[int] """ a = list(enumerate(intervals)) a.sort(key=lambda (i, x): x.start) b = list(enumerate(intervals)) b.sort(key=lambda (i, x): x.end) n = len(intervals) k = 0 r = [-1 for i in xrange(n)] for i, x in b: if k < n and x.end <= a[k][1].start: r[i] = a[k][0] else: while k < n and x.end > a[k][1].start: k += 1 if k < n: r[i] = a[k][0] else: r[i] = -1 return r if __name__ == '__main__': from utils import Interval f = Solution().findRightInterval assert f(Interval.make_list([ [1,2] ])) == [-1] assert f(Interval.make_list([ [3,4], [2,3], [1,2] ])) == [-1, 0, 1] assert f(Interval.make_list([ [1,4], [2,3], [3,4] ])) == [-1, 2, -1]
def main(argv): global GRAPH_ENABLED global DB_ENABLED chosenChannel = None distance = None label = None sampleNumber = 0 rawRssiList = list() filteredRssiList = list() xAxis = list() kalman = KalmanFilter(dim_x=1, dim_z=1) kalman.x = np.array([[-30.]]) kalman.F = np.array([[1.]]) kalman.H = np.array([[1.]]) kalman.P = np.array([[0.]]) kalman.R = 3.19 kalman.Q = 0.065 opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "cdfghil:o", ["channel=", "distance=", "filter=", "graph=", "ip=", "label="]) del (args) if len(opts) == 0: print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): ip = arg print(ip) elif opt in ("-d", "--distance"): distance = int(arg) print("Test for distance: ", distance) elif opt in ("-l", "--label"): label = arg print("Label for test: ", label) elif opt in ("-c", "--channel"): chosenChannel = int(arg) elif opt in ("-g", "--graph"): GRAPH_ENABLED = True else: print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit(2) if not distance or not label: print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit(2) if GRAPH_ENABLED: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plt.ion() #plt.axis([0, distance * 2, -80, -20]) #plt.legend(loc="lower right") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(color='#cccccc', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) ax.legend(loc="lower right") interval = Interval.Interval(2, sendServerInfo, args=[ ip, ]) print("Starting filter test... Press CTRL + C to stop.") interval.start() while True: try: rawData, addr = listenSocket.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(rawData) ip = addr[0] nodeID = data['nodeID'] timestamp = data['timestamp'] address = data['address'] rssi = data['RSSI'] crc = data['CRC'] lpe = data['LPE'] counter = data['counter'] syncController = data['syncController'] channel = data['channel'] if chosenChannel == channel and crc == 1 and lpe == 0: kalman.predict() kalman.update(rssi) filteredRssi = kalman.x[0] filteredRssiList.append(filteredRssi) xAxis.append(round(sampleNumber / 2)) rawRssiList.append(data['RSSI']) plt.axis([0, xAxis[-1] + 20, -50, -20]) if sampleNumber == 1: plt.legend(loc="lower right") if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO rssi_data VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %f, %d, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s')" % ( nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, rssi, filteredRssi, distance, crc, lpe, syncController, label) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() if GRAPH_ENABLED and (sampleNumber % SAMPLES_FOR_EACH_UPDATE) == 0: color = 'k' name = "Unknown channel" if channel == 37: color = 'r' name = "Channel 37" elif channel == 38: color = 'b' name = "Channel 38" elif channel == 39: color = 'g' name = "Channel 39" if PLOT_DISTANCE: plt.scatter(distance, filteredRssi, color=color, alpha=0.1, label=name) plt.scatter(distance, rssi, color='k', alpha=0.1, label=name) elif PLOT_TIME: ax.plot(xAxis, rawRssiList, 'r-', label="Raw", alpha=0.7) ax.plot(xAxis, filteredRssiList, 'b-', label="Kalman", linewidth=3) plt.pause(0.0001) sampleNumber += 1 print(sampleNumber, "\tFrom", ip, "\tTimestamp: ", timestamp, "\tCounter: ", counter, "\tAddr.: ", address, "\tChannel: ", channel, "\tRSSI: ", rssi, "\tCRC: ", crc, "\tLPE: ", data['LPE']) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down interval...") interval.stop() break
class Solution(object): def eraseOverlapIntervals(self, intervals): """ :type intervals: List[Interval] :rtype: int """ if not intervals: return 0 intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x.start) it = iter(intervals) end, cnt = next(it).end, 0 for x in it: if x.start < end: # overlap cnt += 1 end = min(end, x.end) # erase interval with larger end else: end = x.end return cnt if __name__ == '__main__': from utils import Interval f = Solution().eraseOverlapIntervals assert f(Interval.make_list([[0,2],[1,3],[1,3],[2,4],[3,5],[3,5],[4,6]])) == 4 assert f(Interval.make_list([[0,2],[1,3],[2,4],[3,5],[4,6]])) == 2 assert f(Interval.make_list([[1,100],[11,22],[1,11],[2,12]])) == 2 assert f(Interval.make_list([ [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [1,3] ])) == 1 assert f(Interval.make_list([ [1,2], [1,2], [1,2] ])) == 2 assert f(Interval.make_list([ [1,2], [2,3] ])) == 0
everoverlap = False if chromosome_name_ref in chromosome_gene_list_ref: for g in chromosome_gene_list_ref[ chromosome_name_ref]: if g.start < end and g.start > start: everoverlap = True if start < g.end and start > g.start: everoverlap = True if (not chromosome_name_ref in ref_black_list_interval): ref_black_list_interval[ chromosome_name_ref] = np.empty([0, 1], Interval) gRef = Interval(start, end) ref_black_list_interval[ chromosome_name_ref] = np.append( ref_black_list_interval[chromosome_name_ref], [gRef]) if (not everoverlap): seq = getSubSequence(ref_genome, chromosome_name_ref, start, end) if len(seq) > args.seq_length: distance = len(seq) - args.seq_length s_distance = int(distance / 2) seq = seq[s_distance:(s_distance + args.seq_length)] outputString = seq if outputString not in outputsequences:
async def handle_transfer_keys_to_me(self, msg: Message): """ Handle a request to transfer keys to me. """ if self.router == None: return interval, data_dict, copy_node, receiving_node = msg.get_args( ['interval', 'data_dict', 'copy_node', 'receiving_node']) interval = parse_interval_str(interval) receiving_node = int(receiving_node) copy_node = int(copy_node) if debug_log_key_transfers: debug_log("KeyTransferer", self.chord_addr, ": Handling transfer keys from", copy_node, "to", self.chord_addr, "of interval", interval.to_string(), "current-pred", self.router.predecessor, " succ ", self.router.successor) data_to_store = None # Check that we should recieve these and that this is in fact intended for us. if (self.chord_addr == self.router.successor or self.router.predecessor == None): # These are intended for us, because we control everything # Store the data on disk data_to_store = data_dict else: # assert( == self.chord_addr and interval.top_closed) print("interval is", interval, "predecessor", self.router.predecessor) if (interval.in_interval(self.router.predecessor)): # This means the whole interval isn't for us. # Take out what's ours and foward what ever else there is our_key_range = Interval(self.chord_addr, True, self.router.successor, False) our_keys = set(key for key in data_dict.keys() if our_key_range.in_interval(hash_key(key))) dict_that_is_ours = dict( {key: data_dict[key] for key in our_keys}) other_keys = set(data_dict.keys()).difference(our_keys) dict_that_isnt_ours = { key: data_dict[key] for key in other_keys } # Assume we are the end of the interval, then we need to pass it back wards. other_range = Interval(interval.bottom, interval.bottom_closed, self.router.predecessor, True) # Pass along the rest of the interval await self.copy_key_values_to(self.router.predecessor, other_range, dict_that_isnt_ours) data_to_store = dict_that_is_ours else: # This means we are replicating data_to_store = data_dict # Store the data on disk debug_log("KeyTransferer", self.chord_addr, ": Handling transfer keys from", copy_node, "to", self.chord_addr, "of interval", interval.to_string(), "current-pred", self.router.predecessor, " succ ", self.router.successor, "data", data_to_store) await self.persistant_storage.add_dict(data_to_store) # Confirm what we stored. self.send_confirm_transfer(copy_node, interval, data_dict)
def main(argv): global GRAPH_ENABLED global DB_ENABLED label = None totalCounter = 0 allPositions = dict() setupEnable = True truePosition = Position(0, 0, 0) tagColor = ["b", "y", "c"] opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "cdfghilsxyz:o", [ "channel=", "database=", "filter=", "graph=", "ip=", "label=", "setup=", "x=", "y=", "z=" ]) del (args) if len(opts) == 0: print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): ip = arg print(ip) elif opt in ("-l", "--label"): label = arg print("Label for test: ", label) elif opt in ("-g", "--graph"): GRAPH_ENABLED = True elif opt in ("-d", "--database"): DB_ENABLED = True elif opt in ("-s", "--setup"): if str(arg) == "true": setupEnable = True else: configFile = str(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--trueX"): print("x: ", arg) truePosition.x = float(arg) elif opt in ("-y", "--trueY"): truePosition.y = float(arg) elif opt in ("-z", "--trueZ"): truePosition.z = float(arg) else: print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit(2) if truePosition.x == 0 and truePosition.y == 0 and truePosition.z == 0: truePosition = "NULL" else: truePosition = (truePosition.x, truePosition.y, truePosition.z) print(truePosition) if not label: print( "A label must be set for the test to start: --label '<label>'" ) sys.exit(2) interval = Interval.Interval(2, sendServerInfo, args=[ ip, ]) print("Starting positioning test... Press CTRL + C to stop.") interval.start() if setupEnable: # Run configuration of node setup setupConfig = dict() setupConfig["listenSocket"] = listenSocket setupConfig["broadcastSocket"] = broadcastSocket nodes = setup.setupNodes(setupConfig, fromFile=False) configFile = "nodeConfig.txt" print(nodes) else: nodes = setup.setupNodes(None, fromFile=True, fileName=configFile) tags = dict() if GRAPH_ENABLED: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.axis([-3, 10, -3, 10]) ax.set_aspect(1) ax.grid(color='#cccccc', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) for _, node in nodes.items(): node.setActiveStatus(False) while True: try: sql = '' rawData, addr = listenSocket.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(rawData) if not "nodeID" in data: continue ip = addr[0] nodeID = data['nodeID'] timestamp = data['timestamp'] address = data['address'] if "txPower" in data: txPower = data['txPower'] else: txPower = defaultTxPower rssi = data['RSSI'] crc = data['CRC'] lpe = data['LPE'] counter = data['counter'] syncController = data['syncController'] channel = data['channel'] # Get true node position from config file or setup nodePosition = (nodes[nodeID].position.x, nodes[nodeID].position.y, nodes[nodeID].position.z) sql = "INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, NULL, %d, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s')" % ( DB_TABLE, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, txPower, rssi, 0, crc, lpe, syncController, label, configFile, nodePosition, settings) # If CRC or LPE fails, store to database and move on to next iteration if crc == 0 or lpe == 1: if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, NULL, %d, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s')" % ( DB_TABLE, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, txPower, rssi, 0, crc, lpe, syncController, label, configFile, nodePosition, settings) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() continue if nodeID not in nodes: continue if address not in nodes[nodeID].tags: nodes[nodeID].tags[address] = Tag(address) nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounter = counter nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount = 0 if address not in tags: tags[address] = (1, 1, 1) allPositions[address] = list() nodes[nodeID].setActiveStatus(True) nodes[nodeID].tags[address].rssi.append(rssi) if nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounter == counter: nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount += 1 if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, NULL, %d, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s')" % ( DB_TABLE, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, txPower, rssi, 0, crc, lpe, syncController, label, configFile, truePosition, nodePosition, settings) else: nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounter = counter nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount = 1 selectedChannelRssi = max(nodes[nodeID].tags[address].rssi) nodes[nodeID].tags[address].kalman.predict() nodes[nodeID].tags[address].kalman.update(selectedChannelRssi) filteredRssi = nodes[nodeID].tags[address].kalman.x[0] nodes[nodeID].tags[address].filteredRssi = filteredRssi nodes[nodeID].tags[address].rssi = list() if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %d, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s')" % ( DB_TABLE, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, txPower, rssi, filteredRssi, 0, crc, lpe, syncController, label, configFile, truePosition, nodePosition, settings) if totalCounter > 0 and totalCounter % 6 == 0: if GRAPH_ENABLED: ax.cla() ax.set_xlim((-5, 10)) ax.set_ylim((-5, 15)) plt.grid() tagKey = -1 for tagAddress in tags: tagKey += 1 positions = list() color = 'k' for _, node in nodes.items(): if node.getActiveStatus( ) == False or tagAddress not in node.tags: continue x = node.position.x y = node.position.y z = node.position.z # Log-distance path loss model filteredRssi = node.tags[tagAddress].filteredRssi node.tags[ tagAddress].distance = distance.logDistancePathLoss( filteredRssi, rssi_d0=LOG_DISTANCE_RSSI_D0, d0=LOG_DISTANCE_D0, n=LOG_DISTANCE_N, stDev=LOG_DISTANCE_ST_DEV) radius = node.tags[tagAddress].distance positions.append((x, y, z, radius)) if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, NULL, %f, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s')" % ( DB_TABLE, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, txPower, rssi, filteredRssi, radius, crc, lpe, syncController, label, configFile, truePosition, nodePosition, settings) if GRAPH_ENABLED: circle = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=radius, color=color, alpha=0.1) center = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=0.1, color='r', alpha=1) ax.add_patch(circle) ax.add_patch(center) if len(positions) >= NUMBER_OF_NODES_TO_USE: sortedPositions = sorted(positions, key=lambda x: x[3]) estimatedPosition = multi.multilateration( sortedPositions[:NUMBER_OF_NODES_TO_USE], dimensions=POSITION_DIMENSIONS) allPositions[tagAddress].append(estimatedPosition) tags[tagAddress] = estimatedPosition if truePosition != "NULL": error_3d = np.sqrt( np.square(estimatedPosition[0] - truePosition[0]) + np.square(estimatedPosition[1] - truePosition[1]) + np.square(estimatedPosition[2] - truePosition[2])) error_2d = np.sqrt( np.square(estimatedPosition[0] - truePosition[0]) + np.square(estimatedPosition[1] - truePosition[1])) ax.text( 11, 3, ''.join( ("Error 2D: ", str(round(error_2d, 2))))) ax.text( 11, 1, ''.join( ("Error 3D: ", str(round(error_3d, 2))))) print("x: ", round(estimatedPosition[0], 2), "\ty: ", round(estimatedPosition[1], 2), "\tz: ", round(estimatedPosition[2], 2), "\t Error 3D: ", round(error_3d, 2), "\tError 2D: ", round(error_2d, 2)) if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, NULL, %f, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % ( DB_TABLE, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, txPower, rssi, filteredRssi, radius, crc, lpe, syncController, label, configFile, estimatedPosition, truePosition, nodePosition, settings) if GRAPH_ENABLED: positionIndicator = plt.Circle( estimatedPosition, radius=0.20, color=tagColor[tagKey], alpha=1) ax.add_patch(positionIndicator) if truePosition != "NULL": truePositionIndicator = plt.Circle( truePosition, radius=0.20, color="g", alpha=1) ax.add_patch(truePositionIndicator) if GRAPH_ENABLED: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) if DB_ENABLED: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() totalCounter += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down interval...") interval.stop() if GRAPH_ENABLED: ax.cla() ax.set_xlim((-5, 10)) ax.set_ylim((-5, 15)) plt.grid() for _, node in nodes.items(): x = node.position.x y = node.position.y z = node.position.z center = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=0.1, color='r', alpha=1) ax.add_patch(center) tagKey = -1 for tagAddress in tags: x = list() y = list() tagKey += 1 for position in allPositions[tagAddress][30:]: x.append(position[0]) y.append(position[1]) plt.plot(x, y, '-', color=tagColor[tagKey], alpha=0.1) if truePosition != "NULL": truePositionIndicator = plt.Circle(truePosition, radius=0.20, color="g", alpha=1) ax.add_patch(truePositionIndicator) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) input("Press enter to exit") break
:rtype: List[int] """ a = list(enumerate(intervals)) a.sort(key=lambda (i, x): x.start) b = list(enumerate(intervals)) b.sort(key=lambda (i, x): x.end) n = len(intervals) k = 0 r = [-1 for i in xrange(n)] for i, x in b: if k < n and x.end <= a[k][1].start: r[i] = a[k][0] else: while k < n and x.end > a[k][1].start: k += 1 if k < n: r[i] = a[k][0] else: r[i] = -1 return r if __name__ == '__main__': from utils import Interval f = Solution().findRightInterval assert f(Interval.make_list([[1, 2]])) == [-1] assert f(Interval.make_list([[3, 4], [2, 3], [1, 2]])) == [-1, 0, 1] assert f(Interval.make_list([[1, 4], [2, 3], [3, 4]])) == [-1, 2, -1]
def main(argv): global GRAPH_ENABLED global DB_ENABLED channel = False distance = None label = None sampleNumber = 0 samples = dict() samples["channel_37"] = list() samples["channel_38"] = list() samples["channel_39"] = list() opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"cdghil:o",["channel=", "distance=", "graph=", "ip=", "label="]) del(args) if len(opts) == 0: print("A distance and label must be set for the test to start: --distance <distance> --label '<label>'") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print("A distance and label must be set for the test to start: --distance <distance> --label '<label>'") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): ip = arg print(ip) elif opt in ("-d", "--distance"): distance = float(arg) print("Test for distance: ", distance) elif opt in ("-l", "--label"): label = arg print("Label for test: ", label) elif opt in ("-c", "--channel"): channel = int(arg) elif opt in ("-g", "--graph"): GRAPH_ENABLED = True else: print("A distance and label must be set for the test to start: --distance <distance> --label '<label>'") sys.exit(2) if not distance or not label: print("A distance and label must be set for the test to start: --distance <distance> --label '<label>'") sys.exit(2) if GRAPH_ENABLED: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.axis([36, 40, -80, -20]) plt.legend(loc="lower right") interval = Interval.Interval(2, sendServerInfo, args=[ip,]) print("Starting... Press CTRL + C to stop.") interval.start() while True: try: rawData, addr = listenSocket.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(rawData) ip = addr[0] nodeID = data['nodeID'] timestamp = data['timestamp'] address = data['address'] rssi = data['RSSI'] crc = data['CRC'] lpe = data['LPE'] counter = data['counter'] syncController = data['syncController'] channel = data['channel'] if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO rssi_data VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, NULL, %f, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s')" % (nodeID, ip, timestamp , address, channel, counter, rssi, distance, crc, lpe, syncController, label) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() if GRAPH_ENABLED: color = 'k' name = "Unknown channel" if channel == 37: color = 'r' name = "Channel 37" elif channel == 38: color = 'b' name = "Channel 38" elif channel == 39: color = 'g' name = "Channel 39" plt.scatter(channel, rssi, color=color, alpha=0.1, label=name) plt.pause(0.0001) sampleNumber += 1 if crc == 0: colorCode = "\u001b[31m" else: colorCode = "" print(colorCode, sampleNumber , "\tFrom", ip, "\tTimestamp: ", timestamp, "\tCounter: ", counter, "\tAddr.: ", address, "\tChannel: ", channel, "\tRSSI: ", rssi, "\tCRC: ", crc, "\tLPE: ", lpe, "\033[0m") if channel == 37: samples["channel_37"].append(rssi) elif channel == 38: samples["channel_38"].append(rssi) elif channel == 39: samples["channel_39"].append(rssi) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") print("Average for channel 37 after ", len(samples["channel_37"]), " samples: ", np.average(samples["channel_37"]), "Standard deviation", np.std(samples["channel_37"], ddof=1,)) print("Average for channel 38 after ", len(samples["channel_38"]), " samples: ", np.average(samples["channel_38"]), "Standard deviation", np.std(samples["channel_38"], ddof=1,)) print("Average for channel 39 after ", len(samples["channel_39"]), " samples: ", np.average(samples["channel_39"]), "Standard deviation", np.std(samples["channel_39"], ddof=1,)) print("") print("Shutting down...") interval.stop() break
everoverlap = False if chromosome_name_ref in chromosome_gene_list_ref: for g in chromosome_gene_list_ref[ chromosome_name_ref]: if g.start < end and g.start > start: everoverlap = True if start < g.end and start > g.start: everoverlap = True if (not chromosome_name_ref in ref_black_list_interval): ref_black_list_interval[ chromosome_name_ref] = np.empty([0, 1], Interval) gRef = Interval(start, end) ref_black_list_interval[ chromosome_name_ref] = np.append( ref_black_list_interval[chromosome_name_ref], [gRef]) ms2 ='^(\d+)[SH]', if ms2 != None: query_start = int( query_end = query_start + len( - 1 query_chr = everoverlap_query = False if query_chr in chromosome_gene_list_query: for g in chromosome_gene_list_query[query_chr]: if g.start < query_end and g.start > query_start: everoverlap_query = True
def main(argv): channel = False global GRAPH_ENABLED opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "cghilt:o", [ "channel=", "graph=", "ip=", "addr=", "address=", "label=", "txpower=" ]) del (args) startTime = time.time() label = '' txPower = DEFAULT_TX_POWER counter_37 = {"total": 0, "CRC_error": 0, "LPE_error": 0} counter_38 = {"total": 0, "CRC_error": 0, "LPE_error": 0} counter_39 = {"total": 0, "CRC_error": 0, "LPE_error": 0} if len(opts) == 0: print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "-a", "--ip", "--address"): ip = arg print(ip) elif opt in ("-c", "--channel"): channel = int(arg) elif opt in ("-g", "--graph"): GRAPH_ENABLED = True elif opt in ("-l", "--label"): label = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--txpower"): txPower = arg else: print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit(2) if GRAPH_ENABLED: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.axis([0, 3, -100, 0]) interval = Interval.Interval(2, sendServerInfo, args=[ ip, ]) print("Starting Interval, press CTRL+C to stop.") interval.start() while True: try: rawData, addr = listenSocket.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(rawData) ip = addr[0] nodeID = data['nodeID'] timestamp = data['timestamp'] address = data['address'] channel = data['channel'] counter = data['counter'] rssi = data['RSSI'] crc = data['CRC'] lpe = data['LPE'] syncController = data['syncController'] printing = False if "MAC" in data: print("WHO AM I message from MAC", data["MAC"], ", IP is ", data["IP"]) continue #delta = data['timestamp'] - times[addr[0]] times[addr[0]] = data['timestamp'] if DB_ENABLED: sql = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES(NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, NULL, NULL, NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d)" % ( DB_TABLE_NAME, nodeID, ip, timestamp, address, channel, counter, rssi, crc, lpe, syncController, label, txPower) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() #dist = distance.empiricalDistance(data['RSSI'], 4, -45.0) if data['channel'] == 37: counter_37["total"] += 1 color = 'r' if data["CRC"] == 0: counter_37["CRC_error"] += 1 if data["LPE"] == 1: counter_37["LPE_error"] += 1 elif data['channel'] == 38: counter_38["total"] += 1 color = 'r' if data["CRC"] == 0: counter_38["CRC_error"] += 1 if data["LPE"] == 1: counter_38["LPE_error"] += 1 color = 'g' if data['channel'] == 39: counter_39["total"] += 1 color = 'r' if data["CRC"] == 0: counter_39["CRC_error"] += 1 if data["LPE"] == 1: counter_39["LPE_error"] += 1 color = 'b' if GRAPH_ENABLED and data['channel'] == 37: if addr[0] == "": color = 'r' dist = distance.empiricalDistance(data['RSSI'], 4, -45.0) plt.scatter(dist, data['RSSI'], color=color, alpha=0.1) elif addr[0] == "": color = 'g' dist = distance.empiricalDistance(data['RSSI'], 4, -45.0) plt.scatter(dist, data['RSSI'], color=color, alpha=0.1) ''' color = 'g' dist = distance.ituDistance(data['RSSI'], distance.bleChannelToFrequency(data['channel']), 30, 14.1, 1) plt.scatter(dist, data['RSSI'], color=color, alpha=0.1) color = 'b' dist = distance.logDistancePathLoss(data['RSSI'], -42.0, 1.0, 4, 0) plt.scatter(dist, data['RSSI'], color=color, alpha=0.1) ''' plt.pause(0.0001) if channel != False: if int(data['channel']) == channel: printing = True else: printing = True if printing: if data['CRC'] == 0: colorCode = "\u001b[31m" else: colorCode = "" print(colorCode, " From", addr[0], "\tTimestamp: ", times[addr[0]], "\tCounter: ", data['counter'], "\tAddr.: ", data['address'], "\tChannel: ", data['channel'], "\tRSSI: ", data['RSSI'], "\tCRC: ", data['CRC'], "\tLPE: ", data['LPE'], "\tSyncer: ", data['syncController'], "\033[0m") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down interval...") interval.stop() print("") print("Recording time: ", time.time() - startTime) print("Channel 37 - total: ", counter_37["total"], "\t CRC errors: ", counter_37["CRC_error"], "\t LPE errors: ", counter_37["LPE_error"]) print("Channel 38 - total: ", counter_38["total"], "\t CRC errors: ", counter_38["CRC_error"], "\t LPE errors: ", counter_38["LPE_error"]) print("Channel 39 - total: ", counter_39["total"], "\t CRC errors: ", counter_39["CRC_error"], "\t LPE errors: ", counter_39["LPE_error"]) break
def main(argv): global nodes opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "cghi:o", ["channel=", "graph=", "ip=", "addr=", "address="]) del (args) totalCounter = 0 if len(opts) == 0: print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "-a", "--ip", "--address"): ip = arg print(ip) else: print(" -i <server IP address>") sys.exit(2) interval = Interval.Interval(2, sendServerInfo, args=[ ip, ]) print("Starting Interval, press CTRL+C to stop.") interval.start() # Initiate figure fig = plt.figure() plt.ion() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlim((-5, 5)) ax.set_ylim((-5, 5)) x0, x1 = ax.get_xlim() y0, y1 = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_aspect(abs(x1 - x0) / abs(y1 - y0)) while True: try: rawData, addr = listenSocket.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(rawData) ip = addr[0] nodeID = data['nodeID'] timestamp = data['timestamp'] address = data['address'] rssi = data['RSSI'] crc = data['CRC'] lpe = data['LPE'] counter = data['counter'] times[ip] = timestamp if crc == 1 and lpe == 0: if nodeID not in nodes: nodes[nodeID] = Node(nodeID) if address not in nodes[nodeID].tags: nodes[nodeID].tags[address] = Tag(address) nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounter = counter nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount = 0 if address not in tags: tags[address] = 1 if nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounter == counter: nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount += 1 else: nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounter = counter nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount = 1 if nodes[nodeID].tags[address].currentCounterAdvCount == 3: nodes[nodeID].tags[address].rssi.append(rssi) selectedChannelRssi = max(nodes[nodeID].tags[address].rssi) nodes[nodeID].tags[address].kalman.predict() nodes[nodeID].tags[address].kalman.update( selectedChannelRssi) filteredRssi = nodes[nodeID].tags[address].kalman.x[0] nodes[nodeID].tags[address].filteredRssi = filteredRssi # Log-distance path loss model nodes[nodeID].tags[address].distance = round( distance.logDistancePathLoss(filteredRssi, rssi_d0=-40.0, d0=1.0, n=2.6, xo=1.1), ndigits=2) print("node ID: ", nodeID, "\tIP: ", ip, "\tAddress: ", address, "\tFiltered RSSI: ", nodes[nodeID].tags[address].filteredRssi, "\tDistance: ", nodes[nodeID].tags[address].distance) nodes[nodeID].tags[address].rssi = list() totalCounter += 1 if totalCounter > 0 and totalCounter % 20 == 0: ax.cla() ax.set_xlim((-3, 5)) ax.set_ylim((-3, 5)) plt.grid() color = "b" for tagAddress in tags: positions = list() if color == "b": color = "k" else: color = "b" for _, node in nodes.items(): x = node.position.x y = node.position.y radius = node.tags[tagAddress].distance positions.append((x, y, radius)) circle = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=radius, color=color, alpha=0.1) center = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=0.1, color='r', alpha=1) ax.add_patch(circle) ax.add_patch(center) if len(positions) > 2: position = multi.multilateration(positions) tags[tagAddress] = position positionIndicator = plt.Circle(tags[tagAddress], radius=0.15, color=color, alpha=1) ax.add_patch(positionIndicator) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down interval...") interval.stop() break