Ejemplo n.º 1
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        l1_vals = []
        l2_vals = []
        while l1 is not None:
            l1 = l1.next
        while l2 is not None:
            l2 = l2.next

        head = curr = None
        carry = 0
        while len(l1_vals) != 0 or len(l2_vals) != 0:
            num = carry
            num += (l1_vals.pop() if len(l1_vals) != 0 else 0)
            num += (l2_vals.pop() if len(l2_vals) != 0 else 0)

            carry = num // 10
            num %= 10

            head = ListNode(num)
            head.next = curr

            curr = head

        if carry == 1:
            head = ListNode(carry)
            head.next = curr

        return head
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2):
        :type l1: ListNode
        :type l2: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode
        stack1 = []
        while l1:
            l1 = l1.next

        stack2 = []
        while l2:
            l2 = l2.next

        next_value = 0
        new_head = None
        v_head = None
        while stack1 or stack2:
            value1 = stack1.pop() if stack1 else 0
            value2 = stack2.pop() if stack2 else 0

            v_head = ListNode((value1 + value2 + next_value) % 10)
            v_head.next = new_head
            new_head = v_head
            next_value = (value1 + value2 + next_value) // 10
        if next_value:
            v_head = ListNode(next_value)
            v_head.next = new_head
            new_head = v_head
        return v_head
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def mergeTwoLists(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     if l1 is None:
         return l2
     elif l2 is None:
         return l1
     elif l1.val < l2.val:
         l1.next = self.mergeTwoLists(l1.next, l2)
         return l1
         l2.next = self.mergeTwoLists(l1, l2.next)
         return l2
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def reorderList(self, head: ListNode) -> None:
        Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.
        head_node1 = ListNode()
        head_node1.next = head
        slow = head_node1
        fast = head_node1
        while fast is not None:
            fast = fast.next
            if fast is None:
            fast = fast.next
            slow = slow.next
        head_node2 = ListNode()
        head_node2.next = slow.next
        slow.next = None


        rev_head_node = ListNode()
        rev_ptr = head_node2.next
        while rev_ptr is not None:
            last_next_node = rev_head_node.next
            rev_head_node.next = rev_ptr
            rev_ptr = rev_ptr.next
            rev_head_node.next.next = last_next_node

        merged_head_node = ListNode()
        merge_ptr1 = rev_head_node.next
        merge_ptr0 = head_node1.next
        merged_ptr = merged_head_node
        turn_flag = True
        while merge_ptr0 is not None and merge_ptr1 is not None:
            if turn_flag:
                merged_ptr.next = merge_ptr0
                merge_ptr0 = merge_ptr0.next
                merged_ptr.next = merge_ptr1
                merge_ptr1 = merge_ptr1.next
            merged_ptr = merged_ptr.next
            turn_flag = not turn_flag

        if merge_ptr0 is not None:
            merged_ptr.next = merge_ptr0
            merged_ptr = merged_ptr.next
        elif merge_ptr1 is not None:
            merged_ptr.next = merge_ptr1
            merged_ptr = merged_ptr.next
        return merged_head_node
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _swap_children(self, x0: ListNode, y0: ListNode):
        """ Swap `x0.next` and `y0.next`"""
        x1, y1 = x0.next, y0.next

        if y0 == x1:
            x0.next = y1
            x1.next = y1.next
            y1.next = x1
            x0.next = y1
            y0.next = x1
            x1.next, y1.next = y1.next, x1.next

        return x1
def remove_nth_from_end(head, n):
    Remove the n-th node from the end of list

    :param head: head node of given linked list
    :type head: ListNode
    :param n: order n
    :type n: int
    :return: head node of operated linked list
    :rtype: ListNode
    # basic case
    if head is None:
        return head

    # initialize variables
    dummy = ListNode(None)
    dummy.next = head
    slow = fast = dummy

    # slow pointer is slower than fast pointer by n positions
    count = 0
    while fast.next is not None:
        fast = fast.next
        count += 1
        if count > n:
            slow = slow.next

    # if need to remove node
    if count >= n:
        tmp = slow.next
        slow.next = slow.next.next
        del tmp

    return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 7
def sort_list(head):
    def partition(start, end):
        node = start.next.next  # node to iterate
        first_pivot = start.next
        first_pivot.next = end  # Insert large node between pivot and end
        last_pivot = first_pivot
        while node != end:
            tmp = node.next
            if node.val > first_pivot.val:
                node.next = last_pivot.next
                last_pivot.next = node
            elif node.val < first_pivot.val:
                node.next = start.next
                start.next = node
                node.next = last_pivot.next
                last_pivot.next = node
                last_pivot = last_pivot.next
            node = tmp
        return [first_pivot, last_pivot]

    def qsort(start, end):
        if start.next != end:
            first_pivot, last_pivot = partition(start, end)
            qsort(start, first_pivot)
            qsort(last_pivot, end)

    head_pre = ListNode(0)
    head_pre.next = head
    qsort(head_pre, None)
    return head_pre.next
Ejemplo n.º 8
def swap_pairs(head):
    Swap every two adjacent nodes in given linked list

    :param head: head node of given linked list
    :type head: ListNode
    :return: head node of swapped linked list
    :rtype: ListNode
    # basic case
    if head is None:
        return head

    # dummy head
    dummy = ListNode(None)
    dummy.next = head

    # swap pairs
    curr = dummy
    while curr.next is not None and curr.next.next is not None:
        tmp_next = curr.next
        tmp_nnnext = curr.next.next.next
        curr.next = curr.next.next
        curr.next.next = tmp_next
        curr.next.next.next = tmp_nnnext
        curr = curr.next.next

    return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2):
     n = l1.val + l2.val
     l3 = ListNode(n % 10)
     l3.next = ListNode(n // 10)
     p1 = l1.next
     p2 = l2.next
     p3 = l3
     while True:
         if p1 and p2:
             sum = p1.val + p2.val + p3.next.val
             p3.next.val = sum % 10
             p3.next.next = ListNode(sum // 10)
             p1 = p1.next
             p2 = p2.next
             p3 = p3.next
         elif p1 and not p2:
             sum = p1.val + p3.next.val
             p3.next.val = sum % 10
             p3.next.next = ListNode(sum // 10)
             p1 = p1.next
             p3 = p3.next
         elif not p1 and p2:
             sum = p2.val + p3.next.val
             p3.next.val = sum % 10
             p3.next.next = ListNode(sum // 10)
             p2 = p2.next
             p3 = p3.next
             if p3.next.val == 0:
                 p3.next = None
     return l3
Ejemplo n.º 10
def swapPairs_loop(head):
    Time: O(n) (but in runtime slower than recursion)
    Space: O(1) (but in runtime similar to recursion)
    # dummy head for return
    start = ListNode(-1)
    start.next = head
    # var to contain the previous node
    prev_node = start
    # stop the loop if only one or zero node left
    while head and head.next:
        # the current two nodes to be swapped
        first_node = head
        second_node = head.next

        # swap, and linked the second node in the pair to the previous node
        prev_node.next = second_node
        first_node.next = second_node.next
        second_node.next = first_node

        # update previous node to the next pair
        # update head to the first node in the next pair
        prev_node = first_node
        head = first_node.next

    return start.next
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def reverseBetween(self, head, m, n):
     :type head: ListNode
     :type m: int
     :type n: int
     :rtype: ListNode
     dummy = ListNode(-1)
     dummy.next = head
     pre = dummy
     # 找到翻转链表部分的前一个节点, 1->2->3->4->5->NULL, m = 2, n = 4 指的是 节点值为1
     for _ in range(m - 1):
         pre = pre.next
     # 用双指针,进行链表翻转
     node = None
     cur = pre.next
     for _ in range(n - m + 1):
         tmp = cur.next
         cur.next = node
         node = cur
         cur = tmp
     # 将翻转部分 和 原链表拼接
     pre.next.next = cur
     pre.next = node
     return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def addAtIndex(self, index: int, val: int) -> None:
        Add a node of value val before the index-th node in the linked list. If index equals to the length of linked list, the node will be appended to the end of linked list. If index is greater than the length, the node will not be inserted.
        # If index is greater than the length,
        # the node will not be inserted.
        if index > self.size:

        # [so weird] If index is negative,
        # the node will be inserted at the head of the list.
        if index < 0:
            index = 0

        self.size += 1
        # find predecessor of the node to be added
        pred = self.head
        for _ in range(index):
            pred = pred.next

        # node to be added
        to_add = ListNode(val)
        # insertion itself
        to_add.next = pred.next
        pred.next = to_add
def remove_elements(head, val):
    Remove all elements from a linked list of integers that have value val.

    :param head: head node of given linked list
    :type head: ListNode
    :param val: value to remove
    :type val: int
    :return: head node of removed linked list
    :rtype: ListNode
    # basic case
    if head is None:
        return head

    # dummy head
    dummy = ListNode(None)
    dummy.next = head

    # traverse to remove nodes with given value
    curr = dummy
    while curr is not None:
        while curr.next is not None and curr.next.val == val:
            tmp = curr.next
            curr.next = curr.next.next
            del tmp
        curr = curr.next

    return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     carry = 0
     out = None
     currNode = None
     while not (l1 is None and l2 is None and carry == 0):
         currVal = 0
         if l1 is not None:
             currVal += l1.val
         if l2 is not None:
             currVal += l2.val
         if carry == 1:
             currVal += 1
             carry = 0
         if currVal >= 10:
             carry = 1
             currVal -= 10
         if out is None:
             currNode = ListNode(currVal)
             out = currNode
             currNode.next = ListNode(currVal)
             currNode = currNode.next
         if l1:
             l1 = l1.next
         if l2:
             l2 = l2.next
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 15
def insertion_sort_list(head):
    Sort a linked list by insertion sort

    :param head: head node of given linked list
    :type head: ListNode
    :return: head node of sorted linked list
    :rtype: ListNode
    dummy = ListNode(None)
    dummy.next = head

    curr = head
    while curr is not None:
        if curr.next is not None and curr.next.val < curr.val:
            # find insertion position
            pre = dummy
            while pre.next is not None and pre.next.val < curr.next.val:
                pre = pre.next
            # insert the next node of curr to the position after node pre
            tmp = pre.next
            pre.next = curr.next
            curr.next = curr.next.next
            pre.next.next = tmp
            curr = curr.next
    return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 16
def delete_duplicates(head):
    Remove all duplicates in given linked list, leaving only distinct numbers

    :param head: head node of given linked list
    :type head: ListNode
    :return: head node of operated linked list
    :rtype: ListNode
    if head is None:
        return head

    dummy_head = ListNode(None)
    dummy_head.next = head
    curr = dummy_head

    while curr.next is not None and curr.next.next is not None:
        if curr.next.val == curr.next.next.val:
            val = curr.next.val
            while curr.next is not None and curr.next.val == val:
                tmp = curr.next
                curr.next = curr.next.next
                del tmp
            curr = curr.next

    return dummy_head.next
def deleteDuplicates_last(head):
    Remove all duplicates but the last and finally itself
    Time: O(n)
    Space: O(1)
    if not head:
        return head

    # setup the pseudo head
    return_head = ListNode(-1)
    return_head.next = head
    # prev_node is last the non-duplicate node
    prev_node = return_head

    # head could be None here
    while head and head.next:

        if head.val == head.next.val:
            # keep on moving forward until head is now the last occurrence
            while head.next and head.val == head.next.val:
                head = head.next
            # skip the last occurrence, NOTE: the new head could be None
            head = head.next
            prev_node.next = head

            prev_node = head
            head = head.next

    return return_head.next
def mergeTwoLists(l1, l2):
    Straight forward merge
    Time: O(m+n), m = len(l1), n = len(l2)
    Space: O(1)
    # Assignment such as a = l1 (l1 is a ListNode)
    # will assign the address to start, change of a's `next` or `val` will result in change in l1's `next` or `val`
    # because the changes were made to the object stored in the common address
    # similarly if two assignments were made of the same variable: a, b =l1, l1
    # then change of a's `next` or `val` will result in change in b's and l1's
    # If reassign a to another ListNode say l2, a = l2, then change of a will not affect that of b and l1

    # Summary: Changing an object's properties through one of its assigned variable will change the object itself and
    # all the other assigned variables

    curr = ListNode(-1)  # auxiliary head pointer to retrieve the whole list
    start = curr
    while l1 is not None or l2 is not None:
        # if one of them is empty and then append the other to the end of the result and return
        if l1 is None:
            curr.next = l2
            return start.next
        elif l2 is None:
            curr.next = l1
            return start.next
        # if both are non-empty
        if l1.val < l2.val:
            # below will append all nodes of l1 to curr, `start` will change at the same time
            # e.g. curr = [3, 5], l1 = [4, 6], l2 = [5], start = [-1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
            # then after the execution, curr = [3, 4, 6], start = [-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
            curr.next = l1
            # below will advance l1 by 1 node
            # following the above example, after execution, l1 = [6]
            l1 = l1.next
            # below will advance curr by 1 node, and has no effect on `start`
            # since curr will be assigned to a new ListNode (curr.next)
            # and no changes were made to existing nodes
            # following the above example, after execution, curr = [4, 6], l1 = [6], l2 = [5]
            # in the next iteration, enter l2.val < l1.val and curr will be [4, 5]...
            curr = curr.next
            curr.next = l2
            l2 = l2.next
            curr = curr.next

    return start.next
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def reverseN(self, head: ListNode, n) -> ListNode:
     if n == 1:
         self.successor = head.next
         return head
     last = self.reverseN(head.next, n - 1)
     head.next.next = head
     head.next = self.successor
     return last
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def insert(pre, cur, val):
     nonlocal res
     new_node = ListNode(val)
     if not pre:
         res = new_node
         pre.next = new_node
     new_node.next = cur
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: 25.py Proyecto: SS4G/JP2020
 def reverseKGroup(self, head, k):
     :type head: ListNode
     :type k: int
     :rtype: ListNode
     head_node = ListNode(0)
     head_node.next = head
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: 25.py Proyecto: SS4G/JP2020
 def reverseK(head_node, k):
     dummpy_node = ListNode(0)
     dummpy_node.next = head_node
     tmp_ptr = dummpy_node
     for i in range(k):
         tmp_ptr = tmp_ptr.next
         if i < k - 1 and tmp_ptr is None:
             return dummpy_node.next
Ejemplo n.º 23
def checkHasCycle():
    # test_list1 = [3, 2, 0, -4]
    # test_list2 = [1, 2]
    # test_list3 = [1]

    test_link1_1 = ListNode(3)
    test_link1_2 = ListNode(2)
    test_link1_3 = ListNode(0)
    test_link1_4 = ListNode(-4)
    test_link1_1.next = test_link1_2
    test_link1_2.next = test_link1_3
    test_link1_3.next = test_link1_4
    test_link1_4.next = test_link1_2

    test_link2_1 = ListNode(1)
    test_link2_2 = ListNode(2)
    test_link2_1.next = test_link2_2
    test_link2_2.next = test_link2_1

    test_link3_1 = ListNode(1)
    test_link3_1.next = None


Ejemplo n.º 24
def detectCycle():
    # test_list1 = [3, 2, 0, -4]
    # test_list2 = [1, 2]
    # test_list3 = [1]

    test_link1_1 = ListNode(3)
    test_link1_2 = ListNode(2)
    test_link1_3 = ListNode(0)
    test_link1_4 = ListNode(-4)
    test_link1_1.next = test_link1_2
    test_link1_2.next = test_link1_3
    test_link1_3.next = test_link1_4
    test_link1_4.next = test_link1_2

    test_link2_1 = ListNode(1)
    test_link2_2 = ListNode(2)
    test_link2_1.next = test_link2_2
    test_link2_2.next = test_link2_1

    test_link3_1 = ListNode(1)
    test_link3_1.next = None

    with exec_time():

    with exec_time():
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_intersection_node():
    ln1 = ListNode(1)
    ln2 = ListNode(2)
    ln3 = ListNode(3)
    ln4 = ListNode(4)
    ln1.next = ln2
    ln2.next = ln3
    ln3.next = ln4
    ln4.next = None

    ln5 = ListNode(5)
    ln6 = ListNode(6)
    ln5.next = ln6

    ln7 = ListNode(7)
    ln7.next = ln2

    ln8 = ListNode(8)
    ln8.next = ln6

    res = [Solution.getIntersectionNode(ln1, ln5),
        Solution.getIntersectionNode(ln1, ln7),
        Solution.getIntersectionNode(ln1, ln8),
        Solution.getIntersectionNode(ln5, ln7),
        Solution.getIntersectionNode(ln5, ln8)]
    for i in res:
        if i is None:
            print("the intersection node value is None")
        print("the intersection node value is {}".format(i.val))
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def removeElements(self, head, val):
     prev = ListNode(0)
     prev.next = head
     cur = prev
     while cur.next:
         if cur.next.val == val:
             cur.next = cur.next.next
             cur = cur.next
     return prev.next
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def copy(raw):
     if raw in cache:
         return cache[raw]
     new = Node(raw.val)
     cache[raw] = new
     if raw.next:
         new.next = copy(raw.next)
     if raw.random:
         new.random = copy(raw.random)
     return new
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2):
        :type l1: ListNode
        :type l2: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode

        def get_len(l):
            count = 0
            while l is not None:
                l = l.next
                count += 1
            return count

        def helper(l1, l2, offset):
            if l1 is None:
                return None
            if offset == 0:
                result = ListNode(l1.val + l2.val)
                post = helper(l1.next, l2.next, 0)
                result = ListNode(l1.val)
                post = helper(l1.next, l2, offset-1)
            if post is not None and post.val > 9:
                result.val += 1
                post.val -= 10
            result.next = post
            return result

        size1 = get_len(l1)
        size2 = get_len(l2)

        head = ListNode(1)
        if size1 < size2:
            head.next = helper(l2, l1, size2 - size1)
            head.next = helper(l1, l2, size1 - size2)
        if head.next.val > 9:
            head.next.val -= 10
            return head
            return head.next
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:
        pre_head = ListNode(None)
        pre_head.next = head
        pre_node = pre_head

        last_node = self._move(pre_node, k)
        while last_node:
            next_k = last_node.next
            pre_node = self._reverse_sub_list_node(pre_node, next_k, k)
            last_node = self._move(next_k, k - 1)
        return pre_head.next
def reverseBetween(head, m, n):
    Iterative reversing with multiple pointers
    Time: O(n)
    Space: O(1)
    if not head:
        return head

    count = 1
    return_head = ListNode(-1)
    return_head.next = head
    # start points to the node before the reversed part (i.e. m-1 th node in the list)
    start = return_head
    # prev points to the head of the reversed part
    # last points to the end of the reversed part
    prev = last = head
    # curr points to the node we are currently looking at
    curr = head.next

    while curr:

        # if we have not reached the part that needs to be reversed
        if count < m:
            # start is one step before last while count < m, but will fix once count >= m
            # before getting into the need-to-reverse part, last and start point to the same node
            # curr is one step ahead of last
            last = last.next
            start = start.next
            prev = prev.next
            curr = curr.next
        # the elif statement will run only if n > m
        elif m <= count <= n - 1:
            # get next_node, this will be curr in the next step
            next_node = curr.next
            # connect the next to the end of the reversed part
            last.next = next_node
            # prev always points to the head of the reversed part
            # append the reversed part to curr
            curr.next = prev
            # curr is now the new head of the reversed part
            start.next = curr

            # update prev and curr to be consistent with their definitions
            prev = curr
            curr = next_node

        # else we are outside the part that needs to be reversed

        count += 1

    return return_head.next
 def deleteDuplicates(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     tmp = head
     if head is None or head.next is None:
         return head
     while True:
         if head.next is None:
             return tmp
         if head.val == head.next.val:
             head.next = head.next.next
             head = head.next
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def helper(l1, l2, offset):
     if l1 is None:
         return None
     if offset == 0:
         result = ListNode(l1.val + l2.val)
         post = helper(l1.next, l2.next, 0)
         result = ListNode(l1.val)
         post = helper(l1.next, l2, offset-1)
     if post is not None and post.val > 9:
         result.val += 1
         post.val -= 10
     result.next = post
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def merge_sort(self, head, n):  # non recursive

        def split(p, step):
            last = None
            for i in xrange(step):
                if p is None:
                last = p
                p = p.next
            if last:
                last.next = None
            return p

        def merge(h1, h2, tail):
            p1, p2 = h1, h2
            while p1 or p2:
                if not p2 or p1 and p1.val <= p2.val:
                    tail.next = p1
                    tail = p1
                    p1 = p1.next
                elif not p1 or p2 and p2.val <= p1.val:
                    tail.next = p2
                    tail = p2
                    p2 = p2.next
            return tail

        dummy = ListNode(0)
        dummy.next = head
        left = right = tail = None
        step = 1
        while step < n:
            p = dummy.next
            tail = dummy
            while p:
                left = p
                right = split(p, step)
                p = split(right, step)
                tail = merge(left, right, tail)
            step <<= 1
        return dummy.next
    def swapPairs(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode

        if head is None:
            return head

        fake_head = ListNode(0)
        fake_head.next = head

        p,q,r = fake_head,head,head.next

        while q and r:
            p.next = r
            q.next = r.next
            r.next = q

            p = q
            q = p.next
            r = q.next if q else None
        return fake_head.next
            return node

        lA, lB = link_len(headA), link_len(headB)
        if lA > lB:
            hA, hB = link_index(headA, lA - lB), headB
        elif lA < lB:
            hA, hB = headA, link_index(headB, lB - lA)
            hA, hB = headA, headB

        nA, nB = hA, hB
        while nA and nB:
            if nA == nB:
                return nA
            nA = nA.next
            nB = nB.next
        return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    headC = ListNode.build_linked_list([4,5,6])
    headA = ListNode(1)
    headA.next = ListNode(2)
    headA.next.next = headC
    headB = headC

    print Solution().getIntersectionNode(headA, headB)
    print Solution().getIntersectionNode(None, None)
    print Solution().getIntersectionNode(ListNode.build_linked_list([1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21]),