Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, alphas, sensor_cov, num_states, num_landmarks, ts=0.1):
     self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=False)
     self.h = MeasurementModel()
     self.Q = sensor_cov
     self.dt = ts
     self.n = num_states
     self.N = num_landmarks
     self.mu_x = np.zeros((num_states, 1))
     self.mu_m = np.zeros((2 * num_landmarks, 1))
     self.sig_xx = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
     self.sig_xm = np.zeros((num_states, 2 * num_landmarks))
     self.sig_mm = np.eye(2 * num_landmarks) * 100.
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, alphas, sensor_cov, num_particles, num_landmarks, \
         ts=0.1, avg_type='mean'):
     self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=True)
     self.h = MeasurementModel(num_particles, calc_jacobians=True)
     self.Q = sensor_cov
     self.dt = ts
     self.N = num_particles
     self.NL = num_landmarks
     self.chi = np.zeros((4, num_particles))
     self.chi[-1] = 1 / num_particles
     self.mu_m = np.zeros((num_particles, num_landmarks, 2, 1))
     self.sig_m = np.empty((num_particles, num_landmarks, 2, 2))
     self.type = avg_type
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 limits=[-5, 5, -5, 5],
        self.Q = Q.diagonal().reshape((len(Q), 1))
        self.M = num_particles
        self.landmarks = landmarks
        self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=True)
        self.h = MeasurementModel()

        self.chi = np.empty((4, num_particles))
        self.chi[0] = np.random.uniform(limits[0], limits[1],
        self.chi[1] = np.random.uniform(limits[2], limits[3],
        self.chi[2] = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, self.chi[2].shape)
        self.chi[3] = 1 / num_particles
        self.mu = wrap(np.mean(self.chi[:3], axis=1, keepdims=True), dim=2)
        mu_diff = wrap(self.chi[:3] - self.mu, dim=2)
        self.sigma = np.cov(mu_diff)
        self.z_nan = 50
        self.z_hat = np.ones((2, len(self.landmarks))) * self.z_nan
        self.z = np.ones((2, len(self.landmarks))) * self.z_nan
        self.n = 3
 def __init__(self,
              mu0=np.zeros((3, 1)),
     self.Q = sensor_cov
     self.Q_inv = np.linalg.inv(sensor_cov)
     self.M = motion_cov
     self.g = MotionModel(motion_cov, ts, noise=False)
     self.h = MeasurementModel()
     self.landmarks = landmarks
     self.mu = mu0
     self.sigma = sigma0
     self.info_mat = np.linalg.inv(self.sigma)
     self.info_vec = self.info_mat @ self.mu
class ExtendedInfoFilter:
    def __init__(self,
                 mu0=np.zeros((3, 1)),
        self.Q = sensor_cov
        self.Q_inv = np.linalg.inv(sensor_cov)
        self.M = motion_cov
        self.g = MotionModel(motion_cov, ts, noise=False)
        self.h = MeasurementModel()
        self.landmarks = landmarks
        self.mu = mu0
        self.sigma = sigma0
        self.info_mat = np.linalg.inv(self.sigma)
        self.info_vec = self.info_mat @ self.mu

    def predictionStep(self, u):
        # line 2 is done after correction step for plotting reasons
        # do line 5 1st to get jacobians
        self.mu = self.g(u, self.mu)  # line 5
        Gt, Vt = self.g.jacobians()

        # map noise from control space to state space
        R = Vt @ self.M @ Vt.T

        self.sigma = Gt @ self.sigma @ Gt.T + R  # line 3 (w/o inverse)
        self.info_mat = np.linalg.inv(self.sigma)  # line 3 (take inverse once)
        self.info_vec = self.info_mat @ self.mu  # line 4

        return self.mu

    def correctionStep(self, z):
        zhat = np.zeros((2, len(self.landmarks)))
        for i, (mx, my) in enumerate(self.landmarks):
            zhat[:, i:i + 1] = self.h(self.mu, mx,
                                      my)  # do h(mu) 1st to get Hi
            Hi = self.h.jacobian()

            HiT_Qinv = Hi.T @ self.Q_inv
            self.info_mat += HiT_Qinv @ Hi  # line 6

            # DON'T WRAP (Hi * mu)! Lots of issues if you do
            # Do wrap (z - zhat) or else theta error will spike a few times
            innovation = wrap(z[:, i:i + 1] - zhat[:, i:i + 1],
                              dim=1) + Hi @ self.mu
            self.info_vec += HiT_Qinv @ innovation  # line 7

            # convert back to moment space for plotting
            self.sigma = np.linalg.inv(self.info_mat)
            self.mu = wrap(self.sigma @ self.info_vec, dim=2)

        return self.info_vec, self.mu, self.sigma, zhat
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self,
              x0=np.zeros((3, 1)),
     self.Q_sqrt = np.sqrt(sensor_cov)
     self.g = MotionModel(motion_cov, ts, noise=False)
     self.h = MeasurementModel()
     self.x = wrap(x0, dim=2)
     self.landmarks = landmarks
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self,
              x0=np.zeros((3, 1)),
     self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=True)
     self.h = MeasurementModel()
     self.Q_sqrt = np.sqrt(sensor_covariance)
     self.x = wrap(x0, dim=2)
     self.dt = ts
     self.landmarks = landmarks
     self.bearing_lim = rad(fov / 2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class FastSLAM:
    def __init__(self, alphas, sensor_cov, num_particles, num_landmarks, \
            ts=0.1, avg_type='mean'):
        self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=True)
        self.h = MeasurementModel(num_particles, calc_jacobians=True)
        self.Q = sensor_cov
        self.dt = ts
        self.N = num_particles
        self.NL = num_landmarks
        self.chi = np.zeros((4, num_particles))
        self.chi[-1] = 1 / num_particles
        self.mu_m = np.zeros((num_particles, num_landmarks, 2, 1))
        self.sig_m = np.empty((num_particles, num_landmarks, 2, 2))
        self.type = avg_type

    def _update_belief(self):
        if self.type == 'mean':
            self.mu = wrap(np.mean(self.chi[:3], axis=1, keepdims=True), dim=2)
            self.mu_lm = np.mean(self.mu_m, axis=0)
            self.sig_lm = np.mean(self.sig_m, axis=0)
        elif self.type == 'best':
            idx = np.argmax(self.chi[-1])
            self.mu = self.chi[:3, idx:idx + 1]
            self.mu_lm = self.mu_m[idx]
            self.sig_lm = self.sig_m[idx]
        self.sigma = np.cov(self.chi[:3])

    def _low_var_resample(self):
        N_inv = 1 / self.N
        r = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=N_inv)
        c = np.cumsum(self.chi[-1])
        U = np.arange(self.N) * N_inv + r
        diff = c - U[:, None]
        i = np.argmax(diff > 0, axis=1)

        n = 3  # num states

        P = np.cov(self.chi[:n])
        self.chi = self.chi[:, i]
        self.mu_m = self.mu_m[i]
        self.sig_m = self.sig_m[i]

        uniq = np.unique(i).size
        if uniq * N_inv < 0.1:
            Q = P / ((self.N * uniq)**(1 / n))
            noise = Q @ randn(*self.chi[:n].shape)
            self.chi[:n] = wrap(self.chi[:n] + noise, dim=2)
#        self.chi[-1] = N_inv

    def predictionStep(self, u):
        self.chi[:3] = self.g(u, self.chi[:3], self.dt)
        return self.mu

    def correctionStep(self, z):
        zhat = np.zeros((2, self.NL))
        self.chi[-1] = 1
        for i in range(self.NL):
            # don't do anything when no measurement is received to landmark i
            if np.isnan(z[0, i]):
                zhat[:, i] = np.nan
            # if landmark has never been seen before, initialize it
            mx = self.mu_m[:, i, 0].flatten()
            my = self.mu_m[:, i, 1].flatten()
            if self.mu_m[:, i].item(0) == 0:
                r, phi = z[:, i]
                mx = self.chi[0] + r * np.cos(phi + self.chi[2])
                my = self.chi[1] + r * np.sin(phi + self.chi[2])
                self.mu_m[:, i, 0] = mx[:, None]
                self.mu_m[:, i, 1] = my[:, None]
                Zi = self.h(self.chi[:3], mx, my)
                H_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.h.jacobian())
                self.sig_m[:, i] = H_inv @ self.Q @ H_inv.transpose((0, 2, 1))
            Zi = self.h(self.chi[:3], mx, my)
            H = self.h.jacobian()
            sig_H_T = self.sig_m[:, i] @ H.transpose((0, 2, 1))
            Si = H @ sig_H_T + self.Q
            Si_inv = np.linalg.inv(Si)

            Ki = sig_H_T @ Si_inv
            innov = wrap(z[:, i:i + 1] - Zi, dim=1)
            self.mu_m[:, i] += Ki @ innov.T[:, :, None]
            self.sig_m[:, i] = (np.eye(2) - Ki @ H) @ self.sig_m[:, i]
            exp = np.exp(-0.5 *
                         innov.T[:, None, :] @ Si_inv @ innov.T[:, :, None])
            z_prob = np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * Si)**(-0.5) * exp.flatten()
            self.chi[-1] *= z_prob
            # normalize so weights sum to 1
            z_prob /= np.sum(z_prob)
            zhat[:, i] = np.sum(z_prob * Zi, axis=1)

        self.chi[-1] /= np.sum(self.chi[-1])


        return self.mu, self.sigma, self.chi, self.mu_lm, self.sig_lm, zhat
Ejemplo n.º 9
class EKFSlam:
    def __init__(self, alphas, sensor_cov, num_states, num_landmarks, ts=0.1):
        self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=False)
        self.h = MeasurementModel()
        self.Q = sensor_cov
        self.dt = ts
        self.n = num_states
        self.N = num_landmarks
        self.mu_x = np.zeros((num_states, 1))
        self.mu_m = np.zeros((2 * num_landmarks, 1))
        self.sig_xx = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
        self.sig_xm = np.zeros((num_states, 2 * num_landmarks))
        self.sig_mm = np.eye(2 * num_landmarks) * 100.

    def predictionStep(self, u):
        self.mu_x = self.g(u, self.mu_x, self.dt)
        Gt, R = self.g.jacobians()
        self.sig_xx = Gt @ self.sig_xx @ Gt.T + R
        self.sig_xm = Gt @ self.sig_xm
        return self.mu_x

    def correctionStep(self, z):
        zhat = np.zeros((2, self.N))
        for i in range(self.N):
            if np.isnan(z[0, i]):
                zhat[:, i] = np.nan
            idx = np.array([2 * i, 2 * i + 1])
            mx, my = self.mu_m[idx]
            if mx == my == 0:
                r, phi = z[:, i]
                mx = self.mu_x[0] + r * np.cos(phi + self.mu_x[2])
                my = self.mu_x[1] + r * np.sin(phi + self.mu_x[2])
                self.mu_m[idx] = mx, my
            zhat[:, i:i + 1] = self.h(self.mu_x, mx, my)
            H1 = self.h.jacobian()
            H2 = -H1[:, :2]

            Hi = np.zeros((2, self.n + 2 * self.N))
            Hi[:, :self.n] = H1
            Hi[:, self.n + idx] = H2

            sig_Hi_T = np.block(
                [[self.sig_xx @ H1.T + self.sig_xm[:, idx] @ H2.T],
                 [(H1 @ self.sig_xm).T + self.sig_mm[:, idx] @ H2.T]])

            inv = np.linalg.inv(H1 @ sig_Hi_T[:self.n] +
                                H2 @ sig_Hi_T[self.n + idx] + self.Q)
            Ki = sig_Hi_T @ inv
            innovation = wrap(z[:, i:i + 1] - zhat[:, i:i + 1], dim=1)

            mu = Ki @ innovation
            self.mu_x += mu[:3]
            self.mu_m += mu[3:]
            self.mu_x = wrap(self.mu_x, dim=2)

            sigma = np.block([[self.sig_xx, self.sig_xm],
                              [self.sig_xm.T, self.sig_mm]])
            sigma = (np.eye(self.n + 2 * self.N) - Ki @ Hi) @ sigma
            self.sig_xx = sigma[:self.n, :self.n]
            self.sig_xm = sigma[:self.n, self.n:]
            self.sig_mm = sigma[self.n:, self.n:]

        return self.mu_x, self.sig_xx, self.mu_m, self.sig_mm