def train():'start building vocab data') vocab = Vocab(hps.vocab_file, hps.vocab_size)'end building vocab data')'vocab size: %s' % vocab.size()) model = Model(vocab, hps) if hps.use_cuda: model = model.cuda() if hps.restore is not None: # raise ValueError('Noe data to restore') model.load_state_dict(torch.load(hps.restore))'----Start training----') timer = Timer() timer.start() for step in range(hps.start_step, hps.num_iters + 1): # Forward ------------------------------------------------------------- outputs = model(None, None, 'infer') _, pred = torch.max(outputs, 1) pred = tonp(pred)'pred: %s' % restore_text(pred, vocab, [vocab.pad_id()])) lap, _ = timer.lap('end') print('pred time: %f', lap)
class CarlaGame(object): def __init__(self, carla_client, args): self.client = carla_client self._carla_settings, self._intrinsic, self._camera_to_car_transform, self._lidar_to_car_transform = make_carla_settings( args) self._timer = None self._display = None self._main_image = None self._mini_view_image1 = None self._mini_view_image2 = None self._enable_autopilot = args.autopilot self._lidar_measurement = None self._map_view = None self._is_on_reverse = False self._city_name = args.map_name self._map = CarlaMap(self._city_name, 16.43, 50.0) if self._city_name is not None else None self._map_shape = self._map.map_image.shape if self._city_name is not None else None self._map_view = self._map.get_map( WINDOW_HEIGHT) if self._city_name is not None else None self._position = None self._agent_positions = None self.captured_frame_no = self.current_captured_frame_num() self._measurements = None self._extrinsic = None # To keep track of how far the car has driven since the last capture of data self._agent_location_on_last_capture = None self._frames_since_last_capture = 0 # How many frames we have captured since reset self._captured_frames_since_restart = 0 def current_captured_frame_num(self): # Figures out which frame number we currently are on # This is run once, when we start the simulator in case we already have a dataset. # The user can then choose to overwrite or append to the dataset. label_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'label/') num_existing_data_files = 0 pattern = os.path.join(label_path, "*.json") for fname in glob.glob(pattern): with open(fname, "r") as f: num_existing_data_files += len(f.readlines()) print(num_existing_data_files) if num_existing_data_files == 0: return START_NUM answer = input( "There already exists a dataset in {}. Would you like to (O)verwrite or (A)ppend the dataset? (O/A)" .format(OUTPUT_FOLDER)) if answer.upper() == "O": "Resetting frame number to 0 and overwriting existing") # Overwrite the data return 0"Continuing recording data on frame number {}".format( num_existing_data_files)) return num_existing_data_files def execute(self): """Launch the PyGame.""" pygame.init() self._initialize_game() try: while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return reset = self._on_loop() if not reset: self._on_render() finally: pygame.quit() def _initialize_game(self): if self._city_name is not None: self._display = pygame.display.set_mode( (WINDOW_WIDTH + int( (WINDOW_HEIGHT / float(self._map.map_image.shape[0])) * self._map.map_image.shape[1]), WINDOW_HEIGHT), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) else: self._display = pygame.display.set_mode( (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) logging.debug('pygame started') self._on_new_episode(True) def _on_new_episode(self, isFirst=False): self._carla_settings.randomize_seeds() self._carla_settings.randomize_weather() scene = self.client.load_settings(self._carla_settings) number_of_player_starts = len(scene.player_start_spots) player_start = np.random.randint(number_of_player_starts)'Starting new episode...') self.client.start_episode(player_start) self._timer = Timer() self._is_on_reverse = False # Reset all tracking variables self._agent_location_on_last_capture = None self._frames_since_last_capture = 0 self._captured_frames_since_restart = 0 if (not isFirst): # Add output paths global GROUNDPLANE_PATH global LIDAR_PATH global LABEL_PATH global IMAGE_PATH global CALIBRATION_PATH global folders global TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE = str(int(time.time())) # Add new folders for folder in folders: directory = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, folder, TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE) maybe_create_dir(directory) GROUNDPLANE_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "planes", TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, '{0:06}.txt') LIDAR_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "velodyne", TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, '{0:06}.bin') LABEL_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "label", TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, '{0:06}.json') IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "image", TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, '{0:06}.jpg') CALIBRATION_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "calib", TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, '{0:06}.txt') def _on_loop(self): self._timer.tick() measurements, sensor_data = self.client.read_data() #"Frame no: {}, = {}".format(self.captured_frame_no, # (self.captured_frame_no + 1) % NUM_RECORDINGS_BEFORE_RESET)) # Reset the environment if the agent is stuck or can't find any agents or if we have captured enough frames in this one is_stuck = self._frames_since_last_capture >= NUM_EMPTY_FRAMES_BEFORE_RESET is_enough_datapoints = (self._captured_frames_since_restart + 1) % NUM_RECORDINGS_BEFORE_RESET == 0 if (is_stuck or is_enough_datapoints) and GEN_DATA: logging.warning("Is stucK: {}, is_enough_datapoints: {}".format( is_stuck, is_enough_datapoints)) self._on_new_episode() # If we dont sleep, the client will continue to render return True # (Extrinsic) Rt Matrix # (Camera) local 3d to world 3d. # Get the transform from the player protobuf transformation. world_transform = Transform(measurements.player_measurements.transform) # Compute the final transformation matrix. self._extrinsic = world_transform * self._camera_to_car_transform self._measurements = measurements self._last_player_location = measurements.player_measurements.transform.location self._main_image = sensor_data.get('CameraRGB', None) self._lidar_measurement = sensor_data.get('Lidar32', None) self._depth_image = sensor_data.get('DepthCamera', None) # Print measurements every second. if self._timer.elapsed_seconds_since_lap() > 1.0: if self._city_name is not None: # Function to get car position on map. map_position = self._map.convert_to_pixel([ measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.x, measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.y, measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.z ]) # Function to get orientation of the road car is in. lane_orientation = self._map.get_lane_orientation([ measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.x, measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.y, measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.z ]) MeasurementsDisplayHelper.print_player_measurements_map( measurements.player_measurements, map_position, lane_orientation, self._timer) else: MeasurementsDisplayHelper.print_player_measurements( measurements.player_measurements, self._timer) # Plot position on the map as well. self._timer.lap() control = self._get_keyboard_control(pygame.key.get_pressed()) # Set the player position if self._city_name is not None: self._position = self._map.convert_to_pixel([ measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.x, measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.y, measurements.player_measurements.transform.location.z ]) self._agent_positions = measurements.non_player_agents if control is None: self._on_new_episode() elif self._enable_autopilot: self.client.send_control( measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control) else: self.client.send_control(control) def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys): """ Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None if a new episode was requested. """ control = KeyboardHelper.get_keyboard_control(keys, self._is_on_reverse, self._enable_autopilot) if control is not None: control, self._is_on_reverse, self._enable_autopilot = control return control def _on_render(self): datapoints = [] if self._main_image is not None and self._depth_image is not None: # Convert main image image = image_converter.to_rgb_array(self._main_image) # Retrieve and draw datapoints image, datapoints = self._generate_datapoints(image) # Draw lidar # Camera coordinate system is left, up, forwards if VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) print('pitch: ', pitch) print('roll: ', roll) print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space point_cloud = np.array( self._lidar_to_car_transform.transform_points( point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T # print(self._lidar_to_car_transform.matrix) # print(self._camera_to_car_transform.matrix) # Transform to camera space by the inverse of camera_to_car transform point_cloud_cam = self._camera_to_car_transform.inverse( ).transform_points(point_cloud) point_cloud_cam[:, 1] += LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS image = lidar_utils.project_point_cloud( image, point_cloud_cam, self._intrinsic, 1) # Display image surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(image.swapaxes(0, 1)) self._display.blit(surface, (0, 0)) if self._map_view is not None: self._display_agents(self._map_view) pygame.display.flip() # Determine whether to save files distance_driven = self._distance_since_last_recording() #print("Distance driven since last recording: {}".format(distance_driven)) has_driven_long_enough = distance_driven is None or distance_driven > DISTANCE_SINCE_LAST_RECORDING if (self._timer.step + 1) % STEPS_BETWEEN_RECORDINGS == 0: if has_driven_long_enough and datapoints: # Avoid doing this twice or unnecessarily often if not VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) print('pitch: ', pitch) print('roll: ', roll) print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space point_cloud = np.array( self._lidar_to_car_transform.transform_points( point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T self._update_agent_location() # Save screen, lidar and kitti training labels together with calibration and groundplane files self._save_training_files(datapoints, point_cloud) self.captured_frame_no += 1 self._captured_frames_since_restart += 1 self._frames_since_last_capture = 0 else: logging.debug( "Could save datapoint, but agent has not driven {} meters since last recording (Currently {} meters)" .format(DISTANCE_SINCE_LAST_RECORDING, distance_driven)) else: self._frames_since_last_capture += 1 logging.debug( "Could not save training data - no visible agents of selected classes in scene" ) def _distance_since_last_recording(self): if self._agent_location_on_last_capture is None: return None cur_pos = vector3d_to_array( self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.location) last_pos = vector3d_to_array(self._agent_location_on_last_capture) def dist_func(x, y): return sum((x - y)**2) return dist_func(cur_pos, last_pos) def _update_agent_location(self): self._agent_location_on_last_capture = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.location def _generate_datapoints(self, image): """ Returns a list of datapoints (labels and such) that are generated this frame together with the main image image """ datapoints = {} # print('{0:06}.jpg'.format(self.captured_frame_no)) imgNameFmt = os.path.join("{0}", "{1:06}.jpg") datapoints['name'] = imgNameFmt.format(TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, self.captured_frame_no) datapoints['videoName'] = TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE # datapoints.append(imgNameFmt.format(TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, self.captured_frame_no)) datapoints['resolution'] = {'width': 1920, 'height': 1080} datapoints['attributes'] = { "weather": "clouds", "scene": "undefined", "timeofday": "noon" } datapoints['intrinsics'] = { "focal": [960.0000000000001, 960.0000000000001], "center": [960, 540], "fov": 90.0, "nearClip": 0.15, "cali": [[960.0000000000001, 0, 960, 0], [0, 960.0000000000001, 540, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]] } rot = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation loc = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.location datapoints['extrinsics'] = { "location": [-loc.x, -loc.y, loc.z], "rotation": [ degrees_to_radians(rot.pitch), degrees_to_radians(rot.roll), degrees_to_radians(rot.yaw) ] } datapoints['timestamp'] = int(time.time()) datapoints['frameIndex'] = self.captured_frame_no image = image.copy() # Remove this rotRP = np.identity(3) datapoints['labels'] = [] # Stores all datapoints for the current frames for agent in self._measurements.non_player_agents: if should_detect_class(agent) and GEN_DATA: image, kitti_datapoint = create_kitti_datapoint( agent, self._intrinsic, self._extrinsic.matrix, image, self._depth_image, self._measurements.player_measurements, rotRP) if kitti_datapoint: orientation = degrees_to_radians( agent.vehicle.transform.rotation.yaw) ob_center_x = (kitti_datapoint.bbox[2] + kitti_datapoint.bbox[0]) / 2 rotation_y2alpha = orientation - np.arctan2( 960.0000000000001, (ob_center_x - 960)) rotation_y2alpha = rotation_y2alpha % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # print(kitti_datapoint) datapoints['labels'].append({ 'id': int(, 'category': kitti_datapoint.type, 'manualShape': False, 'manualAttributes': False, 'attributes': { "occluded": kitti_datapoint.occluded, "truncated": kitti_datapoint.truncated, "ignore": False }, 'box2d': { 'x1': kitti_datapoint.bbox[0], 'y1': kitti_datapoint.bbox[1], 'x2': kitti_datapoint.bbox[2], 'y2': kitti_datapoint.bbox[3], 'confidence': 1.0 }, 'box3d': { "alpha": rotation_y2alpha, "orientation": orientation, "location": kitti_datapoint.location, "dimension": kitti_datapoint.dimensions } }) return image, datapoints def _save_training_files(self, datapoints, point_cloud): "Attempting to save at timer step {}, frame no: {}".format( self._timer.step, self.captured_frame_no)) groundplane_fname = GROUNDPLANE_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no) lidar_fname = LIDAR_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no) kitti_fname = LABEL_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no) img_fname = IMAGE_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no) calib_filename = CALIBRATION_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no) save_groundplanes(groundplane_fname, self._measurements.player_measurements, LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS) save_ref_files(OUTPUT_FOLDER, TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, PHASE, self.captured_frame_no) save_image_data(img_fname, image_converter.to_rgb_array(self._main_image)) save_kitti_data(kitti_fname, datapoints) save_lidar_data(lidar_fname, point_cloud, LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS, LIDAR_DATA_FORMAT) save_calibration_matrices(calib_filename, self._intrinsic, self._extrinsic) def _display_agents(self, map_view): image = image[:, :, :3] new_window_width = (float(WINDOW_HEIGHT) / float(self._map_shape[0])) * \ float(self._map_shape[1]) surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(image.swapaxes(0, 1)) w_pos = int(self._position[0] * (float(WINDOW_HEIGHT) / float(self._map_shape[0]))) h_pos = int(self._position[1] * (new_window_width / float(self._map_shape[1]))), [255, 0, 0, 255], (w_pos, h_pos), 6, 0) for agent in self._agent_positions: if agent.HasField('vehicle'): agent_position = self._map.convert_to_pixel([ agent.vehicle.transform.location.x, agent.vehicle.transform.location.y, agent.vehicle.transform.location.z ]) w_pos = int(agent_position[0] * (float(WINDOW_HEIGHT) / float(self._map_shape[0]))) h_pos = int(agent_position[1] * (new_window_width / float(self._map_shape[1]))), [255, 0, 255, 255], (w_pos, h_pos), 4, 0) self._display.blit(surface, (WINDOW_WIDTH, 0))
def train(): olp = OneLinePrint()'start building batch data') vocab = Vocab(hps.vocab_file, hps.vocab_size) batcher = Batcher(hps.data_path, vocab, hps, hps.single_pass)'end building batch data')'vocab size: %s' % vocab.size()) criterion = nn.NLLLoss(ignore_index=vocab.pad_id()) model = Model(vocab, hps) if hps.use_cuda: model = model.cuda() if hps.restore: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(hps.restore)) opt = optimzier(hps.opt, model.parameters()) if hps.ckpt_name != '': saver = Saver(hps.ckpt_path, hps.ckpt_name, model) # for store summary if hps.store_summary: writer = SummaryWriter(comment='_' + hps.ckpt_name) # loss_sum = 0'----Start training----') timer = Timer() timer.start() for step in range(hps.start_step, hps.num_iters + 1): # # Decay learning rate # if step % hps.lr_decay_step == 0: # olp.write( # 'decay learning rate to %f' % decay_lr(opt, step)) # Forward ------------------------------------------------------------- opt.zero_grad() batch = batcher.next_batch() (inputs, inp_lens, inp_pad, dec_inps, targets, dec_lens, dec_pad) = batch.expand(hps.use_cuda) outputs = model(dec_inps, dec_lens) # output: (B*T*(1~3)U) loss = criterion(outputs.view(-1, vocab.size()), targets.view(-1)) # Backward ------------------------------------------------------------ loss.backward() # gradient clipping global_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), hps.clip) opt.step() # loss_sum +=[0] # Utils --------------------------------------------------------------- # save checkpoint if step % hps.ckpt_steps == 0 and hps.ckpt_name != '':,[0]) olp.write('save checkpoint (step=%d)\n' % step) # print the train loss and ppl ppl = np.exp([0]) olp.write('step %s train loss: %f, ppl: %8.2f' % (step,[0], ppl)) olp.flush() # store summary if hps.store_summary and (step - 1) % hps.summary_steps == 0: writer.add_scalar('loss', loss, step) writer.add_scalar('ppl', ppl, step) writer.add_scalar('global_norm', global_norm, step) if step - 1 != 0: lap_time, _ = timer.lap('summary') steps = hps.summary_steps writer.add_scalar('avg time/step', lap_time / steps, step) # print output and target # if step % hps.summary_steps == 0: #'\nstep:%d~%d avg loss: %f', step - hps.summary_steps, # step, loss_sum / hps.summary_steps) # loss_sum = 0 if hps.store_summary: writer.close()