Ejemplo n.º 1
class Logger(object):
    "Class for logging tweet data"
    def __init__(self, messageFileName="default"):
        self.messageFileName = messageFileName
        self.messageLogger = csv.writer(open( self.messageFileName, 'wb'))
        self.messageLogger.writerow(["time", "code", ""])

        self.tweetLogger = csv.writer(open("tweets.csv", 'a'))
        self.util = Utility()
        self.time = self.util.currentTimeSeconds()

        self.timeLogger = csv.writer(open("timing.csv", 'wb'))
        self.timeLogger.writerow(['impl', 'execTime', 'highestEmo', 'currentTime'])
    def logMessage(self, code, message):
        self.time = self.util.currentTimeMillis()
        self.messageLogger.writerow([self.time, code, message])
        print(str(self.time) + "," + str(code) + "," + 
              str(message) + "\n")
    def logTweet(self, tweet):
        self.time = self.util.currentTimeMillis()
        # strip out weird chracters preventing the csv to be written
        tweetText = tweet.text
        cleanText = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, tweetText)
        exclude = set([',', ';'])
        cleanText = ''.join(ch for ch in cleanText if ch not in exclude)
        self.messageLogger.writerow([self.util.currentTimeSeconds(), tweet.created_at, cleanText, tweet.lang, tweet.location])

    def logTiming(self, qualifier, execTime, highestEmo):
        self.time = self.util.currentTimeMillis()
        self.timeLogger.writerow([qualifier, execTime, highestEmo, self.time])