Ejemplo n.º 1
    def show__together(self, boxlist_1, max_num=-1, max_num_1=-1, points=None, offset_x=None, twolabels=False,
                       mesh=False, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE, points_sample_rate=POINTS_SAMPLE_RATE, random_color=False, colors=None):
      import numpy as np
      from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
      boxes = self.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy().copy()
      if max_num > 0 and max_num < boxes.shape[0]:
        ids = np.random.choice(boxes.shape[0], max_num, replace=False)
        boxes = boxes[ids]

      boxes_1 = boxlist_1.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy().copy()
      if max_num_1 > 0 and max_num_1 < boxes_1.shape[0]:
        ids = np.random.choice(boxes_1.shape[0], max_num_1, replace=False)
        boxes_1 = boxes_1[ids]

      if offset_x is not None:
          boxes_1[:,0] += offset_x

      if not twolabels and 'labels' in self.fields():
          labels = self.get_field('labels').cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.int32)
          labels_1 = boxlist_1.get_field('labels').cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.int32)
          labels = np.concatenate([labels, labels_1], 0)
          labels = np.array([0]*boxes.shape[0] + [1]*boxes_1.shape[0])

      boxes = np.concatenate([boxes, boxes_1], 0)
      if colors is not None:
        colors = np.concatenate(colors, 0)
        assert colors.shape[0] == boxes.shape[0]

      if points is None:
        if mesh:
          Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels)
          Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, random_color=False)
        if isinstance(points, torch.Tensor):
          points = points.cpu().data.numpy()
        if offset_x is not None:
              tp = points.copy()
              tp[:,0] += offset_x
              points = np.concatenate([points, tp], 0)

              tp = tp.copy()
              tp[:,0] += offset_x
              points = np.concatenate([points, tp], 0)

        if mesh:
          Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes_mesh(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, points_keep_rate=points_keep_rate,   points_sample_rate=points_sample_rate, random_color=random_color, box_colors=colors)
          Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, random_color=random_color,
                                    points_keep_rate=points_keep_rate,  points_sample_rate=points_sample_rate, box_colors=colors)
def render_suncg_raw_house_walls(house_fn):
    from suncg import split_room_parts, Suncg
    with open(house_fn) as f:
        house = json.loads(f.read())

    scaleToMeters = house['scaleToMeters']
    assert scaleToMeters == 1
    bboxes = defaultdict(list)

    for level in house['levels']:
        if 'bbox' not in level:
        nodes = level['nodes']
        for node in nodes:
            node_type = node['type']
            if node_type == 'Object':
                modelId = node['modelId']
                category = Suncg.modelId_2_class[modelId]
            elif node_type == 'Room':
                if 'bbox' in node:
                room_bboxes = split_room_parts(house_fn, node['modelId'])
                for c in room_bboxes:
                    bboxes[c] += room_bboxes[c]
                if 'bbox' in node:

    centroid = (np.array(house['bbox']['min']) +
                np.array(house['bbox']['max'])) / 2.0
    mesh_frame = open3d.create_mesh_coordinate_frame(size=0.6, origin=centroid)

    for obj in bboxes:
        bboxes[obj] = np.concatenate([b.reshape([1, 7]) for b in bboxes[obj]],
        bboxes[obj] = cam2world_box(bboxes[obj])
    walls = bboxes['wall']

    print('\nThe raw SUNCG walls\n')
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(walls, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
    Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(walls, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
def preprocess_cfr(ceilings_org, walls_org, obj):
    Z is up, Y is thickness
    A ceiling is good:
      (1) not contains multiple rooms:
        cover no other ceilings
      (2) >= 3 edge walls
    A edge wall of a ceiling:
      In three points of the wall cenline: two corners and centroid
      at least two are on an edge of ceiling
    assert ceilings_org.ndim == walls_org.ndim == 2
    dis_threshold = 0.07
    if ceilings_org.shape[0] == 0:
        return ceilings_org
    if walls_org.shape[0] == 0:
        return np.zeros(shape=[0, 7], dtype=np.float32)

    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(walls_org, 'Z', False)
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(ceilings_org, 'Z', False)
    ceilings = ceilings_org.copy()
    ceilings, keep_ids0 = clean_repeat(ceilings)
    walls = walls_org.copy()
    cn = ceilings.shape[0]

    ceilings[:, 2] = 0
    walls[:, 2] = 0
    walls[:, 5] = 0

    ceil_corners0 = Bbox3D.bboxes_corners(ceilings, 'Z')
    ceil_corners = np.take(ceil_corners0, Bbox3D._zpos_vs, axis=1)
    ceil_corners[:, :, 2] = 0

    ceiling_cens = ceilings[:, 0:3]
    wall_cenlines = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(walls, 'X', 'Z')

    good_ceiling_ids0 = []
    bad_small_ids = []

    for c in range(cn):
        # (1)
        ceil_c = ceilings[c:c + 1].copy()
        ceil_c[:, 3:6] += 0.2
        mask_overlap = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(ceil_corners.reshape([-1, 3]),
                                             ceil_c).reshape([cn, 4])
        mask_overlap = mask_overlap.all(1)
        num_overlap = mask_overlap.sum() - 1
        ol_ids = np.where(mask_overlap)[0]
        ol_ids = [i for i in ol_ids if i != c]
        #if any_overlap:
        #  area_ol = np.product(tmp[ol_ids,3:5], axis=1).sum()
        #  area_c = np.product(ceilings[c,3:5])
        #  area_ol_rate = area_ol / area_c
        #  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
        #  pass
        if Debug and 0:
            print(f'ceiling, contain {num_overlap} other celings')
            box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        if num_overlap > 1:
        #if num_overlap >0:
        #  bad_small_ids += ol_ids

        # (2)
        edge_wall_num, winc_state = is_edge_wall_of_ceiling(
            wall_cenlines, ceilings[c], walls_org)
        if edge_wall_num >= 3 or (edge_wall_num == 2 and
                                  (winc_state == 3).all()):

    #good_ceiling_ids1 = [i for i in good_ceiling_ids0 if i not in bad_small_ids]
    good_ceiling_ids1 = keep_ids0[good_ceiling_ids0]
    good_ceiling_ids1 = np.array(good_ceiling_ids1).astype(np.int)
    rm_num = cn - good_ceiling_ids1.shape[0]

    bad_ceiling_ids = np.array(
        [i for i in range(cn) if i not in good_ceiling_ids1]).astype(np.int32)
    new_ceilings = ceilings_org[good_ceiling_ids1]

    if Debug and rm_num > 0:
        print(f'{cn} -> {good_ceiling_ids1.shape[0]}')
        box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, ceilings_org[good_ceiling_ids1]],
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        if rm_num > 0:
            box_show = np.concatenate(
                [walls_org, ceilings_org[bad_ceiling_ids]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
    return new_ceilings
Ejemplo n.º 4
def render_parsed_house_walls(parsed_dir, show_pcl=SHOW_PCL, show_by_class=0):
    house_name = os.path.basename(parsed_dir)
    bboxes = []
    labels = []
    for obj in CLASSES:
        bbox_fn_ = f'{parsed_dir}/object_bbox/{obj}.txt'
        bboxes_ = np.loadtxt(bbox_fn_).reshape([-1, 7])
        label = DSET_METAS0.class_2_label[obj]
        labels += [label] * bboxes_.shape[0]
    bboxes = np.concatenate(bboxes, 0)
    labels = np.array(labels).astype(np.int8)
    if bboxes.shape[0] > 0:
        scene_size = Bbox3D.boxes_size(bboxes)
        print(f'scene wall size:{scene_size}')

        #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels)
        #if not show_pcl:
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
        #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels)

        if show_by_class:
            for c in range(1, max(labels) + 1):
                cs = DSET_METAS0.label_2_class[c]
                if cs not in ['wall', 'window', 'door']:
                    #if cs not in ['wall']:
                mask = labels == c
                bboxes_c = bboxes[mask]

    if show_pcl:
        pcl_fn = f'{parsed_dir}/pcl_camref.ply'
        if not os.path.exists(pcl_fn):

        pcd = open3d.read_point_cloud(pcl_fn)
        points = np.asarray(pcd.points)
        points = cam2world_pcl(points)
        colors = np.asarray(pcd.colors)
        pcl = np.concatenate([points, colors], 1)

        scene_size = pcl_size(pcl)
        print(f'scene pcl size:{scene_size}')
        print(f'point num: {pcl.shape[0]}')

        #pcl = cut_points_roof(pcl)

        #Bbox3D.draw_points(pcl,  points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
        #Bbox3D.draw_points(pcl,  points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE, animation_fn='points.mp4', ani_size=AniSizes[house_name])
        bboxes[:, 2] += 0.1
def preprocess_cfr(ceilings_org, walls_org, obj):
  Z is up, Y is thickness
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(walls, 'Z', False)
    ceilings = ceilings_org.copy()
    walls = walls_org.copy()
    walls = replace_slant_walls(walls)

    dis_threshold = 0.07

    ceiling_cens = ceilings[:, 0:3]
    ceiling_cens[:, 2] = 0
    ceil_cenlines_x = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(ceilings, 'X', 'Z')
    ceil_cenlines_x[:, :, 2] = 0
    #ceil_cenlines_y = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(ceilings, 'Y', 'Z')
    wall_cenlines = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(walls, 'X', 'Z')
    wall_cenlines[:, :, 2] = 0

    ceilings_shrink = ceilings.copy()
    ceilings_shrink[:, 3:5] -= 0.3

    cn = ceilings.shape[0]

    ## Find edge wall nums
    good_ceiling_ids = []
    for c in range(cn):
        # (0.1) If no any other overlap ceiling, try to keep it
        # Otherwise, delete it when  >3 wall inside ceiling
        tmp = np.delete(ceiling_cens.copy(), c, axis=0)
        any_overlap = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(tmp, ceilings[c:c + 1]).any()
        if any_overlap:
            wall_corner0_in_ceil = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(
                wall_cenlines[:, 0, :], ceilings_shrink[c:c + 1])
            wall_corner1_in_ceil = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(
                wall_cenlines[:, 1, :], ceilings_shrink[c:c + 1])
            wall_inside_ceil = wall_corner0_in_ceil + wall_corner1_in_ceil
            wall_inside_ceil_ids = np.where(wall_inside_ceil)[0]
            nwic = wall_inside_ceil_ids.shape[0]

            if nwic > 3:
                if Debug and 1:
                    print(f'bad ceiling, contain {nwic} walls inside')
                    box_show = np.concatenate(
                        [walls_org, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
                    Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)

                    box_show = np.concatenate([
                        walls_org[wall_inside_ceil_ids], ceilings_org[c:c + 1]
                    ], 0)
                    Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
                import pdb
                pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

        # (1) the central corners of wall are inside of ceiling
        wall_cenlines_auged = line_aug(wall_cenlines)
        cw_cen_dis = ceiling_cens[c].reshape([1, 1, -1]) - wall_cenlines_auged
        cw_cen_dis = np.linalg.norm(cw_cen_dis, axis=2)
        ceil_diag_size = np.linalg.norm(ceilings[c, 3:5])
        on_inside_ceil = (cw_cen_dis - ceil_diag_size / 2 <
                          dis_threshold).sum(1) >= 2

        if Debug and 0:
            #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(wall_cenlines_auged.reshape([-1,3]), walls, 'Z', False)
            inside_ids = np.where(on_inside_ceil)[0]
            box_show = np.concatenate(
                [walls_org[inside_ids], ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)

        # (2) along x: wall central line is on x boundaries of ceiling
        dis_cw = vertical_dis_points_lines(ceil_cenlines_x[c], wall_cenlines)
        ceil_y_thickness = ceilings[c, 4]
        mask_x0 = np.abs(dis_cw[0] - dis_cw[1]) < dis_threshold
        mask_x1 = (np.abs(dis_cw - ceil_y_thickness / 2) <
        mask_x = mask_x0 * mask_x1 * on_inside_ceil
        wall_on_ceil_boundary_parall_x = np.where(mask_x)[0]
        num_edgew_x = clean_edge_wall_same_side(

        # (3) along x: wall central line is on x boundaries of ceiling
        ceil_x_thickness = ceilings[c, 3]
        mask_y0 = dis_cw < dis_threshold
        mask_y1 = np.abs(dis_cw - ceil_x_thickness) < dis_threshold
        mask_y = (mask_y0 + mask_y1).all(0)
        mask_y = mask_y * on_inside_ceil
        wall_on_ceil_boundary_parall_y = np.where(mask_y)[0]
        num_edgew_y = clean_edge_wall_same_side(

        #Bbox3D.point_in_box(wall_cenlines, ceilings[])

        edge_wall_num = num_edgew_x + num_edgew_y

        if edge_wall_num >= 3:

        if Debug and edge_wall_num < 3 and 0:
            print(f'edge_wall_num: {edge_wall_num}')
            box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
            #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(ceil_cenlines_x[c], box_show, 'Z', False)
            #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(ceil_cenlines_x[c], ceilings[c:c+1], 'Z', False)

            edge_walls_x = walls_org[wall_on_ceil_boundary_parall_x]
            box_x = np.concatenate([edge_walls_x, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_x, 'Z', False)

            edge_walls_y = walls_org[wall_on_ceil_boundary_parall_y]
            box_y = np.concatenate([edge_walls_y, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_y, 'Z', False)

            walls_inside = walls_org[wall_inside_ceil_ids]
            box_ins = np.concatenate([walls_inside, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_ins, 'Z', False)

            import pdb
            pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

    good_ceiling_ids = np.array(good_ceiling_ids).reshape([-1])
    new_cn = good_ceiling_ids.shape[0]
    print(f'\n\n{obj} {cn} -> {new_cn}')
    if new_cn == 0:
        new_ceilings = ceilings_org[0:0]
        new_ceilings = ceilings_org[good_ceiling_ids]
    if Debug and new_cn < cn:
        box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, new_ceilings], 0)
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)

        bad_ceil_ids = np.array([
            i for i in range(cn) if i not in good_ceiling_ids
        if bad_ceil_ids.shape[0] > 0:
            box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, ceilings_org[bad_ceil_ids]],
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
    return ceilings