Ejemplo n.º 1
    def accumulate_input_ids(edge_list):
        python -m dtool.example_depcache2 testdata_depc4 --show
        edge_data = ut.take_column(edge_list, 3)
        # We are accumulating local input ids
        toaccum_list_ = ut.dict_take_column(edge_data, 'local_input_id')
        if BIG_HACK and True:
            v_list = ut.take_column(edge_list, 1)
            # show the local_input_ids at the entire level
            pred_ids = ([[
                for x in list(graph.pred[node].values())[0].values()
            ] if len(graph.pred[node]) else [] for node in v_list])
            toaccum_list = [
                x + ':' + ';'.join(y) for x, y in zip(toaccum_list_, pred_ids)
            toaccum_list = toaccum_list_

        # Default dumb accumulation
        accum_ids_ = ut.cumsum(zip(toaccum_list), tuple())
        accum_ids = ut.lmap(condense_accum_ids, accum_ids_)
        if BIG_HACK:
            accum_ids = ut.lmap(condense_accum_ids_stars, accum_ids)
            accum_ids = [('t', ) + x for x in accum_ids]
        ut.dict_set_column(edge_data, 'accum_id', accum_ids)
        return accum_ids
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def make_test_similarity(test_case):
        # toy_params = {
        #    True:  {'mu': 0.9, 'sigma': .1},
        #    False: {'mu': 0.1, 'sigma': .4}
        # }
        # tau = np.pi * 2
        from wbia import constants as const

        # view_to_ori = const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS
        view_to_ori = ut.map_dict_keys(
            lambda x: const.YAWALIAS[x], const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS
        # view_to_ori = {
        #     'F': -1 * tau / 4,
        #     'L':  0 * tau / 4,
        #     'B':  1 * tau / 4,
        #     'R':  2 * tau / 4,
        # }
        import vtool as vt

        nid_list = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'name'))
        yaw_list = np.array(
            ut.dict_take(view_to_ori, ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'view'))

        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pmat = []
        for idx in range(len(test_case)):
            nid = nid_list[idx]
            yaw = yaw_list[idx]
            p_same = nid == nid_list
            p_comp = 1 - vt.ori_distance(yaw_list, yaw) / np.pi
            # estimate noisy measurements
            p_same_m = np.clip(p_same + rng.normal(0, 0.5, size=len(p_same)), 0, 0.9)
            p_comp_m = np.clip(p_comp + rng.normal(0, 0.5, size=len(p_comp)), 0, 0.9)
            p_same_and_comp = p_same_m * p_comp_m
        P = np.array(pmat)
        P[np.diag_indices(len(P))] = 0
        P = P + P.T / 2
        P = np.clip(P, 0.01, 0.99)
        logger.info(ut.hz_str(' P = ', ut.repr2(P, precision=2, max_line_width=140)))
        return P
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def make_test_similarity(test_case):
        #toy_params = {
        #    True:  {'mu': 0.9, 'sigma': .1},
        #    False: {'mu': 0.1, 'sigma': .4}
        # tau = np.pi * 2
        from ibeis import constants as const
        # view_to_ori = const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS
        view_to_ori = ut.map_dict_keys(lambda x: const.YAWALIAS[x], const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS)
        # view_to_ori = {
        #     'F': -1 * tau / 4,
        #     'L':  0 * tau / 4,
        #     'B':  1 * tau / 4,
        #     'R':  2 * tau / 4,
        # }
        import vtool as vt

        nid_list = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'name'))
        yaw_list = np.array(ut.dict_take(view_to_ori, ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'view')))

        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pmat = []
        for idx in range(len(test_case)):
            nid = nid_list[idx]
            yaw = yaw_list[idx]
            p_same = nid == nid_list
            p_comp = 1 - vt.ori_distance(yaw_list, yaw) / np.pi
            # estimate noisy measurements
            p_same_m = np.clip(p_same + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_same)), 0, .9)
            p_comp_m = np.clip(p_comp + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_comp)), 0, .9)
            p_same_and_comp = p_same_m * p_comp_m
        P = np.array(pmat)
        P[np.diag_indices(len(P))] = 0
        P = P + P.T / 2
        P = np.clip(P, .01, .99)
        print(ut.hz_str(' P = ', ut.array_repr2(P, precision=2, max_line_width=140)))
        return P
Ejemplo n.º 4
def nx_agraph_layout(graph, orig_graph=None, inplace=False, verbose=None, **kwargs):
    orig_graph = graph
    graph = layout_graph

    import networkx as nx
    import pygraphviz

    kwargs = kwargs.copy()
    prog = kwargs.pop('prog', 'dot')
    if prog != 'dot':
        kwargs['overlap'] = kwargs.get('overlap', 'false')
    kwargs['splines'] = kwargs.get('splines', 'spline')
    kwargs['notranslate'] = 'true'  # for neato postprocessing
    argparts = ['-G%s=%s' % (key, str(val))
                for key, val in kwargs.items()]
    args = ' '.join(argparts)
    splines = kwargs['splines']
    if verbose is None:
        verbose = ut.VERBOSE
    if verbose:
        print('args = %r' % (args,))
    # Convert to agraph format
    graph_ = graph.copy()


    # Reduce size to be in inches not pixels
    # FIXME: make robust to param settings
    # Hack to make the w/h of the node take thae max instead of
    # dot which takes the minimum
    shaped_nodes = [n for n, d in graph_.nodes(data=True) if 'width' in d]
    node_attrs = ut.dict_take(graph_.node, shaped_nodes)
    width_px = np.array(ut.take_column(node_attrs, 'width'))
    height_px = np.array(ut.take_column(node_attrs, 'height'))
    scale = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(node_attrs, 'scale', default=1.0))

    width_in = width_px / 72.0 * scale
    height_in = height_px / 72.0 * scale
    width_in_dict = dict(zip(shaped_nodes, width_in))
    height_in_dict = dict(zip(shaped_nodes, height_in))
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, 'width', width_in_dict)
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, 'height', height_in_dict)
    ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph_, 'scale')

    # Check for any nodes with groupids
    node_to_groupid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph_, 'groupid')
    if node_to_groupid:
        groupid_to_nodes = ut.group_items(*zip(*node_to_groupid.items()))
        groupid_to_nodes = {}
    # Initialize agraph format
    #import utool
    agraph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(graph_)
    # Add subgraphs labels
    # TODO: subgraph attrs
    group_attrs = graph.graph.get('groupattrs', {})
    for groupid, nodes in groupid_to_nodes.items():
        # subgraph_attrs = {}
        subgraph_attrs = group_attrs.get(groupid, {}).copy()
        cluster_flag = True
        # FIXME: make this more natural to specify
        if 'cluster' in subgraph_attrs:
            cluster_flag = subgraph_attrs['cluster']
            del subgraph_attrs['cluster']
        # subgraph_attrs = dict(rankdir='LR')
        # subgraph_attrs = dict(rankdir='LR')
        # subgraph_attrs['rank'] = 'min'
        # subgraph_attrs['rank'] = 'source'
        name = groupid
        if cluster_flag:
            # graphviz treast subgraphs labeld with cluster differently
            name = 'cluster_' + groupid
            name = groupid
        agraph.add_subgraph(nodes, name, **subgraph_attrs)
    for node in graph_.nodes():
        # force pinning of node points
        anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node)
        if anode.attr['pin'] == 'true':
            if anode.attr['pos'] is not None and len(anode.attr['pos']) > 0 and not anode.attr['pos'].endswith('!'):
                import re
                ptstr_ = anode.attr['pos']
                #print('ptstr_ = %r' % (ptstr_,))
                ptstr = ptstr_.strip('[]').strip(' ').strip('()')
                #print('ptstr = %r' % (ptstr,))
                ptstr_list = [x.rstrip(',') for x in re.split(r'\s+', ptstr)]
                #print('ptstr_list = %r' % (ptstr_list,))
                pt_list = list(map(float, ptstr_list))
                #print('pt_list = %r' % (pt_list,))
                pt_arr = np.array(pt_list) / 72.0
                #print('pt_arr = %r' % (pt_arr,))
                new_ptstr_list = list(map(str, pt_arr))
                new_ptstr = ','.join(new_ptstr_list) + '!'
                #print('new_ptstr = %r' % (new_ptstr,))
                anode.attr['pos'] = new_ptstr

    # Run layout
    #print('prog = %r' % (prog,))
    if ut.VERBOSE or verbose > 0:
        print('BEFORE LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph))
    agraph.layout(prog=prog, args=args)
    if ut.VERBOSE or verbose > 1:
        print('AFTER LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph))

    # TODO: just replace with a single dict of attributes
    node_layout_attrs = ut.ddict(dict)
    edge_layout_attrs = ut.ddict(dict)

    #for node in agraph.nodes():
    for node in graph_.nodes():
        anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node)
        node_attrs = parse_anode_layout_attrs(anode)
        for key, val in node_attrs.items():
            node_layout_attrs[key][node] = val

    edges = list(ut.nx_edges(graph_, keys=True))

    for edge in edges:
        aedge = pygraphviz.Edge(agraph, *edge)
        edge_attrs = parse_aedge_layout_attrs(aedge)
        for key, val in edge_attrs.items():
            edge_layout_attrs[key][edge] = val

    if orig_graph is not None and kwargs.get('draw_implicit', True):
        layout_edges = set(ut.nx_edges(graph_, keys=True))
        orig_edges = set(ut.nx_edges(orig_graph, keys=True))
        implicit_edges = list(orig_edges - layout_edges)
        #all_edges = list(set.union(orig_edges, layout_edges))
        needs_implicit = len(implicit_edges) > 0
        if needs_implicit:
            # Pin down positions
            for node in agraph.nodes():
                anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node)
                anode.attr['pin'] = 'true'
                anode.attr['pos'] += '!'

            # Add new edges to route
            for iedge in implicit_edges:
                data = orig_graph.get_edge_data(*iedge)
                agraph.add_edge(*iedge, **data)

            if ut.VERBOSE or verbose:
                print('BEFORE IMPLICIT LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph))
            # Route the implicit edges (must use neato)

            control_node = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node)
            #print('control_node = %r' % (control_node,))
            node1_attr1 = parse_anode_layout_attrs(control_node)
            #print('node1_attr1 = %r' % (node1_attr1,))

            implicit_kw = kwargs.copy()
            implicit_kw['overlap'] = 'true'
            #del implicit_kw['overlap']  # can cause node positions to change
            argparts = ['-G%s=%s' % (key, str(val))
                        for key, val in implicit_kw.items()]
            args = ' '.join(argparts)
            #print('args = %r' % (args,))

            #import utool

            agraph.layout(prog='neato', args='-n ' + args)
            if ut.VERBOSE or verbose:
                print('AFTER IMPLICIT LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph))

            control_node = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node)
            print('control_node = %r' % (control_node,))
            node1_attr2 = parse_anode_layout_attrs(control_node)
            print('node1_attr2 = %r' % (node1_attr2,))

            # graph positions shifted
            # This is not the right place to divide by 72
            translation = (node1_attr1['pos'] - node1_attr2['pos'] )
            #print('translation = %r' % (translation,))
            #translation = np.array([0, 0])
            print('translation = %r' % (translation,))

            #for iedge in all_edges:
            for iedge in implicit_edges:
                aedge = pygraphviz.Edge(agraph, *iedge)
                iedge_attrs = parse_aedge_layout_attrs(aedge, translation)
                for key, val in iedge_attrs.items():
                    edge_layout_attrs[key][iedge] = val

    graph_layout_attrs = dict(

    layout_info = {
        'graph': graph_layout_attrs,
        'edge': dict(edge_layout_attrs),
        'node': dict(node_layout_attrs),

    if inplace:
        if orig_graph is not None:
            graph = orig_graph
        apply_graph_layout_attrs(graph, layout_info)

    return graph, layout_info
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_agraph(graph):
    # FIXME; use this in nx_agraph_layout instead to comparementalize more
    import networkx as nx
    import pygraphviz
    # Convert to agraph format
    graph_ = graph.copy()

    # Reduce size to be in inches not pixels
    # FIXME: make robust to param settings
    # Hack to make the w/h of the node take thae max instead of
    # dot which takes the minimum
    shaped_nodes = [n for n, d in graph_.nodes(data=True) if 'width' in d]
    node_attrs = ut.dict_take(graph_.node, shaped_nodes)
    width_px = np.array(ut.take_column(node_attrs, 'width'))
    height_px = np.array(ut.take_column(node_attrs, 'height'))
    scale = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(node_attrs, 'scale', default=1.0))

    width_in = width_px / 72.0 * scale
    height_in = height_px / 72.0 * scale
    width_in_dict = dict(zip(shaped_nodes, width_in))
    height_in_dict = dict(zip(shaped_nodes, height_in))
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, 'width', width_in_dict)
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, 'height', height_in_dict)
    ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph_, 'scale')

    # Check for any nodes with groupids
    node_to_groupid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph_, 'groupid')
    if node_to_groupid:
        groupid_to_nodes = ut.group_items(*zip(*node_to_groupid.items()))
        groupid_to_nodes = {}
    # Initialize agraph format
    #import utool
    agraph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(graph_)
    # Add subgraphs labels
    # TODO: subgraph attrs
    for groupid, nodes in groupid_to_nodes.items():
        subgraph_attrs = {}
        #subgraph_attrs = dict(rankdir='LR')
        #subgraph_attrs['rank'] = 'min'
        subgraph_attrs['rank'] = 'same'
        name = groupid
        name = 'cluster_' + groupid
        agraph.add_subgraph(nodes, name, **subgraph_attrs)
    for node in graph_.nodes():
        # force pinning of node points
        anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node)
        if anode.attr['pin'] == 'true':
            if anode.attr['pos'] is not None and not anode.attr['pos'].endswith('!'):
                import re
                ptstr = anode.attr['pos'].strip('[]').strip(' ')
                ptstr_list = re.split(r'\s+', ptstr)
                pt_arr = np.array(list(map(float, ptstr_list))) / 72.0
                #print('pt_arr = %r' % (pt_arr,))
                new_ptstr_list = list(map(str, pt_arr))
                new_ptstr = ','.join(new_ptstr_list) + '!'
                #print('new_ptstr = %r' % (new_ptstr,))
                anode.attr['pos'] = new_ptstr
    return agraph