def package_installer(): """ system dependent post pyinstaller step """ print('[installer] +--- PACKAGE_INSTALLER ---') #build_win32_inno_installer() cwd = get_setup_dpath() # Build the os-appropriate package if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): installer_src = build_win32_inno_installer() installer_fname_fmt = 'ibeis-win32-install-{timestamp}.exe' elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): installer_src = build_osx_dmg_installer() installer_fname_fmt = 'ibeis-osx-install-{timestamp}.dmg' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): installer_src = build_linux_zip_binaries() installer_fname_fmt = 'ibeis-linux-binary-{timestamp}.zip' #try: # raise NotImplementedError('no linux packager (rpm or deb) supported. try running with --build') #except Exception as ex: # ut.printex(ex) #pass # timestamp the installer name installer_fname = installer_fname_fmt.format(timestamp=ut.get_timestamp()) installer_dst = join(cwd, 'dist', installer_fname) try: ut.move(installer_src, installer_dst) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'error moving setups', iswarning=True) print('[installer] L___ FINISH PACKAGE_INSTALLER ___')
def download_tomcat(): """ Put tomcat into a directory controlled by ibeis CommandLine: # Reset python -c "import utool as ut; ut.delete(ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis'), 'tomcat'))" """ print('Grabbing tomcat') # FIXME: need to make a stable link if ut.WIN32: tomcat_binary_url = '' else: tomcat_binary_url = '' zip_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(tomcat_binary_url, appname='ibeis') # Download tomcat into the IBEIS resource directory tomcat_dpath = join(dirname(zip_fpath), 'tomcat') if not ut.checkpath(tomcat_dpath, verbose=True): # hack because unzipping is still weird ut.unzip_file(zip_fpath) tomcat_dpath_tmp = splitext(zip_fpath)[0] ut.move(tomcat_dpath_tmp, tomcat_dpath) if ut.checkpath(join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin'), verbose=True): scriptnames = ['', '', ''] for fname in scriptnames: fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', fname) if not ut.is_file_executable(fpath): print('Adding executable bits to script %r' % (fpath, )) ut.chmod_add_executable(fpath) return tomcat_dpath
def revert_to_backup(ibs): r""" Args: db_dir (?): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --exec-revert_to_backup Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='GZ_Master1') >>> result = revert_to_backup(ibs) >>> print(result) """ db_path = ibs.get_db_core_path() ibs.disconnect_sqldatabase() backup_dir = ibs.backupdir ut.move(db_path, ut.get_nonconflicting_path(db_path + 'revertfrom.%d.orig')) # Carefull may invalidate the cache fname, ext = splitext(db_path) path_list = sorted(ut.glob(backup_dir, '*%s' % ext)) previous_backup = path_list[-1] ut.copy(previous_backup, db_path)
def download_tomcat(): """ Put tomcat into a directory controlled by ibeis CommandLine: # Reset python -c "import utool as ut; ut.delete(ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis'), 'tomcat'))" """ from os.path import splitext, dirname print('Grabbing tomcat') # FIXME: need to make a stable link if ut.WIN32: tomcat_binary_url = '' else: tomcat_binary_url = '' zip_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(tomcat_binary_url, appname='ibeis') # Download tomcat into the IBEIS resource directory tomcat_dpath = join(dirname(zip_fpath), 'tomcat') if not ut.checkpath(tomcat_dpath, verbose=True): # hack because unzipping is still weird ut.unzip_file(zip_fpath) tomcat_dpath_tmp = splitext(zip_fpath)[0] ut.move(tomcat_dpath_tmp, tomcat_dpath) if ut.checkpath(join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin'), verbose=True): scriptnames = ['', '', ''] for fname in scriptnames: fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', fname) if not ut.is_file_executable(fpath): print('Adding executable bits to script %r' % (fpath,)) ut.chmod_add_executable(fpath) return tomcat_dpath
def _setup_links(self, cfg_prefix, config=None): """ Called only when setting up an experiment to make a measurement. Creates symlinks such that all data is written to a directory that depends on a computer name, cfg_prefix and an arbitrary configuration dict. Then force the link in the basic directory to point to abs_dpath. """ # Setup directory from os.path import expanduser assert self.dname is not None computer_id = ut.get_argval('--comp', default=ut.get_computer_name()) conf_dpath = ut.ensuredir((expanduser(self.base_dpath), 'configured')) comp_dpath = ut.ensuredir((join(conf_dpath, computer_id))) link_dpath = ut.ensuredir((self.base_dpath, 'link')) # if True: # # move to new system # old_dpath = join(conf_dpath, self.dbname + '_' + computer_id) # if exists(old_dpath): # ut.move(old_dpath, join(comp_dpath, self.dbname)) try: cfgstr = ut.repr3(config.getstate_todict_recursive()) except AttributeError: cfgstr = ut.repr3(config) hashid = ut.hash_data(cfgstr)[0:6] suffix = '_'.join([cfg_prefix, hashid]) dbcode = self.dbname + '_' + suffix abs_dpath = ut.ensuredir(join(comp_dpath, dbcode)) self.dname = dbcode self.dpath = abs_dpath self.abs_dpath = abs_dpath # Place a basic link in the base link directory links = [] links.append(expanduser(join(link_dpath, self.dbname))) # # Make a configured but computer agnostic link # links.append(expanduser(join(conf_dpath, self.dbname))) for link in links: try: # Overwrite any existing link so the most recently used is # the default = ut.symlink(abs_dpath, link, overwrite=True) except Exception: if exists(abs_dpath): newpath = ut.non_existing_path(abs_dpath, suffix='_old') ut.move(link, newpath) = ut.symlink(abs_dpath, link) ut.writeto(join(abs_dpath, 'info.txt'), cfgstr)
def revert_to_backup(ibs): r""" Args: db_dir (?): CommandLine: python -m wbia.control._sql_helpers --exec-revert_to_backup Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='elephants') >>> result = revert_to_backup(ibs) >>> print(result) """ db_path = ibs.get_db_core_path() staging_path = ibs.get_db_staging_path() ibs.disconnect_sqldatabase() backup_dir = ibs.backupdir # Core database fname, ext = splitext(db_path) db_path_ = '%s_revert.sqlite3' % (fname, ) ut.move(db_path, db_path_) fpath, fname = split(fname) path_list = sorted(ut.glob(backup_dir, '%s_*%s' % ( fname, ext, ))) assert len(path_list) > 0 previous_backup = path_list[-1] copy_database(previous_backup, db_path) # Staging database fname, ext = splitext(staging_path) staging_path_ = '%s_revert.sqlite3' % (fname, ) ut.move(staging_path, staging_path_) fpath, fname = split(fname) path_list = sorted(ut.glob(backup_dir, '%s_*%s' % ( fname, ext, ))) assert len(path_list) > 0 previous_backup = path_list[-1] copy_database(previous_backup, staging_path) # Delete the cache ut.delete(ibs.cachedir)
'upfront' : 'front', 'upright' : 'right', 'upback' : 'back', 'down' : 'down', 'downleft' : 'left', 'downfront' : 'front', 'downright' : 'right', 'downback' : 'back', None : None, } for species in species_list } src_path = ibs.export_to_coco(species_list, species_mapping=species_mapping, viewpoint_mapping=viewpoint_mapping, include_parts=True, require_image_reviewed=True) dst_path = '/data/public/datasets/orientation.seaturtle.coco' ut.move(src_path, dst_path) ################################################################################ # Sea Drgons ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir='/data/wbia/SD_Master') all_aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() all_species_list = ibs.get_annot_species(all_aid_list) all_flag_list = [ all_species in set(['seadragon_leafy+head', 'seadragon_weedy+head']) for all_species in all_species_list ] delete_aid_list = ut.compress(all_aid_list, all_flag_list) ibs.delete_annots(delete_aid_list)
def compile_latex_text(input_text, dpath=None, fname=None, verbose=True, move=True, nest_in_doc=None, title=None, preamb_extra=None): r""" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_latex --test-compile_latex_text --show Ignore: pdflatex -shell-escape --synctex=-1 -src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode\ ~/code/ibeis/tmptex/latex_formatter_temp.tex Example1: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_latex import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> verbose = True >>> #dpath = '/home/joncrall/code/ibeis/aidchallenge' >>> dpath = dirname(ut.grab_test_imgpath()) >>> #ut.vd(dpath) >>> orig_fpaths = ut.list_images(dpath, fullpath=True) >>> figure_str = ut.get_latex_figure_str(orig_fpaths, width_str='2.4in', nCols=2) >>> input_text = figure_str >>> pdf_fpath = ut.compile_latex_text(input_text, dpath=dpath, >>> verbose=verbose) >>> output_pdf_fpath = ut.compress_pdf(pdf_fpath) >>> print(pdf_fpath) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.startfile(pdf_fpath) """ import utool as ut if verbose: print('[ut] compile_latex_text') if nest_in_doc is None: nest_in_doc = 'documentclass' not in input_text if nest_in_doc: text = make_full_document(input_text, title=title, preamb_extra=preamb_extra) if not dpath: dpath = os.getcwd() if fname is None: fname = 'temp_latex' # Create temporary work directly work_dpath = join(dpath, '.tmptex') ut.ensuredir(work_dpath, verbose=verbose > 1) fname_tex = ut.ensure_ext(fname, '.tex') fname_pdf = ut.ensure_ext(fname, '.pdf') tex_fpath = join(work_dpath, fname_tex) pdf_fpath_output = join(work_dpath, fname_pdf) ut.write_to(tex_fpath, text) with ut.ChdirContext(work_dpath, verbose=verbose > 1): # print(text) args = ' '.join([ 'lualatex', '-shell-escape', '--synctex=-1', '-src-specials', '-interaction=nonstopmode', tex_fpath ]) info = ut.cmd2(args, verbose=verbose > 1) if not ut.checkpath(pdf_fpath_output, verbose=verbose > 1): print('Error compiling LaTeX') ut.print_code(text, 'latex') print(info['out']) raise RuntimeError('latex failed ') if move: pdf_fpath = join(dpath, fname_pdf) ut.move(pdf_fpath_output, pdf_fpath, verbose=verbose > 1) else: pdf_fpath = pdf_fpath_output return pdf_fpath